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Love-suicide (xunqing 殉情) is often hailed as a representative component of the Naxi culture. This article examines how representations of love-suicide have transformed from an obscure social taboo to an invaluable Naxi tradition in the last two decades. While Han and Naxi cultural elites aestheticize love-suicide as a cultural symbol of moral sublimity, tourists further transform the discourse into a simultaneously spiritual and erotic experience in which they seek and create their own existential authenticity. The apparent revival is not simply a result of Naxi political resistance to the external regime or a natural return to their “authentic” culture. It rather marks another tide of radical transformation in a multi-agent and highly commercialized global world within which both minority cultures and tourists’ identities are transformed.  相似文献   

大明通行宝钞考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
朱元璋建立明朝后,为了在全国实行统一的铜钱流通制度,于洪武元年(1368)颁布洪武通宝钱制,规定除了京城宝源局外,各省均设宝泉局铸造洪武通宝。按照朱元璋的愿望,是准备从此行用铜钱的。但是事情并没有按照他希望的那样发展。一方面,由于政府财政力量不足,铜源短缺,铜钱铸造数量有限,出现供给困难,  相似文献   

In previous Finnish collection studies, early Finnish art collections have mainly been observed through European examples, using German or English collecting or museum‐historical literature. The history of art collecting in Russia identifies several identifiable phases of art collecting, and breeds of art collectors, that coexisted in Finnish early art collecting. In this study, the prevailing circumstances and the collectors' archetypes of Imperial Russia, of which Finland was an integral part in the period of autonomy, are considered through previously unapplied literature of Russian collecting and museum history in Finnish collection studies. Central to this are two case examples from early Finnish art collecting, with related unpublished archival material. On the whole, some of the current Finnish paradigms of the initial stages of art collecting in Finland are questioned, emphasizing, for example, the meaning of the social network, pivotal for the maturation of the collector and for the selection of subjects for collecting.  相似文献   

The Limits to Capital and Geographies of Money   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Andrew Leyshon 《对极》2004,36(3):461-469

中国古代钱币与钱币科技考古   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一中国古代钱币是世界钱币之林中具有重要影响的一支,是东方钱币的代表,它有两个显著的特点:一是自始至终采用浇铸工艺而不用打制工艺,直至19世纪末西式机  相似文献   

姚杰 《中国钱币》2008,(1):53-59
2005年,笔者在鉴定中国国家博物馆藏抗日战争时期货币时,意外发现20世纪50年代初期,拨自南京图书馆、南京市人民委员会的两枚1940年萧县发行,面值为伍角的“地方流通券”与“地方兑换券”和4枚1941年1月宿县二区发行的贰角伍分、伍角和壹元(2枚)“地方兑换券”。然而,令人费解的是,在文物卡片排列中,仅将萧县发行的伍角地方流通券归入抗日根据地货币类。但据史料记载,当时萧县、宿县均为豫皖苏根据地所属地区。抗日战争时期淮北抗日根据地豫皖苏边区的发展分前、后两个时期,即1938年底,创建豫皖苏根据地至1941年5月新四军第四师撤向津浦路东…  相似文献   

As Keith Hart (1986) articulated in his neat phrase ‘two sides of the coin’, money and the state are inextricably intertwined. However, academic discussions of the state tend to fall under the heading of ‘governance’, with implicit reference to democratic ideals, while money is regarded as ‘economics’, a field dominated by ideas of the market. In this paper, I use material from U‐Vistract, a mass Ponzi scam to show how quasi‐magical ideas of money and wealth have grown out of the disillusioning experience of the state in its failure to deliver ‘development’. These imaginings of prosperity entail a different kind of state, based on the moral reform of Christian citizens and political leaders and the reorientation of the banking system to deliver benefits to ordinary people. As the Royal Kingdom of Papala, U‐Vistract sought to be seen to be like a Christian state and so deceived its investors into thinking that they were participating in a moral project that would allow them to redress the short‐comings of the Papua New Guinean state. As the scam took on the appearance of the state, so the state came to be seen as a scam.  相似文献   

2006年秋,广西桂林附近的临桂县五通镇(原义宁县县城)惊现出几张不见经传的奇特纸币———义宁县地方金库券。此金库券见有壹佰元和伍佰元两种面额,现将它们分别介绍如下。(一)壹佰元券。该券长148、宽75mm。券正面为青蓝色,四周有边框,四角有“壹百”字样。券上端横书“义宁县地方金库券”八个楷字,券右边印券额“壹百圆”,左边印园林图。“壹百圆”下方盖有两个红色方印,印文分别为“会长之印”和“副会长印”。园林图下端印有“凭票即付国币壹百圆正”字样。券面的右侧预印“字第号”,此张券上加盖有“义”和“001035”流水号。券面的左…  相似文献   

1938年8月上旬成立的萧县抗日民主政府,是华中抗日根据地最早建立的县级抗日民主政权,随即发行的萧县地方流通券(最初是用民间钱票加盖印章发行)也就成了华中抗日根据地最早发行的货币之一。  相似文献   

王允庭 《中国钱币》2008,(4):30-35,I0002,I0003
咸丰年间,因太平天国军起义及黄河连年决堤,清政府税收大减,财政窘迫,国库日渐空虚,为筹措补救军饷、修筑河道费用,解救财政危机,朝廷不得不一改长达一百八十余年不印发纸钞的初衷,于咸丰三年(1853)开始发行户部官票与大清宝钞.  相似文献   

石涛 《中国钱币》2009,(4):18-24
废两改元是南京国民政府时期实行的一次重大的币制改革。关于废两改元的缘起、准备、成功原因及其意义等问题,学术界已有较多研究成果。然而关于废两改元的实施经过,则多论述简略,语焉不详,似乎废两改元在国民政府一纸命令颁行后即大功告成。本文试图通过对有关档案史料的爬梳,对废两改元的实施经过加以考察探析,以加深对这次币制改革的全面认识。  相似文献   

徐渊 《中国钱币》2008,(1):24-29
“中华革命军义饷凭单”是辛亥革命时期以“同盟会本部”名义印制的军用票券,但丁张弓良1982年出版的《中国军用钞票史略》、吴筹中和顾延培1986年出版的《辛亥革命货币》均未收录。笔者和马传德在编著《辛亥革命时期货币》一书时,先曾在《辛亥革命在广西图片集》等处找到该义饷凭单五元券的黑白图片,惟不够清晰。①后来日本收藏家江上龙先生特地提供了他本人所珍藏的义饷凭单五元券彩色复印件,供我们在书中披露,该券正面色彩鲜艳,与模糊的黑白图片感觉完全不同(插四)。一、《辛亥革命时期货币》对义饷凭单的考查该义饷凭单长160、宽95mm。…  相似文献   

摇钱树是分布于以四川为中心、具有西南地域特色的文物,迄今已发现近200例,有关研究论文数量已达60余篇.1998年在德阳举办了全国摇钱树专题学术会议,使摇钱树的研究达到高潮.现有研究涉及其性质、内涵、特点、用途、起源时间、地点和摇钱树佛像诸方面.本文还指出摇钱树研究中存在的问题,对进一步研究做出了展望.  相似文献   

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