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THE remains of the medieval manor of Penhallam lie in a sheltered valley in the parish of Jacobstow, some 3 miles from the sea. It was one of the principal houses of the Cardinham family who held, under the king, the largest seignory in the county of Cornwall. Extensive excavation between the years 1968 and 1973 revealed substantial remains of a sophisticated manor house, standing within an earlier ring-work. The stone-built house was constructed in four periods during the late 12th and early 13th centuries. It was deserted in the middle of the 14th century and was gradually demolished. Mo remains of the buildings were visible above ground at the time of the commencement of the excavation. The site, now known as Berry Court, takes the name of a small homestead of probable 16th-century origin, standing on the outer edge of the moat.

There was no visible trace of the hall associated with the early Norman ring-work, but its existence is attested by the subsequent development of the site. Excavation revealed that there were stone buildings standing on the four sides of a courtyard. They comprised a hall, camera, chapel, service rooms, lodgings and a gatehouse. From these remains it was possible to obtain much information about the construction and development of a medieval manor house in the 12th and 13th centuries. Excavation of the 13th-century gatehouse and drawbridge well revealed the construction, assembly and operation of a counter-balanced bridge.

The excavation finds, attributed to the 13th and early 14th centuries, have been presented to the Royal Institution of Cornwall at Truro.  相似文献   


Before timber and stone houses were introduced to northern regions, varieties of turf houses were the most commonly used architecture. These houses had a wooden structure encapsulated in a shell constructed of grass turf. The different ethnic groups of the north built their houses in different styles and constructions, but the general principle was the same. The Norse of North Norway and also on the North Atlantic islands had a tendency to build their houses on top of the ruins of previous houses. After a few centuries this arrangement produced a settlement mound of highly organic soil. In the research literature, both the turf architecture and the settlement mounds have been described as adaptations to and a function of marginality and lack of timber. This paper reports an effort to test the idea that turf houses on top of settlement mounds may have been a finely tuned ecological system that made use of the capacity of organic soil to produce heat.  相似文献   

略论史前聚落的萌芽与发生   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
钱耀鹏 《中原文物》2003,17(5):8-13
聚落作为人类重要的文化现象,普遍发达于新石器时代,但其本身也存在着一个漫长的发展过程。从世界范围来看,聚落的萌芽似应发端于晚期直立人以来的地面穴居现象,并随着房屋建筑、墓葬以及窖穴等诸多要素的相继出现而日渐复杂。至迟在旧石器时代晚期可能就逐渐开始形成了一些较为显著的聚落布局规划现象,为史前聚落的进一步发展奠定了基础。  相似文献   

五庄果墚遗址位于陕西省靖边县黄蒿界乡小界村西北部,距离县城约30公里,现为省级文物保护单位。遗址中心位于五个连绵的山峁上,相传该处曾有五户人家居住,因而得名五庄果墚。五庄果墚遗址面积约30万平方米以上,文化内涵以仰韶时代晚期至龙山时代早期遗存为  相似文献   


The remains of Hall Place, St. Neots, a late 17th- or early 18th-century house facing Church Street, were encountered during the excavation of an Anglo-Saxon settlement in 1961. Hall place had been built over the site of a large timber-lined cutting, perhaps a fishpond, which had been filled up with domestic rubbish and demolition debris during the course of the 16th century. The fishpond contained a large group of finds including both local and imported pottery, metalwork and leather objects. Pits, wells and other late and post-medieval structures and features were also found in the garden areas behind Hall Place and other Church Street houses.  相似文献   

EXCAVATIONS in Wood Street, Nantwich uncovered two salt or wich houses, the first medieval wich houses belonging to an inland production centre to be thoroughly investigated. From the excavation a picture emerges of a highly structured and ordered organization, with each stage in the production of salt clearly defined and demarcated. The two wich houses were approximately the same size and both included amongst their equipment a trough, either clay-puddled or, in the later periods, a hollowed-out tree trunk, technically called a ‘ship’. These were used for storing the brine, once it had been carried across the river in wooden pipes. There was no trace of this aqueduct network. The brine was then boiled in lead pans over an open fire. There were six hearths to each wich house. The houses are dated to the late 12th century. One was pulled down shortly after it was built; for the other the last recorded date is in the 16th century.  相似文献   

孟华平  刘辉  邓振华  向其芳 《考古》2012,(8):29-41,1,103,105
2011年,湖北省文物考古研究所、北京大学考古文博学院对石家河古城三房湾遗址的东南低洼地带进行了勘探和发掘,证实该处存在城垣堆积,且走向明确。城垣的兴建年代不早于屈家岭文化晚期,至石家河文化晚期已经废弃。此次工作,为全面认识石家河古城的结构以及聚落变迁提供了重要的资料。  相似文献   

RECENT research suggests that the fully single-storied house remained common among substantial vernacular houses in Devon down to the end of the medieval period. The most important feature of these houses is that many of their internal partitions were screens that were only some 6 ft. high. In modernization, while an open hearth was retained in the hall, an upper floor was often jettied into the hall, over the low partition. At a later stage these internal jetties were used in original work. The houses with low partitions can be seen as a stage in the evolution of the medieval house, linking the evidence of surviving buildings with that of buildings known only from excavation.  相似文献   


Millstone Bluff and Hayes Creek are principal sites in a late Mississippian complex in the upper Bay Creek watershed in southern Illinois. These and other settlements represent a 13th century expansion of Mississippian settlement away from large stream valleys into remote interior locations. Although contemporaneous and very close to one another, these sites are very different and have a complex history. These two sites were explored in six seasons of excavation and here we summarize that work, focusing on commonalities and differences in architectural patterning and community structure. These reveal that the two sites appear to have varied as a function of nature of initial settlement, adherence to a village layout, and respective roles in the larger settlement system.  相似文献   

2018年3月至6月,为配合金沙江下游河段的乌东德水电站建设,四川省文物考古研究院等对位于四川会理县新安傣族乡新开田村的李家坪遗址进行了考古发掘,发掘面积1000平方米。发现新石器时代晚期的房址、灰坑等数十座遗迹,出土百余件遗物及大量陶片标本,为研究城河流域乃至金沙江中下游地区新石器时代晚期考古学文化谱系提供了重要实物资料。  相似文献   

Archaeological excavation of two late-18th century household middens in the San Blas parish of the colonial city of Riobamba resulted in the recovery of samples of archaeobotanical remains dating to the period before the AD 1797 destruction of the city in an earthquake. These seed remains were dominated by barley (Hordeum vulgare) and quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa). The dominance of these two grains in samples from artisans’ households in this marginal neighborhood suggests that we should question the assumption that imported Old World domesticates were associated with more elite houses during the Spanish colonial period in the Andes.  相似文献   

哈尔滨阎家岗遗址动物骨骼圈状结构的再研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、前言人类发展的历史经过约200多万年漫长而艰难的历程,在距今3.5万年左右进入旧石器时代晚期。此时人类除了在石器制作技术、绘画雕刻和原始宗教意识等领域取得了一系列重要进步之外,已经能够摆脱长期在天然洞穴中生活的束缚而来到平原之上  相似文献   

A survey of 211 Iron Age roundhouses from twenty-five settlements across Essex shows a steep Late Iron Age fall in numbers from a Middle Iron Age peak. It cannot be explained by the replacement of the roundhouse with an architectural form that left little trace in the ground because the roundhouse remained a living architectural tradition until the late Roman period in the county. Nine of these twenty-five settlements were abandoned in or before the Late Iron Age, but have next to nothing in the way of pre-conquest artefacts that could have come from houses of that date which had not survived. The fall in roundhouse numbers is interpreted as a population contraction of at least 50 % over the period c. 125–25 BC. Political upheaval may have been partly responsible. No environmental changes could be identified as contributory factors. Population retreat in the county explains the dearth of Late Iron Age settlements and the absence of large cemeteries.  相似文献   

Diatoms recovered from archaeological features on a Viking Age farmstead excavation in the Mosfell Valley in southwestern Iceland are utilized as microscopic indicators of turf-based structures. Eroded turf can be difficult to distinguish macroscopically from naturally occurring sediments because turf foundations erode and melt into the landscape over time, leaving minimal evidence of site use. Turf was a principle building component in Iceland until the early 20th century. Turf strips and blocks were harvested from lowlands where organically rich peat and abundant water contributed to the development of bog plants with thick root mats that produced premium turf. Diatoms embedded in turf reflect the ecological conditions of the peat-bog at the time of deposition. Turf was cut from the bog and transported to higher elevations where drainage was more conducive to house construction. Siliceous diatom frustules are resistant to decay and preserve well archaeologically. The presence of diatoms in archaeological sediments is considered a marker of sediment provenience and an indication of human site use and anthropogenic modification of natural substrates. This paper demonstrates how diatom analysis can determine the presence and delimitation of archaeological features otherwise difficult to distinguish with the naked eye.  相似文献   

临潼区(原为县)位于陕西关中东部,南依骊山,北面渭水,境内山、塬、川地由南向北接连分布,地上地下水源丰富,气候温和,土质肥沃,自然条件相当优越,自远古以来这里就是最为适宜人们聚居繁衍的上好地区。新中国成立以来经过多次考古调查,文物普查,已查明史前遗址近30处,驰名中外的姜寨聚落遗址乃是其中之一。  相似文献   

Excavations of the Kuwaiti–Polish Archaeological Mission at the site of Bahra 1 in Kuwait uncovered the remains of a large settlement from the sixth millennium BC, associated with the Mesopotamian Ubaid culture. This connection is made clear by the presence of Ubaid Ware from the Ubaid 2/3 phase that appears alongside Red Coarse Ware typical for the Arabian Neolithic. Architecture of the settlement resembled the Ubaid one with orthogonal, multi-chambered houses. In one part of the site they form a dense block with traits that indicate some degree of spatial planning. This type of spatial arrangement is absent in Arabian Neolithic settlements and is also unknown from Ubaid settlements in Mesopotamia. One of the buildings discovered at Bahra 1 has a ground plan reminiscent of a sanctuary from Eridu XVI and was probably associated with cultic activities, as was a circular stone enclosure (Unit 6), representing local building traditions. The character of Bahra 1 architecture and the presence of cultic buildings at the site suggest that the settlements served as a local ceremonial and/or cultic centre.  相似文献   

湖北郧县大寺遗址2006年发掘简报   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、地理位置与工作概况大寺遗址位于湖北十堰市郧县城关镇后殿村,东南距郧县城区约3公里。地处汉江左岸与堰河交汇处的二级台地上。地理位置为东经110°45′26.3″,北纬32°51′08.8″。海拔高程145米(图一)。  相似文献   

越南境内院落明器在东汉中期开始出现并延续至三国初年,院落的主体房屋由平地式演变为干栏式,院落的布局由前庭后屋式结构演变为房屋三面环绕中庭的结构。越南境内汉墓出土的院落明器在干栏式结构和城堡式设计方面既受到两广地区汉代典型建筑明器的影响又形成了自身的地域特点,此外以天井为中心的院落平面布局以及房屋独特的制作技法也体现了鲜明的本地特色,东汉晚期至三国初年具有越南境内地区特色的院落明器直接输出到两广地区,上述文化交流现象产生的原因与东汉时期两地密切联系的历史背景有关。  相似文献   

利戴遗址为省级文物保护单位利城遗址的一部分,整个遗址面积约60万平方米.利戴遗址以龙山文化遗存为主,此次清理的5座灰坑及1座半地穴式房址均为龙山文化遗迹,其中出土陶、石、蚌器38件.从出土的器物看,该遗址龙山文化遗存的文化面貌与潍坊姚官庄、鲁家口和青州凤凰台相类似,其年代约为龙山文化早期偏晚阶段并一直延续到龙山文化晚期.  相似文献   

陈国科  王辉  苗平 《文物》2020,(4):31-45
径保尔草场玉矿遗址位于甘肃省酒泉市肃北县马鬃山镇公婆泉村。2016年4~7月,甘肃省文物考古研究所继续对遗址进行了发掘,清理石块堆积7处、灰坑20个、房址43座,出土有陶器、石器、铜器、玉料等遗物。遗址碳十四测年数据分布于公元前390~前60年,主要集中于公元前360~前150年。本次发掘为了解当时玉矿的开采情况提供了重要资料,对于开展遗址聚落分期并揭示各期聚落组成和形态演变具有重要意义。  相似文献   

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