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This article focuses on North African soldiers who served in the French army of occupation in western Germany after its liberation in 1945. Taking as its starting point Rachid Bouchareb's 2006 film, Indigènes, the article contrasts claims the film made about the memorial exclusion of the colonial soldier with his surprising centrality to French accounts of their own military exploits. Using publications issued by the army for its internal readership and archival records of the military occupation's day-to-day activities, the author argues for a modified understanding of the French Republican notion of assimilation that is able to take account of the prolific representation of the North African soldier, and his accommodation, in Cold War Germany.  相似文献   

民国元年广东北伐军为主体的东线北伐的胜利,对于捍卫南京临时政府、促使清帝退位,起了重要的作用。今年3月,是南京粤军阵亡将士墓建墓90周年。为了存史,本就粤军的兴建、征战、墓冢、勋绩,分别作了考证,藉以缅怀革命先烈。  相似文献   


The re-conquest of southern Scotland by the army of the Emperor Antoninus Pius was a political act intended to secure his position on the throne. For this event, he took the acclamation ‘Conqueror’. His soldiers erected large stone slabs to mark their construction of the new frontier and decorated several with triumphal scenes. In these sculptures the soldiers portrayed themselves not only as victorious conquerors but also engineers and builders, celebrating not only the success of their emperor but their own community of soldiers.  相似文献   

安史乱军的民族构成比较复杂,既有安禄山那样的混血儿,又有一大批少数民族将士,也有高丽残部及扶余、新罗人,还有许多汉族官和将士,但从多方面加以考察,安禄山、史思明所重用的以及在安史乱军中起主要作用的多为汉族人;唐代的河朔地区既有胡化趋向,也有汉化保持和提高的趋向;安史乱军中的民族关系比较缓和,少数民族和汉族将士在化、心理素质等方面渐趋一致,少数民族和汉族将士在许多方面能够积极配合。这些是唐中央平叛工作进展缓慢以及安史之乱持续8年之久的重要原因之一。  相似文献   

Military and regimental savings schemes have not attracted a great deal of attention in accounts of colonial India yet they were part of daily life for many soldiers. The East India Company introduced savings banks as one of a number of measures to deal with the problem of indiscipline among the troops, but fairly quickly they were being used in other ways: as a marketing tool to recruit better quality troops and to appeal to entrepreneurs who wanted to use their time in the army as a means to self-improvement and prosperity. Several years later a royal warrant established regimental banks for the queen's troops wherever they served. Many thousands of soldiers used regimental savings banks and they provide important insights into the workings of the army in Victorian Britain and British India that have hitherto been neglected.  相似文献   

'It's a Man's Life!': Soldiers,masculinity and the countryside   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article explores the relationships between soldiers, masculinity and the countryside. It draws on a variety of published materials ranging from army recruitment literature to military autobiography. It is located primarily in conceptual frameworks suggested by feminist and rural studies literatures. Following a brief discussion of the historical contribution of the military to ideas of rurality, the relationships between soldiers, masculinity and the countryside are explored. First, the ways in which the army constructs a particular view of the countryside are discussed. This view accords the army rights of control over space, dictates a particular way of seeing rural space, and develops a quasi-environmentalist interpretation of the impact of army activity on the landscape. Second, it is suggested that this conceptualisation of the countryside contributes specifically to the construction of particular (hegemonic) notions of masculinity. The ideas of adventure and danger are particularly important in this respect. Third, the role of the body of the soldier in this process is examined. The construction of a specific gendered identity through a process of transformation from civilian to soldier is discussed. The article concludes by suggesting how the body of the soldier is used to signify particular senses of place.  相似文献   

两汉边防兵制,尤以西、北地区最为典型.我们在边防武装力量构成、边防集兵方式、边防养兵费用及其筹措等方面,探讨两汉边防力量的差异、兵役制度的变化以及养兵与社会经济的关系等诸方面问题.  相似文献   

辛亥革命在中国近代史上具有光彩夺目的一页,军队在其中所扮演的精彩角色,是清代以来所未曾有的。对于军队在辛亥革命中的地位和作用问题,长期以来史学界并没有充分的认识,评价也明显过低。本文认为,军队在辛亥革命中发挥了主力军的作用,革命的主力军不是别的什么群体,而是军人,包括新军、民军、巡防队、警察和学生等,这些问题直接影响到学术界对于辛亥革命性质的探讨;而革命发生后军权势力的扩张又严重影响着近代中国社会的发展,对于这些问题的讨论有利于探清辛亥革命的一些重大问题。  相似文献   

This article argues that the military covenant between senior army commanders and soldiers is breaking down for two reasons: first, British forces are being engaged in new and controversial wars of choice, putting new and distinct pressures on the covenant; and second because senior military commanders have not fully appreciated the changes to their authority and power in governing the British army. It further suggests that military commanders, central staff and ministers need to acknowledge the scale of the internal challenges to the military covenant and develop appropriate responses. Drawing on examples from gender equality and sexual orientation, allegations of war crimes in Iraq, the military's duty of care and the proposed launch of a British Armed Forces Federation, this article argues that these challenges show that the military leadership has no choice but to rethink its outdated approach to governance of the British army, if it is to remain fi t for purpose. Without appropriate adaptation, army chiefs will have themselves contributed to the breaking of the military covenant, between the army and the individual soldier.  相似文献   

A royal tomb of early period of the Western Han dynasty (206 B.C–8 A.D) was excavated by archaeologists in Qingzhou County, Shandong Province in 2006. Over 2000 polychromy terracotta soldiers, horses, chariots, servants etc. were unearthed from the tomb. All the terracotta figures are one quarter or one sixth as large as the livings, most of them were painted with well designed patterns. In order to gain complete information about the materials and techniques used for the polychromy on the terracotta army, five samples from the painted areas were taken. In addition, one sample from the area to adhere one leg to the ploychromy horse body was also obtained. The analytical techniques applied include XRF, FTIR, Py-GC/MS and GC/MS. Chinese purple, cinnabar, lead red and ochre were used as pigments, while animal glue was identified as binding medium and adhesive in the polychromy terracotta army in the Han Dynasty. The results definitely will provide new evidence about the materials and technologies used in Han Dynasty. Especially, the binding medium identified is different in comparison with Qin Shihuang's terracotta army (259–210 BC).  相似文献   

This article utilizes arts-based methods as a feminist methodology for understanding women’s experiences in military service, according to theories of feminist security studies. It explores how non-combatant women in the army retrospectively narrate stressful situations that happened during their military service. Using arts-based methods, we examine how they derive meaning from their experiences in a masculine, military environment, affected by ongoing conflict. This article analyzes twenty images drawn by Israeli women who served in the army in the previous 2–4 years. The women drew a stressful event from their military service, explained the image, and elaborated on how they coped with the situation. A content analysis of the pictures and the narratives produced three themes: the responsibility for others in life threatening situations, the military as a first professional work experience and the interaction between military and gender hierarchies. In general, women soldiers experienced the army as complex as they encountered their first adult work space in which they learned responsibility and skills of the ‘adults’ world’. However, they were also exposed to a rigid hierarchy and to stressful security situations typical of army contexts. While non-combat women soldiers were allegedly protected from the violence of the army, they are also indirectly exposed to the danger inherent in an army context. This analysis goes beyond the hero narrative, and moves into taboo territories of young women’s narratives and experiences in the military.  相似文献   

It is commonly acknowledged that an elaborated military pastoral care provided a significant contribution to the efficiency of the Swedish army during the Great Northern War (1700–1721). Usually battle preparations and the chaplains’ efforts to instil morale and discipline among the soldiers are emphasized. In this article my aim is to provide a somewhat different idea on the nature of the religious life in the army of Charles XII. By focusing in turn on the chaplains’ duties, the military sermons, the hymns sung in the army and the soldiers’ reading of prayer books, I point at the similarities between military and civilian religious life in early 18th-century Sweden.  相似文献   

This article examines the Royal Army Medical Corps’ (RAMC) recruitment problems throughout the Cold War (1945–1980s). It explores why the RAMC experienced difficulties in attracting new personnel, how the army tried to alleviate these shortages, and the impact of chronic understaffing on the quality of military health care for generations of soldiers and their families. It concludes by reflecting on the enduring dilemmas of recruiting professionals in peacetime.  相似文献   

This essay review examines three books dealing with the founding and subsequent activities of Walter Reed Army Medical Center (WRAMC) and the evolution of military medicine from 1909 to 2009 recently published by the US Army's Borden Institute. Established by fellow army doctor William Borden to honor Walter Reed himself, WRAMC, located in Washington, DC, soon became the public and professional face of medical care for American soldiers. The discussion highlights the ongoing issue of the care and treatment of combat amputees; aspects of gender within military medicine; and WRAMC's function as an educational and research facility. Also discussed are the archival and documentary bases for these books and their utility for historians. Complimentary analysis of two of the books which are, in particular, explicitly about the history of WRAMC is contextualized within the celebration of the centennial of this army post contemporaneously with its closure, amalgamation, and relocation primarily to Maryland.  相似文献   

The present article aims to contribute to the global history of the First World War and the history of ‘imperial humanitarianism’ by taking stock of the Indian Young Men's Christian Association's Army Work schemes in South Asia, Europe and the Middle East. The outbreak of the war was hailed by some American secretaries of the Y.M.C.A. working in India as presenting overwhelming opportunities for their proselytising agenda. Indeed, the global conflict massively enlarged the organisation's range of activities among European soldiers stationed in South Asia and for the first time extended it to the ‘Sepoys’, i.e. Indian and Nepalese soldiers serving in the imperial army. Financially supported by the Indian public as well as by the governments of Britain and British India, the US-dominated Indian Y.M.C.A. embarked on large-scale ‘army work’ programmes in the Indian subcontinent as well as in several theatres of war almost from the outset, a fact that clearly boosted its general popularity. This article addresses the question of the effects the Y.M.C.A.'s army work schemes had for the imperial war effort and tries to assess their deeper societal and political impact as a means of educating better citizens, both British and Indian. In doing so, the article places particular emphasis on the activities of American Y-workers, scrutinising to what extent pre-existing imperial racial and cultural stereotypes influenced their perception of and engagement with the European and South Asian soldiers they wanted to transform into ‘better civilians’.  相似文献   

A review of geography publishing in the Soviet Union analyzes the output of literature by categories of end-users: (1) publications designed for professional geographers, including works on theory and method, university textbooks, periodicals and serials, and bibliographic and information services; (2) geographic publications intended for the public at large, including regional studies of different levels of sophistication on the Soviet Union and foreign areas as well as popular geography books; (3) geography textbooks and study aids for elementary and secondary schools, which represents the largest portion of geography publishing in terms of volume, with an average of 4 million books printed each year. Recommendations for improvements in geography publishing include the creation of a Council on Literature, made up of professional geographers; the establishment of a centralized publishing house that would specialize in geography (except for textbooks, government publications and special-purpose literature), and the establishment of a translation journal that would disseminate some of the more significant foreign articles in Russian translation.  相似文献   

国洪更 《世界历史》2012,(1):99-114,161
亚述帝国的"拉科苏"(raksu)士兵是宦官长麾下国王卫队的精锐。尽管"拉科苏"士兵主要由被征服地区的人员组成,但是他们享受免赋役的特权。公元前9世纪末和公元前8世纪初,实力雄厚的亚述高官企图挑战国王的权威,国王依靠宦官长及其统帅的国王卫队保住了王位。国王论功行赏,擢升宦官长,豁免其麾下忠勇士兵的赋役,"拉科苏"士兵于是应运而生。随着大量俘虏的收编,国王卫队的规模不断扩大,进而发展成为亚述帝国的常备军,并在对外扩张中大显身手。国王奖赏常备军表现卓异的士兵,"拉科苏"士兵不时出现。亚述帝国末期,实力膨胀的宦官长觊觎王位,国王的近卫军可能是其谋逆的帮凶,"拉科苏"士兵或卷入其中。"拉科苏"士兵的出现及其功能的异化与亚述政局的变化密切相关。  相似文献   

随着直皖矛盾激化,段祺瑞为了维持在北京政府中的地位及完成南北统一,以中国对德宣战参加一战为契机,在日本的经济和军事援助下,编练了参战军(一战结束后改称边防军)。约同一时期,皖系干将徐树铮编练了西北边防军。1920年直皖战争爆发,边防军和西北边防军均不同程度卷入。皖系战败后,两军除少数阵亡,部分被遣散外,余部被直奉瓜分,最终归于消亡。  相似文献   

Civil War soldiers’ graffiti survive at more than 60 sites, predominantly in Virginia, including churches, court houses, caves, and houses. Although often terse and fragmentary, they provide an intriguing insight into soldiers’ experiences. This essay offers a tentative framework for analyzing how the graffiti functioned: as informal commemoration of wartime experiences; as a social activity, displaying the loyalties, frustrations, and humor of army life; and as an invasive act, vandalizing southern property.  相似文献   

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