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崔隽  曾光 《环球人物》2020,(3):20-22
新型冠状病毒感染的肺炎疫情暴发后,曾光作为国家卫健委高级别专家组成员频繁在媒体发声,成为热点人物。74岁的他还开通了微博,为公众释疑解惑。1月31日,《环球人物》记者就此次疫情采访了曾光。  相似文献   

王亚静 《神州》2012,(24):181+183
在网络全球化时代,新媒体应用广泛,网络信息成为公众了解社会动态的主要方式之一。新媒体应用在新闻报道中逐渐凸显,体育赛事报道亦不落其后。在广州亚运会期间,多家网站就积极与亚运会各项活动密切配合。微博作为彼时刚刚兴起的新媒体传播工具,为赛事报道和公众互动提供了良好平台。本文就以新浪微博在广州亚运会中的报道为研究对象,对诸如奥运会、亚运会等的大型体育赛事宣传报道中的新媒体应用的经验与前景进行探究。  相似文献   

开展公众考古教育,宣传考古文博事业,对于提升公众的文化素质,促进考古文博工作的发展,有着极为重要的意义。随着微博的兴起,开展微博公众考古教育,已成为推进公众考古教育的必要选择。文章以考古文博单位的新浪官微为考察对象,对近年较有影响力的官方微博进行了梳理,认为这些官微在进行公众考古教育时主要包括四个方面的内容:考古文博知识的科普、考古文博工作的展示、考古文博专题的讨论和线下活动的宣传。推动微博公众考古教育的继续发展,需要不断优化人才队伍,更新传播理念与传播方法。  相似文献   

跟公众最为“接近”,又令公众感到最为“神奇”的公众人物,就是一种叫作“微博大佬”的新人类。而当一个人被称为微博第一人或者微博女王,那她就更神奇了。只有微博这一神奇的土壤,才能生长这样神奇的新物种。  相似文献   

崔璐明  曲凌雁  何丹 《人文地理》2021,36(5):121-130,176
基于新浪微博数据,借助深度学习方法分析上海市情绪空间分布特征,期望构建一套基于社交媒体签到数据的深度学习空间情绪感知评价方法。研究发现:①上海市热门签到地点集中分布在城市中心、交通枢纽、地铁沿线等区域。②积极情绪占比随着到市中心距离的增加呈下降趋势;人们的情绪与活动空间类型高度相关。③高等院校场所与负面情绪相关的物质空间要素多与建筑相关,办公场所的空间使用者最关注通勤问题,交通枢纽空间的管理流程和服务水平诱发了较多负面情绪。研究发现对于城市公共安全、公共卫生和设计管理的决策者有着重要启示。  相似文献   

疫情期间,“1918年大流感幸存者的提醒”上了微博热搜。面对当下正在全球蔓延的新冠肺炎,一位105岁的流感亲历者在采访中说:“我不想看到悲剧重演,人人都要当心。”100多年前,一场可怕的流感席卷全球。  相似文献   

朱文元 《神州》2013,(23):265-265
微博作为一个新型媒介。给大家提供了一个新的平台。文章以笔者所在单位为例,阐述微博强大的特性与功能,展示其作为新媒体在博物馆行业所起的重要作用,博物馆行业通过微博这个展示平台,也拉进了与公众的距离,能够更及时、更广泛的与公众互动交流。  相似文献   

当前,地方志工作机构已陆续开通微博和微信公众号。地方志工作者已经有了利用微博宣传地方志事业的意识,但是所经营的微博规模和质量参差不齐;微信公众号已经逐渐被地方志工作者认可,而且正在慢慢走入地方志事业。微博、微信和地方志工作相结合具有优势,地方志事业要与时俱进,与创新思路相融合,需要打造移动新媒体优秀团队,形成专业从事地方志微博和微信编辑的工作团队,并利用微博和微信丰富地方志资料的展现形式。  相似文献   

微博作为一个新型媒介,给大家提供了一个新的平台.文章以笔者所在单位为例,阐述微博强大的特性与功能,展示其作为新媒体在博物馆行业所起的重要作用,博物馆行业通过微博这个展示平台,也拉进了与公众的距离,能够更及时、更广泛的与公众互动交流.  相似文献   

刘美辰 《丝绸之路》2021,(2):173-176
新冠肺炎疫情属于典型的突发公共卫生事件,公众信息传播的路径变迁,从疫情爆发初期的"信息呈现"阶段,到信息公开化为基本形式的"媒体表现"阶段,最后呈现出主流媒体强势回归的根本趋势.在"移动优先"的新传播语境下,本文对主流媒体疫情报道进行梳理,着重以甘肃电视台《甘肃新闻》为研究样本进行切片化分析.疫情期间《甘肃新闻》坚持对...  相似文献   

In less-developed countries, the lack of granular data limits the researcher's ability to study the spatial interaction of different factors on the COVID-19 pandemic. This study designs a novel database to examine the spatial effects of demographic and population health factors on COVID-19 prevalence across 640 districts in India. The goal is to provide a robust understanding of how spatial associations and the interconnections between places influence disease spread. In addition to the linear Ordinary Least Square regression model, three spatial regression models—Spatial Lag Model, Spatial Error Model, and Geographically Weighted Regression are employed to study and compare the variables explanatory power in shaping geographic variations in the COVID-19 prevalence. We found that the local GWR model is more robust and effective at predicting spatial relationships. The findings indicate that among the demographic factors, a high share of the population living in slums is positively associated with a higher incidence of COVID-19 across districts. The spatial variations in COVID-19 deaths were explained by obesity and high blood sugar, indicating a strong association between pre-existing health conditions and COVID-19 fatalities. The study brings forth the critical factors that expose the poor and vulnerable populations to severe public health risks and highlight the application of geographical analysis vis-a-vis spatial regression models to help explain those associations.  相似文献   

Reproducible research becomes even more imperative as we build the evidence base on SARS-CoV-2 epidemiology, diagnosis, prevention, and treatment. In his study, Paez assessed the reproducibility of COVID-19 research during the pandemic, using a case study of population density. He found that most articles that assess the relationship of population density and COVID-19 outcomes do not publicly share data and code, except for a few, including our paper, which he stated “illustrates the importance of good reproducibility practices”. Paez recreated our analysis using our code and data from the perspective of spatial analysis, and his new model came to a different conclusion. The disparity between our and Paez’s findings, as well as other existing literature on the topic, give greater impetus to the need for further research. As there has been near exponential growth of COVID-19 research across a wide range of scientific disciplines, reproducible science is a vital component to produce reliable, rigorous, and robust evidence on COVID-19, which will be essential to inform clinical practice and policy in order to effectively eliminate the pandemic.  相似文献   


Tourism has been one of the industries most highly affected by COVID-19. The COVID-19 global pandemic is an ‘unprecedented crisis’ and has exposed the pitfalls of a hyper consumption model of economic growth and development. The scale of immediate economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic has shattered the myth of ‘catch up development’ and ‘perpetual growth’. The Crisis has brought unintended degrowth, presenting opportunities for an economic and social ‘reset’. In terms of long-term thinking post COVID-19, it is time to change the parameters of how we imagine a trajectory going forward, to prefigure possibilities for contesting capitalist imperatives that ‘there is no alternative’. In relation to tourism, the pandemic provides an opportunity for reimaging tourism otherwise, away from exploitative models that disregard people, places, and the natural environment, and towards a tourism that has positive impacts. Non-western alternatives to neo-colonial and neoliberal capitalism, such the South American concept of ‘Buen Vivir’, can help us to shift priorities away from economic growth, towards greater social and environmental wellbeing, and meaningful human connections. Taking a Buen Vivir approach to tourism will continue the degrowth momentum, for transformative change in society within the earth’s physical limits. Yet Buen Vivir also redefines the parameters of how we understand ‘limits’. In limiting unsustainable practices in development and tourism, a focus on Buen Vivir actually creates growth in other areas, such as social and environmental wellbeing, and meaningful human connection. Buen Vivir can reorient the tourism industry towards localised tourism, and slow tourism because the principles of Buen Vivir require these alternatives to be small-scale, local and benefiting host communities as well as tourists to increase the wellbeing for all.  相似文献   

论文基于百度迁徙数据,对比 2020 年与2019年中国清明节、劳动节、国庆节3个重要节日人口城际流动差异,探讨 COVID-19 疫情对中国节日人口城际出行影响。研究指出:①2020年清明节、五一劳动节百度迁徙日均人口城际流动强度分别较2019年同期下降50.1%和45.2%,同时影响程度存在显著的空间差异;②2020年劳动节、国庆节百度迁徙日均人口城际流动强度指数分别较同年前一个节日增加了17.7%和36.7%,人口出行网络的路径权重、紧密性在持续增加。其中劳动节分析表明,疫情影响下人们倾向于短途出行,同时目的地选择更加多元化;③2020年4月份以哈尔滨市为主的局部疫情复发导致黑龙江省人口城际流入、流出水平分别下降 0.360 个单位和0.365个单位,同时对周边地区人口出行存在负向扩散影响。  相似文献   

The COVID-19 pandemic has profoundly affected people in urban areas. This article reports on a comparative empirical study of the pandemic in Guangzhou and Xi’an in 2021 and analyses how residents responded to social media during the crisis. Using Baidu’s hot search time machine to search for hot topics related to the spread of disease during each outbreak of COVID-19, we collected 35 and 41 hashtags for Guangzhou’s and Xi’an’s epidemics, respectively. Based on a thematic analysis of those hashtags, we considered how residents reconstructed expressions of urban identity in both cities. We found that China’s unique official accountability system in local anti-epidemic practices led to stricter forms of top-down urban governance and that urban residents deployed forms of bottom-up agency in response. Our work provides a refined agenda for geographers and other social scientists to examine the interconnections among urban resilience, urban social responses to major public crises, and urban culture.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The twenty‐first century will be one of intensified urbanization, on a scale never before experienced. How do urban systems and individual cities change and develop? The social sciences have many different approaches to analyzing the economic, social, and spatial dimensions of urban change. We inventory some of these approaches and their implications for public policy toward cities, urban change, and economic development.  相似文献   

新冠肺炎疫情对居民日常活动与社区治理带来巨大挑战。本文从新时间地理学企划和活动的地方秩序概念出发,基于北京双井街道社区工作者在疫情不同时期的活动日志和深度访谈以及社区报纸《今日双井》等多源数据,分析社工工作活动的时空特征变化,社区地方秩序的变化及其对居民日常活动的影响。研究发现,疫情不同阶段社区组织企划明显调整,社工工作时间延长且规律性被打破,工作地点由室内转向室外,工作活动更加多元化、破碎化;社工、居民、物业、周边商铺等社区生活圈中多元主体互动加强。本研究对后疫情时代社区生活圈服务与治理优化提升有重要意义,也丰富了新时间地理学对社区生活圈中个体与组织互动、多行为主体互动过程的解读。  相似文献   

交通是影响城市产业发展的重要因素,高铁作为一种新型交通工具必将对城市产业发展产生影响。修正市场潜力模型分析高铁对中国城市产业结构的影响。结果表明:①总体上,高铁提升了城市服务业的比重,降低了城市制造业的比重;制造业型城市和服务业型城市的服务业比重都得到提升,制造业比重都下降;从单个城市来看,高铁提升了大多数制造业型城市和大多数服务业型城市服务业的比重。②对于制造业型城市的产业结构升级,高铁主要促进该类城市一般服务业比重的提升;对于服务业型城市的产业结构强化,高铁主要促进这些城市高端服务业比重的提升。③高铁的开通增强了中心城市的溢出效应,促进了中心城市及其周边城市的产业结构升级。  相似文献   

李磊  刘红兰  陶卓民  陆林 《人文地理》2022,37(5):32-41+88
通过对Web of Science数据库中1435篇文献的梳理,回顾和评述了“COVID-19对旅游业影响”的早期研究进展。结果表明,新冠肺炎直接威胁人的生命健康,加剧了旅游者的负面情绪和感知风险,降低了旅游者的出游意愿,并改变了以往的行为模式。新冠肺炎通过旅游者在旅游目的地、旅游企业、旅游交通之间传播,从而对旅游系统产生全面、持久的影响,对全球旅游业造成史无前例的巨大冲击。同时,新冠肺炎还引发了对于旅游业发展方式和增长模式的反思,转型发展成为后新冠时代全球旅游业恢复重建的重要手段。最后,从“目标—要素—保障”视角对未来研究进行了展望。  相似文献   

This study focused on the spatial evolution of COVID-19 in the state of Chihuahua, Mexico. Data were retrieved from governmental databases and analyzed by means of GIS, applying the inverse distance weighted (IDW) method. The period of December 2019 through November 2021 was split into eight seasons. The root mean square error (RMSE) was used to assess the reliability of the interpolations, showing acceptable values (RSME < 25). During the period, the municipalities of Juarez and Chihuahua reached the highest number of confirmed cases and deaths, Juarez being the main hotspot of contagion (37.2% of confirmed cases; 46.9% of deaths). Four waves of contagion were identified during the evaluated period, with Fall 2020 being the strongest season. Since Fall 2020, the spread of the disease was more often observed in municipalities with the highest human mobility. Although the spread of COVID-19 decreased after Spring 2021, in Fall 2021 records indicated a continuous increase in cases in the state. That could be due to a relaxation of the implementation of sanitary measures, as well as to the propagation of novel COVID-19 variants having an elevated infectious level. Geospatial techniques allowed for an understanding of the spatial spread of COVID-19 and could be useful for its control.  相似文献   

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