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论民俗旅游资源及其开发   总被引:33,自引:0,他引:33  
田里 《人文地理》1997,12(3):16
本文从旅游学与民俗学交叉渗透研究的角度,阐述并分析了民俗旅游资源的主要类型及其基本特征,以此为依据提出并论述民俗旅游资源的四种开发类型、三类开发方式及其三项开发导向原则。  相似文献   

Sopa Village in Chushur County of Lhasa Municipality is the only village in Tibet with a fishing business.The unique culture of this village includes ancient traditional customs.One in particular is a strange marriage custom.  相似文献   

Sopa Village in Chushur County of Lhasa Municipality is the only village in Tibet with a fishing business.The unique culture of this village includes ancient traditional customs.One in particular is a strange marriage custom.  相似文献   

tibetans are fond of carrying knives for different purposes such as domestic use, primary production, and self-protection as well as just for decoration. Tibetan knives have a history of over 1,000 years. It is quite difficult to produce a Tibetan knife and usually the blade is forged in steel while the knife handle is often made of either yak horn or hard wood. Tibetan knives are classified into three kinds,  相似文献   

<正>听完了风土人情后,我问司机:"司机师傅,您能带我去黔东南最原始的苗寨吗?"好啊,那就去我老家雷公山的毛坪村……"随着生活水平的提高,人们也越来越注重生活质量,工作之余,也会去风景秀丽的地方旅游,我也曾领略过很多名山大川的秀丽风景,诸如黄山、嵩山、九寨沟等等,我都被这些浑然天成  相似文献   

正One"hidden village"in the Tibetan-inhabited communities is home to a fashionable and somewhat miraculous occurrence:the rise of a local soccer team. The passion of the people here with regard to the sport can almost be said to be a newly found spirit. With 128 ethnic Tibetan households in total accounting for around 700 people, the small Nyiru Village is not typically the place where one would expect to find avid soccer fanatics, but since the formation of the team, a myriad of wonderful stories have become  相似文献   

<正>千姿百态的石头文化,淳朴深厚的民俗风情,这就是于家石头村的美妙。"东阁西塞南洞北寨面面皆有古景点,春游夏游秋览冬赏季季都是好风光"便是对石头村的最佳描述!于家石头村,位于河北省石家庄市井陉县中西部,太行山麓一个四面环山的小盆地中,面积约10平方公里,400多户,1600多口人,是于家乡  相似文献   

中国民歌文化的地域特征及其地理基础   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
在简述民歌文化研究状况的基础上,作者分析了中国民歌文化区形成的历史基础;并从文化地理的角度,探讨了民歌文化的地域整合性。然后将全国民歌文化区分为七大区域,包括:以江南小调为代表的"江南水乡风格",以北方号子为代表的"粗犷刚劲风格",以"信天游"、"花儿"为代表的"西北高原风格",以云、贵、川山歌为代表的"西南高原风格",以长调为特色的"北方草原风格",异域风格的新疆民歌以及高山雪原上的民歌,作者还论述了各区域民歌文化的特征及形成的地理基础。  相似文献   

<正>The Tibetan edition of The Three Collections of China's Tibetan Folk Literature has now finally met with readers.As an authoritative version to comprehensively reflect the current situation of Tibetan folk literature,it is a faithful record of the folktales,ballads and proverbs orally passed down by different  相似文献   

正Yajiang County in the Garze Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture is named Yaquke in Tibetan, meaning"mouth of the river". It is located upstream the Yalong River and has 35 peaks over 5,000 meters above sea level. Jiezhu Village is named"the village of Kangba men", located in Yajiang County's town of Xi'eluo, and it is one of the birthplaces of the Kangba culture, being 60 kilometers from Yajiang County at an  相似文献   

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