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The idea that an invading Roman army brought about the end of hillforts in south‐west Britain, using artillery fire to demoralize and defeat their enemy, is one of the most powerful narratives in British archaeology, being a constant element in both academic literature and public discourse. At the heart of the debate is the evidence recovered by Mortimer Wheeler during fieldwork conducted at Maiden Castle, in Dorset, between 1936–37. Wheeler interpreted a series of burials found in the east gate of the hillfort as a ‘war cemetery’, residue of an ultimately futile defence of the site, in the face of Roman aggression, by the local Durotriges tribe. A recent survey of hillforts in Dorset has, however, cast significant doubt on Wheeler’s hypothesis, suggesting that not only is the widely accepted battle‐theory unsupported by the archaeological evidence, but also that the Durotriges themselves were unconnected to any fortification or defence of Maiden Castle. This paper explores the conclusions of that survey, examining how the dramatic story of a siege first took shape in the late 1930s and why it became so immediately popular with the public. The problems of linking material remains to postulated historical events are outlined and the beginnings of a new model for Late Iron Age settlement at Maiden Castle are presented for the first time.  相似文献   

The Maiden Way     

占堂 《世界遗产》2011,(3):54-57
熊本城位于日本熊本县熊本市,是日本著名景点之一,与大坂城、姬路城合称为日本的三大古名城。1607年,丰臣秀吉的旗下大将——加藤清正为熊本城主,开始建造熊本城。加藤清正是日本战国末期数一数二的勇将,甚至在中国明朝的史书中有如此记载:倭人清正,强悍、严厉,实乃酋中名将也。事实上,在日本的筑城史上,清正流也是占了重要的一席的。清正的筑城才能,早在筑造大坂城时为丰臣秀吉所发现,当时只有二十四五岁的清  相似文献   

Dover Castle     
G. T. Clark 《考古杂志》2013,170(1):436-461

Compton Castle     

One of the perennial problems in the study of medieval architectural sculpture is the lack of identifiable patrons. At the church of St Michael, Horwood (North Devon), however, the north aisle and chapel of c. 1400 can be firmly associated with the patronage of the Pollard family, in particular John Pollard and his wife Emma. This includes the north arcade of five bays with its four freestanding and two engaged columns, all of which bear carved capitals. It is likely that the building of this extension was intended to establish the Pollard family at Horwood as well as to commemorate the patrons. Thus the work carries a funereal/monumental air that is reflected in the choice of sculptural imagery which includes a skull, angels and hybrid monsters. This context provides new insight into the ways in which architectural images were perceived and used in the later Middle Ages, particularly with regards to the image of the mermaid.  相似文献   


Castle Acre     
Geo. T. Clark 《考古杂志》2013,170(1):282-285
This is the report of research excavations and salvage recording both inside and outside the standing Romanesque church. Evidence was seen of three pre-Conquest churches. The first was a ground standing timber building. The second was a Brixworth-type stone building. The third was a T-shaped church with a continuous transept and a tiny eastern apse. The evidence for these interpretations is presented. Documentary evidence is given and parallels are discussed. Additional information about the succeeding Romanesque church is presented. It had a rectangular crossing and tower, and evidence of a large added eastern chapel, reasoned to have been a new setting for the Holy Cross of Waltham, is discussed. Finds include floor tiles and stone. A burial close to the first church probably dates to the seventh century and suggests that Waltham was a minster church from the early years of the conversion. A herring-bone masonry wall is attributed to Harold.  相似文献   

郑绍宗 《文物春秋》2003,(4):1-6,12
本文对平泉茅兰沟一带发现的石围墙、石城遗址作了重点介绍,并以此作为切入点,对我国北方夏家店下层文化的石围墙、石城聚落遗址进行了全面的分析,认为夏家店下层文化的石围墙、石城构成的“城堡带”,集中在内蒙古的赤峰、辽宁的朝阳、河北的承德一带,分布直径在400公里左右,可能是当时“古国”的所在。  相似文献   

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