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叶建 《史学理论研究》2013,(1):64-71,159
20世纪初,中国近代学人从译述日本的西方哲学史著述开始,初步介绍了分析的历史哲学的代表人物及观点,而后梁启超、李大钊等人又有更进一步的阐释。自20年代中期起,一批史学家、哲学家不满足于二手材料,强调从原著入手加以研究,这推动了西方哲学在国内传播高潮的到来。由此可见,西方分析的历史哲学俨然成为西学东渐中不可或缺的一道风景。因它与实证主义史学理论等存在差异甚至是对立,故其传播对当时占主导地位的进化史观、史学性质科学说等关键命题都有相当多的回应,这引发了时人的深入反思,推动了中国近代史学理论的深化。  相似文献   


Over 40 million persons are suffering from severe mental illness allover the world and their number will grow during the next decades. The reasons why their treatment is often neglected and of low priority are reviewed, and research in the subject is criticized as being insufficiently interdisciplinary. During the last three years WHO has developed a new approach to mental health, urging mental health professionals to reorient their philosophy of work. Suggestions for urgent interdisciplinary research projects conclude the review.  相似文献   


The essay collects Ian Hunter's central theoretical and methodological arguments from their various interpretative contexts and restates them in order to consider criticisms, real and imagined. Is Hunter's criticism of common forms of philosophical history itself open to such criticism, making its validity dependent upon prior adoption of a philosophical stance? Is his empirical intellectual history a form of ‘social’ reductionism?  相似文献   

为被称为零售业生命的连锁店而操劳昭和32年,我的父亲在滋贺县彦根市开了一个叫平和堂的鞋包店。随着销售商品种类的不断增加,昭和41年,这个鞋包店已经变成了出售衣物、食品以及日常生活用品的百货商店,商场面积也达到了千余平方米。昭和43年开始拓展连锁店业务,二号连锁店在草  相似文献   

This article argues that the perception of decline among philosophers of history reflects the diffused weak academic status of the discipline, as distinct from the booming research activity and demand for philosophy of history that keeps pace with the growth rate of publications in the philosophies of science and law. This growth is justified and rational because the basic problems of the philosophy of history, concerning the nature of historiographical knowledge and the metaphysical assumptions of historiography, have maintained their relevance. Substantive philosophy of history has an assured popularity but is not likely to win intellectual respectability because of its epistemic weaknesses. I suggest focusing on problems that a study of historiography can help to understand and even solve, as distinct from problems that cannot be decided by an examination of historiography, such as the logical structure of explanation (logical positivism)and the relation between language and reality (post‐structuralism). In particular, following Quine's naturalized epistemology, I suggest placing the relation between evidence and historiography at the center of the philosophy of historiography. Inspired by the philosophy of law, I suggest there are three possible relations between input (evidence)and output in historiography: determinism, indeterminism, and underdeterminism. An empirical examination of historiographical agreement, disagreement, and failure to communicate may indicate which relation holds at which parts of historiography. The historiographical community seeks consensus, but some areas are subject to disagreements and absence of communication; these are associated with historiographical schools that interpret conflicting models of history differently to fit their evidence. The reasons for this underdetermination of historiography by evidence needs to be investigated further.  相似文献   


The continuous technological progress since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution seemed to confirm the Rationalists and the optimism of the Age of Enlightenment. This is no longer so. In this review new lines of enquiry into this change are discussed, and various philosophical features and traditions are explored. It proves difficult to define ‘technology’; the philosophy of science and its methodology are considered, mind and machines are contrasted and the review concludes with a consideration of the arguments put forward for metaphysical interpretations of technology.  相似文献   

This essay examines how hermeneutic philosophy, particularly Gadamer's, recovers rhetoric, less as the art of speaking well than as a statement of a truth of the sensus communis, that which communicates veracious content through argumentation. This is the sense in which Gadamer acknowledges the ubiquity of rhetoric and hermeneutics as components of linguisticity (Sprachlichkeit). Conceived in the context of non-methodical wisdom and phronesis, Gadamer's rehabilitated rhetoric is concerned with pragmatics and ethics. Rhetoric is no longer viewed as a technique of verbal manipulation and becomes relevant for dialogic communication. Gadamer thus joins the Habermasian criticism of formalized reason that is detached from values. Both of them reject instrumental reason, because it has colonized communicational reason. However, since Gadamer's view of rhetoric has also been criticized by Habermas and Ricoeur their objections cannot be overlooked in a discussion of his hermeneutics. The essay concludes with a brief consideration of the implications of the debate on rhetoric, hermeneutics, and communication for the twenty-first century.  相似文献   

稻盛和夫的哲学立足于企业经营,但又不局限于具体的管理方法。他的哲学涉及人类面临的很多问题,例如环境保护、国际关系、文明的延续等。《拯救人类的哲学》一书是根据2009年稻盛和夫与哲学家梅原猛对谈的记录汇集成的。该书集中体现了稻盛和夫在21世纪对人类文明、国际关系、企业管理的最新看法。本文将全面解读这本书,系统地梳理稻盛和夫的文明观和政治观。  相似文献   

西方思想源于古希腊的理性传统。西方哲学从一开始就对必然性的知识有一种相当明确的追求,其与因宗教而获得的信仰,及因科学而对客观世界及其规律的认知不尽相同,在追求必然性、唯一性的体系的同时,哲学的兴趣是在探索和我们连在一起的世界的道理,而且还应是在不同的贯通的系统之间的对话,对话的目的不是要达到更高的贯通和共识,而是追求在一定程度上融贯的、不断丰满和变得厚实的思想。  相似文献   

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