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Henry Hills, a prominent seventeenth-century printer, was a Ranter in 1649–1650. I argue that Hills can be identified as a member of this short-lived, loosely affiliated group based on the ideas contained in his 1651 spiritual autobiography, The Prodigal Returned, as well as what we know of his social and cultural contexts during this period. Recognizing that Hills was a Ranter during this period will not only help us to better understand Hills own life, but also provide us with more evidence with which to study Ranters’ sexuality and their literary efforts at community integration after recanting their former Ranters’ ideas.  相似文献   

不祥的"造山运动" 平顶山是中国煤炭工业基地,产量位居全国第三.现有16对大中型矿井,2000年产量1,834万吨,每对矿井有一个或几个矸石山.这些矸石山是煤矿在打井、开掘巷道、采煤掘进时,挖出的含有少量煤质的灰沙岩.这些矸石逐年堆积,最老的矸石山,从1955年9月开始堆积,至今46年.最大的矸石山104米高,斜坡长386米,估计有1,500万吨重.  相似文献   

This paper examines ironworking practices and traditions among the Mawu (Akpafu) and Lolobi communities of the northern Volta Region of Ghana. It compares them with other accounts gathered from published sources and observations made during fieldwork conducted in the 1970s. It describes the processes of mining, smelting, and tool manufacturing from reconstructions and oral histories and delineates the transformations that have been worked on the content of the tradition in the past 100 years. The narratives of the migrations of the Mawu, gleaned from their own elders, from ground surface evidence, and from written reports are considered in the context of archaeological and historical evidence from other parts of southern Ghana. The conventional picture of the movement of the Mawu/Lolobi communities is one of displacement by incoming groups, but the conclusion that they have been pushed within the past 150 years into the very district containing the greatest concentration of iron-rich deposits in this whole mountain area is given critical examination. It is likely that the Togo hills have been the site of ironworking for several centuries. It is, therefore, suggested that these communities may represent the distillation of a formerly more widespread set of such communities which existed wherever iron ore was to be found in southeast Ghana.  相似文献   

Rachael Pymm 《Folklore》2013,124(4):397-405
Distinctive accounts of the origin of snakestone beads occur in the folklore of Britain. The beads, usually formed of glass, were believed to be generated by the action of a knot of living snakes. This work considers snakestone bead folklore and explores when it may have developed—evaluating theories ranging from direct descent from the first century ad to early modern reinvention. Accounts of the creation of the snakestone bead from Scotland, Cornwall, and Wales are examined and compared, resulting in the identification of features unique to the folklore of each region.  相似文献   

山海经图:中国古文化珍品   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
《山海经》是中国上古文化的珍品,自战国至汉初成书至今,公认是一部奇书。说它是一部奇书,一是在不到三万一千字的篇幅里,记载了约四十个邦国,五百五十座山,三百条水道,一百多个历史人物,四百多神怪畏  相似文献   

Subglacial curved and winding meltwater channels, and Sichelwannen are recorded from Cape Jones in the Obruchev Hills. Such channels, sometimes referred to as P-forms, may have a variety of origins. After briefly considering the origins, it is deduced that those at Cape Jones were formed subglacially while the ice surface of the Denman Glacier became lower and bedrock was exposed The presence of water-laid glacial deposits on the summit of Cape Jones, and lakes on and adjacent to the eastern margin of the Denman Glacier suggests that the sudden release of impounded meltwater was important  相似文献   

Historically, geographers, anthropologists and colonial British administrators (1860–1947) frequently mentioned two ethno-geographical categories – khoungtha and toungtha – when referring to the tribal groups in the Chittagong Hills of Bangladesh. Some of these early works considered the livelihood patterns of these groups and the nature of their social and economic interactions. However, a discussion of the changes to their vernacular built environment has escaped any serious investigation. Using empirical findings, this article examines the changes to architectural practices of lowland and highland groups in the socially and ethnically complex region of the Chittagong Hills. Narrowing the discussion to the toungtha Mru ethnic group, this article also examines religious patterns, building techniques and spatial changes in a remotely placed, relatively inaccessible part of the hills where the built environment is still a strong cultural priority.  相似文献   

The Matobo Hills World Heritage Area in southern Zimbabwe is an acknowledged treasure trove of rock art sites. Despite a century of research and management, there remains much to be done to conserve these sites for future generations. Following a chronological approach, this paper reviews a century of research and conservation efforts, detailing various strategies and achievements by individuals, government agencies, and affiliated organisations. Zimbabwe’s recent economic collapse and ‘land reform’ programme had fundamental impacts on the appreciation and protection of the rock art sites by tourists, local communities, international organisations and government agencies, all of which are explored. The article ends with brief suggestions on how to potentially improve and expand the management of rock art in the Matobo Hills area.  相似文献   

赵宗福 《民俗研究》2001,(3):158-165
《山海经》作为中国古代集神话传说、民俗信仰、历史地理、草木鸟兽等为一体的一部“百科全书”式的奇书,古来很受学人们的关注。及至现当代,学者们还有意识地对《山海经》研究史进行回顾总结,如容肇祖、袁珂、张步天等都有专文论述过,①至于论著中涉及此一问题的更多。但是谈到清代的《山海经》研究时,都毫无例外地评说吴任臣、汪绂、毕沅、郝懿行、俞樾等人,而皆未提及陈逢衡及其重要著作《山海经汇说》。  相似文献   

African Archaeological Review - The recent investigation of an archaeological site in southwest Nigeria has added new insight into the early human occupation and cultural development in the...  相似文献   

本文主要通过对徐州地区发现的两座楚王墓--龟山汉墓和狮子山汉墓结构设计、建造以及陪葬品等方面的讨论,进一步说明徐州地区楚王陵的结构形制特点,使我们对西汉葬制有较为深入的认识.  相似文献   

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