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厉敏 《沧桑》2009,(4):90-91
利益衡量作为司法思维、法律方法贯穿于司法的全过程。法律固有的不足性以及形式合理性与实质合理性的对立统一性为利益衡量的发挥提供了余地。然而,利益衡量不是一种恣意的妄为,其必须在法律框架内,以社会的公平正义为视角,作出价值判断和选择。  相似文献   

受法老埃及法律和希腊及近东其他地区法律的影响,托勒密埃及分别实行适用于当地埃及人和外来移民的法律体系。两种法律体系很少发生冲突,但一旦出现两者都无法解决的问题或危及国王和统治阶级利益的情况时,国王便以仲裁者的身份,以赦令或敕令的方式颁布针对具体问题的法律,从而使两种法律体系处于事实上的和谐状态。无论是托勒密埃及的司法机构,还是司法诉讼和司法审判,都体现了这一特点。这一法律及司法体系在很大程度上维护了弱者的利益,惩治了作恶者,保持了社会的稳定。然而,托勒密埃及的法律始终受到国王的控制,是国王个人意志的体现。  相似文献   

李珍 《神州》2014,(18):163-164
社区矫正是我国司法领域中一项重要且发展迅速的非监禁刑罚执行制度。我国自2003年开始社区矫正试点工作后,在理论和实践方面都取得了初步的成绩并积累了一定的经验,但在宏观法律制度层面仍有些许不足。本文首先论述了社区矫正的定义、特征,并从运行机制、发展机制、救济机制三个方面指出我国现行社区矫正法律制度的不足,进而提出完善社区矫正法律制度的若干建议,以求社区矫正法律制度发挥更大的作用。  相似文献   

行政执法与刑事司法虽属于不同部门法,但二者间的衔接问题却对我国法律的实践起着尤为重要的作用。本文拟对行政执法与刑事司法衔接机制中存在的问题及原因进行分析,进而提出一些完善行政执法与刑事司法衔接的建议。  相似文献   

潘祥 《沧桑》2014,(3):187-190
有关不作为医疗侵权的案例在我国屡见不鲜,我国的立法实践和司法实践在解决不作为医疗侵权问题上存在不足,本文论述了有选择性地借鉴机会丧失理论和期待权侵害理论,以完善相关的法律制度。  相似文献   

李娟 《沧桑》2010,(1):33-34
行政执法与刑事司法虽属于不同部门法,但二者间的衔接问题却对我国法律的实践起着尤为重要的作用。本文拟对行政执法与刑事司法衔接机制中存在的问题及原因进行分析,进而提出一些完善行政执法与刑事司法衔接的建议。  相似文献   

描述和分析当代法律职业伦理所遭遇的困境,法律职业道德为什么重要?这是在法律业内进行道德教育时首先要回答的问题。目前在道德问题的认识上存在着某种强烈的社会政治氛围,就使得人们在开展法律职业道德教育时,在对法律职业道德的认识上,表现出了十分明显的政策倾向。司法改革的最终目标就是实现司法公正,这不仅需要反映人类理性和良知的优秀法律和健全的司法体制,同时要有一个高素质、高效率的司法群体去执行法律。只有维护法官职业的高尚性、法官的高素质性,才能够保障我们的社会主义法制顺利进行。如何真正实现司法公正,怎样摆脱时政对司法的过多影响。  相似文献   

柳岳武 《民国档案》2011,(4):96-105
为应对日益增多的债务案件、适应社会经济变迁需要,南京国民政府对债务关系和此类案件审理作出了设计.这一设计突破了清代刑事引律例、民事随民俗的运作模式,开始将债务纠纷纳入了正规司法审判程序.实践中南京国民政府治下法院严格遵照法律设计原则进行审理,凸显了“法治”特征及南京国民政府司法改革的进步性.但其不足亦复存在:它试图消除...  相似文献   

当前国家和各地方政府都在实施知识产权战略,但绝大部分目光都聚集在知识产权对经济的推动上,而对传统三大知识产权之一的著作权的关注却明显不够。其实,著作权侵权行为是很普遍的,其引起的精神损害赔偿问题一直是一个倍受争议的焦点。目前,我国立法上对著作权精神损害赔偿方面尚没有明确的规定,在司法实践中面临着很多尴尬。为克服理论和司法实践当中的这种不足,我们应该重新审视著作权的权利性质,对侵犯著作人身权的侵权行为引起的精神损害予以明确的法律保护。  相似文献   

戢浩飞 《攀登》2013,(6):126-130
我国的行政执法与刑事司法衔接机制基本建立,制度框架日益完善。但从现有规定的角度看,其衔接在形式、内容、程序等方面仍存在诸多问题与不足,亟待完善。必须着眼于立法完善、程序保障、制度建设,以期合理有效地推进行政执法与刑事司法的衔接。  相似文献   

论清末东北宪政改革的特点   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以实施宪政为中心的政治改革是清末东北政治现代化的重要特征。具体表现在 :一是通过官制改革调整了地方行政机构 ,加强了地方公署对边疆的控制 ,为东北实施宪政铺平了道路。二是把司法独立作为实施宪政的关键 ,完善了近代地方司法体系。三是以地方自治为实施宪政的基础 ,促进了东北近代民主运动的发展。四是以谘议局为实施宪政的后盾 ,扩大了谘议局参政的深度和广度 ,并充分利用谘议局与商会的特殊关系 ,使公署、谘议局、商会形成一个有机体 ,从而东北的宪政改革得以顺利进行。  相似文献   

State court reform is proceeding at an ever-quickening pace. A major theme is centralized state judicial leadership and management in court organization and funding, and improved methods for the selection and discipline of judges. Trends in court reform, groups supporting and opposing change and a brief evaluation of some court reform efforts are examined. Court reform is viewed as a political process.  相似文献   

Innovation in judicial administration has proceeded slowly for many reasons. The attitudes of judges not-inclined by training toward management, the tradition of Judicial independence, and the separation of powers are examined as contributing factors inhibiting judicial modernization. Federal Judicial reform has defended historically upon the leadership of a Chief Justine of the United State? willing to use the office to dramatize and promote the issues. The most recent period of dramatic change in judicial administration, from 1969-1981, is reviewed with a focus upon the strategies for change employed by Chief Justice Warren E, Burger.  相似文献   

This article argues that ninth-century advocates in the Frankish world deserve more attention than they have received. Exploring some of the wealth of relevant evidence, it reviews and critiques both current historiographical approaches to the issue. Instead of considering Carolingian advocates as largely a by-product of the ecclesiastical immunity, or viewing advocacy as a Trojan horse for a subsequent establishment of lordship over monasteries, the article proposes a reading of ninth-century advocacy as intimately linked with wider Carolingian reform, particularly an interest in promoting formal judicial procedure.  相似文献   

刑事审判监督程序是为了纠正错误的生效裁判而进行的特殊救济审判程序。我国法律对其规定虽有特色,但在许多方面尚不完善,其暴露出来的问题逐渐成为阻碍我国法制改革深化的因素之一。本文从提起再审的主体不当、再审的主体不当、再审的审理方式不当等几方面阐述在我国刑事审判监督程序中存在的主要问题,并针对这些问题提出当事人应该被列为可以提起再审程序之主体;再审应由原审法院的上级法院进行审理;法院应开庭审理,检察院派员监督等改革策略。  相似文献   

从1901年《辛丑条约》签订到1911年辛亥革命爆发是清朝统治的最后十年。这十年中,民族危机和社会危机日益加深,清朝统治集团为了维护其根本利益,采取了废科举、兴学堂、发展交通、改进司法制度等改革措施;还宣布预备立宪,各省相继设立了谘议局;1908年又颁布《钦定宪法大纲》。然而,清政府打着开办新政的旗号,增捐加税,横征暴敛,对民众进行无休止的掠夺,将专注于工商业的国内立宪派也推到了自己的对立面。辛亥革命前夕,清朝统治集团对外一味屈从,其政治腐败已到无可救药的地步,最终为民众所共弃,它的覆灭是必然的,谁也挽救不了。那种一厢情愿地认为,如果让清朝政府继续存在下去,稳步地有秩序地进行改革,中国的现代化将会来得更快些的说法,终究是“纸上文章”,“不当不实”。  相似文献   

This article analyses two instances of abortion law reform in Latin America. In 2006, after a decades-long impasse, the highly controversial issue of abortion came to dominate the political agenda when Colombia liberalized its abortion law and Nicaragua adopted a total ban on abortion. The article analyses the central actors in the reform processes, their strategies and the opportunity contexts. Drawing on Htun's (2003) framework, it examines why these processes concluded with opposing legislative outcomes. The authors argue for the need to understand the state as a non-unitary site of politics and policy, and for judicial processes to be seen as a key variable in facilitating gender policy reforms in Latin America. In addition, they argue that ‘windows of opportunity’ such as the timing of elections can be critically important in legislative change processes.  相似文献   

During the 1990s, reforms concerned with ‘good governance’ became popular with multilateral and bilateral lenders. This trend was led by the World Bank, which claimed that in order to achieve economic development, institutions mattered. This article looks at governance reforms in Argentina, specifically in the judicial sector, and contends that World Bank involvement affected the nature, reach and depth of these initiatives. The influence of the Bank can be traced through three dimensions that have characterized its approach to institutional reform: donor‐driven designs for project reform; reliance on technical approaches; and restricted forms of decision making in project initiatives. Such an approach to institutional change conditioned domestic reform in Argentina and contributed to piecemeal and inadequate initiatives. The author also argues that the Bank's approach in Argentina can be traced to wider strategies that derive from embedded institutional practices and ideological foundations within the institution that throw into question the Bank's capacities to promote such reforms.  相似文献   

Judicial impact statements, if used indiscriminately, can do little either to protect federal and state judiciaries or assist legislatures. This conclusion emerges clearly from well documented case material available with respect to federal executive experience, the California experience with impact statements, as well as independent interview data which is summarized here. As a result, the broader issue of the reasons and the possible meaning of the currency of such a strategy emerges. Two such issues are addressed here: the behavioral assumptions and power relations that underlie judicial reform.  相似文献   

抗日战争及解放战争时期,中共华北各抗日根据地及解放区政府相继颁布了具有现代性的新型婚姻条例,以推进传统婚姻制度改革,其中军婚作为一种非普通婚姻自有其特殊规定。军婚纠纷处理既要考量前线战士的军事积极性,又要关切军人配偶的生产、生活、生理需求;既要兼顾婚姻立法中所体现的"婚姻自由"原则,又要遵循"一切服务于战争"的总方针。如此则无可避免地陷入立法规范与司法实践的困局,而且这种情形直至新中国成立之前均无法彻底破解。不过,此时之军婚改革与实践对现代军婚制度的确立和发展具有丰富的经验意义。  相似文献   

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