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阿妮叶李  汤菁 《风景名胜》2008,(12):116-123
"要知道对于商家来说,感恩节和圣诞节是连动促销的绝佳时机。尽管是寒风袭袭,但第五大道上热力逼人,人们的消费情绪正在纽约被煽动起来。所有的高档男、女成衣品牌都使出了他们的"杀手锏"。"  相似文献   

爱妮岛,为自然驻守着最后一道防线 巴拉望,开辟一个绝尘而去的循世胜地 神且留住,心且留驻 菲律宾的非凡假日,只与最爱的人一起分享  相似文献   

吴成良 《环球人物》2013,(31):44-45
早年倾心社会主义,如今力推公平改革在纽约市长的选举中,当1.96米的参选人比尔·德布拉西奥(下文称德布拉西奥)被问及身高对他的竞选有无帮助时,他总是信心满满地说:"当然,就连美国总统选举中,总是个子高的那个人胜出。"11月5日,德布拉西奥的话变成了现实,他以压倒性多数的支持赢得了选举,成为纽约20多年来第一位当选的民主党市长。德布拉西奥作风亲民,政见大胆。他娶了一度自称同性恋的黑人妻子。他不仅是纽约历史上个子最高  相似文献   

杜宪兵 《民俗研究》2009,(1):234-245
美国华人是海外中华民族的重要组成,也是中国传统民俗在海外的重要传承者。纽约唐人街因其典型特征成为美国华人社区的一个缩影,生活于此的不同代际的华人在“恋旧”还是“洋化”的问题上有着迥异的选择,他们从墨守成规到入乡随俗的文化适应过程是多种因素综合作用的结果。如今,美国华人正在由单一文化认同动态地向多元文化认同转变,这影响着唐人街的发展和中国传统文化的存续。  相似文献   

张旸 《环球人物》2012,(26):52-53
70岁的纽约市长布隆伯格自从2002年当选以来,似乎特别爱管与市民生活健康有关的问题:他管餐馆里的烟,厨房里的油,汽水里的糖,为此获得了"保姆市长"绰号,也引来不少争议。  相似文献   

汉密尔顿和华盛顿、杰斐逊并称美国“开国三杰”。不仅如此,他还被美国人誉为“宪法之父”和“金融之父”。然而,一场决斗却让其英年早逝,这令美国人唏嘘不已十分痛惜。不过,斯人虽去,伟业尚存。美国能有日后的发展,汉密尔顿的贡献不可小觑。  相似文献   

赵畅 《文史春秋》2011,(12):23-28
说及园林,必定要说及苏州园林;说到苏州园林,则必定要说到陈从周。这个被日本人称为“中国园林第一人”、被美国人誉为“中国园林之父”的园林大家,他将自己整个身心都奉献给了他毕生钟爱的园林事业。  相似文献   

马征 《中国土族》2008,(4):30-31
有这样一位美国人,他曾行走于世界各地,可仍苦苦眷恋着中国的湟源。视她为第二故乡;他能说一口地道的湟源话,怕离开湟源久了说不准语音,据载,他将自己说的湟源话录下来,一有空,打开录音机,边听边复习湟源话,够执着的吧?  相似文献   

作为城市政治机器的代表,美国纽约市的坦慕尼协会一度被视为城市“毒瘤”,尤其在进步主义时代,改革者将其视为阻遏市政改革的罪魁祸首。这一脸谱化的负面形象在某种程度上是历史的选择性“记忆”,而坦慕尼协会对纽约城市发展的贡献却被选择性地“遗忘”。同时,坦慕尼协会的衰落并非缘于与城市进步主义运动互斥,相反,正是因为其拥抱改革,才瓦解了原有坦慕尼组织的权力网络。如果将坦慕尼协会置于更加宏观的历史视域下考察,还会发现美国政府与社会之间权力的消长,直接影响了坦慕尼协会的命运,而在其兴衰演变的过程中,美国政党政治从中获得了更大的发展空间。  相似文献   

中国大陆对美国华人社会的研究 ,多集中于留学生群体和美国主流社会的一些成功人士。然而 ,在过去的 2 0年间 ,福州人已经成为美国华人社会中人数最多的移民社群 ,且增长速度令人瞠目。福州人秉承先辈漂洋过海的传统 ,勇于冒险 ,勤勉节俭 ,重视亲情 ,拥有强大的互助网络和互助传统 ,这是他们移民美国成功率高和在美国迅速发展的主要原因。可以预见 ,在不远的将来 ,福州籍华人将凸显其政治经济潜力 ,成为美国华人社区的中流砥柱。  相似文献   

The authors quantitatively analyze the effect of railroad construction on agricultural land values in the often overlooked, agriculturally oriented, trans-Mississippi West. This region is unique in American history in that, at the end of the nineteenth century, the railroad itself preceded widespread settlement. Using a hedonic model, they show that railroad transport increased agricultural land values in this region by more than 20 percent, which had a larger impact than recent studies have found for other regions. Moreover, the authors found that the addition of a railroad to a county significantly increased its growth in land values. This finding is contrary to that of existing studies. Finally, the authors show statistically that the railroad and land values were not endogenously determined, lending credibility to the causality of the results presented in their hedonic and growth models. These results indicate a valuable alternative approach to use in the historical analysis of transportation infrastructure and its impact on land prices.  相似文献   

InJuly1957,thereactionary"fourriversandsixmountainranges"movementdemandedthe14thDalaiLamaexerciseruleoverallTibetanareasinChina.Rightatterthat,ringleadersofthemovementgatheredinZhegutang,Shannan,organizingrebeltroopscalledthe"religionprotectionarmy"whichstagedharassingactivitiesinareasoutsideLhasa.InDecember1958,therebelarmyseizedallweaponsandmunitionsinNamlingandplottedtomovethe14thDalaiLamatoanewareaandchallengethePLAtroopsStationedinLhasa.OnMarch10,1959,takingadvantageofthe14thDalai…  相似文献   

This paper measures the degree of inequality in child mortality rates across districts in India using data from the 1981, 1991 and 2001 Indian population censuses. Results show that child mortality is more concentrated in less developed districts in all three census years. Furthermore, between 1981 and 2001, the inequality in child mortality seems to have increased to the advantage of the more developed districts. In the decomposition analysis, it is found that while a more equitable distribution of medical facilities and safe drinking water across districts has contributed to reducing inequality in child mortality between 1981 and 1991, different levels of structural change among districts have been responsible for a very large part of the inequality in child mortality to the advantage of the more developed districts in all three census years. The paper concludes with some brief comments on the policy implications of the findings.  相似文献   

Lhastse County in Shigatse Prefecture is well-known by multiple names such as the “North Entrance of theQ omolangma,““Food Grains Storage,““Hometown of Tibetan Knives,““Hometown of Dorxic (a kind of Tibetan music)“ and also “the Way to Pilgrim“. “Lhastse“, in Tibetan, refers to the “Summit of Manitou“. Int he secular world, it is called “Laxog“ meaning “the holy place where the sunlight first touches“ Naturally, some scholars prefer to dub “Lhastse“ as“a place suffering from drought“.  相似文献   

试论经济地理学的研究创新   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
本文受相关学科的研究启发,并根据作者从事经济地理学的学习和研究体会,提出关于经济地理学研究创新的六点建议:建好基础数据,创新研究方法,激励思维创新,营造创新环境,培养扎实的学风,选择特殊的研究对象。  相似文献   


Suburbanization is one of the key phenomena of spatial population change in many countries in transition. Yet we know surprisingly little about the population carrying out the post‐socialist suburbanization process. The objective of this article is to improve on this situation by studying the Tallinn metropolis in Estonia. Our analysis, which covers the inter‐censal period 1989 to 2000, focuses on the differences between population subgroups with respect to their probabilities to move to the suburbs. As such, it also clarifies choices of destination by dwelling and municipality type. For the analysis, we use individual anonymous 2000 census data and logistic regression. The results indicate that suburbanization was a socially polarizing process during this period. People with low social status had the highest probability to sub‐urbanize, and mainly occupied the pre‐existing housing stock. Conversely, people with high social status were less likely to move into suburban areas, yet when they did they moved to the most attractive destinations in the suburbs (new single‐family houses, coastal municipalities and municipalities closer to the city).  相似文献   

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