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饱水竹木漆器保护修复的历史、现状与展望   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
饱水竹木漆器是馆藏文物的重要组成部分,其保护修复过程比较复杂.通过杳阅国内外文献,本文简要介绍了饱水竹木漆器保护修复的历史与现状,并阐述未来饱水竹木漆器保护修复研究的主要内容.  相似文献   

为了更好地对纸质文物进行保护,在系统学习布兰迪现代修复理论的基础上,尝试了用西方的保护方法(如毛细作用清洗、脱酸还原、采用纤维素作为粘结剂等)对中国的纸质文物进行保护和修复。经过保护修复后的作品污渍基本祛除,纸张载体得到了加固;修复材料的有效选择,保证了修复的可逆性。  相似文献   

探索漆木器制备工艺尤其是髹漆工艺,以获取能用于文物保护修复的重要信息,针对两件待上展金漆木雕的保存现状,进行了X射线荧光能谱分析、红外光谱分析、激光拉曼光谱分析、微观形貌分析以及X射线探伤等无损分析。根据分析检测结果,按照不改变文物原状、最小干预、真实性等文物修复基本原则,对文物进行保护修复,对这两件漆木器进行清理、消杀处理,对木胎残缺处进行补配和随色,对漆皮起翘、脱落严重的部位进行漆皮回贴和漆层补全,处理后状态稳定,具有一定的耐久度,达到了展览和长期安全存放的目的。  相似文献   

为了更好地对纺织品文物进行保护修复,在系统学习布兰迪现代修复理论的基础上,尝试运用意大利的纺织品文物保护方法和技术对承德市外八庙管理处的一件黄绸花袈裟进行保护和修复.历经除尘、清洗、干燥、染色和加固等处理过程,着重介绍用意大利方法对白色丝绸和白色丝线进行染色.经过保护修复后袈裟上的灰尘、污渍等病害基本得到清除,损坏部分得到了加固,针线缝合法保证了修复的可再处理性.  相似文献   

张芳 《文博》2010,(4):81-84
此件木质漆盒图案古朴精美,针对此件器物表面污垢、断裂、缺失等病害状况,保护修复主要包括表面清洗、粘接、补缺、打底、作色、上光、抛光等手段,使漆盒在保持历史真实性的同时也具有更好的展示效果。  相似文献   

由于新津观音寺泥塑制作年代久远,加之在后期的维修过程中使用了一些不当的修补材料(比如水泥、石膏等),少量泥塑断裂、残缺、破损比较严重,补塑部位不断收缩和膨胀,泥塑膨胀、变形、脱落十分严重,个别泥塑需要重新补塑。鉴于大漆不溶于水,只溶于酒精、丙酮、二甲苯和汽油等有机溶剂,且漆膜干固后,几乎不溶于任何溶剂,具有独特的耐久性、突出的耐磨性、优良的耐腐蚀性、耐高温性、极好的电绝缘性。因此,2007年对成都观音寺内的明代泥塑进行保护修复中使用了大漆。大漆砖粉腻子的具体配比为:细砖灰50g,大漆50g,清水10g。另外在贴金箔时,使用了大漆作为粘结剂。在此次的保护修复中,按照传统工艺使用大漆进行处理,修复效果良好。  相似文献   

在国外,染色技术是纺织品保护修复人员必须掌握的一门专项技术,但目前于国内却很少得到应用。本文主要介绍染色技术在纺织品保护修复中的适用范围,如用于背衬或覆护辅料的染色、缝线染色等和实验室常用的染色方法,这将有助于引起国内纺织品保护修复领域对此项实用技术的关注和推广。  相似文献   

对文物价值的认识直接关系到文物保护、修复、研究工作者的工作理念及工作质量。从文物的历史及艺术两大价值着手,分别就文物上历史信息的增减及历史价值与美学价值的关系进行了详细的探讨,提出了增加历史信息可取、减少历史信息不可取以及历史价值第一性、美学价值第二性等观点。  相似文献   

书画文物及中国的传统卷轴装裱形式因材质为纸和绢,质地脆弱易损,出现断裂痕是最为常见与普遍的一种损伤情况,严重者会对文物造成致命伤害。因此,需要研究分析导致书画及裱件产生断裂痕的各种原因,并提出修复断裂痕的方法。通过运用贴条加固的方法修复书画文物的断裂痕,并在装裱成卷轴形式的过程中,始终按照平薄柔软的装裱目标,进行各工序的操作,从而使原先劣损的书画恢复原貌,得到保护与新生。要使书画文物,特别是卷轴书画能得到长久安全的保存,创造适合的保存与展示环境相当重要。  相似文献   

The skeletal remains of unidentifiable persons, recovered in recent years from the churchyard adjoining the House of Correction in Oslo, included 91 instances in which the maxillae and/or mandibles had been preserved, and these were examined. The length of the apical translucent zone in unsectioned teeth and the amount of secondary dentine deposit have been regarded as two of the most reliable factors in odontological age estimation. This study has used two methods, each using one of these factors, on single-rooted teeth from, respectively, 78 and 76 individuals. The distribution of age at death, as estimated from the two dental methods and from anthropological criteria, was then compared with the distribution of age at death of 380 individuals recorded in the church register for the House of Correction. Age calculations from secondary dentine, measured indirectly on dental radiographs of premolars, and estimates based on anthropological criteria both seemed to approximate to the chronological age distribution better than age estimates based on the length of the apical translucent zone. Statistical analyses indicated that all three methods of age estimation were significantly different (p<0.05). When compared with the church register, each method assigned a lower percentage of individuals to the younger and older age-groups and a higher percentage to those in the middle. No statistical difference could be found between the age distribution from the church register and estimates from either anthropological criteria or dental radiographs; but when age estimates based on these two latter methods were compared, 39.5 per cent differed by more than 10 years.  相似文献   

壁画保护研究,多集中在正面的保护以及揭取方法和材料的选用。对壁画揭取选用材料性能的系统研究甚少。而对已揭取壁画的破坏与保护的研究更少。已揭取壁画的破坏包含壁画原有的破坏和揭取所用材料蜕变引发的破坏。已揭取壁画具有结构体系的复杂性和破坏类型的多样性,其破坏类型往往是交织在一起的。对此类壁画的保护修复应建立在全面调查、系统研究的理论框架上。其研究内容涉及多学科以及多类型材料和方法的综合运用,其调查内容,也须从壁画制作工艺、材料、环境、破坏类型、原有保护材料以及材料相互作用等方面界定。本工作对西汉早期柿园墓四神云气图壁画的历史状况和现状进行了全面调查。调查结果无疑对后续的研究、对认识壁画的破坏形式和性质具有重要的作用,更有助于实施对古代壁画的科学保护和修复。  相似文献   

中国传统古建彩画的保护修复研究进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
中国古代建筑彩画是中国古代建筑特有的装饰形式,是中国古代文化和传统工艺及材料的载体,对彩画的保护修复工作具有十分重要的意义.本工作从彩画理化性能、传统工艺及材料、保护修复方法等几方面系统地研究总结了目前国内彩画保护研究进展,指出未来的研究工作重点将是在以建立具有中国特色彩画保护修复体系为目标指导下,开展相应保护技术规范的研究及其相关基础理论研究.  相似文献   

甘肃武威磨嘴子汉墓新近出土木质文物,由于墓葬环境及出土后保存环境因素的影响,造成木质文物糟朽、霉变、彩绘脱落,甚至崩裂,因而对其进行抢救性保护与修复。为此对表面进行了清理,采用2%PB-72乙酸丁酯溶液滴管渗透的方法进行填充加固,对彩绘层用同样方法加固,对散件器物用汉代木材削制木销钉进行组装,对残损、断裂器物进行修复复原。保护修复后的木质文物适于展陈。本工作所用的保护方法对同类木质文物的保护有借鉴作用。  相似文献   

Morphological and genetic studies were performed on waterlogged Prunus fruit stones from the Roman vicus Tasgetium (Eschenz, Switzerland). Some fruit stones could be identified to species level based on morphological and metric criteria. Other fruit stones found were not identifiable to species level. Of the latter, the morphological group Prunus insititia/spinosa represents either native sloe, cultivated primitive plum (damson) or a hybrid of both. In one out of 10 individual fruit stones of this group Prunus specific chloroplast trnL-trnF and nuclear ITS1 markers were verifiably amplified. Sequences of trnL-trnF led to the identification of Prunus spinosa. The presence of authentic DNA was confirmed by phylogenetically meaningful sequences from the archaeobotanical group Prunus avium/cerasus of the same sample using chloroplast rbcL and nuclear ITS1 DNA markers. The results demonstrate the utility of waterlogged plant remains for genetic analysis: as seeds of fruit trees are often preserved waterlogged in the archaeological record. Ancient DNA (aDNA) studies are a promising tool to answer archaeobotanical issues concerning early horticulture, which probably started in the Northern alpine region with the onset of Romanisation.  相似文献   

A pile-dwelling settlement, dated to the final Bronze–early Iron Age (XII–XI century BC), was excavated at Stagno, near Leghorn (Tuscany, Italy). The site presented a well-preserved portion of the wooden foundation structure buried by sediments rich in plant remains: both wood and plant remains were subjected to archaeobotanical investigation. The ultimate goal was to improve our knowledge on agricultural economy and wood usage in Tuscany during the prehistoric ages. The results pointed to a farming system based on Triticum spp. (wheat), Hordeum spp. (barley) and Leguminosae cultivation in addition to the gathering of wild fruits, such as Corylus avellana, Cornus mas, Prunus spp., Vitis spp. Many of these plant remains are associated to a wetland context. Mesohygrophilous trees, such as deciduous Quercus, Ulmus minor, Fraxinus cf. excelsior, and Sorbus were used for the construction of the pile-dwelling structures; the choice of these plants indicates a good knowledge of the technological characteristics of timber.  相似文献   

对中国出土青铜器修复与保护方法的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国古代青铜器是中国古代明的重要组成部分,以其丰富的铭、精美的纹饰及造型、高超的冶金和铸造技术及表面处理技术而闻名于世。大多数青铜器在出土时均有不同程度的损坏与腐蚀,因而需要对其进行修复与保护处理,以便于研究与陈列展出。  相似文献   

清末刻本是清朝晚期使用雕版印刷的古籍,是古籍资源保护与利用的重点对象之一。在日常翻阅、数字化扫描及修复流程中常出现掉墨现象,严重影响其文献价值,但该问题尚未受到足够关注。本研究针对古籍掉墨问题设计了几种评估方法,对二十余种清末刻本的掉墨程度进行了调查,并结合修复实际对掉墨原因进行了初步的剖析,建议对掉墨严重的刻本采用刷涂法和包裹法进行保护处理。本研究对古籍刻本的墨迹保护具有实践参考意义。  相似文献   

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