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 共查询到20条相似文献,搜索用时 46 毫秒
G. Bosinski and G. Fischer. Die Menschendarstellungen von Gönnersdorf der Ausgrabung von 1968. Gönnersdorf, Vol. 1. Wiesbaden: 1974. 131 pp.

B. Bosinski and J. Hahn. Der Magdalénienfundplatz Andernach (Martinsberg). Rheinische Ausgrabungen, Vol. 11, pp. 81–257. 1972.

R. Feustel, ed. Die Kniegrotte. Eine Magdalénien‐Station in Thüringen. Veröffentlichungen des Museums für Ur‐und Frühgeschichte. Thüringens, Vol. 5. Weimar. 1974. 213 pp. 74 DM.

H. Hanitzsch. Groitzsch bei Eilenburg. Schlag‐ und Siedlungsplätze der späten Altsteinzeit. Veröffentlichungen des Landesmuseums für Vorgeschichte Dresden. Vol. 12. Berlin: 1972. 123 pp. 40 DM.

P. F. Mauser. Die jungpaläolithische Höhlenstation Petersfels im Hegau (Germarkung Bittelbrunn, Ldkrs. Konstanz). Badische Fundberichte, Sonderheft 13, Freiburg: 1970. 127 pp.

F. Poplin. Les grands vertébrés de Gönnersdorf, fouilles 1968. Gönnersdorf, Vol. 2. Wiesbaden: 1976. 212 pp.

D. A. Sturdee. “Some Reindeer Economies in Prehistoric Europe.” In: E. S. Higgs, ed. Palaeoeconomy, pp. 55–95. Cambridge: 1975.  相似文献   


This essay reviews ‘Die ICE–Katastrophe von Eschede. Erfahrungen und Lehren – Eine interdisciplinäre Analyse’, edited by E. Hüls and H.-J. Oestern (1999, Ber-lin/Heidelberg/New York, Springer-Verlag, 268 pp., DM149/£57·50, ISBN 3 540 65807 6).  相似文献   

Ernst Beutler, ed. Briefe aus dem Elternhaus. Zürich / Stuttgart, Artemis, Verlag, 1959. Pp. 800. DM 27.80.

Max Brod. Verzweiflung und Erlösung im Werk Franz Kafkas. Frankfurt, S. Fischer, 1959. Pp. 88. DM 5. 80.

Franz Dornseiff. Der deutsche Wortschatz nach Sachgruppen. 5th edition. Berlin, Walter de Gruyter &; Co., 1959. Pp. 1088. DM 38. 00.

Norbert Fürst. Grillparzer auf der Bühne. Wien / Müchen, Manutiuspresse, 1958. Pp. 267.

Ernst Grumach (ed. ). Beiträge zur Goetheforschung. Berlin, Akademie-Verlag, 1959. Pp. 289. DM 32.

Richard Hamann und Jost Hermand. Naturalismus (Deutsche Kunst und Kultur von der Gründerzeit bis zum Expressionismus, Bd. II). Berlin, Akademic - Verlag, 1959. Pp. 336. DM 24.

Rudolf Hemmerle. Franz Kafka: Eine Bibliographie. MUnchen, Robert Lerche Verlag, 1958. Pp. 138. DM 9.

Walter Hinck. Die Dramaturgie des späiten Brecht (Palaestra, Bd. 229). Göttingen, Vandenhoeck &; Ruprecht, 1959. Pp. 172. DM 18.

Ernst Jünger. Jahre der Okkupation. Stuttgart, Ernst Klett Verlag, 1958. Pp. 310. DM 17. 80.

Hermann Kunisch. Eckhart-Tauler-Seuse. Ein Textbuch aus der altdeutschen Mystik. Hamburg, Rowohlt, 1958. Pp. 152. DM 2. 20.

Nikolaus Lenau. Sämtliche Werke-Briefe. Edited by Hermann Engelhard. Stuttgart, Cotta, 1959. Pp. 1152. DM 28.

Otto Mann. Poetik der Tragödie. Bern, Francke, 1958. Pp. 344. S. Fr. 39.50.

Walter Muschg. Die Zerstörung der deutschen Literatur. 3rd ed. Bern, Francke, 1958. Pp. 347. S. Fr. 18. 50.

Urban Roedl. Adalbert Stifter. Geschichte seines Lebens. Bern, Francke, 1958. Pp. 400. S. Fr. 23. 50.

Franz Anselm Schmitt. Stoff- und Motivgeschichte der deutschen Literatur. Berlin, Walter de Gruyter &; Co., 1959. Pp. 226.

Karl ViZtor. Deutsches Dichten und Denken von der Aufklärung bis zum Realismus. 3rd ed. Berlin, Walter de Gruyter &; Co., 1958. (Sammlung Gbchen, B. 1096). Pp. 159. DM 3. 60.

Klaus Wagenbach. Franz Kafka. Eine Biographie seiner Jugend. Bern, Francke, 1958. Pp. 345.

Hans-Heinrich Wängler. Atlas deutscher Sprachlaute. Berlin, Akademie-Verlag, 1958. Pp. 40. Pp. 40. DM 29.

Franz Werfel. Die Dramen. (2 vols.). Frankfurt, S. Fischer, 1959. Pp. 1080. DM 48.  相似文献   


Inga Hägg: Die Textilfunde aus dem Hafen von Haithabu (The Textile Finds from the Harbour of Haithabu). Bericht über die Ausgrabungen in Haithabu, Bericht 20. Neumünster 1984. 290 pp., 108 Figs.

Jóhannes Jóhansen: Studies in the Vegetation History of the Faroe and Shetland Islands. Annales societatis scientiarum færoensis. Supplementum XI. Tórshavn 1985. 117 pages, 10 plates, 19 figs.

Asbj?rn E. Herteig (ed.): The Bryggen Papers, Supplementary Series No. 1. 1985. 100 pp., 46 figs.  相似文献   

Handritade kartor över Sverige i Uppsala Universitetsbiblioteket. Katalog av Åke Davidson (Handgezeichnete Karten von Schweden in der Universitätsbibliothek zu Uppsala), Acta Bibliothecae R. Universitatis Upsaliensis, X (Uppsala, 1956), 136 pp., 5 tabs.

Franti?ek Roubik, Soupis map Ceských Zemí. Svacek 2, ?eskoslovenská Akademie Věd. (Praha, 1955), 311 pp.

R. Oehme, Joannes Georgius Tibianus. Ein Beitrag zur Kartographie und Landesbeschreibung Südwestdeutschlands im 16. Jahrhundert, Forschungen zur deutschen Landeskunde. Veröffentlichungen des Zentralanschluses für deutsche Landeskunde und der Bundesanstalt für Landeskunde, 91 (Remagen/RH., 1951), 154 p., 17 tabs.

T. E. Layng, Sixteenth‐century maps relating to Canada. A Check‐List and Bibliography (Ottawa, 1956), XXVI + 283 pp.

Dainville, François de, Cartes anciennes de l'église de France (Paris, 1956), 4°, 323 pp., with figures and XVI plates.

Takejirô Akioka, Nippon Chizu Shi (A History of Cartography of Japan) (Tôkyô, 1955), 10 + 217 pp., 1 facsimile map, 1 fullsize coloured map, 72 plates and 40 ills, in the text  相似文献   

Hans Fischer. Gabsongkeg ‘71: Verwandtschaft, Siedlung und Landbesitz in einem Dorf in Neuguinea. München: Kommissionsverlag Klaus Renner, 1975. v + 484 pp. Illustrations, figures, maps, and bibliography.

Eike Haberland and Siegfried Seyfarth. Die Yimar am Oberen Korowori (Neuguinea). Wiesbaden: Franz Steiner Verlag GMBH, 1974. xiv +441 pp. Figures, illustrations, and bibliography. DM 98.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Theodore G. Th. Pigeaud and P. Voorhoeve. Handschriften aus Indonesien (Bali, Java, und Sumatra), xi, 71 pp., 6 plates. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag Wiesbaden GmbH, 1985. (Verzeichnis der Orientalischen Handschriften in Deutschland, XXVIII, 2.) DM 64,‐

G. J Knapp, Kruidnagelen en christenen: de Verenigde Oost‐Indische Compagnie en de bevolking van Ambon 1656–1696.xii, 323 pp. Dordrecht: Foris Publications, 1987. (Verhandelingen van het Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal‐, Land ‐en Volkenkunde, 125.) Guilders 35.

Rainer Carle (ed.). Cultures and societies North Sumatra. 514 pp. Berlin; Hamburg: Dietrich Reimer Verlag, 1987. (Veröffentlichungen des Seminars für Indonesische und Südseesprachen der Universität Hamburg, 19.) DM 95.

J. Noorduyn. Bima en Sumbawa: bijdragen tot de geschiedenis van de sultanaten Bima en Sumbawa door A. Ligtvoet en G. P. Rouffaer.xii, 187 pp. Dordrecht: Foris Publications, 1987. (Verhandelingen van net Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal‐, Land‐ en Volkenkunde, 129.) Guilders 30.

Anthony J. Whitten and others. The ecology of Sulawesi. By Anthony J. Whitten, Muslimin Mustafa, Gregory S. Henderson,xxi, 777 pp. Yogyakarta: Gadjah Mada University Press, 1987.

Robert Wessing. The soul of ambiguity: the tiger in Southeast Asia. vi, 148 pp. [Dekalb, Illinois]: Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Northern Illinois University, 1986. (Monograph Series on Southeast Asia, Special Report 24.) (Distributed by Cellar Bookshop, 18090 Wyoming, Detroit, Michigan 48221.)  相似文献   

R. E. Krane, ed. Manpower Mobility across Cultural Boundaries: Social, Economic and Legal Aspects. The Case of Turkey and West Germany. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1975. vi + 222 pp. Maps, tables, and bibliography. Gld. 68.

Nermin Abadan‐Unat and Contributors. Turkish Workers in Europe, 1960–1975: A Socio‐economic Reappraisal. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1976. vi + 425 pp. Maps, tables, appendix, index, and bibliography. Gld. 160.  相似文献   

Assassination tango. (2002). Directed by Robert Duval-1. 114 min.

Dancehall queen. (1997). Directed by Rick Elwood and Don Letts. 98 min.

Daughters of the dust. (1991). Directed by Julie Dash. 112 min.

Little Caesar. (1931). Directed by Mervyn LeRoy. 79 min.

Saturday night fever. (1977). Directed by John Badham. 118 min.

Tango. (1998). Directed by Carlos Saúra. 115 min.

Tango bar. (1988). Directed by Marcos Zurinaga. 90 min.

Tangos: The exile of Gardel. (1985). Directed by Fernando Solanas. 119 min.

The harder they come. (1972). Directed by Perry Henzell. 120 min.

The tango lesson. (1997). Directed by Sally Potter. 100 min.

Ulysses's gaze. (1995). Directed by Theo Angelopoulos. 176 min.  相似文献   

Meret Petrzilka, Die Karten von Laurent Fries von 1530 und 1531 und ihre Vorlage, die ‘Carta Marina’ aus dent Jahre 1516 von Martin Waldseemüller. Dissertation der philosophische Fakultāt II der Universität Zurich, Zurich 1968/69. pp. 170, illustrations and maps.

Werner Becker, Vom alten Bild der Weltalte Landkarten und Stadtansichten. Leipzig, Verlag Koehler &; Amelang, 1969. pp. 268.

Schöne alte Karten. Mappe mit 24 Kartenfaksimilen. Leipzig, V.E.B. Hermann Haack, 1970.

Fritz Bonisch, Genauigkeitsuntersuchungen am Oederschen Kartenwerk von Kursachsen. In: Abhandlungen der Sächsischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Leipzig, Philosophisch‐Historische Klasse, vol. 61, no. 3. Berlin, Akademie Verlag, 1970.

Old maps in Japan. Compiled by M. Nanba, N. Muroga and K. Unno. English translation by Hirochimi Takeda and Peter Anton. Osaka, Sogensha, 1971, pp. 160, with 93 maps in full colour + 4 foldings, 37 x 26 cm. U.S. $ 55.  相似文献   

Short notices     
AGERON, C.‐R. and MICHEL, M. (eds), L'Ere des décolonisations, Karthala, 1996, 516 pp., 170F., ISBN 2 86537 579 X

BRIAN, E. and DEMEULENAERE‐DOUYERE, C. (eds), Histoire et mémoire de l'Académie des sciences. Guide de Recherches, TEC & DOC Lavoisier, 1996, 449 pp., no price indicated, ISBN 2 7430 0148

CORRÉARD, M.‐H. (ed.), The Pocket Oxford‐Hachette French Dictionary, Oxford University Press, 1996, 784 pp., £7.99, ISBN 0 19 864534 1

CORRÉARD, M.‐H. and O'NEILL, M. (eds), Oxford Starter Dictionary, Oxford University Press, 1997, 400 pp., £6.99, ISBN 0 19 864527 9

DURAND, P., Poésies de Stéphane Mallarmé, Gallimard, 1998, 252 pp., 54F., ISBN 2 07 038939 1 (collection ‘Folio')

HAFEN, L. (ed.), French Fur Traders and Voyageurs in the American West, (Selected with an Introduction by Janet Lecompte) University of Nebraska Press, 1997, 333 pp., £13.95, ISBN 0 8032 7302 9

SOULEZ‐LARIVIÈRE,, D. Grand Soir pour la justice, Seuil, 1997, 175 pp., 110F., ISBN 2 02 032215 3

STEINBERG, P., Chroniques d'ailleurs, Ramsay, 1996, 190 pp., 92F., ISBN 2 84114 133 0  相似文献   

Walter Gregor 《Folklore》2013,124(4):468-482
L'ANNÉE SOCIOLOGIQUE, publiée sous la direction de EMILE DURKHEIM, Professeur de Sociologie à l'Université de Bordeaux. Huitième Année (1903–1904). Paris: Félix Alcan. 1905. Reviewed by E. Sidney Hartland.

CXTLTES, MYTHES, ET RELIGIONS. Par SAL. REINACH, Membre de l'Institut Vol. I. Paris: E. Leroux 1905. Reviewed by Alfred Nutt.

DES DIVINITÉS GÉNÉRATRICES, OU DU CULTE DU PHALLUS CHEZ LES ANCIENS ET LES MODERN ES. BY J. A. DULAURE. Paris: Societé du Mercure de France, 1905. Reviewed by E. Sidney Hartland.


VOTIVE WEIHEGABEN DES KATHOLISCHEN VOLKS IN SÜDDEUTSCHLAND. ElN BEITRAG ZUR VOLKSKUNDE. Von RICHARD ANDRES. Mit 38 Abbildungen im Text, 140 Abbildungen auf 32 Tafeln, und 2 Farbendrucktafeln. Braunschweig: Vieweg und Sohn. 1904. 12 marks paper, 13.50 cloth.


THE FAROES AND ICELAND: STUDIES IN ISLAND LIFE. By NELSON ANNANDALE. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1905. Reviewed by Edward Brabrook.

THE SHADE OF THE BALKANS, being a collection of Bulgarian Folk-songs and Proverbs, here for the first time rendered into English, together with an essay on Bulgarian Popular Poetry, and another on the Origin of the Bulgar. Nutt 1904. 7s. 6d. net.

CONTINENTAL FOLK-LORE SOCIETIES. Volkskundliche Zeitschriftenschau für 1903, herausgegeben im Auftrage der hessischen Vereinigung für Volkskunde. Von Adolf Strack. Leipzig, 1905. 8vo. Pp. 281. Hessische Blätter für Volkskunde. Von Adolf Strack. Bd. IV., Heft I., Leipzig, 1905. 8vo. Pp. 96. Mitteilungen des Verbandes deutscher Vertine für Volkskunde, 1 and 2, Januar und Juli, 1905. Sehweizerisches Archiv für Volkskunde, IX. 3. Zürich, 1905. Mitteilungen der Anthropologischen Gesellschaft in Wien, XXXIV., 6 ; XXXV, 1. Sagenschatt der Stadt Weimar. Von Ellen und Paul Mitxschke. Weimar, 1904, 8vo. Pp. xviii., 152. Price 2 M. 40 pf. Reviewed by N. W. Thomas.

WEST AFRICA BEFORE EUROPE, AND OTHER ADDRESSES. By E. W. BLTDKN, LL.D. London: C. M. Phillips, 1905. 8vo. Pp. iv, 158. Reviewed by N. W. Thomas.  相似文献   

Almanach des Français, 2 vols (Encyclopaedia Universalis, 1994), 319pp. and 316pp., 544F.

Charmasson T., Lelorrain, A.‐M. and Sonnet, M., Chronologie de l'histoire de France (PUF, 1994), 876pp., 179F., ISBN 2 13 046139 5

Conseil national de la vie associative, Les Associations à l'épreuve de la décen‐ . tralisation: Bilan 1991–1992 (La Documentation Française, 1993), 245pp., 145F., ISBN 2 11 002974 9

Council of Europe, Population: French‐English glossary (Strasbourg, 1994), 500pp., 224F., ISBN 92 871 2506 6

Delporte, C., Histoire du journalisme et des journalistes en France (PUF, 1995), 127pp., 40F., pbk, ‘Que sais‐je?’

Deutschland‐Frankreich. Internationale Beziehungen und gegenseitige Verflechtung. Bine Bibliographie 1983–1990 ‐ France‐Allemagne. Relations internationales et interdépendances bilatérales. Une bibliographie 1983–1990 (Saur, München, 1994), 422pp., 148 DM.

Durant, S., Palais des Machines (Phaidon, 1995), 60pp., £19.95

Forrest, A., The French Revolution (Blackwell, 1995), 191pp., £6.99 pbk, and £25 hbk, ISBN 0 631 18351 5; 0 631 18107 5

Girault, R., and Bossuat, G., eds., Europe brisée, Europe retrouvée (Publications de la Sorbonne, 1994), 431pp., 180F., ISBN 2 85944 255 3

Greenfeld, L., Nationalism: Five Roads to Modernity (Harvard University Press, 1992), 581pp., ISBN 0 674 60318 4

Hall, P., Hayward, J. and Machin, H., eds., Developments in French Politics (Macmillan, 1994), 340pp., £12.99, ISBN 0 333 61563 8

Hemtnings, F., The Theatre Industry in Nineteenth‐Century France (Cambridge University Press, 1993), xiv + 319pp., £35, ISBN 0 521 44142 0

Jordi, J.‐J., De l'exode à l'exil: Rapatriés et Pieds‐Noirs en France (L'Harmattan, 1993), 253pp., 140F., ISBN 2 7384 2305 1

Lamoureux, C., La Grande Parade du catch (Presses Universitaires de Mirail, 1993), 368pp., 175F., ISBN 2 85816 207 7

Makward, C., and Miller, J., eds., Plays by French and Francophone Women: A Critical Anthology (University of Michigan Press, 1995), 345pp., £15.20, ISBN 0 472 08258 2

Rebérioux, M., Jaurès, la parole et l'acte (Gallimard, 1994), 160pp., pbk

Schifres, A., Les Hexagons (Laffont, 1994), 494pp., 149F.

Tandem: Franco‐British arts review (Institut français du Royaume‐Uni), to be published three times a year (first issue: January‐August 1995)

Wieviorka, O., and Prochasson, C., eds., La France du XXe siècle. Documents d'histoire (Seuil, 1994), 745pp., pbk, ISBN 2 02 013224 9  相似文献   

ALMÉRAS, P. Un Français nommé Pétain Robert Laffont, 1995 451pp., 75F., ISBN 2 221 07960 4

BADIE, B., and WIHTOL DE WENDEN, C. (Eds) Le Défi migratoire: questions de relations internationales Presses de la Fondation nationale des sciences politiques, 1994 185pp. ISBN 2 7246 0650 7

BOURDAIS, H. La JOC sous l'occupation allemande Les Editions de l'Atelier, 1995 224pp., 130F., ISBN 2708231855

BRELOT, C. I. and MAYAND, J.‐L. (Eds) Voyages en histoire Annales littéraires de l'Université de Besançon, no. 550 Série Historique, no. 9, 1995 215pp.

CAHM, E. The Dreyfus Affair in French Society and Politics Longman, 1996 211pp., £11.99, pbk, ISBN 0 582 279780

CAIRE, G. L'emploi: des repères pour comprendre et agir Liris, 1994 192pp., 89F., ISBN 2 909420 09 4

COQ, G. Laïcité et République. Le Lien Nécessaire Félin, 1995 335pp., 139F., ISBN 2 86645 196

DREYFUS. F.‐G. Histoire de la Résistance Editions de Fallois, 1996 653pp. 150F., ISBN 2 87706 257 0

ELLIS, K. Music Criticism in Nineteenth‐century France Cambridge University Press, 1995 273pp., £35, ISBN 0 521 45443

GILDEA, R. France since 1945 Oxford University Press, 1996 280pp., £17.99, ISBN 0 19 219246 9

GREILSAMER, L., and SCHNEIDERMANN, D. Un certain Monsieur Paul Fayard, 1994 266pp., 110F., ISBN 2 213 59248 9

JULLIARD, J. and WINOCK, M. (Eds) Dictionnaire des intellectuels francais, les personnes, les lieux, les moments Seuil, 1996 1258pp., 295F., ISBN 2 02 018334 X

KRITZMAN, L.D. (Ed.) Auschwitz and After: Race, Culture, and ‘the Jewish Question’ in France Routledge, 1995 335pp., £40 hbk, ISBN 0 415 90440 4; £14.99 pbk, ISBN 0 415 90441 2.

MAGUIRE, G.E. Anglo‐American Policy towards the Free French Macmillan, 1995 210pp., £35, ISBN 0 312 12710 3.

PEDLEY, A. As Mighty as the Sword: a Study of the Writings of Charles de Gaulle Elm Bank Publications, 1996 226pp., £24.99, ISBN 0 9502595 3 5

RAJSFUS, M. La Police de Vichy, les forces de l'ordre français au service de la Gestapo, 1940–1944 Le Cherche‐Midi, 1995 286pp., 115 F., ISBN 2 86274 358 5

RIGAUD, J. L'exception culturelle: culture et pouvoirs sous la Ve République Grasset, 1995 299pp., 120F., ISBN 2 246 5143 1 2

TEYSSIER, A. La Ve République 1958–1995 de de Gaulle à Chirac Pygmalion/Gérard Watelet, 1995 557pp., 150F., ISBN 2 85704 461 5

ULLMANN, B. Jacques Soustelle Plon, 1995 443pp., 159F., ISBN 2 259 02793 8

WRIGHT, G. France in Modern Times W. W. Norton, 1995 490pp., £14.95, ISBN 0 393 96705 0  相似文献   

George A. Collier. Fields of the Tzotzil: The Ecological Bases of Tradition in Highland Chiapas. Austin: University of Texas Press, 1975. xv + 255 pp. Appendix, bibliography and index. $9.75.

Robert E. Hinshaw. Panajachel: A Guatemalan Town in Thirty‐Year Perspective. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 1975. xxvii + 203 pp. Forward, epilogue, appendix, notes, glossary, bibliography and index. $16.95.  相似文献   

A Naturalist in Mid‐Africa. Being an account of a Journey to the Mountains of the Moon and Tanganyika. By G. F. Scott Elliot, M.A., F.L.S., F.E.G.S. Pp. xvi + 413, 49 figs., frontispiece, and 4 maps. 8vo. London: A. D. Innes and Co., 1896. Pp. xiii + 413. Price 16s.

A Breath from the Veldt. By John Guille Millais, F.Z.S. London: Henry Sotheran and Co., 1895. Pp. 236. Price £3, 3s. net.

Peru. Von E. W. Middendorf. III. Band : Das Hochland von Peru. Berlin : Robert Oppenheim (Gustav Schimdt), 1895.

Tafilet. The Narrative of a Journey of Exploration in the Atlas Mountains and the Oases of the North‐West Sahara. By Walter B. Harris, F.E.G.S., author of “A Journey through the Yemen,” “The Land of an African Sultan,” VOL. XII. Q

“Travels in Morocco,” etc. Illustrated by Maurice Romberg from Sketches and Photographs by the Author. Edinburgh and London: William Blackwood and Sons, 1895. Pages xii + 386. Price 12s.

From Far Formosa: The Island, its People, and Missions. By G. L. Mackay, D.D. Edited by the Rev. J. A. Macdonald. Edinburgh : Oliphant, Anderson, and Ferrier, 1896. 346 pp. Price 7s. 6d.

The Geology and Scenery of Sutherland. By H. M. Cadell, B.Sc., etc. Second edition. Edinburgh : Douglas, 1896. Pp. 104. Price 4s.

The Place‐Names of Fife and Kinross. By W. J. N. Liddall, M.A., Advocate. Edinburgh : W. Green and Sons, 1896. 8vo., pp. xiv. + 58.

Die Liparischen Inseln. Fünftes HeftFilicuri. Prag : Heinr. Mercy, 1895.

Australien und Ozeanien. Eine allgemeine Landeskunde von Professor Dr. Wilhelm Sievers. Mit 137 Abbildungen im Text, 12 Kartenbeilagen, und 20 Tafeln in Holzschnitt und Farbendruck. Leipzig und Wien. Bibliographisches Institut, 1895. Pp. 521. Price 16 M.

Ritters Geographisch‐Statistisches Lexikon. Achte Auflage: Unter der Redaktion [von Johs. Penzler. Zweiter Band, L‐Z. Leipzig, 1895. 1202 pp.

The Natural History of Plants: their Forms, Growth, Reproduction and Distribution. From the German of Anton Kerner von Marilaun, Professor of Botany in the University of Vienna. Translated and edited by F. W. Oliver, M.A., D.Sc., Quain Professor of Botany in University College, London, with the assistance of Marian Busk, B.Sc., and Mart F. Ewart, B.Sc. With about 2000 original woodcut illustrations and sixteen plates in colours. Vol. i., Biology and Configuration of Plants, pp. xiv. + 777 ; vol. ii., The History of Plants, pp. xiv.+983. London and Glasgow: Blackie and Son, Limited, 1894 and 1895.

Handbook for Travellers in Algeria and Tunis. By Sir R. Lambert Platfair, K.C.M.G. Fifth edition, thoroughly revised. London : John Murray, 1895. Pp. 363. Price 10s. 6d.

Cassell's New Geographical Readers. Fifth Book—Europe. Sixth Book—The British Colonies and Dependencies. Seventh Book—The United States. London, etc. : Cassell and Co., 1895. Prices 1s. 6d., 1s. 6d., 1s. 9d., respectively.

The Statesman's Year‐Book. Statistical and Historical Annual of the States of the World for the Year 1896. Edited by J. Scott Keltie, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Geographical Society, with the assistance of I. P. A. Renwick, M.A., LL.B. London : Macmillan and Co., 1896. Pp. xxxii+1164.

The Australian Handbook, Shippers’ and Importers’ Directory and Business Guide for 1896. London, Melbourne, etc. : Gordon and Gotch. Pp. 632.

Beobachtungen der Russischen Polarstation an der Lenamündung. 1. Theil. Astronomische und Magnetische Beobachtungen. 1882–4. Bearbeitet von V. Fuss, F. Müller, and K. Jürgens. St. Petersburg : 1895.  相似文献   

Richard F. Gombrich. Precept and Practice: Traditional Buddhism in the Rural Highlands of Ceylon. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1971. viii + 366 pp. Appendixes, glossary, bibliography, and index. £4.00 (U.K.).

E. Michael Mendelson. Sangha and State in Burma: A Study of Monastic Sectarianism and Leadership. Ithaca and London: Cornell University Press, 1975. 389 pp. Appendixes, bibliography, and index. $19.50.

Melford E. Spiro. Buddhism and Society: A Great Tradition and Its Burmese Vicissitudes. New York: Harper and Row, 1970. iv + 507 pp. Appendix, references, and index. $17.95.

S.J. Tambiah. Buddhism and the Spirit Cults in North‐East Thailand. Cambridge Studies in Social Anthropology, Number 2. New York and London: Cambridge University Press, 1975 (First paperback edition), xi + 388 pp. Illustrations, maps, diagrams, tables, bibliography, and index. $6.95 paper.  相似文献   

J.D.A. Widdowson 《Folklore》2013,124(1):111-113
Le Folk-Lore de France, par PAUL Sébillot. Tome iv. Le Peuple et l'Histoire. Paris: E. Guilmoto, 1907. By E. Sidney Hartland.

The Jataka, or Stories of the Buddha's former Births, translated from the Pali by various hands, under the editorship of Prof. E. B. Cowell. Vol. VI. Translated By Prof. Cowell and Dr. W. H. D. Rouse. Cambridge: The University Press, 1907. By W. Crooke.

Cradle Tales of Hinduism, by the Sister Nevedita (Margaret E. Noble). London: Longmans, 1907. By W. Crooke.

Folk Tales from Tibet, with Illustrations by a Tibetan Artist and some Verses from Tibetan Love-Songs. Collected and Translated by Capt. W. F. O'Connor. London: Hurst and Blackett, 1906. By A. R. Wright.

The Welsh Fairy Book. By W. Jenkyn Thomas. With 100 Illustrations By W. Pogány. Fisher Unwin, 1907. By Alfred Nutt.

Popular Handbooks of Religions.

1. J. Abrahams, "Judaism"; 2. E. Anwyl, "Celtic Religion in Pre-Christian Times"; 3. C. Bailey, "Religion of Ancient Rome"; 4. L. D. Barnett, "Hinduism"; 5. W. A. Craigie, "Religion Of Ancient Scandinavia"; 6. W. M. F. Petrie, " Religion of Ancient Egypt " ; 7. T. G. Pinches, " Religion of Babylonia and Assyria"; 8. C. Squire, "Mythology of Ancient Britain and Ireland. " London: Constable &; Co., 1906-7. By W. Crooke.

Short Bibliographical Notices.

Volkskundliche Zeitschriftenschau für 1904, herausgegeben im Auftrage der hessischen Vereinigung für Volkskunde von L. Dietrich. Leipzig: Teubner, 1907. pp. 328. By N. W. Thomas.

Transactions of the First Annual Congress of the European Theosophical Society, held at Amsterdam, 1904. Edited By Johan van Mauen. Amsterdam, 1906. Second Congress, London, 1905. London, 1907. Third Congress, Paris, 1906. London, 1907.

Trans. I., Amsterdam.

E. Weise, Fraternity as found in the Laws of Primitive Races. (Marriage-Laws, Taboo, Totemism, Etc.)

D. v. Hinlasper, Labbertav Kitab Tasaref. (A Dutch Paper, relating to a curious Javanese philosophical work.) By W. F. Kirby.

Trans. II., London.

A. Von Ulrich, The Religion of our Forefathers ; The Mythology of Germany in the Light of Theosophy. (Deals chiefly with the Eddas and the Sagas connected with them.) By W. F. Kirby.

Trans. III., Paris.

George M. Doe, Some Folklore Gleanings, principally from Devonshire. (An important paper, including notes on Omens and Warnings, Charms and Incantations, Witchcraft, and Beliefs and Customs.)

A. Von Ulrich, The Religion of our Forefathers in the SlavonicRace. (Some of the remains of old religious beliefs to be found among the Lithuanians, Russians, Bohemians and Poles, and the Wends and Prussians.)

M. U. Green, Some Notes on the Voyage of Bran, with special references to other Planes and States of Being.

Ed. Bailly, Invocation Aux Dieux Planitaires By W. F. Kirby.

Orkney and Shetland Old Lore, vol. i., 1907, and vol. ii., part i., January, 1908: together with Diplomalarium Orcadense et Hialtlandense. Collected and edited by Alfred W. Johnston, Amy Johnston, and Jón Stefánsson. London : Printed at the King's Weigh House for the Viking Club.  相似文献   

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