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河北北方学院附属第一医院把医院管理年活动作为医院中心工作,提出“以保持共产党员先进性教育活动促进医院管理年活动的提高,以医院管理年活动的成果体现保持共产党员先进性教育活动的效果”的口号。全院各科室部门和全体干部职工,结合工作实际,采取  相似文献   

尊孔读经是中国延续几千年的传统,祭孔活动更是其中重要的一环。民国建立后废祀废经,但尊孔读经却一直没有停止过。国民政府在1934年祭孔活动在全国达到了高潮。分析1934年的山东祭孔活动,对我们研究民国时期的祭孔活动具有重要意义。  相似文献   

因“梦想”而生的“戈尔特斯TM户外梦想实现”活动,自2007年启动第一届活动开始,经过长达7年、46万人次的参与,2014年第八届活动于3月正式启幕,参与者投递的方案中,几乎无一不体现出对户外梦想的传递与传承。  相似文献   

2003年至2006年,我在河南省政协担任副秘书长、机关党组成员,分管文字材料和新闻报道工作。在此期间,我参与了省政协组织的许多重要活动,其中印象最深的,当属2004年至2005年由河南省政协发起组织的六省政协“促进中部地区崛起”大型研讨活动。研讨活动立足河南,辐射中部其他五省,把200多名驻中部地区的全国政协委员和近20万名  相似文献   

“在从事海盗活动8年后,我决定退出。今后我不会卷入(海盗)团体的活动。我一直在鼓励许多同行退出海盗活动,他们已经这么做了。”  相似文献   

四川省彝族自治州大小凉山的许多乡镇、村寨,每年都要举行奇特的赛猪膘活动。今年在普格县西洛乡要举行彝族年庆祝活动,我们开着车来到西洛乡,这里也是每年农历6月26日举行火把节庆祝活动的地方,今年的彝族年庆祝活动和火把节一样,要举行斗牛、赛马、斗羊和赛猪膘活动。  相似文献   

京游  于世海  李磊  曹金良 《旅游》2015,(2):8-13
2014年12月31日,凌晨。2015新年倒计时活动,把奥林匹克公园中心区变身成了冰雪的王国,3000平方米的冰雪场地上,演绎着动感与激情的旋律;远在张家口和延庆的分会场,人们也沉浸在欢快之中,同步呼应着主会场欢乐的旋律。场内场外热火朝天,大家心里都憧憬着一个2022年的冬奥梦想,一起庆祝若新年的到来。本次新年倒计时活动主题是“冰雪北京诚邀五环”,活动旨在向全世界展示北京各界群众对北京申办2022年冬奥会和冬残奥会成功的热望。这是北京市旅游委第四次举办新年倒计时活动,前三次分别在天坛、颐和园和八达岭长城等北京市的地标性景区举行,这次活动移师到曾创造中国体育辉煌的奥林匹克公园进行,希望  相似文献   

潘亮 《神州》2011,(5X):250-250
学生机器人探究活动是一项综合多学科知识和技能的科技活动,是培养学生动手能力,创新能力的良好载体,它集知识性、趣味性、娱乐性于一体,深爱小学生喜爱。我校开展机器人活动已五年时间,在组织学生的机器人活动中,我总结出以下几点来辅导学生进行机器人活动。  相似文献   

2012年"中国旅游日"活动主题确定——健康生活,欢乐旅游国家旅游局于近日下发通知,部署开展2012年"中国旅游日"活动。通知指出,"中国旅游日"的宣传口号是"爱旅游、爱生活",今年"中国旅游日"活动主题是  相似文献   

薄荷 《旅游纵览》2011,(5):38-41
<正>作为中国女摄影家协会活动的主要内容之一,由中国女摄影家协会,哈尔滨摄影家协会举办的第三届"走进冰雪"采风活动2011年1月14日在冰城哈尔滨圆满结束。本次活动从2011年1月9日开始,来自浙江杭州、湖北昌宜、江苏南京、湖北武汉,以及哈尔滨的姐妹们相聚冰城。  相似文献   

Over the last decade, geographers have paid a great deal of attention to transnational firms (TNCs) and global production networks (GPNs) in the global economy, to the emergence of a mobile transnational business class and also to the development of global or globalizing cities. All three literatures have made important contributions to understanding the spatiality of global economic activity, but each adopts a fairly discreet theoretical and empirical focus. This article aims to outline a number of theoretical dimensions for thinking about how these key strands to the globalization debate can be brought together through the concept of global business spaces. It will propose a framework for understanding the spatialities of global economic activity that seeks to capture the complex interaction of material, social, organizational and virtual spaces that form the context through which it is constituted. With reference to business travel as a key form of economic practice which plays a central role in (re)producing these spaces, it assesses how these emerging spaces of global economic activity present problems for the conceptual categories commonly used by both urban and economic geographers. In so doing, it proposes a series of ways in which a different research agenda can produce new insight into the complex forms of social practice at the centre of global economic activity.  相似文献   

Temporal variations of the global lightning activity were deduced from long-term Schumann resonance (SR) continuous records. The intensities of the horizontal magnetic field component in the vicinity of the first, second, and third SR modes were monitored at Tottori observatory (35.5°N, 134.33°E) from 1968. Variations of the effective source-observer distance were estimated using the ratios of the intensities of individual modes. This allowed us to obtain average diurnal variations of the global lightning activity for each month over a one-year period. The results show that the distances estimated between the field-site and the effective source are very stable, while the temporal changes of the fields and the global lightning intensity derived demonstrate substantial variability.  相似文献   

A model of global atmospheric electric circuit has been developed, which incorporates the pollution due to aerosol particles of anthropogenic and volcanic origins and the ionization caused by the coronal discharges due to intense electric field beneath thunderclouds in the atmospheric layers close to the earth's surface. Also the effects of solar activity and of Stratospheric Aerosol Particles (SAP) on the parameters of the circuit have been studied. The global distribution of Aerosol Particles (AP) of man-made origin has been assumed on the basis of world population density and that of volcanic origin on the basis of global distribution of volcanic activities. The thunderstorms are assumed to be the current generators of the global circuit. The latitudinal, longitudinal and height variations of atmospheric conductivity have been calculated from the known variations of ionization caused by cosmic rays, the radio-active emanations and intense electric fields beneath thunderclouds (over continents), along with the assumed variation of AP concentration.On increasing the AP concentration over the northern hemisphere by about 5 times that of the southern hemisphere, the ionospheric potential increases to about 6% and electric field increases in non-mountainous regions more than that in the high mountain regions. A large increase in SAP serves to increase the global resistance while both global current and ionospheric potential decrease. However, for low SAP concentration, the ionospheric potential increases. The SAP affect the electrical structure of the stratosphere without much influencing the troposphere except in the volcanically active regions, where conductivity is low due to high AP concentration. The major influence on the global atmospheric electric circuit occurs in response to solar activity. In the absence of local effects, the calculated variation of ionospheric potential is 14%. However, in real atmosphere (where both local and global processes act simultaneously), the ionospheric potential is found to vary by only about 3%. This has little effect on the ground electrical properties where more than 30% of the variations have been found to be caused by the local effect.  相似文献   

There is growing empirical and theoretical interest in post‐consumption activity that results in the capture and creation of value from waste in the global economy. This article engages with two dominant approaches to tracing the capture and creation of value, global value chains (GVCs) and global production networks (GPNs), and their shared call to examine waste disposal and recycling. Using non‐participant observation, semi‐structured interviews, and a survey we examine what happens to the products of one of GVCs ‘and GPNs’ paradigmatic industries, electronics, when they are labelled e‐waste and are imported into Dhaka, Bangladesh, as rubbish electronics. Rather than wasting and final disposal predominating, our research documents a substantial rubbish recovery economy that captures and creates value anew. Consequently, we argue that both GVC and GPN approaches must rethink how they theorize the capture and creation of value.  相似文献   

Business angels (BAs) are recognized as playing a significant role in stimulating entrepreneurial activity. With the decline in both bank lending and venture capital investment since the onset of the global economic crisis, government efforts to stimulate BA activity have become a more significant component in strategies to increase the level of entrepreneurial activity. This paper examines the responsiveness of angels to such initiatives in so-called austerity economies – countries that were hardest hit by the financial crisis of 2008 and subsequent global recession and, as a consequence, had to take extreme economic and fiscal measures to reduce their budget deficits. We examine this question in Portugal which experienced one of the deepest recessions in the European Union following the implementation of severe austerity measures. This study confirms that government intervention to support angel investing can have a positive impact. However, the different types of intervention have varied in take-up rates. Other countries can learn from the Portuguese experience in three ways: the types of interventions that have the highest and lowest levels of take-up, the link between the design and the take-up of incentives, and types of intervention that should be considered but have not been implemented in Portugal.  相似文献   

The process of globalization is increasing competition between urban areas for the attraction of investment. Within this context the paper initially highlights the impact of global change on city economies linking this to international investment within the real estate market. Factors influencing diversification strategies and international investment activity within property markets in central Europe are considered relative to a range of performance criteria. Office markets in Prague, Budapest and Warsaw are forwarded as case study examples to assess the degree of maturity that is occurring in these former socialist cities based on the activity of investors and end‐users including the extent to which there are dual markets operating for local and international actors.  相似文献   

Manufacturers pursuing information on potential customers in distant, dynamic markets confront myriad obstacles. To address this, many firms attend international trade fairs in order to market their products, to meet with prospective customers, and to tap into buzz related to potential international opportunities. In many ways, moreover, such exhibitions can serve as short‐term agglomerations of same‐industry activity, particularly important for producer–user interface geared towards innovation. The goal of this paper is to explore how Korean machine tool manufacturers utilise a major global trade show in Seoul to minimise the difficulties associated with accessing a global customer base, inclusive of their activity at this show geared towards innovation. Evidence from firm‐level surveys and interviews suggest that the amount of importance placed on trade fair attendance as part of a firm's internationalisation strategies is related to export growth. Additionally, a new insight generated is that firms that participate in trade shows as part of their innovation process also demonstrate higher rates of export intensity. Finally, we may be witnessing newly discovered, technology‐driven, symbiotic relationships between online portal sites, vendors, and potential customers at these trade fairs, where virtual services are nonetheless augmented by a need for a continued onsite presence at these exhibitions.  相似文献   

In the Wahiba Sands of eastern Oman, luminescence dating of sands enables us to relate wind activity to climatic variations and the monsoon cycle. These changes resulted from Polar glacial/interglacial cyclicity and changes in global sea levels and wind strengths. Luminescence dates show that development of the Sands began over 230 ka ago when the sand-driving winds were the locally arid, northward-blowing SW Monsoon.  相似文献   

During the 1960s, the United Nations Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (COPUOS) worked to develop laws that would regulate activity in outer space. In the treaty that followed, outer space, a resource that encompassed Earth, was to remain outside of existing political borders, free from sovereign claims, and open to use by all states. Because of these stipulations, many have labeled outer space a “global commons” or “global resource.” In most academic analyses of global commons, these laws rejecting sovereign claims are treated as the de facto way that a resource that materially spanned all states would be governed. As debates in and outside of COPUOS indicate, however, the status of outer space as beyond states’ sovereign territorial jurisdiction was not given. Rather, as I demonstrate in this paper, the status of outer space and orbits as beyond sovereign territories is a result of political contestation over the understanding of physical properties of outer space and Earth. I trace the debate in the late 1960s and 1970s over the border between sovereign air space and “global” outer space. This was a debate over how outer space would be incorporated into political–economic relations. By using a production of nature approach that recognizes the importance of physical materialities and scalar politics, I demonstrate the constructedness of outer space as a “global” resource and how its construction as such furthered uneven political–economic processes. Such analysis illuminates how such socionatures beyond and across borders are produced to achieve particular political–economic outcomes.  相似文献   

Some recent investigations of thermosphere dynamics, carried out in the U.S.S.R., are reviewed briefly. The global empirical models of thermospheric motions are obtained on the basis of ground-based HF and meteor radar measurements of ionospheric irregularities drifts. Numerical modelling of large scale thermospheric electrodynamics for the low and mid-latitudes for quiet geomagnetic conditions, is presented. Disturbances of thermospheric wind systems from high latitude heat sources are considered. The response of lower thermosphere dynamics due to variations of solar and geomagnetic activity are discussed.  相似文献   

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