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公元960年,赵匡胤在陈桥兵变中黄袍加身,夺取了后周(当时后周的皇帝和皇后是孤儿寡母)的政权,建立了北宋王朝,定都汴梁,也就是现在的河南开封市,赵匡胤就是宋太祖. 本来,赵匡胤是后周的大臣,在当时,谋权篡位是大逆不道的行为,为此,赵匡胤当了皇帝之后,就编造了冠冕堂皇的借口替自己遮掩.于是,历史上就有了一段流传极广的“杯酒释兵权”的故事.  相似文献   

河南历史上的“南京”杨盛云大家都晓得江苏省会南京,乃中国“六大古都”之一,但也许有人并不知道河南历史上也出现过两个“南京”。一个“南京”出现在北宋时期,故址在今河南的商丘县一带。北宋开国皇帝赵匡胤曾做过后周宋州(今河南商丘)归德军节度使。后周显德七年...  相似文献   

李致忠 《文献》2007,(2):3-22
公元960年元旦,五代后周殿前都点检兼宋州归德军节度使赵匡胤,在陈桥发动兵变,一夜之间黄袍加身,建立了赵宋王朝,是为北宋.  相似文献   

中国历史上最早的审计机关刘大梁远在中国的北宋时期,做为当时京都的开封就有了审计院,这可以说是中国最早的审计机关,也可以说是世界上最早的专门从事审计工作的机关。公元960年,赵匡胤在陈桥(开封东北45里处)黄袍加身,发动兵变,推翻了后周政权,在开封建立...  相似文献   

公元960年,宋太祖赵匡胤(927—976)在赵匡义和赵普等众将的拥戴下黄袍加身,发动“陈桥兵变”。这年正月初五下午,赵匡胤废去柴宗训,称帝,建国号为宋,定都汴京,史称北宋,建年号为“建隆”。建国后赵匡胤大力加强中央集权,提倡文人政治,开创了中国的文治盛世,历史上的宋太祖是一位英明仁慈的皇帝。  相似文献   

公元960年,正月初四。开封,这座后周的都城,却毫无新年的喜悦。人们忧心忡忡,凝视着太阳从地平线上升起,不约而同地想:赵匡胤将军走到哪了?他把契丹人赶跑了吗?谁会想到,赵匡胤,他根本就没有走。他就在40里外的陈桥。下马,休整,  相似文献   

"文人、士大夫生在北宋何其幸也!"作者的这一感慨,倒也反映了中国文人长期受压之窘况。历史上各个统治王朝更替时大都刀光舞动,剑影四射,血流成河,尸堆如山。只有赵匡胤在开创北宋王朝时自导自演来了一出黄袍加身搞了个"和平政变",从人家孤儿寡母手中顺手牵羊兵不血刃得了一个江山。公元960年,赵匡胤发动陈桥兵变,宋承周祚,开启了  相似文献   

宋太祖皇袍加身处人们大都知道公元960年后周大将赵匡胤发动“陈桥兵变”,“皇袍加身”,建立了北宋王朝。那么,何不亲眼去一睹王兴之地,领略一下古韵余采呢?自新乡市区驱车东行2小时左右,就来到了封丘县陈桥乡陈桥村,著名的“宋太祖皇袍加身处”就在这里。此处...  相似文献   

史学名著通俗化的又一尝试──《资治通鉴新编》评介大可由北宋司马光主修的编年体的《资治通鉴》记载了上起周威烈王二十三年(公元前403年)赵、魏、韩三家分晋,下迄五代后周显德六年(959年)赵匡胤建立北宋政权共1362年的历史。由于司马光等人编写此书时,...  相似文献   

正王夫之《宋论》中曾这样说:宋太祖赵匡胤临终前,"使嗣君即位,入而跪读,其戒有三:一,保全柴氏子孙;二,不杀士大夫及上书言事之人;三,不加农田之赋……"赵匡胤于公元960年发动陈桥兵变,黄袍加身,从后周柴氏手中夺得政权,做了皇帝。循中国历史故例,本当斩草除根,以绝后患。可赵匡胤终其一生,对柴氏一门优礼有加。临终尚不忘以"政治遗嘱"的形式提醒后世嗣君不可亏待柴氏后人。后来《水浒传》中  相似文献   

1963年11月初旬,江西省考古所研究员陈柏泉同志走访江西靖安县西北五十余华里的高湖崖口村(况钟故里)瞻仰况钟墓地、况钟祠遗址得此卷——《秋江送别诗并图卷》,并征集入江西省博物馆。况钟(1383-1442年),字伯律,号如愚,人称龙冈公,江西靖安县高湖乡崖口村龙冈洲人。  相似文献   

民初建立的包括国会在内的一整套民主共和制度是一种供给主导型的制度变迁,这种变迁模式的成败取决于提供制度变迁的权力主体是否具有权威和理想。这一制度第一供给主体是南京临时政府,他们有理想但缺少权威,第二供给主体是北京政府,他们有权威但无理想。国会作为民主政治生活中限制个人独裁、维护公民权利的根本措施,就无法成功地在中国运行。制度需求的缺失也是造成国会失败的原因之一,但不是主要原因。  相似文献   

配隶是流刑的一个变种,但重于普通流刑,两者之间的区别在于:普通流刑只居作一年,然后就可在当地附籍为民,而配隶则要长时间做苦役。配隶并不一定将犯人罚入军队,而是多将其发遣到边远的州郡服役,所以常被称为配州。配隶在唐代的出现主要有两方面的原因:首先是五刑制度本身存在的缺陷所致;其次是出于充实国防的目的。配隶刑对后世刑制产生了重要影响。  相似文献   

小邾国与胙国是姻亲国,邾友父鬲是小邾君为其嫁为胙国夫人的女儿制的媵器,本应随其女儿陪嫁到胙国,而却随葬在小邾国贵族基地.邾友父鬲和1号墓的年代为春秋早期,胙国被灭也在春秋早期.二者年代相同,绝非偶然巧合.其原因应与胙国灭亡的重大变故有关.当时邾友父的女儿很可能未及出嫁胙国就灭亡了,也可能已经出嫁到胙国,在南燕兼并胙国时为避难而逃回到母国,同时也把媵器带到了娘家,或仅仅是把媵器转移到了小邾国,后因胙国灭亡,媵器便留在了母国,为其兄弟亦即第二代小邾君所得,到第二代小邾君或其夫人去世时,便把这些媵器随葬在墓中.如果此说不妄,则又可反证胙国灭亡的更为具体的年代.  相似文献   

杭州文庙彩绘现场保护研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
徐飞  万俐  王勉  范陶峰  刘慧云 《文博》2009,(6):285-291
杭州文庙彩绘被清漆层覆盖,1988年涂覆的清漆已有发黄、鼓泡等老化现象。本文通过老化试验说明清漆已经进入了全面老化期,并且描述清漆老化对彩绘安全的危害。对彩绘颜料和清漆进行了取样分析,经过EDS检测,证明颜料主要成分是无机矿物。经过红外分析,证明清漆主要成分是多羟基丙烯酸聚合物。在文物保护现场,通过研究清漆老化程度和光照度之间的关系,证明光照是清漆老化的重要原因。在实验室研究出去除清漆而不伤及彩绘的溶胀剂,在现场通过测试色差和光泽度数值的变化,证明溶胀剂去除清漆的有效性。彩绘封护剂采用有机氟橡胶,通过接触角和耐湿热试验,证明有机氟橡胶具有较好的憎水性和耐湿热老化能力。同时在现场,通过彩绘保护前后的色差和光泽度变化,说明经过机氟橡胶保护处理过的彩绘,外观没有明显的变化。  相似文献   

南阳知府衙门自元代兴建,历经元、明、清三代,其建筑规模宏大,布局严谨,是一座既传统又融合南北方建筑特征,具有鲜明的封建等级和地方特征的府衙建筑,在历史、艺术和科学等方面有着重要的研究价值。  相似文献   


A small ivory head of a tonsured man, expertly carved in relief, was found in 1991 during excavations at the great eighth-eleventh century Lombard monastery at San Vincenzo al Volturno. The head was excavated with other fragments of carved ivory, antler and bone, in the vicinity of the collective workshop of the monastery, and was doubtless carved in this workshop. The head-type is a variant on an early Byzantine formula which was employed in Rome by the sixth century and subsequently, in the eighth century, was adopted by artists working for noble Lombard patrons in northern Italy. The painters responsible for decorating the churches and claustral buildings of San Vincenzo in the first half of the ninth century also used this type, and in details of its carving the new ivory head seems to show the direct influence of painted heads of early ninth-century date from the walls of the monastery. The relief was probably intended for the embellishment of a small casket or the cover of a book. The new head, besides being a significant addition to the tiny corpus of surviving carvings in ivory from early medieval Italy, shows the craftsmen in the monastery's workshop had at their disposal a material which was both rare and prestigious in the period.  相似文献   

In 1825 Astley Cooper described the first account of ligation of the abdominal aorta. The patient developed loss of feeling in his lower limbs, incontinence of urine and died after several days. A post mortem was carried out but not, unfortunately, of the spinal cord. This case was recorded again by Astley Cooper, by Brock in 1940-41, and again by Ellis in 1994. Whilst there was early recognition of infarction of the brain, infarction of the spinal cord was thought to be almost unknown by Charcot in 1883 but it was recorded in the English literature by Bastian in 1886 and Williamson in 1894. There were isolated case reports but it was the advent of major surgery upon the aorta in the Second World War that drew attention to the frequency of this condition. The subsequent evolution of our recognition of infarction of the cord is described. The present situation, where it can be caused by a fall in blood pressure without there being direct interference to the blood supply, is evaluated.  相似文献   

赵宝沟文化分布范围北起西拉木伦河流域,南越燕山到达滦河流域,西起大兴安岭,东抵医巫闾山和渤海西岸。根据各地赵宝沟文化的差别,把赵宝沟文化划为小山类型、水泉类型、西寨类型,每个类型均分为三期。  相似文献   

In 1825 Astley Cooper described the first account of ligation of the abdominal aorta. The patient developed loss of feeling in his lower limbs, incontinence of urine and died after several days. A post mortem was carried out but not, unfortunately, of the spinal cord. This case was recorded again by Astley Cooper, by Brock in 1940-41, and again by Ellis in 1994. Whilst there was early recognition of infarction of the brain, infarction of the spinal cord was thought to be almost unknown by Charcot in 1883 but it was recorded in the English literature by Bastian in 1886 and Williamson in 1894. There were isolated case reports but it was the advent of major surgery upon the aorta in the Second World War that drew attention to the frequency of this condition. The subsequent evolution of our recognition of infarction of the cord is described. The present situation, where it can be caused by a fall in blood pressure without there being direct interference to the blood supply, is evaluated.  相似文献   

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