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德治 《旅游纵览》2012,(12):94-97
<正>随着中国经济的快速崛起,人民生活水平越来越高,喜欢摄影的人亦越来越多。尤其购置专业照相机和专业镜头的摄影爱好者,如雨后春笋层出不穷。近年来,观鸟、拍鸟的热潮掀起,鸟儿的美丽和魅力,吸引数以万计的摄影爱好者开始转向野生鸟类摄  相似文献   

<正>手记:野生鸟类生态摄影让我们感受到了大自然的恩赐,也让我们看到了人类对自然的开发和索取,使自然生态发展失衡,生物的多样性受到威胁,鸟类生存环境受到破坏。鸟类生态摄影的深层意义,在于真实地记录鸟类生态状况,记录自然之美的魅力,同时,用丰富生动的影像来唤起更多人对鸟类生态的关注和保护。  相似文献   

摄影作为一种视觉艺术语言,不仅仅是单纯地客观记录某个静态或动态的事物,而是要融入摄影人的主观创作思想。一名好的摄影师,总是能根据自己的需要创作出与众不同的摄影作品,并通过这些作品向欣赏者传达自己的思想。本期的摄影俱乐部为大家介绍的《李大钊雄魂铸五峰》便是这样一组作品。摄影人左恭田以李大钊在五峰山的塑像为主体,为歌颂建党90周年进行了一些创作探索,在这里呈现给各位影友,希望能够给大家的创作提供借鉴。  相似文献   

都说旅行和中毒一样,一段时间要不出来,虽然没有精神恍惚,却也是心痒难熬。我不知道美国电影《廊桥遗梦》感动过多少人,也不知在电影放映之前,有多少人会关注我们身边乡村的廊桥。那之前,我也见过廊桥,但万万没敢把它与那么浪漫的情感联系到一起。  相似文献   

《世界》按照购物的地点及购买的主题,将本文中的购物分为5大部分,分别是百货公司、购物街区、市集、购物村和机场。每个部分,都有鲜明的特征:百货公司位于市区中心,通常是此城市的物质地标,这里汇聚各门类的顶级品牌、最流行的本季商品集中于此;购物街区代表着城市气质,百年老字号和新锐品牌店比肩而立;市集适合淘宝,能找到带有鲜明特征的当地商品;购物村里名牌集中,并且能用最低价格买到最好的商品;机场是你旅行购物的最后一站……  相似文献   

我国幅员辽阔,地形种类众多,适宜各种鸟类生存的森林、湿地、滩涂遍布各种气候带,因此非常适合开展观鸟活动。每年春季"爱鸟周"的时候,大批鸟类爱好者奔赴各地,在大自然的悠悠鸟鸣中感受快乐。鸟类与其他动物一起造就了大自然的生物多样性。作为大自然中一个重要的组成部分,鸟类在维护生态平衡中起着十分重要的作用。过去,观鸟还只是科学家们探索自然奥秘的一种手段,但今天它已经成为一种时尚,一种充满乐趣的户外活动。  相似文献   

The recent death of Eric Hobsbawm provides a fitting occasion to take stock of the entire trajectory of his work. Taking his final book, How to Change the World, as its starting point, this essay considers Hobsbawm's effort to change the way history was written. It divides his career into three main phases: 1) during the 1940s and 50s when he served his apprenticeship and emerged as a leading labor historian of modern Britain. Working in conjunction with colleagues in the Communist Party Historian's group, Hobsbawm helped to raise Marxist history to academic respectability; 2) during the 1960s and 70s, Hobsbawm reached the apogee of his career, publishing the first two volumes of his synoptic history of modern capitalism, as well a multitude of more specialized and critical works. No longer just one among a group of Marxist scholars, he—along with E. P. Thompson—became one of the most famous and influential historians in the world. 3) For Hobsbawm, as for other Marxists, the 1980s and 1990s were a time of crisis, when Marxism was destabilized and communism collapsed. Ironically, this essay argues, it was during this challenging period that Hobsbawm's most influential work appeared—most notably, his studies of modern nationalism and his analysis of the “invention of tradition”. Whereas the early Hobsbawm had worked to bring Marxist history into the academy, the later Hobsbawm (perhaps inadvertently) showed how the academy could absorb analytical elements initially formulated in a Marxist framework by translating them into non‐Marxist terms. Whatever one thinks of Hobsbawm's intellectual legacy, one must acknowledge his status as a polymathic giant who wrote global history that was at once theoretically grounded, publicly accessible, and historiographically consequential.  相似文献   

《Acta Archaeologica》2011,82(1):14-15

旅游自从产生,迅速成为环境破坏的元老。虽然现在地球依然存在,人类也还没有消失,但人们前面心无芥蒂地四处玩乐,后面就已经品尝到了自己破坏环境的苦果。  相似文献   

7月,在火热的世界杯差不多占尽了这个夏天的炙热心情之后,找个时间,让我们静下心来,去寻找青瓦白墙、流水缠绕的地方。自驾、背包、摄影,过一段悠闲的小镇时光,沉溺在被遗忘的世外桃源。走在悠远深长的青石板小巷中,寻着古镇的平静舒坦,找着古镇的韵律风情,感受着古镇的风情万种,触摸着古镇的沧桑板小巷中,寻着古镇的平静舒坦,找着古镇的韵律风情,感受着古镇的风情万种,触摸着古镇的沧桑痕迹,看着小桥流水,想象着日出、黄昏的美景,美得幽雅、美得宁静、美得让人不忍打扰……  相似文献   

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