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Ngapoi Ngawang Jigmei, 96 this year,speaking at the ceremony. He said he hasbeen living in the world for close to onecentury and eyewitnessed historic changesof Tibet, seeing how the Tibetans emergedfrom dire poverty to a thriving society. Heexpressed his confidence in seeing nationalunity and prosperity and furtherdevelopment of Tibet.To mark the 40th anniversary of the founding of the Tibet Autonomous Region, apictorial titled Ngapoi Ngawang Jigmei was printed. A ceremony was held in th…  相似文献   

<正>It was the spring of 2011,in Beijing Capital International Airport,when Wu Yuchu was about to fly to Lhasa again.This marked his full-time return to Tibet after working in Beijing for 20 years.His mission this time was to establish a state-level museum dedicated to yaks to express his love and respect for the Tibetan Plateau and its people.Ever Thankful to Yaks On March 13 and 19,Wu Yuchu,curator of the Yak Museum of Tibet,gave  相似文献   

After the Opium War in 1840, China was more and more semi-colonized. Around the turn of the 20th century, the national strength of the Qing Empire was quickly weakening. As a result, the Qing Court exercised a weaker rule over Tibet, and its political relationship with Tibet was consequently affected. On the problems of how to resist foreign invasions and how to handle Tibet's internal affairs, the Qing Court and  相似文献   

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King Gesar is a focus of study in and outside China. Accomplished scholars include:——Alexandra David-Neel (1868-1969): A noted French expert in Oriental studies, Chinese and Tibetan studies in the 20th century, she visited Tibet and surrounding areas five times for survey. Her treatises and diaries related to the Orient, especially to Tibet and related areas, were translated into many languages and published repeatedly.——Ren Neiqiang (1894-1989): A noted geologist, an expert in ethnic groups and a pioneer in Tibetan studies. From 1939 to 1944, he published his Initial Introduction to "Tibetan Three Kingdoms" and "On the Three Kingdoms" in Border Government Affairs Forum and Kangdao Month.——R.A. Stein (1911-1999): He is held as the most successful Tibetan study worker in France in the 20th century. And he was one of the few who could do research in both Tibetan and Chinese. His contribution to the study of King Gesarfinds expression in his effort to translate the epic.——Wang Yinuan (1907-1998): A  相似文献   

e are all products of our times. Everyone's life story is a history of his Wtimes and every Tibetan has a life story worth telling. The 20th century was probably the most eventful century in the history of our blue planet. Many historic events came thick and fast. For Tibet, 1951 was amassive year.  相似文献   

On May 16th,2003,Jampa Phuntsog,on wining the most votes at the second session of the eighth People's Congress of Tibetan Autonomous Region(TAR),was chosen to be the chairman of the government of TAR.Since then,the Khampa man from downtown Chamdu of TAR became the seventh chairman of the government of TAR,and the leader of 2.7 million people living on the snow-covered plateau. On January 30th,2007,the author kept an appointment at the Tibet Hotel in Beijing to hold an exclusive interview with Chairman Jampa Phuntsog,an ethnic Tibetan and university graduate.The interview was initially planed to take place in Lhasa,but just before setting off by airplane,the author was informed that Chairman Jampa Phuntsog was on his way to Beijing for a conference.Speaking with Chairman Jamp Phuntsog he agreed to change the interview to Beijing."This may save you a journey",Chairman Jampa remarked courteously. In the interview,Chairman Jampa Phuntsog gave a comprehensive introduction to TAR's status quo regarding development in recent years and added a brief of himself.  相似文献   

<正>Ngabo Ngawang Jigme was one of the most outstanding contributors to the cause of democratic reform in Tibet.On hearing the news of his passing,Sonam Gelek, deputy,director of the Committee on Ethnic and Religious Affairs of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference of the Tibet Autonomous Region,felt at his wit's end.His voice trembled as he said:"We Tibetans have lost our most excellent son.This is a major loss to our undertakings as well as a loss to the cause of ethnic affairs.I couldn't control my sadness."  相似文献   

Since the end of the 19th Century, a little westerns sneaked into Tibet and then a real Tibet showed in front of the world through their sketches or photographs. In the early of the 20th Century, there were two photo studios in Lhasa by Nepalese. About in 1930s or 1940s one of Nepalese bosses got ill and dead. He was sent to the celestial burial stone of the Sera Monastery  相似文献   

The Most Precious Cultural Relics and Donations On May 27,2019,a grand donation ceremony was held in Lhasa.Jewon Koodhor Gelek Gyatso,a man known to be the reincarnated spirit of Champa Ling Monastery in Chamdo,made the generous donation as a member of the 13th CPPCC National Committee,the TAR's CPPCC Standing Committee,and the Overseas Chinese Affairs Office.He also concurrently serves as the vice chairman of the TAR's branch of the Overseas Chinese Affairs Office and has been warmly welcomed back to his motherland from a life abroad.At the ceremony,the local government of the Tibet Autonomous Region issued Jewon Koodhor Gelek Gyatso a certificate of honor.  相似文献   

I was embraced by a dream:to spend the rest of my life in a paradise with the old folks with whom we had spent our youth in Tibet.In August 2006,my 30th anniversary of entering Tibet.I drove back to the tableland and shared my wish with Tsering Lhada.He agreed and both  相似文献   

I was embraced by a dream:to spend the rest of my life in a paradise with the old folks with whom we had spent our youth in Tibet.In August 2006,my 30th anniversary of entering Tibet.I drove back to the tableland and shared my wish with Tsering Lhada.He agreed and both  相似文献   

For half a century since he fled abroad after the military rebellion of March 19, 1959, the Dalai Lama and his clique have been trying by all means to undermine Tibetan security, unity and happiness so as to split Tibet from China and restore the feudal slavery system. He has told various lies to disguise this cruelest and most savage feudal slavery system and to fool people into believing that the Old Tibet before his escape was really as happy as Heaven.  相似文献   

Tibet Elected New Chairman Losang Gyaltsen was elected the new chairman of Tibet Autonomous Regional(TAR)at the close of the first session of the 10th TAR People’s Congress on Jan.29.After his election,he said that the regional government will deepen reform and opening up for the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics and that harmony and stability is an essential guarantee for Tibet’s development and prosperity.  相似文献   

October 30,2021,the National Ski Mountaineering Invitational Competition(one of a series of activities of the 19th China’s Tibet Mountaineering Convention)kicked off at Luodui Peak,Damxung County of Lhasa City.This was the first event of its kind organized by the Tibet Autonomous Region to construct a competitive platform for professional skiers,upgrade their competitive capacities and skills.  相似文献   

<正>Spring has come once again,and as the flowers begin to bud,Beijing welcomes members of the National Committee of Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference(CPPCC)from the Tibet Autonomous Region(TAR)to participate in the 5th session of 12th CPPCC National Committee.These CPPCC members bring the proposals they have worked out based on their comprehensive investigations collected before their arrival in Beijing.The proposals are a compilation of the wishes and voices from the various different sectors of Tibet,and they aim to propel the initiative to develop the Tibet Autonomous  相似文献   

The Tibet AutonomousRegion has now been inexistence for 40 years. Iwould just like to recall someprofound memories to com-memorate this 40th anniversary of itsfoundation.Delegation Head Chen YiEntering Tibet in a JeemoVehicleIn April 1956 a very great motorcadeconsisting of more than 200 vehicles spedalong the Qinghai-Tibet Highway. Therewas a great variety of vehicles, includingJeemo, Warsaw, and others. This was thefirst Central Government Delegationgroup to enter Tibet after the li…  相似文献   

<正>"It breaks my heart looking at the door of my house!"In the guest house of Gumu Township government,a local herdsman was trying to describe for us how his home was wrecked by a brown bear.Inside the room,the smell of mutton and butter lingered in the air.Outside,there was the perfectly typical blue sky of Tibet.It was already June,but the weather was still chilly and windy on the Changtang grassland.The down jacket I put away only a month ago  相似文献   

正In historical records,when Princess Wencheng went to Tibet(then a kingdom named Tubo);the king(Songtse'n Gampo) and his officers more than likely thought highly of the Tang court's attire and system of etiquette.The king himself imposed the Gaoshen system upon his subjects,with the system being the primary means for distinguishing rank and class.The general academic consensus is that this was a direct descendant of the Tang court's own way of doing much the same thing,  相似文献   

After the peaceful liberation of Tibet(in particular the opening up),Nyima Ngodrup,by maintaining his genuinely diligent and honest disposition,immediately played a significant role in local grain production and his family became one of the biggest grain-growing households.He was even cited as the national labor model.In 1990,when Chairman Jiang Zemin visited Shigatse,he met Nyima Ngodrup and encouraged him to cultivate more land.Up to this time the former serf who could never previously dare to look his master of the Shika in the face,was for the first time experiencing the feeling of ownership before the State leader.  相似文献   

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