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周萨神庙的保护修复工程完成后,中国文化遗产研究院援柬工作队又在附近的茶胶寺开始了新的征程。他们进行了系统、有针对性的勘测和研究,完成了茶胶寺多处点段的加固和修复,并开展了相关考古发掘和石刻防风化实验等工作,获得了柬埔寨吴哥古迹管理局与联合国教科文组织吴哥古迹保护技术咨询机构的一致肯定。  相似文献   


The Venerable Bede (672/673–735) composed fourteen homilies based upon pericopes from the gospel of Luke as well as a complete verse-by-verse exegesis of this same book. Examination of the vocabulary, syntax and structure of these homilies and exegesis shows portions to be strikingly similar, one having been derived from the other. Analysis of how related passages from one work have been altered to fit the other reveals much about the purposes and intended audiences of each.  相似文献   

This paper attempts to provide a synoptic view of the thematic development of Bede's exergesis. It examines a selection of his commentaries written at different periods in his career and, by placing them against the social and political background of early eighth–century Northumbria, tries to indicate some important differences amongst them. The core of my argument is that, in contrast to his early commentaries, Bede's mature exegesis is decisively infused by the aims and concerns of his later non–exegetical works such as the Ecclesiastical History and the Letter to Ecgberht. It will be shown, for example, that earlier commentaries such as On the Apocalypse and On Acts devote less attention to pastoral concerns than do such later works as On Ezra and Nehemiah , On the Tabernacle and On the Temple . Further, the earlier commentaries contain fewer topical comments on the social and religious demise of contemporary Northumbria than the later exegesis (especially On Ezra and Nehemiah ), comments whose substance and tone align this later work with the reform program of the Ecgberht letter. By considering these and other related issues, my analysis has a twofold aim: to provide a better sense of the overall shape and development of Bede's commentaries, and to highlight the social investedness and intertextuality of his later writings as a whole.  相似文献   

An interpretive approach to political science provides accounts of actions and practices that are interpretations of interpretations. We develop this argument using the idea of ‘situated agency’. There are many common criticisms of such an approach. This paper focuses on nine: that an interpretive approach is mere common sense; that it focuses on beliefs or discourses, not actions or practices; that it ignores concepts of social structure; that it seeks to understand actions and practices, not to explain them; that it is concerned exclusively with qualitative techniques of data generation; that it must accept actors' own accounts of their beliefs; that it is insensitive to the ways in which power constitutes beliefs; that it is incapable of producing policy-relevant knowledge; and that it is incapable of producing objective knowledge. We show that the criticisms rest on both misconceptions about an interpretive approach and misplaced beliefs in the false idols of hard data and rigorous methods.  相似文献   

核心价值概述 天坛位于北京市东城区永定门内大街东侧,原占地达273公顷,现天坛公园的管理面积亦达210公顷,其中古建筑面积达2.6万平方米,人工草坪58公顷,林下自然草地112公顷,各种树木6万余株,绿地总面积达183公顷,绿化覆盖率91%.除祈年殿、圜丘等古建筑外,还有长廊、七星石、古柏林等景观.  相似文献   

辽东王姑祠庙会调查   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
詹娜 《民俗研究》2002,(1):86-96
众所周知,道教的中元节和佛教的盂兰盆节都在农历七月十五,两个节日有一种共同的民俗功能,即祭祀神佛,超度亡灵。在民间,人们常将道教的中元节与佛教的盂兰盆节的内容融合在一起,而将这一天称为“鬼节”。“鬼节”必然要祭鬼,这种祭祀风俗在世代传承过程中其宗教色彩始终未能泯灭,至今仍是俗民生活中最重要的民间节日之一:  相似文献   

1985年,包头市文物管理处工作人员在美岱召村一户村民家里,发现在"文革"中散失的部分美岱召旧存契约,村民不知道契约的文物价值,当作售卖挂面的包装纸使用.文物工作者立即将剩余部分契约征集,收藏于美岱召文物保管所.经初步整理,这批契约保存较完整者共1612张.契约中签约时间最早的为清乾隆三十二年(1767),最晚的到建国后的1950年.其中乾隆时期26张、嘉庆时期94张、道光时期312张、咸丰时期90张、同治时期230张、光绪时期393张、宣统时期36张、民国时期331张、民国后期至1950年时期100张.文契用当地所产麻纸毛笔书写.这些契约为研究美岱召历史提供了重要资料.  相似文献   

旅游目的地形象、定位和品牌化:概念辨析和关系阐释   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
曲颖  李天元 《旅游科学》2011,25(4):10-19,48
本文在借鉴相关理论和文献的基础上,对目的地形象、目的地定位和目的地品牌化三个重要概念的内涵及其相互关系进行了分析。本文指出了三个概念的独特的理论倾向点,并分析了在当前目的地品牌化背景下三者的整合运作与发挥作用的机制。  相似文献   

This paper examines the construction of modern-world contexts in historical archaeology. To help draw out and understand the social and cultural contexts of capitalism, colonialism, and modernity, and how they may be materially understood, an explanation of the German history of everyday life school (Alltagsgeschichte) is presented. In this approach, the objects of historical study become the everyday cultural interpretations of past people and how these interpretations actively produced and reproduced cultures. This approach is illustrated by a landscape archaeology of the Bordley–Randall site in Annapolis, Maryland.  相似文献   

孟强 《东南文化》2001,(5):38-41
祠堂是祭礼死之处,又是宣教人生的道场,汉代祠堂画像石主要刻划激励人们效仿积善行德的榜样,同时也表现那些多行不义的后果。天帝降罚图正是汉代善恶报应思想的艺术体现。  相似文献   

The Italian debate on industrial districts suggests that local development can be based on small and medium-sized firms, provided they work in teams and are embedded in a local system of social relations. If the availability of local public goods complements the private supply of local specialized services and goods, Marshallian external economies are engendered. When inner social and economic relations boost the supply of local public goods, and are reproduced by the consistent economic behaviour of local (economic and political) agents, they become local factors of economic development, or, in other words, the district's social capital. These propositions are considered within a three-layered framework comprising structure, conduct and performance. The relations among these levels allow joint consideration of three different processes of economic selection: competitive, strategic, evolutionary. This complexity is necessary if the conditions that foster significant Marshallian external economies are to be represented correctly.  相似文献   

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