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S. S. Lewis 《考古杂志》2013,170(1):98-100
This survey has revealed the remarkable extent of the earthwork remains in unploughed grassland inside the hillfort on Beacon Hill. At the summit there are the banks and ditches of an earlier enclosure. The hillfort's defences comprise a ditch set between two banks. At the south-east, a homwork protects the entrance passage, which is continued by straight inturns. A possible second, blocked, entrance has been noted on the west side. Some sixty certain or possible hut sites, of varying form, have analogies of iron age date at Hod Hill.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to explain the factors and processes which, in 1986–87, gave rise to the decisions by the Canadian federal and provincial (Ontario and Quebec) regulatory authorities to liberalize entry into, and ownership of, the investment dealer industry in Canada. These decisions, rather narrowly based as they were, nonetheless would be a watershed with respect to the subsequent deregulation of the traditional four-pillar structure of the Canadian financial services industry. The traditional four pillars-which were legally and functionally separated-comprised the chartered banks, the trust and mortgage loan companies, the life insurance industry, and the investment dealers. lhe liberalization decisions by the governments permitted the other elements of the four pillars, and nonresidents as well, to have equity participations in member firms of the securities industry. This represented a fundamental reversal of the beliefs, values, and ideas surrounding the low-pillars doctrine. The period of history examined extends from 1969 to 1987.  相似文献   

Soil profiles buried beneath earth banks of five abandoned enclosures, ranging in age from late Bronze Age to early 19th century AD, were compared with unburied profiles inside and outside the enclosures. Soil particle size analyses and micromorphological studies show that the banks were constructed of mixed topsoil and subsoil from adjacent ditches; on some banks the soil has begun to podzolize. At the two oldest sites (Dark Hat and Long Slade Bottom, which are late Bronze or Iron Age) the soils within the enclosures were homogenized, probably by occasional cultivation for cereal growing. At Dark Hat an ironpan has developed on the upper surface of a layer compacted by smearing during cultivation. The later enclosures, at Burley Moor (Anglo-Saxon), East Boldre (mediaeval) and Hatchet Gate (early 19th century AD), were probably used entirely for pasture. Pollen assemblages from the buried soils and overlying banks, and chemical comparisons of the buried soils with profiles inside and outside the enclosures together provide new evidence for a history of soil and vegetation changes over the past 2500–3500 years. Heathland vegetation associated with podzolic soils existed on plateau gravels before the late Bronze Age, but on other parent materials heath vegetation and acidic soils with incipient podzolization appeared only in later periods. The present patchy vegetation pattern of mainly deciduous woodland with open areas of ferny grassland and heath seems to have persisted since before the late Bronze Age. The most obvious human influences on the vegetation during the last 2000 years have been periodic temporary use of open areas and woodland clearings for protected grazing.  相似文献   

The paper examines the withdrawal of branches from local communities by financial institutions. It assesses whether mutually owned building societies are more adept than the former societies that have converted to public limited companies (plcs), or the high street banks, in serving disadvantaged communities. The paper shows that during the mid-1990s: mutual building societies were more likely than former societies that have converted to plcs to maintain their branch network; mutual societies were less likely than banks to withdraw from socially deprived locations and more likely to open branches in such places; differences between mutual societies and convertors are less marked, but mutual institutions appear less likely than convertors to close branches in deprived communities. Among the remaining mutual building societies there are differences of perspective, with more commercially-minded societies less positive than socially-concerned mutuals about the need to maintain or even expand branches in disadvantaged areas.  相似文献   

Coastal fishing communities are frequently portrayed as bastions of tradition at odds with the modernizing forces of technological change and industrial capitalism. This article examines this debate in the context of intensive aquaculture introduced into regions formerly dependent on the wild fishery, specifically with respect to the explosive growth of salmon farming in New Brunswick. New farm sites are large, often located within or close to traditional lobster fishing areas, which has motivated considerable opposition from local fishermen. This article presents findings from research on interactions between salmon farming and lobster fishing around Deer Island and Grand Manan, New Brunswick. Fishermen and salmon farmers are concerned about possible long-term effects of farm operations on marine environmental quality and lobster health, and many are concerned about the concentration of ownership and lack of local control over the aquaculture industry. The potential for physical displacement from traditional fishing grounds is real, but the actual impacts have been tempered by a combination of factors, including unusually large lobster catches in recent years; technological advances that have encouraged a shift in lobster fishing effort further offshore, away from salmon farm sites; and social accommodations between salmon site managers and those who fish  相似文献   

This paper seeks to extend geographic thinking on the changing constitution of the UK welfare state, suggesting the need to supplement ideas of the “shadow state” with an analysis of the blurring of the bureaucratic practices through which welfare is now delivered by public, private and third sector providers alike. Focusing on the growing convergence of the bureaucratic practices of benefits officials and food bank organisations, we interrogate the production of moral distance that characterise both. We reveal the ideological values embedded in voucher and referral systems used by many food banks, and the ways in which these systems further stigmatise and exclude people in need of support. Contrasting these practices with those of a variety of “ethical insurgents”, we suggest that food banks are sites of both the further cementing and of challenge to the injustices of Britain's new welfare apparatus.  相似文献   

《Anthropology today》2017,33(3):i-ii
Front and back cover caption, volume 33 issue 3 Front cover Donald J. Trump being sworn in as the 45th president of the United States, 20 January 2017. The wealthiest and the oldest US president, Trump has also proved to be the most divisive, picking controversial cabinet members, many of whom, like him, are millionaires or billionaires with no experience of working in the public sector. During early 2017, white nationalists became emboldened by his xenophobic rhetoric. In this issue, four authors pick up on select dimensions marking the Trump presidency, including: post‐truth, the trickster phenomenon, the role of big data in the US elections and Trump's pet project, namely the border wall between Mexico and the US. To what extent is Trump's rise to power indicative of global trends? In what ways have the shortcomings of neoliberalism accelerated these processes? How can anthropologists best position themselves within national environments where authoritarian, misogynistic and xenophobic tendencies are on the rise? Back cover: FOOD WASTE There are increasing levels of food poverty in the UK and ever‐growing numbers of food banks which have become symbolic of the state of the nation. At the same time, there is also rising public concern about food waste or surplus. Although the largest proportion is produced in the home, consumers tend to blame supermarkets, often utilizing a discourse of environmentalism. Such concern has resulted in a number of high‐profile campaigns like the one shown here ‘Love Food, Hate Waste’ by WRAP (Waste and Resources Action Programme) – which is only one of a number targeting both the food industry and consumers. Recently, it has also been suggested that such surplus food should be given to the growing numbers of people in food poverty through charities which supply food to their clients, including (but not only) food banks. The recent introduction of the Food Cloud app in a partnership between FareShare and Tesco has facilitated such a process. Indeed, it is often contended that this is a win‐win situation which neatly solves both problems – too much food being produced and left unsold, and too many people who cannot afford to buy food. In this issue, Pat Caplan points to some of the problems in this apparently tidy solution, drawing on two case studies from her recent research. While those in food poverty receive donated food from the public via food banks or surplus food from companies, they recognize that the acceptance of such food, no matter how good its quality, is stigmatizing – left‐over food for left‐over people. On the other hand, the food industry benefits not only from the additional food purchased by consumers to donate to food banks, but also from the PR which accrues from donating its own surplus to charity. So the win‐win situation does not in the long term solve either the problem of production of surplus or the problem of poverty.  相似文献   

林地焕 《史学月刊》2000,1(1):123-133
20世纪前期天津钱庄业经过一番努力渐复繁荣。钱庄数目和规模较前有了不小的发展,对工商业的发展起了积极的作用,与新式银行也存在着相互竞争、依赖和利用的关系。当然。钱庄业也存在着对工商业资助不够、向新式银行转型少等缺陷。  相似文献   

从建构主义的角度,研究广州红专厂的空间功能置换和游客感知,空间功能的置换具体表现为物质载体工业建筑和机器设备的外观改造及用途变化,而游客感知则通过分析游客对工业遗产空间的感知情况,探讨空间置换后产生和传达出的意义。通过比较这些意义与工业遗产价值的关系,可以更好的理解工业遗产空间的消费主义改造方式,也可以更好的理解创意产业空间所体现的当今社会对工业遗产的态度。研究发现,游客将红专厂理解为一个文化艺术和休闲消费的场所,而不是工业文明的记忆空间。红专厂工业空间的创意产业园式改造,传递出的已经不是工业文化的内涵,而是新的消费意义,实际上是工业文化向消费文化转变的过程。这种再利用方式与真正意义上的工业遗产保护是有所偏离的。  相似文献   

A research design for the study of environmental pollution by mineral industries is proposed, with particular reference to oil and gas extraction in the Volga region. In evaluating the environmental impact, three basic stages need to be distinguished: the impact proper, the environmental reaction and the longer-term consequences for the environment and for human activity. Pollution by mineral industries involves aspects common to most such industries and specific aspects associated with a particular mineral industry. Impacts may be examined from a quantitative and qualitative point of view and in the space-time perspective. Various productive facilities of a mineral industry (production wells, strip mines, deep mines, spoil banks, pipelines, railroads, highways) may have specific impacts on particular environmental components (land, air, water, biological communities). The specific impacts of the oil industry and the coal industry are compared.  相似文献   

People with disabilities, especially women, suffer from appallingly high rates of poverty, and paid work is frequently cited as a primary route out of poverty. I draw on feminist analyses of work and disability studies to reflect on the Canadian federal government's Employment Equity Act. I use the example of the ‘Big Six’ banks to investigate the numerical representation and occupational distribution of women and men with disabilities compared to their counterparts without disabilities. However, social justice in the workplace is at least as much about the quality of social relationships as it is about statistical effects. Reaching workplace equity also involves the creation of a workplace climate where people with disabilities experience supportive and responsive supervision, along with a sense of being respected and valued. I assess the banks’ progress towards identifying and eliminating discriminatory disabling barriers. I close with a discussion of workplace climate and locate the Act in the context of a broader network of change that includes challenging ableism.  相似文献   

Struggling for food in a time of crisis: responsibility and paradox. Responsibility is a useful lens through which to examine the current state of food poverty in the UK in the context of the Covid-19 crisis, noting that this concept contains several paradoxes. Currently, responsibility involves the voluntary sector, the food industry and the state, a situation which the author has been exploring for the last five years in an ethnographic study of food poverty and food aid in the UK. Food aid organizations, especially food banks, have mushroomed during the period of austerity. This reveals the first paradox: namely, that the existence of food banks conveys the message that ‘something is being done’, but in actuality this is very far from being sufficient to meet the needs of either the ‘old’ or ‘new’ food insecure. The second paradox is that at the onset of the crisis, a government which had been responsible for inflicting austerity on the country for 10 years, dramatically reversed some of its policies. However, predictably, this did not change the situation vis-à-vis food insecurity. The third paradox is that the frequent rhetoric invoking the two world wars has not resulted in lessons being learned – notably, the creation of a ministry to deal with food and rationing, as in the Second World War. The final paradox relates to Brexit and its likely deleterious effects on food security, particularly if no ‘deal’ is achieved with the European Union, as seems likely. The voluntary food aid sector, try as it may, cannot possibly assume responsibility for the long-standing and now hugely increased problems of food insecurity. That belongs to the state.  相似文献   


Recent surveys of textile mills in Yorkshire, Greater Manchester and East Cheshire have laid the groundwork for future study in their respective areas. All three have necessarily referred back to precedents set in eighteenth century Derbyshire, where water power was first successfully applied to the manufacture of both silk and cotton. Derbyshire retains an important group of early cotton mills, most of them distributed along the River Derwent and its tributaries. Recent measured surveys of five of the most significant early mills and of a number of related sites by RCHME's Threatened Buildings Sections, supplemented by photographic coverage of further sites over many years, have provided a core of information on which the present article is largely based. The article concentrates on the surviving physical remains of the cotton industry, but draws also on documentary and other evidence for vanished structures.  相似文献   

湖北旧石器文化初步研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
祝恒富 《华夏考古》2002,6(3):13-23
一、前 言湖北位于我国中部 ,长江从其腹地穿越 ,地理位置处于东经 1 0 8°2 1′——— 1 1 6°0 1′ ,北纬 2 9°5′——— 33°2 0′。属亚热带季风气候 ,因受太阳辐射和季风环流的季节性变化的影响 ,湖北雨热同季 ,四季分明 ,光照充足 ,雨量充沛 ,年平均降水量在 80 0毫米~ 1 0 0 0毫米 ,年均光照总数在 1 2 0 0小时~2 0 0 0小时之间 ,年平均温度在 1 5℃~ 1 7℃。湖北东、西、北三面环山 ,东南及中部为平原。全境河流交织 ,湖泊如星。湖北的生物资源也极为丰富 ,据统计 ,生活在湖北的动物多达 70 0余种、植物 4 0 0 0多种。这种生态…  相似文献   

上海陆家嘴金融集聚动因的实证研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文利用陆家嘴金融创新问卷调查和面对面访谈等实地调研资料,对上海陆家嘴的金融集聚动因进行了较为深入的探讨。研究发现,邻近金融中心市场、共享知名品牌、金融友善型政府、良好的政策法规是促进其金融集聚的主要动因;而我国金融政策环境开放度不高、金融产业水平较低、市场规模不大、中介服务机构不足则正成为影响陆家嘴金融集聚的主要不利因素。  相似文献   

1949年5月上海解放后,不同层次的私营金融业在走向公私合营的共同目标中,所需的时间、具体的过程有着较大的区别。上海私营金融业曾两次组织对生产与其他经济事业的联合放款,此外规模较大的银行较早实现了公私合营,而数十家中小行庄公司则通过组成四个联营集团进行多种业务的联合经营并逐步过渡到两个联合总管理处,实现了从业务到人事、财务、组织多种形式的联合管理,最后在条件成熟的时候与大银行共同组成统一的公私合营银行。政府对上海地区数量众多的私营金融机构采取了导向联放、联营和联管的循序渐进的谨慎政策,是符合整个中国金融业历史实际的正确之举,体现了中国私营金融业社会主义改造的历史必然性和复杂性。  相似文献   

Military and regimental savings schemes have not attracted a great deal of attention in accounts of colonial India yet they were part of daily life for many soldiers. The East India Company introduced savings banks as one of a number of measures to deal with the problem of indiscipline among the troops, but fairly quickly they were being used in other ways: as a marketing tool to recruit better quality troops and to appeal to entrepreneurs who wanted to use their time in the army as a means to self-improvement and prosperity. Several years later a royal warrant established regimental banks for the queen's troops wherever they served. Many thousands of soldiers used regimental savings banks and they provide important insights into the workings of the army in Victorian Britain and British India that have hitherto been neglected.  相似文献   


This article provides a broad analysis of the development of the British aircraft industry and the factories that it has occupied. Particular attention is given to the use of second-hand buildings, the way in which sites and structures have been adapted, and the importance of investment during the two world wars and links with car manufacturers.  相似文献   

林文盛  冯健 《人文地理》2021,36(5):63-72
移动互联网的快速发展,特别是2020年的新冠疫情加速了远程医疗等数字经济业态的发展,促使学者们重新重视“数字鸿沟”现象,探讨“数字不平等”和“社会不平等”的相互影响。文章以北京5个典型城中村为调研地,发现:移动互联网发展,4G网络普及和国产智能手机崛起缩小了城中村居民在设备接入上的鸿沟,但其上网技能还受到个体社会经济属性影响。产生“数字鸿沟”的传统因素如年龄、受教育程度等仍然在起作用,一些新的因素如户籍、网龄、上网时长催化了其在网络内容利用上的差异,社会结构分层同样嵌入到其网络产品和内容选择中。研究加深了我们对“数字鸿沟”的理解,也帮助我们分析其他社会弱势群体遭遇“数字鸿沟”的可能性。  相似文献   

This paper establishes an eight thousand year history of anthropogenic metal pollution at one of the oldest, most important and longest sustained sites of the extraction and smelting of copper ores in the Old World: the Faynan Orefield in Jordan, which is located between the hyper-arid southern desert and the front of the wetter Mountains of Edom. The modern land surface is shown, in significant part, to be a complex palimpsest of archaeological sites, metal pollution of various ages and ore processing deposits. Quantitative and qualitative observations of the storage and cycling of heavy metals through the local natural and domestic systems have produced a body of information on processes with which the past has been interpreted. Heavy metal concentrations in semi-continuous sedimentary bodies indicate that over the last 1500 years, metals were removed by natural processes at a comparatively slow rate given the scale of the original anthropogenic metal burden: the proportions of lead with respect to copper have increased as the overall metal burden has been lowered. Distinctive anthropogenic metal-pollution signatures have been detected in ash- and charcoal-rich deposits that were discarded onto the banks of a perennial stream in the late Neolithic. At present, the nature of the human activities that might have produced these pollution signatures is unknown. Substantial metal pollution from industrial-scale smelting activity was present from the Early Bronze Age. The intensity of heavy metal pollution produced in Classical Times locally exceeded that recorded at major European copper smelting centres in the nineteenth century A.D. The pollution evidence indicates that intensive copper smelting at the immediate area took place until approximately the end of the Byzantine period; with the exception of one further minor episode of smelting radiocarbon dated to cal. BP 530–330. An observed partial, but perhaps significant, parallelism is also noted between this local record and the records of the metal burdens of the northern hemisphere determined at mire or ice-sheet sites at high-altitudes or high-latitudes.The paper discusses the extent to which this parallelism might be a geochemical indicator of the actual existence of “economic systems” of a geographical scope and scale to have both exercised substantial “pull” upon the resources of such isolated and difficult locations at the Wadi Faynan, and to have generated sufficient overall metal pollution to have materially altered the chemistry of the global atmosphere. The comparative absence of quantitative information upon the nature, spatial scale and impacts of human, industrial and natural processes affecting metal-pollution in other metal-rich arid lands provides a significant impediment to such approaches that seek to research “locally and think globally”.  相似文献   

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