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矿业城市生命周期与空间结构演进规律研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在对矿业经济和城市发展生命周期判定的基础上,选取石油城市大庆、有色金属城市金昌、煤炭城市大同等典型矿业城市作为研究样本,梳理矿业城市发展生命周期,重点研究矿业城市空间结构有序化演进的一般规律。文章认为矿业城市经历"矿业经济-新型制造业-综合性"的完整发展过程,城市空间结构对应整体演进过程也呈现出"矿业经济的点状离散-新型制造业的分区极化-综合性城市的多组团圈层"的阶段性特征。在矿业经济时期内部又呈现"导入期、成长期、成熟期、衰退期/转型期",且对应不同阶段在城市人口、职能、经济结构等方面均呈现不同的特点。矿业城市空间演进整体上体现出"矿业经济是空间发展的初期主导,空间结构随城市职能的升级而演变,空间作用呈现集聚与分散的交替"的有序化发展规律。  相似文献   

杜品 《黑龙江史志》2013,(13):22-23
新中国成立后,齐齐哈尔成为首批建设的重工业基地城市,随着"南厂北迁"及富拉尔基重工业基地的兴建,齐齐哈尔迅速实现了由消费型城市向现代化重工业城市的转型。这一时期伴随着公有制经济在齐齐哈尔全面展开,齐齐哈尔开始了大规模城市建设,城市空间结构改变,人口迅速增长,市民结构发生变化,交通运输、市政建设均显著发展,城市形成独特的文化风格。  相似文献   

沈阳市工业空间重组及其动力机制   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
延善玉  张平宇  马延吉  李蕾 《人文地理》2007,22(3):107-111,41
在分析城市工业空间结构演进规律的基础上,对沈阳市改革开放以来工业空间结构的演变进行分析,发现沈阳市工业的空间扩散趋势明显,进入工业郊区化的发展阶段。城区传统工业企业外迁,优化了城区的土地利用结构。近郊工业化成效显著,成为沈阳市新的工业基地。指出工业发展和结构调整,城市土地使用制度改革,生态城市建设,跨国公司的FDI,文化观念的转变均是影响沈阳市工业空间重组的重要因素。  相似文献   

杨青生  黎夏 《人文地理》2007,22(2):87-91
在珠三角的城市化过程中,中心镇的城市化对区域城市空间结构的形成和发展具有重要的影响,定量地研究中心镇的城市化对揭示珠三角地区城市化过程与城市空间结构的变化具有重要意义。本研究以东莞市为例,运用城市元胞自动机模型,模拟市域内1988-2004年的城市扩张过程,分析中心镇城市化对整个城市空间结构的影响。主要结论:1988-1993年,中心镇的城市化对区域城市空间结构影响较小,城市主要沿道路扩张,城市在空间布局上相对松散;1993-1997年,中心镇对区域城市空间结构影响增强,城市以中心镇为中心的扩张非常明显,城市空间沿道路的扩张,基本形成了渐进扩散式的"点-轴"空间发展模式,形成沿道路和中心镇扩展的格局;1997年以后,中心镇的辐射作用进一步增强,形成了"点-轴-集聚区"的城市空间扩展模式,城市空间扩展区在空间上更集中于中心镇。  相似文献   

大连市城市空间结构形成与演进机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大连城市空间最初在沿海平原形成,然后圈层扩展,面积逐渐扩大,最后跨越形成组团发展模式。大连经历了从商贸港口城市到工业城市,再到综合性现代化城市的演变。城市内部空间结构则随城市功能定位和城市规划而不断调整。在影响城市空间结构的因素中,环境因素带来发展机遇的同时形成约束,政治因素主导了大连城市空间结构的演化过程,经济因素的影响越来越大,社会因素作用还不明显。  相似文献   

基于顶点城市的三角洲双核型空间结构形成演化研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李平华 《人文地理》2008,23(5):47-52
三角洲顶点城市是基于城市区位和三角洲自然环境演变特征而提出的经济地理概念,此类城市的存在具有一定的广泛性。在多个三角洲,此类城市与门户港城之间由多种运输方式连接,形成了三角洲顶点城市-门户城市这样一种新型的双核型空间结构空间组合类型,并且,该双核结构沿线经济要素密集,是三角洲区域经济发展的首要轴线。基于对我国多个三角洲的实证分析,提出了此类双核型空间结构的广泛存在性,认为其形成伴随着海岸线变迁等三角洲自然环境要素的演化,并且,在这一双核型空间结构形成演化进程中,部分三角洲顶点城市经历了区域功能和地位的转化,现代开放经济条件下,作为三角洲门户的港口城市往往在短时间内超越了顶点城市。在此基础上,本文探索了三角洲双核型空间结构的形成机理,对其形成演化的进程进行了归纳总结。  相似文献   

后工业化大城市内部经济空间结构和演化主导本质   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文从经济发展的阶段阐述了城市的形成及发展,分析了中心大城市与生产型大城市的产业空间结构及其模型。认为当代后工业城市的主要特征是在城市经营商务中心的吸引下的内部经济空间的多中心。而且对后工业化城市的中心商务区的结构以及复中心城市诸中心的结构关系也进行了探讨。  相似文献   

1891—1938年青岛城市功能和形态初步形成。在城市功能方面,德占时期形成了居住、休闲、行政、交通、工业、军事等多组团的城市格局。第一次日占时期城市组团功能渐趋复合,城市实力大幅增强。北洋政府和南京国民政府管理时期受西方城市规划建筑思潮的影响,城市功能进一步拓展。在城市空间结构形式方面,受“线性城市”理论、弗里池“未来城市”理论及霍华德“田园城市”理论影响,形成了沿铁路和港口的交通线纵轴及海岸线横轴线性分布的功能组团和明显的三层城市功能圈层。  相似文献   

徐丹萌  李欣  张苏文 《人文地理》2021,36(6):125-134
本文以我国典型的老工业城市沈阳为例来分析其住房价格空间分异特征与影响机理。通过大数据方法获取该市1450个住宅小区的房价及特征数据,利用Kriging空间插值法模拟其房价空间分布格局,并从社区、公共配套设施和交通出行等方面构建地理加权回归模型,探究各因子对房价空间分布的影响机理。结果表明:①沈阳市住房价格呈现出多中心的空间结构,且长白区域已成为新的价格峰值区。②特征因素对住房价格的影响具有显著的空间异质性,其中,公共配套设施和地铁站对房价表现出较高的影响力,并对住房价格的作用程度呈现明显空间差异性。③受“强政府、弱市场”等的长期影响,政府调控下的城市资源分配不均衡成为沈阳等老工业城市住房价格空间分异的根本原因。  相似文献   

制度变迁与中国城市的发展及空间结构的历史演变   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:9  
胡军  孙莉 《人文地理》2005,20(1):19-23
我国的城市发展水平同经济发展水平的偏离,说明对城市发展及其空间结构演变分析不能仅局限在物质经济领域,需要我们寻求影响城市发展及其空间结构变化的新因素一制度因素,把制度作为影响城市发展及其空间结构的一个主要的变量,来对此加以解释。为此,本首先构建了“制度变迁一城市发展变化”的理论框架,然后用该理论从宏观和微观两个方面来检验1949-1998年间制度变迁对城市发展及其空间结构的影响。与西方国家的以市场经济为主要动力驱动型的城市发展模式不同,中国城市的发展及其空间结构的演变在很大程度上是制度变迁而诱致的结果。但不同的制度对城市数量增长、组织体系及空间布局和对城市空间结构演变的作用力度又不尽相同。改革开放后,由于制度变迁带来的激励作用,中国城市获得了快速发展,城市空间结构快速变化。但与此同时,中国城市化的发展水平与相同发展条件下的世界城市化水平的差距却在拉大。而且随着市场经济体制的逐步完善,影响城市增长及空间结构的演变力量的因素越来越趋于分散化,制度变迁对城市发展所带来的激励作用正在弱化。为适应新世纪我国城市发展的战略目标,需要进行体制创新,为中国城市的发展及其空间结构的演变提供新的制度支持。  相似文献   

In this article, we analyse how contested transitions in planning rationalities and spatial logics have shaped the processes and outputs of recent episodes of Danish “strategic spatial planning”. The practice of “strategic spatial planning” in Denmark has undergone a concerted reorientation in the recent years as a consequence of an emerging neoliberal agenda promoting a growth-oriented planning approach emphasizing a new spatial logic of growth centres in the major cities and urban regions. The analysis, of the three planning episodes, at different subnational scales, highlights how this new style of “strategic spatial planning” with its associated spatial logics is continuously challenged by a persistent regulatory, top-down rationality of “strategic spatial planning”, rooted in spatial Keynesianism, which has long characterized the Danish approach. The findings reveal the emergence of a particularly Danish approach, retaining strong regulatory aspects. However this approach does not sit easily within the current neoliberal political climate, raising concerns of an emerging crisis of “strategic spatial planning”.  相似文献   


This article examines the complex relations between spatial planning and its cultural context (including the specific socio-economic patterns and related cultural norms, values, traditions and attitudes). To be able to analyze the extent to which spatial planning adapts to external pressures such as Europeanization, a “culturized planning model” with the three dimensions “planning artefacts”, “planning environment” and “societal environment” is used. It can be observed that the “harmonization” of spatial planning practices can result from external pressures such as EU regulations as well as (horizontal) collective learning processes. However, “harmonization” does not necessarily result in convergence. Adaptational pressures such as Europeanization often result in the customization of existing structures, frames and policies (“planning artefacts” and “planning environment”) but do not fundamentally change the underlying core cultural traits (“societal environment”). These cultural traits are quite resistant to change and help maintain a diversity of planning cultures and policies in Europe.  相似文献   

林涛 《人文地理》2010,25(5):75
目前,我国正处在城市化快速推进阶段,为突破既有城市结构对城市发展的束缚,缓解中心城区的人口、就业、交通、环境等压力,优化城市经济结构,许多城市正在积极拓展新的发展空间,大城市地区的新城建设更是如火如荼。上海自早期的卫星城建设开始,到近期的"一城九镇",再到最近的"1966"城镇体系规划建设框架,一直试图通过郊区城镇的建设和发展来疏解中心城区的巨大压力。特别是最近10年,松江作为上海大都市郊区重要城镇的规划建设,对突破上海中心城区"一核独强"的空间结构所产生的影响在新城建设中颇具典型的意义。本文试图通过松江新城"次核"发育、松江新城的城市功能演化、松江新城人居环境建设三个方面的剖析,探讨新城建设与城市空间结构演化的互动关系,以在宏观上更好地认识和把握新城对城市发展的影响,以期对上海或国内其他大都市区郊区其他新城的建设和多中心城市空间格局的形成有所裨益。  相似文献   

In the global economy regions fight a two-front “war” to attract young people. On the one hand, they compete against more urban areas because young people leave home to study and do not return to their home region (“brain drain”). On the other hand, they struggle to attract new residents, students and entrepreneurs to their local region (“brain gain”). The context is a student town of a strong industrial region characterized by a net export of young people and an increasing demand for highly qualified labour. The purpose is to gain insight into how student loyalty to a student town may be enhanced. A partial least square path modelling approach is used to estimate a structural equation model of student town loyalty. One finding is that the creation of student town satisfaction has more influence on student town loyalty than reputation building. “Social activity” is the most important loyalty driver. This antecedent is mediated through student town satisfaction and reputation, as well as university college reputation. The town municipalities and the university college should thus be coordinated in their effort to increase student town loyalty to bring down the “brain drain” and increase the “brain gain” in the region.  相似文献   

During the May Fourth New Cultural Movement, three debates on new/Western and old/Chinese cultures were respectively carried out between the journal New Youth and Lin Qinnan, Chen Duxiu and Du Yaquan, as well as Zhang Dongsun and Fu Sinian. New Youth, Chen Duxiu and Zhang Dongsun were regarded as the “new school,” whereas their opponents “the old new-intellectuals.” The difference between them lies in their attitudes towards traditions instead of their new or old knowledge. After three heated debates, New Youth won a total victory in big cities, because the so-called “urban youths” needed a radical cultural reform plan and a simple guide for action. On the contrary, “town youths” who lived in small cities and towns did not care about the attitudinal difference of two sides. They paid more attention to absorbing new knowledge from both sides and were more sympathetic to tradition.  相似文献   

The development of Leningrad's suburban zone began mainly in the Soviet period with the growth of “dormitory” satellites of the central city. Many of the city's satellites perform the same industrial and cultural functions as Leningrad itself. The distribution of commuter areas is analyzed on the basis of winter commutation tickets. In addition to satellites, Leningrad has “associate” cities and towns that supply the central city with electric power and fuels but lack the commuting ties that differentiate true satellites. Further planning of the Leningrad suburban zone should take care not to saturate the suburbs with industry. It is more desirable to locate new plants in small and medium-size cities outside the suburban zone.  相似文献   

“Spatial planning” is a phrase that now resonates throughout many planning systems across the globe. It is being used as a label to describe pan-national, regional, strategic and even aspects of local planning processes. Within the UK, spatial planning is being utilized alongside, or even in place of, more traditional phraseology associated with planning, such as “town and country planning”. It is being used by a range of institutions of the State, professional groups and academic commentators to describe the processes of planning reform, modernization, policy integration, and strategic governance that politically are now required to make planning fit for purpose in the 21st century. The precise meaning and definition of spatial planning remains difficult to pin down, as does its origins within the UK. This paper attempts to dissect the various components of the spatial planning phrase and set out the meaning and origins of the term in the UK context. It covers re-territorialization, Europeanization and integration origins of spatial planning thinking and provides a conceptual, rather than practical, debate on the anatomy of spatial planning, situated within ongoing processes of institutional transformation, through the lens of governance and distinctiveness in state policy development.  相似文献   

基于重化工业发展的珠江三角洲工业空间结构演变研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文在对改革开放以来珠江三角洲工业空间现状特征细致分析的基础上,探讨了重化工业空间的一般特征及基于重化工业发展的珠三角工业空间结构演变。结果表明,珠三角重化工业发展的空间结构效应主要表现为形成工业空间集聚的新要素;大城市工业核心功能更加突出,工业发展空间分异日益显著;形成新的地方性工业节点以及临海工业空间逐步形成,并从促进珠三角区域经济、空间协调发展的角度提出了几点建议。  相似文献   

As Europe is currently characterized by huge disparities in the economic performance of “old” and “new” states, we investigate whether this is the result of local agglomeration—specialization and diversity—externalities. Our spatial econometric analysis focuses on total factor productivity dynamics over the period 1996–2007 for 13 industries located in 276 European regions. Consistently with the “nursery cities” theory, we find that diversity exerts a positive effect in the knowledge‐intensive services of the “old” Europe urban areas, while specialization is still effective in the “new” Europe low‐tech manufacturing. Human and technological capital has also a positive impact.  相似文献   

Key MacFarlane 《对极》2019,51(1):225-247
In many US cities, especially those in the Rust Belt, the environmental goods and services (EGS) industry has played a significant role in restructuring local economies to promote new, flexible, and “creative” forms of service‐based labour. And yet much of the environmental work conducted in these cities has been directed at an industrial past, cleaning up the waste left over from long‐departed manufacturing sectors. Returning to David Harvey's earlier work on the urban process, this paper develops a theory of waste switching that situates EGS within a larger renegotiation of space and time across city landscapes. This theory is fleshed out in case studies of the EGS industry in Baltimore, Pittsburgh, and Milwaukee, where new cycles of accumulation have been built on refuse, toxins, and dead labour. These “toxi‐cities” and their cleanup challenge traditional conceptions of urbanisation as spatially—but also temporally—bounded.  相似文献   

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