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既要保留遗迹在不同阶段的信息资料,又不影响发掘研究工作的继续进行,一直是考古工作者探索研究的问题。为配合秦始皇陵百戏俑坑的考古发掘工作,为后续考古研究和文物遗迹的保护提供必要的基础信息资料,针对大场景考古发掘现场,通过数字全站仪对文物挖掘现场布设的一定数量控制点进行观测获取其三维点位坐标。利用非量测数码相机获取现场多航带序列影像,通过数码相机检校、自动空中三角测量、影像特征提取与影像匹配、数字微分纠正等数字近景摄影测量方法,获取反映发掘现场文物分布情况的数字高程模型(DEM)和正射影像(DOM)数据。在生成的正射影像图上进行文物轮廓线条的提取,获得发掘现场文物的正射投影矢量图。实现文物位置、形状及分布的平面量测。实验证明:该方法不仅可大面积、快速获取文物挖掘现场文物分布的正射投影平面图,实现考古数字制图,而且能保证一定的精度。具有较高的推广应用价值。  相似文献   

This paper presents a methodology to combine the technology of the terrestrial laser scanner with the techniques of digital image processing in order to study damages on stony materials that constitute historical buildings. This methodology has been tested using intensity data from three terrestrial laser scanners with different technical specifications. The unsupervised classification algorithms were used for the classification of 2D intensity images derived from the 3D information obtained from laser scanner equipment. The results obtained show the potential of the use of intensity data from terrestrial laser scanner for the recognition and characterization of certain pathologies in building materials that constitute historical buildings.  相似文献   

Agisoft Photoscan照片建模技术在考古中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
照片建模技术是指利用数码照片重建物体的三维模型的技术。和其他建模方法相比,Agisoft Photoscan照片建模技术的最大特点就是成本低,操作简单,整个建模过程由软件自动完成。在考古发掘过程中对遗迹现象、地层等拍摄数码照片,利用照片它能够快速、准确的完成三维数据模型的重建,真实的记录、保存大量发掘过程中的原始信息,便于再现不同阶段的发掘现场,也有助于遗存数字化信息的永久保存,为后续全方位的研究和虚拟化展示提供了充分保障。本研究将以洛阳定鼎门遗址博物馆前的小型建筑和一座墓葬为例,介绍Agisoft Photoscan重建遗物及遗迹3D数字模型的方法和流程以及在考古方面的应用。鉴于其对数据采集的高效性、简便的操作性以及快速建立遗迹三维数据模型的能力,在考古工作中将有着巨大的应用前景。  相似文献   

彩塑三维重建是精确获取文物的三维几何和纹理信息的数字化技术,对于文物保护、数字档案建立、考古研究、展览展示以及移动数字博物馆建设等都具有重要的意义。莫高窟彩塑作为一种不可移动文物,受采集空间及丰富的纹理信息的影响,现有的三维重建方法尚不能在保证重建精度的基础上,准确还原文物表面的色彩信息。为此,通过研究和设计双相机结构光的FOTOMOULD三维重建系统,对莫高窟第45窟彩塑菩萨三维重建,在获取高精度几何信息的同时,达到了色彩、纹理、细节等高度还原的效果。  相似文献   

基于B/S模式秦陵考古GIS系统设计与实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对考古调查与发掘工作过程中所获空间及属性数据的管理,基于B/S模式,采用SSH框架、Java EE平台、PostgreSQL数据库以及ArcGIS Server平台构建秦陵考古信息系统框架,开发实现了具有快速查询浏览秦陵考古文物、遗址的空间地理和属性数据、考古成果日常管理与相关表单输出等功能的基于WebGIS的秦陵考古GIS系统。为秦陵考古研究提供更加规范化的数字化、信息化管理,其系统设计与实现具有广泛的推广价值。  相似文献   

刘自强  张天  田晨阳 《人文地理》2022,37(5):140-149
本文基于2014—2018年数字普惠金融指数,从金融地理学视角考察西北县域数字金融空间扩散规律及其内在机制。研究发现:第一,西北县域数字金融发展呈现从低低集聚向高高集聚区间集中的趋势,扩散现象明显。第二,信息技术的运用是数字金融发展与扩散的内生动力,但其有效发挥受传统金融地理结构影响。其会率先在传统金融机构分布较密集的地区发展,并显著体现在覆盖广度和使用深度两个维度。第三,基础设施水平和教育水平是有效的推动力,有助于数字金融向欠发达县域扩散。第四,从细分维度看,基础设施的作用仅体现在覆盖广度上,教育水平的推动作用则表现在覆盖广度与使用深度两个层面,但目前还无法有效促进数字化程度的扩散。  相似文献   

Exploring the students' information, communication technology (ICT) profile and how it may affect their attitudes towards the Egyptian university digital library (EUDL) and the role of the digital library in the educational and research activities in faculties of nursing and education in Egypt is the main concern of this study. A questionnaire was distributed to students in the faculties of Nursing and Education at five Egyptian universities. A total of 4008 responses have been received and analyzed. The results showed that nursing students are more active in implementing ICT and they have positive attitudes towards the digital library. The results also revealed that the digital library played a more positive role in the Nursing faculties than faculties of Education. The study also revealed five barriers for not using the digital library by the students: the restriction of accessing EDUL as a source of information for research and education, insufficient Internet access, lack of search skills, insufficient computer labs and the cost of using the available labs. The direct implementation of this study could be in the administration level of the quality assurance programs in the studied faculties. The results of the study could also be generalized to other similar programs in the Egyptian universities.  相似文献   

建设博物馆数字化的科普平台,加强了对馆藏文物的保护能力,促进了博物馆的历史文化教育和传播功能,具有重大的现实意义和深远的历史意义。本工作将介绍其构建方法:采用全景拍摄、三维扫描等数字化信息采集技术,对博物馆建筑的内外景、重点馆藏文物进行信息采集,构建虚拟的历史遗迹遗存、网上博物馆,将实体博物馆以数字化方式完整呈现,通过互联网/移动互联网提供身临其境的虚拟参观服务;采用二维码、电子标签、混合定位等技术,为现场观众提供自助音视频文化科普导览服务;策划制作面向广大青少年的反映中国历史文化遗产的4D影视科普作品及建设面向普通观众开放的博物馆4D动感影厅工程播放系统,以此构建博物馆数字化科普平台。  相似文献   

Even though most archaeologists are aware of the crop mark phenomenon and its possible archaeological nature, the information on its occurrence and specific character is, in most cases, obtained by imaging in the visible spectrum. After the Second World War, the occasional use of near-infrared (NIR) sensitive emulsions attributed this kind of invisible imaging with a great potential. However, archaeological NIR imaging always remained restricted due to several reasons not, at least, its complicated workflow and uncertain results. This article wants to delve deeper into the subject, looking at the conventional film-based approach of NIR aerial reconnaissance and its historical use in archaeological crop mark research, after which a current straightforward digital approach will be outlined. By explaining the spectral properties of plants and using examples of recently acquired NIR imagery in comparison with visible frames, it should become clear why the detection and interpretation of crop marks can benefit from low-cost digital NIR imaging in certain situations.  相似文献   

随着信息时代的来临,数字化手段的应用日益在社会生活中占据重要的地位,博物馆的发展也离不开对这一科学生产方式使用。通过对博物馆藏品影像数字化工作状况的分析、介绍及其意义的阐发,指出文物的数字影像信息是博物馆各项工作开展的重要资源,它的合理开发与应用涉及了博物馆工作的各个主要方面。博物馆的未来在于数字化,博物馆数字化的关键在于文物数字影像资料的科学开发、利用和管理。  相似文献   

文物领域利用数字化文物通过网络媒介传播文物信息已经成为一种文物交流的新趋势。如何更好地利用采集的文物数字化档案,发挥数字文物的作用是进行文物数字化的最终目的。为此,针对新津观音寺明代壁画各种病害造成的不同程度的缺损状况,利用数字图像修复技术对其进行了计算机自动虚拟修复研究。研究表明,Criminisi基于样本的图像修复算法可利用图像小波域的小波系数优化因子,保证算法对不同纹理程度的图像采用适当的优化因子值以实现修复策略的调整,其采样的"素材"同实际壁画修复一样来自于画面已知区域,在观音寺壁画数字图像上有较好的虚拟修复效果。  相似文献   

西周倗国墓地绿松石珠微痕的数码显微镜分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为有效揭示史前和历史时代早期出土玉器的加工痕迹,了解古代机械加工的起源和演变过程,选择西周倗国墓地出土的一枚穿孔绿松石珠,在带有景深扩展技术和三维图像重建功能VHX-500K型数码显微镜下进行微痕分析。发现其表面的打磨痕迹和孔壁上钻孔形成的多圈平行螺旋纹皆十分清晰。结合现代绿松石打磨的模拟实验和前人的工作,认为该枚绿松石珠表面打磨的工具应为一种机械转动磨盘,其具备粗磨和细磨两个功能。有关磨料的颗粒甚粗,其尺寸远大于现代细磨盘的磨料颗粒度。至于珠上的穿孔为对钻贯通,推测为空心管钻配合解玉砂高速旋转而成。这是国内首次将数码显微镜的景深扩展和三维重建技术应用于微痕分析,其研究成果可为古玉的科学鉴定,从加工工艺角度提供重要的信息。  相似文献   

Joe Shaw  Mark Graham 《对极》2017,49(4):907-927
Henri Lefebvre talked of the “right to the city” alongside a right to information. As the urban environment becomes increasingly layered by abstract digital representation, Lefebvre's broader theory warrants application to the digital age. Through considering what is entailed by the urbanization of information, this paper examines the problems and implications of any “informational right to the city”. In directing Tony Benn's five questions of power towards Google, arguably the world's most powerful mediator of information, this paper exposes processes that occur when geographic information is mediated by powerful digital monopolies. We argue that Google currently occupies a dominant share of any informational right to the city. In the spirit of Benn's final question—“How do we get rid of you?”—the paper seeks to apply post‐political theory in exploring a path to the possibility of more just information geographies.  相似文献   

墓葬壁画是一种重要的彩绘文物,对其进行揭取搬迁并加固修复是目前主要的保护方式。而在揭取搬迁时,对壁画绘画内容和颜料进行数字化记录及特性分析,是后续壁画表层合理修复的重要依据。光谱成像技术作为一种属性与视觉同步感知的信息探测手段,可以用于壁画表面颜料层的高维信息记录与材质属性分析;同时,利用高光谱伪彩色显示技术可以实现颜料色彩的虚拟复原。基于此,提出一种基于融合光谱分析与带通能量积分的壁画颜料色彩虚拟修复方法,并利用采集的颜料光谱数据、壁画高光谱成像数据与模拟真实场景下的混合颜料光谱数据进行壁画颜料识别与色彩虚拟复原实验。实验结果表明,对于选取的唐墓壁画上的红、黄、蓝、绿四种颜料,其融合光谱识别结果是:武惠妃墓的红色颜料为朱砂/银珠、韩休墓的黄色颜料为石黄/雌黄、武惠妃墓的蓝色颜料为石青/青金石、韩休墓的绿色颜料为石绿的匹配度最大;同时,基于上述识别结果,得到了纯色复原和壁画基底绘制复原的壁画颜料色彩虚拟复原结果,可以为壁画实体修复提供颜料层视觉修复的参考依据。上述研究成果在壁画保护及活化利用领域具有重要的创新示范意义。  相似文献   

The rock art survey and recording project described in this paper was designed for volunteers and heritage professionals involved in locating and mapping the position of rock art and other archaeological sites in the field, recording basic details for conservation and management, and making these details accessible in digital format for researchers who might want to undertake further investigation. An OpenDataKit (ODK) App with a digital site recording form was designed for mobile phones to be used in the field and to send data directly to the digital inventory of the South African Heritage Resources Information System (SAHRIS). The inventory has accumulated over 3000 sites with Later Stone Age rock paintings in the mountainous terrain of the Cederberg, a region that includes properties in the serial Cape Floral Region World Heritage Site in the Western Cape Province. More than a third of these rock art sites have been added to the database since 2007 by the members of the South African Archaeological Society. The information forms the basis for rock art management plans that are given to property owners to guide them in maintaining the value of the rock art. Interpretation of the information has raised awareness of the significance of the rock art in its historical and landscape setting with a trail and information boards. Local residents and CapeNature staff, who have received training in rock art monitoring and tourist guiding, play a key role in implementing the management plans for CapeNature properties, and monitoring individual sites and trails. The broader international context of volunteer programmes for archaeological site recording suggests that this type of programme has the potential to raise awareness of rock art beyond books and visits to museums and public lectures.  相似文献   


This paper reviews the history of the digital age of communications that began with the invention of the stored program computer in 1948 and is today realised by the World Wide Web, super fast broadband and the smart phone. Taking a predominantly UK focus, the paper examines the key technological advances that were made, where they occurred and what archaeological evidence remains of their existence. The paper begins by examining how digital technology was applied to the telephone network, how that network then provided the means by which early computers could be connected together, and from there to subsequently offer access to information services. Packet switching, the home computer, modems, optical fibre and the Internet are reviewed in terms of their importance in the creation of and growth in the World Wide Web. Finally, the application of digital technology to the mobile phone is discussed in terms of the development of mobile networks and the evolution of the handset into today’s smart phones. The paper concludes by recognising that much of the archaeological evidence of communication’s digital age has already been lost and that urgent action is needed to put in place appropriate preservation strategies.  相似文献   

为对秦始皇陵出土的彩绘铜车马采取非接触且科学可靠的方法开展研究,选择使用高光谱成像技术,以非接触方式无损地获取文物表面信息。通过对信息的处理与分析,实现对于文物表面彩绘纹样的发现与复原工作。针对秦始皇帝陵出土的二号青铜车马彩绘纹样的受损情况,提出了结合高光谱成像技术与计算机图像技术的数字复原方法。主要是利用了高光谱成像技术“图谱合一”的优势:一方面利用其在近红外区域的高光谱成像结果检测并复原出彩绘纹样难以识别的图案边缘信息;另一方面利用高光谱数据中的光谱信息,将铜车马彩绘纹样上未知矿物颜料的光谱同实验建立的矿物颜料标准光谱库进行拟合,识别出铜车马上彩绘所采用的颜料种类(雄黄1、石青5、石绿1、黄丹、铅白等),从而获得色彩信息。实验结果显示该方法可以得到较为完整的铜车马彩绘纹样的数字复原图像,并为今后对于铜车马更深入的研究和应用提供有利支撑。  相似文献   

Historic aerial images are invaluable sources of aid to archaeological research. Often collected with large-format photogrammetric quality cameras, these images are potential archives of multidimensional data that can be used to recover information about historic landscapes that have been lost to modern development. However, a lack of camera information for many historic images coupled with physical degradation of their media has often made it difficult to compute geometrically rigorous 3D content from such imagery. While advances in photogrammetry and computer vision over the last two decades have made possible the extraction of accurate and detailed 3D topographical data from high-quality digital images emanating from uncalibrated or unknown cameras, the target source material for these algorithms is normally digital content and thus not negatively affected by the passage of time. In this paper, we present refinements to a computer vision-based workflow for the extraction of 3D data from historic aerial imagery, using readily available software, specific image preprocessing techniques and in-field measurement observations to mitigate some shortcomings of archival imagery and improve extraction of historical digital elevation models (hDEMs) for use in landscape archaeological research. We apply the developed method to a series of historic image sets and modern topographic data covering a period of over 70 years in western Sicily (Italy) and evaluate the outcome. The resulting series of hDEMs form a temporal data stack which is compared with modern high-resolution terrain data using a geomorphic change detection approach, providing a quantification of landscape change through time in extent and depth, and the impact of this change on archaeological resources.  相似文献   

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