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1996年,我在汕头大学出版社出版的《潮人移台史》一书中记述: “顺治十八年(1661年)四月二十九日,郑成功留儿子郑经守卫金门、厦门,亲自率大军二万五千人、船只近四百艘,浩浩荡荡地向台湾进军。经过9个多月、数十次浴血奋战,郑成功于康熙元年(1662年)二月一日,接受了荷兰殖民的投降书。当年荷兰殖民向郑成功所上降书的照片,现仍陈列在台南赤嵌楼楼下展厅。”  相似文献   

李强 《纵横》2010,(4):57-60
称呼也是一门学问 先从有关称呼的事情说起。 启先生在世时,大家在启先生的当面,大多是称呼启先生。启先生教了70多年书,这“先生”,是学生——先生的意思,不是女士——先生的意思。也有称启老的,透着更加尊敬和一些生分。启先生有时会回以“岂(启)敢”,这是启先生的说话风格,客气,还风趣。  相似文献   

武侠小说是中国小说林中的一朵奇葩,数量浩翰如海,书中可以说武学宗派五花八门,器械拳路,眩人眼目,刀光剑影,纵横天下,侠肝义胆,义薄云天,尽展天下豪杰风范。在诸多武侠小说名家书中,有“大漠孤烟直”、“孤城万仞山”的塞外风光;也有“多少楼台烟雨中”、“人人尽说江南好”的江南胜景;有“拦得溪声日夜喧,堂堂溪水出前村”、“一水护田将绿饶,两山排闼送春来”的田园秀美,也有“烟柳画桥,风帘翠幕,参差十万人家”的城市喧嚣。  相似文献   

张昌华 《江淮文史》2010,(3):138-148
吕碧城。何许人也? 柳亚子称她“足以担当女诗人而无愧”,聊见其誉隆盛。苏雪林在《女词人吕碧城与我》中云:“碧城女士不但才调高绝,容貌亦极秀丽。”认为她是“十三娘与无双女,知是诗仙是剑仙”.并曾把某杂志上吕碧城一幅“美艳有如仙子”的玉照剪下,供奉多年,直至抗战入蜀始失,“可见我对这位女词人如何钦慕了”。  相似文献   

他率领过千军万马血战沙场,也曾一次次直面针对他的暗杀行动;他是中东人眼中的“铁血强者”,但也会为了一位失明的姑娘而泪流满面……埃及总统、阿拉伯世界的“盟主”穆巴拉克,向本刊记者讲述了自己的真实故事。  相似文献   

有香港“毛纺大王”之称的港商曹光彪。不但早在改革开放之初出资成立香洲毛纺厂,成为“参与改革开放的第一港商”,其后又发展航空业务。创办第一家由港人自行管理的港龙航空公司。写下了一生传奇的篇章。  相似文献   

从广州到武汉,再到北京,龙年的大雨一场比一场惊心动魄,从“东方威尼斯”到处处“危泥湿”,一时之间舆论哗然,纷纷问责城市排水系统。  相似文献   

“蝶盟良缘一朝订,心若磐石永不移”的“梁祝”传说,始于东晋,历经1600多年的风雨过程,至今仍为人们所神往,在于故事本身所凝聚的精神力量,其所歌颂的忠贞不渝的爱情,震憾着每一颗向往爱情美好的心灵。“梁祝”以彼此了解、爱慕的爱情为基础,不为权势钱财所驾驭,情感上达到高度契合,追求纯粹的纯真与永恒。而“化蝶”则运用了现实主义与浪漫主义相结合的艺术手法,预示着男女忠贞专一的爱情一定能胜利,吃人的封建制度只是一种残忍的方式,却无法剥夺爱情本好的美好与意念。  相似文献   

施南生眼中的林青霞在《窗里窗外》中,林青霞曾以“不打不相识”描述与施南生友情的开端:有一天,林青霞向施南生抱怨拍摄行程安排得不妥,让她舟车劳顿,不料在她眼中一向是女强人的施南生竟然哭了起来。原来,那天正是施南生和徐克的结婚周年纪念,施南生因为只能一个人度过而感到委屈。这让林青霞产生了一种同为女人的共鸣。“我们开始互相体谅对方,从此成了朋友”。当时两人恐怕都没有想到,这种缘分不仅让她们合作出不少好电影,让林青霞  相似文献   

傅二石 《收藏家》2004,(10):61-61
傅抱石有三方自刻印章:“其命唯新”、“踪迹大化”、“代山川而言也”,这是他终身不渝的信条。《茅山雄姿》一画所展现的恰恰就是新、是真、是美。1965年初夏傅抱石应邀赴位于南京市东南的40公里外的茅山写生。茅山是抗日战争时期新四军根据地,山区的特殊地形使日寇始终未能完全将其占领。50年代以后这里逐渐形成著名的风景疗养区。傅抱石来到这里,抚今追昔,画家的创作灵感  相似文献   

The life of the Ming scholar and Catholic convert Xu Guangqi 徐光啟 (1562–1633) drew unprecedented attention throughout China in the 19th and 20th centuries. Writers and public figures across China’s rapidly changing society praised Xu as an ideal model for modern Chinese citizens. This sudden celebrity may seem surprising, as Xu’s name had fallen into obscurity in the centuries following his death, and his life and works were only remembered by descendants and local people in his hometown of Shanghai. Why was Xu’s legacy revived three hundred years later, and what relevance did it actually have for Chinese society in the twilight of the Qing dynasty and the Republican period? This article tackles these questions by tracing the reestablishment and development of the new Jesuit mission in Shanghai since 1842. It investigates how the memory of Xu was recovered and reinserted in the public imagination of modern China.  相似文献   


The dense Genoese commercial networks – which were present in all territories under Spanish rule, fairs, commercial emporia and battlefields – were an essential factor for the survival of the crown. This raises some doubts about the dominating influence posed, according to traditional accounts, by the court in Madrid; the court was, indeed, a point of reference for the Genoese merchant families but by no means the only one. In fact, the Genoese always took care to be present in important harbours and markets, such as Naples, where they often had correspondents to look after the family’s multiple interests.

This article revolves around the crucial role played by Ottavio Serra (1570–1639), son of Giovambattista Serra, ‘signore’ of Carovigno and an active merchant and moneychanger in the viceroyalty of Naples during the first two decades of the seventeeth century. The importance of Ottavio was not limited to his participation in the economic life of Naples. The analysis of Ottavio’s activity as financial agent for his relatives and partners in Madrid, Genoa and Piacenza, among other locations, as well as the examination of his links with a great variety of economic centres in the Mezzogiorno, presents early-modern Naples as a highly ‘internationalised’ centre in the context of the polycentric Hispanic imperial system.  相似文献   

From 1862 until 1874, John Holt lived on the island of Bioko (Fernando Pó), laying the groundwork for a company that would become one of the most influential trading houses in western Africa. During his time on the coast, Holt was almost continually ill with malaria and other tropical diseases, and his illnesses had a major impact on how he experienced and interpreted his life and work in Africa. This paper draws on Holt’s private papers, as well as merchant memoirs and the historiographies of medicine, hydrotherapy and masculinity to explore merchants’ views of illness and how they were deeply embedded in broader assumptions about manliness during a time of rapid imperial expansion.  相似文献   

白云 《安徽史学》2010,(2):60-65
沛国銍县徐氏是我国历史上颇具影响的世家大族,它崛起于两汉之际,先祖徐宣任王莽讲学大夫,时逢国家以经义取士,徐宣及其子孙遂因累世经学而得累世公卿。汉魏鼎革,避乱南迁,改以医术名世,数代传承,家族医术取得了巨大成就,成为我国世家医术之杰出代表。又恰当社会崇尚黄老,重视养生,徐氏家族亦因累世医学而累世高官。本文在对徐氏家族居地移徙和成员履历行实考察的基础上,分析了该家族历二十一世数百年,人才辈出,绵延昌盛的原因,阐述了他们对我国中医学的贡献。  相似文献   

徐复是北宋著名术数家,因其精通京房易数,获宋仁宗赐号“冲晦处士”。曾巩的《隆平集》、李焘的《续资治通鉴长编》、王称的《东都事略》及脱脱等着的《宋史》均收录了《徐复传》。从比较不同版本的《徐复传》,可以得出一项重要的启示,也就是《隆平集》的史书地位不但出类于宋代,更留芳于元代。  相似文献   

Analysis of thirteenth-century Genoese minute-books frequently offers precise details about Genoese society and the economy of Genoa at that time. By re-grouping the entries relating to a single personage, the judge Guarnerius, one realises that the famous dictum Januensis ergo mercator, “Genoese therefore merchant”, needs reconsideration in the light of the fact that, though all the Genoese were effectively involved in commercial transactions, some were much more engaged than others. Thus Guarnerius, because of the scale of his investments and the role played around him by members of his family or household, appears in the years 1212–1220 as an early example of the Genoese professional merchant. The question arises whether, from the start of the thirteenth century, there was not already at Genoa a group of specialised businessmen from which a truly professional class of merchants was about to evolve. If such a hypothesis is confirmed, some reflections on the origins of Genoese capitalism are called for.  相似文献   

Between 1853 and 1858, the militia and hired braves of Luhe county, Jiangsu, distinguished themselves by successfully defending against Taiping attack when surrounding counties and cities all fell. The historian Xu Zi (1810–62) served as a militia leader, commanding a company of troops and working to raise funds to pay for provisions. At the same time, he was writing his history of the Southern Ming Courts: Annals of a Fallen State, With Appended Annotations (Xiaotian jinian fukao). In his history, Xu Zi included anecdotes of his wartime experiences, writing the Taiping War into the history of the Southern Ming. What does history do? Xu Zi hoped it could help establish and maintain the coherence of the forces fighting the Taiping. To that end, he presented exemplary figures from the past for people of his own time to emulate, and he narrated those stories to his fellow soldiers. At the same time, his work suggests that the practices of the historian—including investigation of sources, expressions of emotion, and evaluation of policy—could provide avenues for defeating the Taiping. By writing himself into his history of the Southern Ming, he showed how the past could become a tool of war.  相似文献   

Analysis of thirteenth-century Genoese minute-books frequently offers precise details about Genoese society and the economy of Genoa at that time. By re-grouping the entries relating to a single personage, the judge Guarnerius, one realises that the famous dictum Januensis ergo mercator, “Genoese therefore merchant”, needs reconsideration in the light of the fact that, though all the Genoese were effectively involved in commercial transactions, some were much more engaged than others. Thus Guarnerius, because of the scale of his investments and the role played around him by members of his family or household, appears in the years 1212–1220 as an early example of the Genoese professional merchant. The question arises whether, from the start of the thirteenth century, there was not already at Genoa a group of specialised businessmen from which a truly professional class of merchants was about to evolve. If such a hypothesis is confirmed, some reflections on the origins of Genoese capitalism are called for.  相似文献   

民国时期北平城市人口众多,粮食需求颇费。北平火车站附近的粮栈作为第一级市场将粮食输入到北平城内,一级销售商携带粮食样品在第二级粮食交易市场进行商品交换,第三级市场销售商在二级交易市场确定货源后,将粮食供应全市人民,最终覆盖整个北平城。第一级粮食市场承担代替外地粮商销售买卖的功能,多集中在车站附近;二级粮食市场确定了一级市场的货源后,进一步将粮食供应系统扩大;三级销售市场的主要表现形式为米庄和陆陈行,其特点为数量大、规模小、覆盖范围广,有效地将粮食输入给最终消费者。粮食供给直接关系到民生问题,本文围绕粮食这一主题,探讨了民国时期北平城市粮食市场的总体运作原则、粮食商业的运行模式以及每级粮食供应商的特点与粮食流通方式,指出北平粮食市场的三个级别间的相互联系。  相似文献   

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