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The recent identification of two original drawings of the excavated remains of the east end of St Hugh’s choir at Lincoln Cathedral adds new information to that first published in 1887. A review of this information and fresh survey of the site, which includes information from grave slabs, will enlarge our understanding of what was discovered, including the fact that the foundations had been badly damaged by grave digging. The drawings themselves are revealed to be part reconstructions rather than accurate representations of what had actually survived. Nevertheless, they do allow a more accurate plan of the remains to be drafted and a new reconstruction of the building to be attempted. This is the aim of this article.  相似文献   


Previous work has presented evidence that the Circle-Octagon Earthworks at Newark Ohio contain numerous features that are aligned to the lunar standstills (extreme rise and set points of the Moon). A Monte Carlo study of randomly constructed octagons is presented to investigate the statistical significance of this evidence. The study investigates the sensitivity of the statistics to a variety of plausible assumptions about the design of the earthworks, the capabilities of the builders, and the type and precision of the astronomical alignments. The results of the quantitative study establish that the statistical significance of the evidence for deliberate astronomical alignment over the entire range of plausible assumptions is far too high to be dismissed. The study reveals that the hypothesis of deliberate astronomical alignment predicts the otherwise unexplained shape of both octagonal earthworks constructed by the Hopewell Culture. The analysis compares the Newark dataset to hypothetical datasets which have no statistical significance, so that the difference is clearly established. We also show the evidence is consistent with the hypothesis that the astronomical alignments were established from observations made from high points where the effects of local horizons were negligible.  相似文献   


The Middle Woodland period Newark Earthworks in Newark, Ohio, are the largest known set of connected, geometrical earthworks ever constructed. An analysis of available evidence (survey, topographical, statistical, and archaeological) shows that the geometry of this Hopewell complex and its relation to the surrounding terrain can be understood in terms of astronomical alignments to the Sun and Moon. The geometrical structure of the site is consistently aligned with extremes in the 18.6-year cycle of lunar standstills. An understanding of the topographical context is presented by identifying four hilltops connected by lunar standstill alignments to long linear features of the Earthworks and connected to each other by alignments to the Sun at the solstices. The number and accuracy of the alignments together with Monte Carlo studies showing the low likelihood of chance producing such results suggest that Newark was aligned with unprecedented accuracy both to regional topographical features and astronomical phenomena.  相似文献   

Gravegoods comprising local and imported pottery together with iron arrowheads were 'rescued'from a burial at al-Khatt, U.A.E., in 1993. Their relation to the chronology established at Mleiha suggests that they date from the late 3rd to early 2nd centuries BC, a period as yet little known in the Emirate of Ras al-Khaimah.  相似文献   


The Elamite civilization of SW Iran represents one of the earliest geographically diverse literate empires in the world. During the 2nd millennium B.C. that part of the Elamite civilization situated in and around the ancient city of Susa (the Susiana plain) experienced a growth of population to unprecedented levels, as well as significant political and economic change. Tepe Sharafabad, already an ancient prehistoric mound, was the site of one of the new settlements founded during this period of growth. At first it was no more than an ordinary small village. Sometime near the middle of the 2nd millennium B.C. it was transformed into a rural estate. The study of such small sites may be critical to the understanding of the achievements of this important civilization, and of the evolution of early empires in general.  相似文献   

The results of seven weeks'research in 1989 by a Belgian team from Gent University at ed-Dur, in the Emirate of Umm al-Qaiwain, are presented. Excavations were continued in the southern part of the site. A fourth altar was found near the temple (area M); graves were excavated in other areas (areas N and AT). A large, undisturbed, semi-subterranean tomb with a barrel-vault and enclosure (area AV) was also discovered.  相似文献   

后房旧石器遗址位于湖北省十堰市郧县青曲镇王家山村,主要埋藏于汉水左岸二级阶地的黄棕色黏土层中。2010年10~11月武汉大学考历史学院、南京大学地理与海洋科学学院和郧县博物馆联合组队对该遗址进行了抢救性发掘,揭露面积400平方米,出土石制品162件,类型包括石核、石片、砾石工具、断块、砾石等。原料都是磨圆度高的砾石,岩性以脉石英为主;石制品以中小型为主,大型石器数量相当少;石核、石片、断块数量多,砾石石器数量极少,包括手镐、砍砸器、两面器,仅占总数的3%左右;工具毛坯多是石核、石片、断块,砾石毛坯比例很低;石制品生产体系存在两种不同的概念,对应于两条不同的操作链。根据地貌地层对比推断遗址形成于中更新世晚期至晚更新世初期,地层里出土的两面器为探讨中国两面器的演化及其与西方旧石器文化之间的关系提供了重要材料。  相似文献   

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