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社之功用考述(上)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨琳 《文献》1999,(4):229-243
社神在汉代以前是一位非常尊贵的神祗,古人以"社稷"指代国家,社神的重要可想而知.著名学者郑玄曾经说:"国中之神莫贵于社."①陈寅恪先生甚至认为,"治我国文化史者,当以社为核心".②那么社神为什么这么尊贵?社神在古人的精神生活中究竟发挥怎样的作用?下面夷考其实,使我们对这一问题有个具体明确的认识.  相似文献   

李晋林 《文献》2001,(3):128-146
第四章 平水刻版印刷业兴盛原因新探 宋室南迁,平阳临汾逐渐代替了汴京(今河南开封)而成为黄河以北地区金朝的刻版印刷业中心,并且一直沿续到元朝.那么,为什么这里会成为金元两朝的刻书中心所在呢?考述平水刻版印刷业(尤其是金代平水本)兴盛的原因,也正是目前版本学界所想要急切解决的问题.  相似文献   

黄土坎行宫:位于黄土坎甸子村北一山坡上,南距热河行宫20公里,建于康熙五十六年(1717年)。行宫北面为赛音河与固都呼河交汇处,宫殿临水向阳,地势开阔,占地一万平方米。宫门三楹,内为垂花门。前殿五楹,后殿九楹。宫墙外植有方形松柏林带,四周围绕,使行宫掩映在绿荫之中。  相似文献   

A seal is an historical witness,a symbol of power as well as an important cultural relic for the study of history.Seeing those seals made of various materials,it is very natural to wonder how Jamyang(vjamdbyangs)living Buddhas in past dynasties developed  相似文献   

宋代,江苏方志的种数、卷帙繁多;"地记""图经"等逐步被"志"所取代;体例和内容进一步完善并趋于定型;记述的重点从地理、风俗、物产扩充到政事、人物、艺文、社会等诸多方面。这一时期,江苏名志层见迭出,见誉士林。有征引博而叙述简的《吴郡图经续记》,援据该洽、条理详明、凡所考辨、俱见典核的《景定建康志》等。宋代方志,因年代久远,"留存至今者仅区区二十九种五百卷""江苏存有宋代志书七种"。[1]江苏散佚的宋代古方志,各书记载不一:《中国古方志考》辑61种,《宋朝方志考》录81种,《宋辽金元方志辑佚》记载为66种。本文在吸收前人研究成果的基础上,汇录考究,辑拾漏遗。  相似文献   

正"舜与诸侯会事讫,因相虞乐(虞通娱),故曰上虞"。——《水经注》引《晋太康三年地记》3、王充。我是在《论衡·订鬼》篇中认识王充的,中国历史上著名的无神论者,但没关注他是上虞人。数十年来,我一直沉浸在历代笔记中,笔记除博大精深外,也有不少局限,海量的鬼神描写,虽奇思妙想,但大多是作者精神无法遣怀的时候,借用鬼神来说人事,看相、说梦、算命、占卦,无奇  相似文献   

钟兰 《旅游纵览》2014,(8):36-41
<正>逆光中的剪影,勾勒出神秘的轮廓;光影间的朦胧,衬托起心间的共鸣。逆光,一种具有艺术魅力的光照。逆光下,画面会产生一种独特的艺术效果,使拍摄对象的轮廓看起来更鲜明,可以凸显半透明物体的精致程度以及纹理质感,所以毛茸茸或体型轮廓优美的动物是非常适合以逆光拍摄的,如鸟类,如昆虫。在逆光魅惑中,芸芸众生的千姿百态尽显,轮廓之美一览无遗。  相似文献   

重庆时代,通货膨胀严重,物价飞腾,致军公教人员及一般百姓生活艰苦,一般人对政府产生信任危机,特别对孔宋财阀不满,各类团体应运而生。 一九四三年秋,马博庵(金陵大学教授)、孔大充(江南政治学院教务长)、李宗义(中央政治学校教授)、张鸿钧(社会部司长)、杨玉清(中央政校教授)、杨显东(财政部贸委会专员)、孙濂泉(四川某区专员)、杨开道(某大学教授)及我(时任军委会政治部设计委员)等,于重庆贸委会杨显东(定青)兄寓集会,一致同意成立一团体,以“畏友、益友、契友”为旨趣。团体名称,马博庵、张鸿钧二兄主用稷社之名,孔大充、李宗义二兄则主用行政管理学会,最后会中同仁决定对内称稷社,对外则以行政管理学会之名(后稷社名称不用)。并决定积极发展会员,凡军工商界者,荐任以上,或大学讲师,经会员二人介绍,即可入会成为会员,此为团体成立之始也。  相似文献   

清朝早在入关以前的太宗(皇太极)时期就已有大规模的狩猎活动,入关以后,统治仍沿袭满族骑射和游牧的生活习俗,始终把“巡狩习武”作为重要的政治活动,曾先后在东北的盛京(沈阳)、吉林、黑龙江和北京近郊的南苑建立了狩猎场所。南距京师400公里的热河木兰围场是清代围场中规模最大的一个,其活动时间长达139年,自康熙二十年(1681年)至嘉庆二十五年(1820年),中经四帝,共举行木兰秋猕105次。  相似文献   

李晋林 《文献》2001,(2):64-75
一、引言 金元两代是山西临汾刻版印刷业繁荣兴盛的时期.又因临汾古称平水,故学界多以"平水本"称之.金自太宗天会六年(1128)析宋河东路为南、北两路,河东南路总管府治平阳,平阳府又以临汾县(今市)为次赤.  相似文献   

Across a range of archaeological projects in Northern Greece, a context-based system, which has much in common with similar stratigraphic methods applied elsewhere in the world, is in use to record the excavation process. Here, we discuss a formal data model and complete digital workflow for the documentation of this process in 3D using the prehistoric site of Paliambela Kolindros, Greece, as a case study. The entire digital process has the advantage of being implemented on a single software platform. In addition, the combination of formal ontology and custom object-oriented programming enables a suite of techniques for exploratory data analysis and stratigraphic interpretation.  相似文献   

The entrepreneurial ecosystem (EE) literature has attracted much attention, especially in policy circles. However, the concept suffers from a number of shortcomings: (1) it lacks a clear analytical framework that makes explicit what is cause and what is effect in an EE; (2) while being a systemic concept, the EE has not yet fully exploited insights from network theory, and it is not always clear in what way the proposed elements are connected in an EE; (3) it remains a challenge what institutions (and at what spatial scale) impact on the structure and performance of EE; (4) studies have often focused on the EE in single regions or clusters, but lack a comparative and multi-scalar perspective and (5) the EE literature tends to provide a static framework taking a snapshot of EE without considering systematically their evolution over time. For each of these shortcomings, we make a number of suggestions to take up in future research on EE.  相似文献   

Chronic non‐communicable diseases comprise a major challenge for health in contemporary Australia and across the globe and, while various factors are at play, personal choices in behaviour and lifestyle are significant. The physical make‐up and ongoing management of the places where we live positively and negatively influences these lifestyle choices and subsequent health outcomes. However, responses—in research, policy, built environment design, construction, and management—frequently fail to recognise the intricacies of this people‐place‐behaviour nexus largely because those responses are highly focused and empirical. Rather, the health‐supportive environments needed to address the current chronic disease epidemic also require additional—networked, nuanced, and intuitive—understandings. Responding to that need, the study described in this paper took a comprehensive view of what constitutes a health‐supportive built environment. We detail the composite methods employed—built environment audits, interviews, and focus groups—all of which are available for use by others in similar situations. Then, using two case study examples, we reflect upon how our methodology revealed otherwise hidden aspects of the extent to which the study sites supported or hindered health‐supportive behaviours and responses. These results suggest intervention actions for policy makers and practitioners that will help them respond to the complex needs of communities in creating a health‐supportive environment.  相似文献   

In recent years, the concept of national identity has recaptured the imagination of public opinion research and with it individuals' conceptions of what it takes to be a “true” member of their nation. This investigation aims to add to the explanation of varying conceptions of nationhood by scrutinising their personality-based foundations. It provides the first systematic analysis of a yet unstudied link between the Big Five personality traits and two ideal-typical conceptions of nationhood: civic and ethnic national identity. Using 18 samples from six European countries (Germany, France, Italy, Switzerland, Spain, and the United Kingdom), each containing around 1000 individuals, we uncover psychological underpinnings of attitudes towards national membership, revealing several consistent trait patterns. We find a negative relationship between openness to experience and an ethnic national identity, while conscientiousness associates positively with the civic ideal type of national identity content. The findings presented extend current understandings of how people conceptualise national belonging and provide evidence that distinct conceptions of nationhood are related to different dispositional foundations.  相似文献   

In recent decades, the region of Madrid has experienced extensive changes in land use-land cover (LULC). Most of these changes are related to an increase in developed areas (urban, industrial, commercial and transport) and abandonment of agricultural uses. The general guideline for regional management has been disregarded and the legal framework overstepped, allowing such changes to go ahead unchecked. Using four maps for different points in time, 1982, 1990, 2000 and 2006, LULC dynamics are analysed and the changes are related to Madrid regional policies. The IDRISI Land Change Modeller is used in order to quantify the changes and find out where they took place. The results show that developed areas doubled in size between 1982 and 2006. Changes were concentrated around the Madrid metropolis and around the main road network, with an increase in urban sprawl and with new, small urban patches in mountain areas of high scenic beauty. These fast and extensive changes were largely made possible by public disinterest and limitations in land and natural resource conservation mechanisms and in housing market regulation.  相似文献   

The paper investigates the effects of a project-based community participation course in which students chose research topics relevant to a local community. Specifically, the students undertook the following projects: (1) creating a virtual 3D model of a local government office, (2) creating interactive digitized versions of mountain trails using geotourism, (3) determining optimal locations for trash recycling bins using network analysis, and (4) assessing the water quality of a local river. Geographic information technologies, such as GIS and Google Earth, were employed as analytical and visualization tools. The answers to a questionnaire, course evaluations, reflective journals, and interviews found that participants positively evaluated their learning experiences. In addition, the projects received favorable reviews from community members and professional geographers.  相似文献   


Industrialization and Foreign Politics. Some Aspects of Sweden's Economic‐Political Relations with the Great Powers, 1905–1945.  相似文献   

To study the possibility of triggering lightning with a laser plasma, laboratory laser-induced discharge experiments have been carried out and the following results were obtained. Both long straight and zigzag laser induced discharges between rod-rod electrodes were realized and the effective guiding effect of laser channels for electrical discharges was confirmed. With plane-plane electrode configuration, the investigation concerning the necessary condition for initiating and guiding a streamer reveals that the necessary electric field for initiating a streamer with a laser plasma depends closely on the absorbed energy used to produce laser plasma channels, the minimum electric field is about 200 kV/m, and that the necessary electric field for guiding a streamer by a laser plasma is lower than that for initiating a streamer and the minimum electric field is about 170 kV/m.We propose to use the local electric field near the top of a grounded tower as the necessary field for a laser-produced channel to trigger an upward leader and have proved that this is feasible.  相似文献   

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