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The term Macroscope has recently been introduced as an instrument to study historical big data using digital tools. In this paper we argue the need for a more elaborate set of concepts to describe and reason about the interactions to select, enrich, connect, analyse and evaluate historical data using digital tools. Interactions change the data and are essential in understanding any subsequent analysis. It makes them part of historical research methodology, but there is little consensus on how these steps can or should be performed. Moreover, they are rarely reported and discussed. We introduce the term data scope as an instrument encompassing these choices and interactions. Elaborating on these processes encourages deeper reflection on and discussion of the interactions and their consequences for research outcomes.  相似文献   

<正>美国波士顿公园绿道系统有个很美的名字——翡翠项链。它被公认为世界城市史上第一条真正意义上的绿道,像一条串连着波士顿的公园、林地、水景、野生动物栖息地的绿色项链。"绿道",顾名思义就是绿色的田园道路,没有城市道路中汽车尾气的污染,也没有普通乡间小道的崎岖难行。它融绿色、休闲、生态、低碳于一体,是与人为开发的景观相交叉的一种自然走廊。  相似文献   

Osteological reference collections are a crucial tool in archaeofaunal analysis, but few are comprehensive; most lack a broad range of taxa or multiple individuals per taxon. This problem is especially prominent in arctic zooarchaeology, where difficulty in obtaining, transporting, and processing northern taxa has led to a dearth of appropriate reference collections. The Virtual Zooarchaeology of the Arctic Project, or VZAP, seeks to develop a comprehensive virtual comparative assemblage for the skeletons of northern vertebrates. VZAP (http://vzap.iri.isu.edu) is designed to assist with identifications in the lab or field and provides significant educational value, for both classroom demonstration and personal consultation. The VZAP website presents high-resolution digital photographs and 3D models of skeletal elements via an intuitive graphical user interface, designed to mimic the visual experience of working with a real comparative collection. This custom-built interface, the Dynamic Image Engine, represents a new way to present heritage media in an interactive and engaging format. VZAP also implements unique 3D scanning protocols to increase the realism of 3D models, and delivers them on a platform that allows for point to point measurements, cross-sections, morphological labels, and anatomical orientations.  相似文献   

Extracts from the results of a year‐long study of mountain recreation in the East Grampians are briefly summarised. Visitor profiles and activity patterns are sketched, and attitudes explored. High levels of satisfaction and enjoyment were reported, but the numbers of persons present gave rise to a sense of loss of wildness on the part of a substantial minority of mountain users.  相似文献   

德治 《旅游纵览》2012,(11):3-3
<正>今年的国庆长假可谓不平凡。因为节前一些旅游景点发布降价信息,高速公路免收小轿车过路费等"好消息",刺激了旅游消费,让很多人准备去享受一个轻松愉快的假期。但往往事与愿违,"高速一日游""放眼望去,人人人人……",假日休闲成了假日忙累,个中滋味,着实让人无奈。  相似文献   

《清初人选清初诗汇考》六补   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
美籍华裔著名历史学家谢正光教授穷多年搜集宇内之力结撰问世的《清初人选清初诗汇考》,材料宏富,考析精要,被誉为清初诗学、史学研究的一部创举之著。然清初当代诗歌选本繁荣的盛况实非一人心力所能尽现。本文仅就所见善本文献,特为增考康熙间刻本5种,乾隆初稿本1种,另添列待访书多种,作为该书补充。  相似文献   

高瑞华 《旅游纵览》2007,(12):68-69
<正>阿门教派农场在托利多,我们一直呆在幽静的大学校园里,这里与印象中高楼林立、车流不断的美国大城市对比十分鲜明。听说IYA要组织去芝加哥参观,同学们个个都来了精神。老师还通知要带上枕头,我当时没弄懂是什么意思,学生响应的也不多。  相似文献   

Immigrant hosts and intra-regional travel   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

A large number of tourism-related experiences involve a personal relationship between a visitor and resident host. As immigration continues to be an increasingly integral experience for many people and communities, and advances in technology make relationship maintenance more accessible, the traditional distinctions of travel types based on ‘pleasure’, ‘visiting friends and relatives’ (VFR), and even ‘business’ become blurred and detrimental to conceptual understandings for large numbers of tourism experiences and their impacts. The purpose is to explore the experiences of immigrants with intra-regional travel when they host VFRs. Constructionism was used as a guiding epistemology in this narrative analysis. The research co-constructed narratives with nine participants in Toronto, Canada about their hosting and intra-regional travel. The hosting experience is powerful, linking old and new worlds, and challenging traditional discursive tourism binaries such as home and away. The experience of intra-regional communities through side-trips with VFR guests added additional context where the host was in a non-routine place on vacation, with a guest who brings expectations of participating in leisure, but in a place that has cultural links to the participant's ongoing integration and connection to the broader sense of Canadian culture. Hosting both inspired intra-regional travel, and enhanced the memorable co-construction of meaning associated with the experience as links and distinctions to the culture of origin were more easily made due to the co-presence of their guest. Implications for integration, place making and marketing are discussed.  相似文献   

岜沙人,一个无法逃脱关注的民族,一个从远古轻轻走来的部落,随着时代的流逝,从容地退却包裹数千年的神秘面纱,将娇容展现在世人面前……  相似文献   

The institution of more regulated and spatially distinctive work practices from the early-eighteenth century onwards, together with the later Victorian penchant for classification, “cost-benefit analysis” and social theorizing drew increasing attention to the nature and use of leisure time amongst the ordinary mass of people. Mid-nineteenth century theorems began to advocate causal connections between the perceived inactivity of most leisure forms and the moral decline of the working class, and adherents to such theorems sought thereafter to institute new and improving means of recreation, or more extremely, re-Creation as a cure for the Nation's ills. Drawing further strength from constructed contrasts between the precepts of an earlier aristocratic and leisured eighteenth century, the Victorian “recreationists” sought both temporal means (based upon the use of Sunday particularly) and spatial strategies (from the design of the home, through to the set-aside space of the seaside resort) to instil discipline into leisure and to marginalize certain forms of unacceptable behaviour.  相似文献   

This article focuses on philhellenic travellers' perceptions and experiences of Greece in the early nineteenth century, especially during the War of Independence in the 1820s. The central argument is that philhellenes – that is to say, supporters of Greek independence from the Ottoman Empire – understand Greece as a ‘real-and-imagined’ space. Greece is an ‘imagined’ location in the sense that philhellenic conception of it is shaped by certain rhetorical assumptions and priorities. But, evidently, it is also a ‘real’ space, not simply in the obvious sense that the landscape has a tangible existence, but also in that those rhetorical constructions have concrete consequences and expressions. These expressions are especially significant because philhellenic travellers conceive the region as both a literal and conceptual borderland on the edges of Europe. They consider Greece fundamental to European history, culture and self-definition, but because it is ruled by the Ottoman Empire, it is also an unfamiliar space at the margins of Europe. In other words, Greece is both within and outside European space, and its liminal position represents wider uncertainties about the conception of Europe in the early nineteenth century.  相似文献   

顾洪 《文献》2002,(1):191-215
顾颉刚先生(原名诵坤,字铭坚)于1980年12月逝世,根据其"藏书不要分散,以便后人利用"的遗愿,家属将其藏书捐献给中国社会科学院,1981年先由历史研究所代管,1988年由文献信息中心(当时称文献情报中心)正式接收,成立"顾颉刚文库".  相似文献   

Countryside recreation policy in Scotland is currently delivered through numerous ad hoc arrangements. This paper assesses the economic effectiveness of these arrangements using cost‐benefit analysis. The benefits associated with recreation enhancements are measured using the contingent valuation method, while the costs are assessed through a survey of public and voluntary section expenditure on informal recreation. The analysis demonstrates that recreation policies are generally economically efficient in that they target enhancement programmes that are shown to generate high economic benefits. The exception to this is related to investments in visitor centres. The paper concludes that the cost‐benefit methodology adopted in this research can provide useful information for the strategic analysis of countryside recreation policy.  相似文献   

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