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John Edward Lee 《考古杂志》2013,170(1):157-162
This paper presents some of the background information considered necessary to expand the archaeological uses of aerial photography. Some problems encountered recording archaeological features from the air are discussed but the paper concentrates on the subsequent use of aerial photographs and covers the interpretation and plotting of archaeological features, use of different map scales, and outlines two schemes for the presentation of completed drawings which show air photograph evidence. The uses and potential of morphological analysis are included, as are comments on the relevance of fieldwork to air photograph interpretation.

An appendix considers the application of geophysical techniques to air photograph sites, and the deductions that may be derived from these non-destructive methods.  相似文献   

华慈祥 《收藏家》2010,(4):32-34
历史文献中有关砚的记载在宋以前比较少见,大多以颂砚诗的题材出现,宋代以后古籍中关于砚的篇章与专著明显增多。可以分为两部分。一为砚录之类的书籍,一般记录作者砚之把玩、研究的心得;或者前半段记录作者砚之把玩、研究的心得,后半段集录前人有关砚的诗文。二为砚图类书籍,记录某人或某处所藏砚图,或有文字说明。能够入选的古砚一般来说,材质上佳,制作精细,具有很强的艺术价值。  相似文献   

汪平 《收藏家》2009,(7):71-76
安徽省文物总店自1974年成立以来,通过商业手段,征集各类传世文物40余万件,先后向各级博物馆、文物保护单位、科研所及大专院校提供一大批珍贵文物藏品及资料,为保护文物、弘扬历史文化做出了应有的贡献。随着社会主义市场经济的进一步深入,文物市场格局发生了重人变化,文物商店面临诸多新课题、新挑战。  相似文献   

闫建科 《收藏家》2011,(1):17-22
旅顺博物馆书法藏品数量众多,上自西晋,下至明清,跨越千年,又以明清作品为大宗。其中文徵明的行书似学赵孟,展示了书法端庄秀美的一面;傅山的草书向我们呈现了狂野豪放的一面;郑燮的"六分半书"和金农的"漆书"则令人见识清代中期两位书坛名家新奇怪异的书风。  相似文献   

伍亚婕 《收藏家》2012,(8):43-48
15世纪末,欧洲探险家从美洲印地安土著那里带回了烟草与吸闻鼻烟的习俗。半个世纪后,整个欧洲上至国王,下至平民皆以吸闻鼻烟为时髦风尚。16世纪末,意大利传教士将鼻烟作为贡品献给明万历皇帝。具有解疲明目功效的鼻烟大获皇帝赏识。自此,鼻烟传入中国,成为上层人士流行的嗜好,各国使  相似文献   

The excavations at Aulnat-Gandaillat are producing evidence of the pre-urban settlement system belonging to the last centuries B.C. The agricultural settlement was also engaged in industry, including the working of bronze, iron, gold, silver, glass, bone and possibly other substances such as coral. It is also providing us with the most refined chronology yet available from a La Tène settlement, and also with details of the development of trade with the Mediterranean world. The site was abandoned around 40–20 B.C. when the oppidum of Gergovie was founded.  相似文献   

子午源 《收藏家》2011,(2):9-15
海宁图书馆创办于光绪三十年(1904年),是我国历史上第一个县(市)级公共图书馆,收藏了大量的古籍图书及金石拓本。其中金石拓本的藏量不菲,据记载1923年馆藏金石拓本已有252种计726张。以后经各种途经的收集或乡人捐赠,至今已增至500余种计5千余张。2009年笔者受命选编《海宁图书馆藏金石拓本》一书,  相似文献   

殷凤琴 《收藏家》2009,(1):79-80
于硕是近代微刻大师,与吴南愚有“南于北吴”之誉。于硕原名宗庆,字啸轩。《清代画史汇传补编》作啸仙。其先祖蔚华系嘉庆年间进士,官至夔州知府。其族兄齐庆,受庆皆于成丰时官至翰林。于硕于金石书画之外,精于微雕,1915年其作品《赤壁夜游》曾获巴拿马万国博览会金牌奖。天津博物馆收藏其作品六件,其中带年款的五件,现将其作品分别介绍如下:  相似文献   

赵青  董洁 《收藏家》2008,(8):75-76
在唐代慕葬发掘中,时常有一些滑石器出土。这些滑石器通常作为玉器的替代品,它们不仅色泽、质地与玉器相近,而且在装饰工艺上也与玉器相同,当中的一些甚至可以与玉器乱真。可以说这些滑石器从一定程度上是对唐代玉器的补充,本文摭选几件陕西历史博物馆所藏具有代表性的滑石器作一介绍。  相似文献   

F. C. Lukis 《考古杂志》2013,170(1):222-232
Bishop's Waltham Palace, one of the most important residences of the bishopric of Winchester, was transformed by two of the most powerful of its later medieval bishops, Wykeham and Beaufort (1367–1447). The exceptional quality of the bishopric records enables us to trace the chronology of the progress of work with considerable accuracy and requires revision of the conventional dating of the buildings. The records also provide a great deal of information about the craftsmen and architects involved and about the building materials and their sources. Beaufort's new lodgings range still possesses much of the original timber framing of its eastern chambers, and this together with its accurate dating has warranted separate treatment.

Note on dating The accounting year ran from Michaelmas to Michaelmas (29 September), and I have dated work by the year in which this closed. Most of the building season would therefore be recorded in the account for the same calendar year, but any late autumn work would be found in the following year's account.  相似文献   

席育英 《收藏家》2008,(9):83-86
中国是世界文明古国之一,是最早发明制陶瓷技术的国家,有着瓷国之美誉。从古代开始至今,一直对世界文化有着重要的影响。时至今日,长久不衰,在于她的艺术魅力与实用价值。本文浅析数件中国国家博物馆藏经典瓷器,供人们鉴赏。  相似文献   

徐钢城  茅艳 《收藏家》2012,(4):9-17
苏州自古即为造化钟意人文鼎盛之区,这片淡绿色的旖旎水乡孕育了50名文武状元,魁元如簇雄冠东南,清初吴江钮坊《觚媵续编》卷四“苏州土产”条^③中载:长洲硕儒汪琬曾在词馆对同僚日:苏产绝少,一为梨园子弟,另一便是状元。虽是戏言,亦可见吴下俊彦辈出佳士荟萃。  相似文献   

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