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笔忝为黄慎的同里后学,研究黄慎及其创作十多年,已出版《黄慎年谱》(江苏美术出版社1990年版)、《蛟湖诗钞校注》(附录新辑佚诗佚句160余首,福建海峡艺出版社1989年版)及《瘿瓢山人黄慎书画册》(合编,福建美术出版社1988年8月版),至今仍继续搜集有关黄慎的资料。从《中国古代书画目录》第一册获悉,中央工艺美术学院藏有署名“黄盛”的《东坡事迹图册》,经与该院联系,承该院图书馆武元子先生提供图册内容梗概,及其中《严光钓隐》、《伯乐相马》两图彩照。现介绍如下。  相似文献   

国家图书馆善本部藏有一部清诒晋斋主人成亲王永瑆旧藏焦秉贞手绘绢本《百子团圆》图册。图册绢本,设色,五镶册页装,楸木封面,凡16开,前后各有两开瓷青洒金纸扉页。封面有永瑆隶书题:“百子团圆”4字,下书“诒晋斋珍藏”楷书小字,并钤白文“诒晋斋印”。册页池心纵27.5、横20厘米。每开右为焦氏手绘绢本彩图,左为淡粉洒金笺纸池心以备书写诗文。图册末开尾有墨书小字“焦秉贞恭绘”落款,下钤“焦秉贞印”小印。焦秉贞,清初人,生卒年不详,活动在康雍时期。《清  相似文献   

赵榆 《收藏家》2003,(12):60-61
中贸圣佳拍卖公司2003年拍卖会于11月2日收槌,全场一共成交1048件文物艺术品,成交总额14266万元。一、此场拍卖会创下多项第一(1)此场拍卖会一共推出1382件中国书画,是拍卖市场有史以来一场出现中国书画数量和精品最多的拍卖会。诸如:近现代画家有傅抱石的《毛主席诗意册八开》、《山水册四开》;齐白石的《诗意山水册八开》、《山水册十二开》,被誉为中国书画四件珍贵罕见的名作(即“四大珍罕”)。古代书画有曾经被《石渠宝笈》和《中国古代书画图目》著录的16件,这也是一场上出现国宝级艺术品最多的拍卖会。  相似文献   

一、关于《黄山八胜图册》(日本·泉屋博古馆藏).我国的研究者已经发表了一些评价和研究成果。 尤其是下列的两个文献很重要. 1、岛田修二郎“石涛笔《黄山八胜图册》解说”(《二石八大》,友庄。1958年) 2、古原宏伸“石涛与黄山八胜画册”(《石涛 黄山八胜画册》,筑摩书房,1970年) 这二位学者对于《黄山八胜图册》都  相似文献   

特点突出 文约事举──喜读《伊克昭盟志》一、二册胡道源内蒙古自治区第一部地区志──《伊克昭盟志》分三期编印,首期一、二册已于1994年由现代出版社出版。这两册盟志,从卷章设置到内容记述,都是匠心独运,文约事举,与精美的装帧印刷完全相称。开卷一读,爱不...  相似文献   

由台北故宫博物院选辑、日本东京堂影印出版的《故宫博物院藏历代法书全集》(以下简称《全集》),共三十巨册,内容多出自清内府旧藏,荟萃历代名家真迹,观之令人眼界大开。其中少数作品的鉴定尚有可以商榷之处。本文拟就一件被误定为元人陈修所书而实系宋人欧阳修作的《致元珍学士尺牍》略述浅见,以就正于海内外方家。《致元珍学士尺牍》,纸本,行楷书,为《宋元宝翰》册中的一幅(图一)。《宋元宝翰》册在清内府中有两册。名称完全相同而  相似文献   

齐白石山水册,作于1931年(辛未,69岁)秋。每开34.5×35厘米,被藏家分别裱作斗方。白石老人在《朝阳》一页的题跋中说:“此册廿又四开”。我们见到的是12开,另一半不知落在何处。中国嘉德94年秋季拍卖会创造齐白石作品拍卖最高纪录者,即今见之12开。此册自署标题者8幅,即:《朝阳》、《放牛图》、《苍海烟帆》、《阳羡山水》、《月明人静时候》、《雨后》、《荒山残雪》、《柳浦秋晴》。未署标题的四幅,根据内容可命  相似文献   

陈根民 《收藏家》2007,(12):27-31
文徵明草书文稿册,凡二十开,前有大字行书引首"清玩"二字,无落款,仅钤白文印"五云父"一枚。册上钤"芦泾鉴藏"、"剑夫过眼"、"原博"(均朱文)等收藏印数枚。从前面两  相似文献   

台湾版《罗雪堂先生全集》,计七编(每编二十册),共一百四十册,是1968年台湾文华、大通两出版公司据原本影印的,发行人叶潄石.我久听人说起,但迄今未见到.今年吉林大学古籍研究所才从深圳书市买到一部.  相似文献   

《嵩洛访碑图题记》的版本颇为复杂,有图册本和稿本两个系统。图册本系统有图册原本、吴大澂摹写本、影印本、管庭芬抄本和庞元济刊本,稿本系统有杨铎刊本、樊彬抄本和李盛铎抄本,每个版本各有特色。  相似文献   

目前看来,西游学界主要从中原文化中探寻《西游记》故事的演变过程,少有学者从民族的视角去审视藏文化与《西游记》的关系。殊不知,西游学界忽略了一个重要的历史事实,在《西游记》故事获得重大发展的元代及明代前中期,正是藏文化,特别是藏传佛教大量传入中原时期。从《西游记》《金瓶梅》等明代小说中出现的藏传佛教元素,足可证明,西藏文化直接或间接地影响了元明时期内地的文学创作。近年来,随着西游学研究视野的拓宽,以及大量藏学文献的汉译,为深入研究西藏文化与《西游记》关系,提供了更为便利的条件。  相似文献   

陆侃如先生<中古文学系年>将崔驷<大将军临洛观赋>系于永元四年四月初,认为崔驷<西征赋>系<北征颂>之误,值得商榷.通过对这两篇作品的探讨,还可对傅毅卒年、崔驷离开窦宪军幕返乡时间作出相对明确的断定.通过考察影日藏弘仁本<文馆词林>中所收崔驷<四巡颂>中<南巡颂>,可得出崔驷<南巡颂>与班固<南巡颂>的作年相同的结论.在此基础上,又可进一步推定班固丁忧去官的大致时间.  相似文献   

Book reviewed:
Raymond L. Garthoff. A Journey through the Cold War: A Memoir of Containment and Coexistence.  相似文献   

This is a review of Akbar Ahmed's documentary Journey into America. Produced and narrated by Akbar Ahmed; directed by Craig Consadine, 2009, 99 minutes.  相似文献   

Abstract: I take as a point of departure for a discussion of the idea of nature the John Muir Trust's much publicised Journey for the Wild which took place in the UK during the summer of 2006. My objective is to explore how, at the same time that the “wild” was performed as a political category through the Journey, replicating the binary nature/society, prevalent norms of nature that depend on that binary, including, ironically, those of John Muir himself, were “undone”. I work with Judith Butler's (2004, Undoing Gender) ideas of “doing” and “undoing” gender and what counts as human, and her link between the articulation of gender and the human on the one hand and, on the other, a politics of new possibilities. Taking her argument “elsewhere”—unravelling what is performed as “wild” and what counts as “nature”—and using as evidence the art of Eoin Cox, the actions of journeyers, extracts from their diaries and from Messages for the Wild delivered to the Scottish Parliament, I suggest that the idea of a working wild points towards more socially just political possibilities than a politics of nature defined through a binary.  相似文献   

本文对原定名《明·顾琳〈丹山纪行图卷〉》作了重新考证。通过对作者行藏交谊之探赜、爬梳,认为是图实出自元代画家顾园(1321—1382)之手,应定名为《元·顾园〈丹山纪行图卷〉》。此卷系顾园目前仅见之传世精品,弥足珍贵。画史将顾园误为顾琳,实因二人同顾姓、同号云屋所致。  相似文献   

This essay uses the 2003 symphonic Cantata Journey to Horseshoe Bend to examine some of the different entangled memories of German missionisation in Central Australia, including those held by the settler-European librettist Gordon Kalton Williams and members of the Indigenous Ntaria community choir, among others. Rather than simply reading this as a pernicious settler-Australian appropriation of Aboriginal culture, or as a simple story of harmonious intercultural collaboration, the author seeks to open up the multiplicity of meanings – the consonances, as well as the ambiguities and the disconcerting moments of uncanniness and clash that lie beneath the surface of a musical act of memory.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Hezbollah: Born with a Vengeance
The Succession to Muhammad: A Study of the Early Caliphate.
Politics Without Process: Administering Development in the Arab World.
Indian Muslims Since Independence.
Militarism in Arab Society: An Historiographical and Bibliographical Sourcebook.
I am a Palestinian Christian.
The Agony of Algeria.
The Middle East: From the End of Empire to the End of the Cold War.
Liberal Islam: A Sourcebook.
Hierarchy and Egalitarianiam in Islamic Thought.
In Search of Islamic Feminism. One Woman's Global Journey.
Daughters of Another Path. Experiences of American Women Choosing Islam.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book review in this Article
W alter B urkert : Greek Religion, Archaic and Classical, trans, by John Raffan
M arcel C hicoteau : The Journey to Martyrdom of Saints Felix and Regula, circa 300 A.D. A Study in Sources and Significance.
M arilyn J. H arran (ed.): Luther and Learning: the Wittenberg University Symposium.
G eorge Y ule (ed.): Luther: Theologian for Catholics and Protestants.
G eorge F enwick J ones : Exiles and other Germans Along the Savannah.
O. L. A rnal : Ambivalent Alliance: The Catholic Church and the Action Francaise, 1899–1939.  相似文献   

William W. Howells. Evolution of the Genus Homo. Reading, Mass.: Addison Wesley Publishing Company, 1973. 180 pp. Illustrations, Bibliography, and index. $3.95 (paper).

Frank E. Poirier. Fossil Man: An Evolutionary Journey. St. Louis: C. V. Mosby Company, 1973. xvii + 219 pp. Illustrations, bibliography, glossary, and index. $6.50 (paper).  相似文献   

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