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The study of archaeological sediments is an important source of information on how humans lived at a site. Attributes of human site use such as frequency of visits and duration of stay can be explored by measuring changes in phosphorus (determined using X-ray fluorescence) and carbon concentrations in sediments and magnetic susceptibility of sediments in combination with analysis of other sediment attributes, stone artefacts and faunal remains. This study concludes that increases in phosphorus and carbon concentrations and the discard rate of stone artefacts at Marillana A rockshelter in the inland Pilbara, Western Australia, indicate an increase in the frequency of site use with no change in the function of the site. This is interpreted as representative of an increase in regional population density.  相似文献   

For over a decade, geoarchaeological methods such as multi-element analysis and soil micromorphology have been used to identify and interpret activity areas on archaeological sites. However, these techniques, along with others such as magnetic susceptibility, loss on ignition, and microrefuse, artefact and bone distribution analyses are rarely integrated in the study of a single site, even though they provide very different and potentially complementary data. This paper presents a comparative study of a wide range of geoarchaeological methods that were applied to the floors sediments of a Viking Age house at the site of Aðalstræti 16, in central Reykjavík, Iceland, along with more traditional artefact and bone distribution analyses, and a spatial study of floor layer boundaries and features in the building. In this study, the spatial distributions of artefacts and bones could only be understood in the light of the pH distributions, and on their own they provided limited insight into the use of space in the building. Each of the sediment analyses provided unique and valuable information about possible activity areas, with soil micromorphology proving to have the greatest interpretive power on its own. However, the interpretation potential of the geochemical methods was dramatically enhanced if they were integrated into a multi-method dataset.  相似文献   

We present results of electrical conductivity profiles obtained with inductive electromagnetic geophysical method in Santa Marta archaeological site, Santa Catarina State, southern Brazil. This site is a sambaqui (shell mound), in which several human occupation remains are found during pre-colonial period such as buried lithic and bone artifacts, fire-place, etc. Most of these mounds include as well many human burials, which, in many cases, point to funerary ritual as a main agency for mound building. A set of profiles of apparent electrical conductivity and magnetic susceptibility was acquired in two sites aiming the identification of geophysical anomalies with potential interest for excavation. To enhance conductivity data, we applied an effective procedure to remove topographical effects in the apparent conductivity measurements, which are rather conditioned by the presence of a variable water table depth or conductive sediment layer. A linear dependence among conductivity values and the site elevation provided a simple linear model to remove the influence of topography. Corrected electric conductivity maps substantially improved the definition of anomalies, many of them rather subtle in raw data images. Corrected maps also show a better adherence with magnetic susceptibility maps, both of them identifying archaeological structures of interest: a well-structured fire-place and a concentration of ceramic fragments.  相似文献   


The many intersecting issues that arise when deciding whether to shelter an archaeological site should be approached using a values-based methodology, one that has demonstrated its validity arid practical worth in conservation over recent decades. Nonetheless, pitfalls abound in the decision-making process and in establishing effective conservation criteria which should be based principally on a thorough understanding of the threats to the resource and the specific deterioration mechanisms operating, with the objective of creating a shelter that will preserve the site's identified values. An aspect that has received almost no attention in the past is evaluation of a shelter's performance, both qualitative and quantitative, in preserving the site. It is urged that this receive priority when establishing the conservation criteria during the initial phases of a sheltering project. Issues are illustrated from a range of diverse sites, including a number of published shelters. The paper first looks at the examples of the Laetoli (Tanzania) and Lark Quarry (Australia) trackway sites in the context of decision-making and conservation criteria, and then discusses two examples of evaluation: one quantitative, using an experimental shelter and the other discussing publications on a petroglyph site shelter.  相似文献   

Jinmium rock shelter is famous for the claims made by Fullagar et al. (1996) for the early human colonization and ancient rock art of northern Australia. These claims were based on thermo-luminescence ages obtained for the artefact-bearing quartz sediments that form the floor deposit at the site. In this paper, we outline the background to the optical dating programme at Jinmium, and describe the experimental design and statistical methods used to obtain optical ages from single grains of quartz sand. The results, interpretations, and implications of this dating programme are reported in a companion paper (Roberts et al. 7999, this volume).  相似文献   

The identification of pastoral sites in the East African archaeological record is problematic. Recently, a method for the identification of degraded livestock enclosure sediments had been developed that takes into account the geoarchaeological indicators of micromorphology, phytolith concentrations and the mineral assemblages. This suite of indicators may not always be present in degraded livestock enclosure sediments. This study presents an additional indicator by which degraded livestock enclosure sediments may be identified, namely the isotopic composition of organic nitrogen measured on bulk sediment samples. We studied a highly controlled ethnoarchaeological sequence of abandoned Maasai livestock enclosure sediments sampled in Rombo area, southern Kenya. The results were compared to archaeological sediments from the Elmenteitan Pastoral Neolithic site of Sugenya, southwestern Kenya, radiocarbon dated to ca. 2000 BP (uncalibrated). The sediments from both sites were studied using all four types of analyses, i.e., micromorphology, mineralogy, phytolith concentrations, and stable carbon and nitrogen isotopic compositions on bulk sediment samples. The results show that in abandoned livestock enclosure sediments of known ages a significant enrichment in the heavy nitrogen isotope (15N) occurs, and that carbon isotopic compositions may be useful for differentiating cattle from caprine enclosures following their dietary preferences (i.e., grazers vs. browsers). A similar pattern of 15N enrichment is observed in sediments sampled within the site of Sugenya while sediments sampled outside the site's perimeter are generally depleted in 15N. The micromorphological, mineralogical and phytolith analyses support the conclusion that the sediments from within the site of Sugenya represent degraded livestock enclosure sediments. The carbon isotopic composition from the degraded dung deposits strongly suggests that livestock kept at Sugenya were cattle. Overall, this study presents new empirical data that can be used for the identification of livestock enclosures, and shows that the isotopic signatures and geoarchaeological indicators can preserve for at least two millennia.  相似文献   

New excavations at Border Cave use high-resolution techniques, including FT-IR, for sediment samples and thin sections of micromorphology blocks from stratigraphy. These show that sediments have different moisture regimes, both spatially and chronologically. The site preserves desiccated grass bedding in multiple layers and they, along with seeds, rhizomes, and charcoal, provide a profile of palaeo-vegetation through time. A bushveld vegetation community is implied before 100,000 years ago. The density of lithics varies considerably through time, with high frequencies occurring before 100,000 years ago where a putative MSA 1/Pietersburg Industry was recovered. The highest percentage frequencies of blades and blade fragments were found here. In Members 1 BS and 1 WA, called Early Later Stone Age by Beaumont, we recovered large flakes from multifacial cores. Local rhyolite was the most common rock used for making stone tools, but siliceous minerals were popular in the upper members.  相似文献   

The excavation at Takarkori rock shelter is part of a long-term study of Holocene cultural dynamics in southwest Libya begun in the early 1990s. With a rich Holocene occupation, the area is one of the key spots for reconstruction of human occupation of the last 10,000 years. In this region, similar to the case in the rest of the Sahara, most of the data come from surface investigations at open-air sites, while excavated caves and rock shelters provide just a few. Although less exposed than open-air sites, Holocene archaeological deposits in Saharan caves and rock shelters are characterized by a fairly dynamic nature. Loose sediments, coupled with variability of human occupations and magnitude of natural agents, determine multiple alterations to the archaeological deposits in sheltered sites. In this paper, we present the nature and meaning of the archaeological deposits at Takarkori rock shelter, where a relatively large area has been recently excavated, showing a stratigraphic sequence extending from c. 9,000 to 4,200 BP, unevenly represented by several occupation pulses. In order to sharpen understanding of the development of human occupation at this site, specific procedures for the study and recording of the archaeological deposit have been developed, along with a program of extensive radiocarbon dating. Data from the Takarkori sequence ultimately will be integrated with available published stratigraphies from the Acacus Mountains, with the aim of reviewing the results from past excavations.  相似文献   

Sunken-featured buildings (SFBs) are the most ubiquitous structure in Anglo-Saxon settlements sites of the 5th and 7th century. This research applies micromorphological and quantitative geochemical analysis using portable X-ray fluorescence (XRF), scanning electron microscopy/energy dispersive spectroscopy, magnetic susceptibility and organic content measurement to two SFB fills from the Anglo-Saxon royal and monastic site of Lyminge, Kent. This is done with the aim of interpreting depositional and post-depositional processes to help understand human activities contributing to the fill of these features. Such a mixed-method approach, while not unprecedented, has been rarely applied to early mediaeval deposits and has yet to be fully exploited in interpreting SFBs. The analysis reveals that each fill comprises backfilled spoil and dumped midden material from domestic activities, most likely deposited in a single process after each building fell out of use. The intentional incorporation of material from a diversity of sources supports the view that the closure represents a distinct event in the life cycle of these buildings. Geochemical profiling of the fill composition further demonstrates differentials in activity levels potentially associated with more intense periods of site replanning at the time of closure of one of these buildings.  相似文献   

烧土制品作为最早的人工建筑材料,使人类的居住环境得到了根本性的改善。然而,学界关于烧土建筑的成因存在人为烘烤处理、缘自火焚、废弃习俗等多种观点。通过科技手段研究烧土制品的过火温度,有助于科学分析烧土建筑的成因,探讨与之相关的建筑工艺,丰富史前建筑史研究。磁学研究表明,考古遗址中的土壤及其他沉积物在受热后新生成了磁铁矿、磁赤铁矿等强磁性矿物导致磁性显著增强,且矿物成分和磁性几乎不会再发生变化;但当重烧的温度接近或大于原始烧成温度时,样品中原始矿物的破坏或新矿物的生成,会引起矿物磁性的改变。基于这一原理,实验室内分析受热黏土的磁化率随再加热温度的变化特征,可反映烧土制品的过火温度。苏家村遗址是大汶口文化晚期至龙山文化中期早段一处重要的聚落遗址,遗址中第5层为厚约20~40 cm的红烧土层且覆盖整个遗址,推测为房屋倒塌造成的建筑垃圾堆积层或人为堆积层,出土大量烧土块。本研究利用X射线衍射分析法、X射线荧光光谱分析法和磁化率法等对苏家村遗址出土的烧土样品开展了组成及构造特征和样品的过火温度的综合分析。结果表明,苏家村遗址烧土样品中的白灰层中人为地添加了白色陶土原料,土层中有意地添加了植物残骸作...  相似文献   

In anticipation of a future crewed mission to Mars, the international non‐profit organisation known as the Mars Society is currently establishing four mockup bases at which planetary surface operations simulations, equipment testing and personnel training exercises will be conducted over the next decade. These should provide valuable design data for, and raise public awareness about, plans to explore the red planet. One of these bases, which are organised around a habitat of the kind that is likely to serve as shelter for surface‐dwelling astronauts, is to be sited in central Australia under the name MARS‐OZ. To find a suitable location, the Mars Society Australia has conducted a ground‐truth survey of 15 potential sites as practical scientific analogues of the Martian surface, recording these in a specialised database. Each site was assessed on a set of geomorphic, science/engineering, logistic and visual analogue criteria. Six circular exploration zones 200 km in diameter were identified as clusters of the most significant, observed, comparative planetological features. These zones were then ranked to recommend a series of ‘landing sites’, at which future field seasons of exploratory science may be conducted.  相似文献   

Intrasite studies of the spatial arrangements of archaeological materials to interpret structures in activity areas is an important facet of archaeology. As post-depositional processes move these materials from their original position it is imperative that the effect of these processes are evaluated before interpretations about the use of space by humans living at the site are made. In this study we conclude that most of the sediment starch and charcoal from a sandstone rockshelter in New South Wales derives from a cultural source. An evaluation of the effect of seven physical characteristics of the site on the horizontal distribution of the starch and charcoal remains suggests that, at least at this rockshelter, and unlike their effect on stone artefacts, these characteristics have not obscured the general pattern of original distribution at the site. The distribution pattern can, therefore, be interpreted as representative of past human use of space at the rockshelter.  相似文献   


Foit Selden State Monument, located in southern New Mexico, consists of the exposed adobe ruins of a military post that was occupied from 1865 to 1981. A management plan for the site is currently being developed in which an option being considered for preservation is the construction of a protective shelter.

The process of establishing conservation, design and construction criteria for a potential shelter at Fort Selden involves the assessment of technical issues and the evaluation of public support for the criteria and purpose of the monument. The conservation concerns are based upon accepted standards for conservation and construction criteria while the design and construction standards involve a higher degree of Public concern, particularly the public expectations exerted on a historic site in the United States.

The criteria for Fort Selden are currently being codified. This paper outlines the preliminary criteria as well as the process by which these criteria will be established and meshed with the public expectations of the site. The planning process is presented and the underlying philosophies of deciding to shelter, designing the shelter and constructing the shelter. Future evaluations of the shelter's success can be gauged against these original criteria and mindset.  相似文献   

The magnetic response derived from an iron‐smelting site was investigated by comparing magnetometry and magnetic susceptibility geophysical survey data and laboratory analyses of the magnetic characteristics of the furnace and slags. Magnetic analysis and microscopy (optical and SEM) of samples from the furnace lining and the slag deposits demonstrated the heterogeneity in the magnetic, morphological and mineral compositions of both materials. The comparison of the magnetic characteristics of the material with the geophysical survey data illustrated the importance of using both magnetometry and magnetic susceptibility survey techniques to maximize the information from an iron‐smelting site. The furnace was dated archaeomagnetically to the 14th century ad . The results demonstrate that the magnetic analysis of iron‐smelting sites is highly valuable, both to characterize sites and to improve the understanding of early iron‐working technology.  相似文献   

Foraminifera are single cell protozoa that are ubiquitous in marine environments. Although the hard casings, or tests, of foraminifera are routinely studied in the earth sciences, they have been little studied by archaeologists, despite their potential to contribute to understandings of coastal site formation processes and palaeoenvironments. In this study techniques and methods of foraminiferal analysis are developed and applied to the problem of distinguishing between natural and cultural marine shell deposits, using the Mort Creek Site Complex, central Queensland, Australia, as a case study. Results allow separation of natural and cultural deposits based on foraminiferal density. Natural deposits were found to have >1000 foraminifera per 100 g of sediment, while cultural deposits exhibited <50 foraminifera per 100 g of sediment. Results allow us to better understand site formation processes at the Mort Creek Site Complex and highlight the potential of foraminiferal analyses in the interpretation of terrestrial marine deposits.  相似文献   

During the 1994/95 wet season, runoff, suspended load and bedload loss from large scale erosion plots under natural rainfall events were measured at three sites with different treatments on the Energy Resources of Australia Ranger waste rock dump (cap, soil, fire). The fire site has well established trees, the soil site smaller shrubs and the cap site minimal vegetation. All three sites are located on the flat areas of the waste rock dump with similar slopes and cap, fire and soil are local names for the sites. The quantity of bedload eroded from the soil and fire sites decreased during the monitoring period, however, the same trend was not observed on the cap site. Bedload loss from the fire and soil sites is significantly log‐linear with time and reduces at a decreasing rate until becoming statistically constant toward the later part of the first half of the wet season. For corresponding storms at each site, bedload erosion was highest from the unvegetated and unripped cap site and lowest from the well vegetated fire site. Site specific linear relationships between bedload and total sediment load have been derived and can be used to derive total sediment load in the absence of measured suspended load.  相似文献   


The conservation treatments carried out between June 1992 and August 1993 on the architectural remains of a Byzantine basilica in Petra, Jordan, during and immediately after the excavation are described. The treatments completed during excavation included: stabilization and consolidation of certain sections of the basilica's sandstone ashlar masonry; cleaning and consolidation of the unpainted lime wall plaster decorating the basilica interior; cleaning and consolidation in situ of the extensive remains of a figurative mosaic pavement in the two side aisles, and the fragmentary remains of the opus sectile pavement in the central aisle. The consolidation treatments included injection grouting using hydraulic mortar mixes produced in Italy, and mortar repairs using slaked lime and hydraulic lime. The existence of the mosaic required preventive conservation measures during the excavation, such as the construction of a temporary shelter over the site during the winter, the use of temporary protective facings over damaged areas of the mosaic, as well as the temporary backfilling of the mosaic with soil over a layer of geotextile in order to protect the mosaic between the initial phase of conservation work and the construction of a permanent shelter for the site in the near future. The importance of having a conservator present on site during the critical phase of excavation, when all materials are most susceptible to damage, is emphasized. The Petra Church Project will hopefully serve as a model for future excavations in that it employed two conservators from the beginning of the excavation: one for small finds, the other responsible for the site and the architectural remains removed from the site during the excavation.  相似文献   

This paper introduces research at the Mlambalasi rock shelter in the Iringa Region of southern Tanzania. The deposits are composed of a historic and Iron Age occupation, a microlithic Holocene Later Stone Age (LSA), and then a macrolithic Late Pleistocene LSA. Middle Stone Age deposits are also present on the slope in front of the rock shelter. Excavations in A.D. 2002, 2006, and 2010 yielded fragmentary human remains as well as pottery, iron, stone tools, faunal bone, and glass and ostrich eggshell beads. Among the human remains, four individuals are present: two adults and a juvenile were found in the same LSA context, and another adult associated with the Iron Age/historic period. The most complete skeleton is an adult of indeterminate sex that was found in situ in an LSA deposit. Charcoal in proximity to the bone was AMS radiocarbon dated to 12,925 cal BC (OxA‐24620), which is consistent with radiocarbon dates on giant land snail shells from above and below the remains. The skeleton exhibits a series of pathological changes such as extensive dental wear and carious lesions, as well as damage most likely caused by termites, post‐mortem. The most striking aspect of this individual is its small size; stature and body mass estimations place it in the range of historic Khoesan from southern Africa. Consequently, this research adds to the discourse regarding the existence of small‐bodied people in the East African LSA. Findings from this new skeletal sample will contribute to studies of human biology and variation in Africa during the terminal Pleistocene and Holocene. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) analysis of clays from anthropogenic Late Holocene reservoir sediments can provide a paleoclimatic proxy. Illite and smectite are climate sensitive clay minerals and their relative amounts correlate with climatic episodes. Relative percent composition of clays in Late Holocene reservoir sediment is diagnostic of different mineral source areas and their hydraulic transport processes, which are climate controlled. Climosequences of clay minerals from Late Holocene reservoir sediments are correlative with magnetic susceptibility records and provide a relatively simple and cost-effective tool for gaining insight into paleoclimate.  相似文献   

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