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By exploring the nature of the Palatine myth in Early Stuart England this article contributes to the debate on the religious and political polarisation in Europe in the decades before the Thirty Years War. In the battle of words that preceded the armed conflict of men, references to the national past and greatness were used and misused by the opposing sides as influential instruments of propaganda. The paper sets out to answer two basic questions. In what way was Frederick, the Palatine Elector, put within the context of English Protestant mythology? How did the public image of the Palatine Couple change after the disaster at the White Mountain?  相似文献   

In the late Ottoman and Mandatory periods, Palestine's rural landscape underwent a great transformation. This study examines how the Muslim population expanded beyond its traditional inhabitation in the highlands and settled the fluid inventory of marginal lands in the coastal plains and unpopulated valleys of Palestine. In settling these marginal landscapes their settlement dovetailed with Jewish settlement patterns. While most studies have emphasized the competitive aspect of this process, examining Zionist and Arab national claims, this research points to a different aspect of this new settlement—mainly how much the Jewish and Muslim settlement patterns mirrored one another and how they were part of similar physical processes and complemented one another. Relying on censuses, aerial photographs, and period maps, as well as other archival sources, this is the first systematic research to examine the full extent of new Muslim settlements in Palestine in the late Ottoman and Mandatory periods, and to draw parallels between this phenomenon and the settlement endeavors of the Zionists.  相似文献   

发现区域聚落形态是一项重要的研究,也是令人振奋、挑战智慧的工作。区域考古学看来总是会产生新的、始料未及的洞见,它具有持久的价值,并对不同规模的其他研究是基础性的,而且它也是(或者说应该是)遗产保护的根本所在。  相似文献   


Archaeological testing was recently conducted at the Stone Quarry Cottage Site on Grand Island, Michigan. The site is a mid-nineteenth-century homestead situated on the shore of Lake Superior. The recent rehabilitation of the cabin by the United States Forest Service allowed the placement of archaeological excavation units within the footprint of the cabin. The site has produced a distinct pattern of artifact deposition that has provided baseline data for ongoing studies of the mid-nineteenthcentury settlement on the island. Despite its provisional nature, the data generated at the Stone Quarry Cottage identified patterns of site occupation reflecting domestic and transient use of this site, for the island as a whole, and possibly for other nineteenthcentury frontier settings. This paper outlines the results of the archaeological testing and offers a discussion concerning the interpretation of the site.  相似文献   

Magdalenian material from northern Switzerland, southwestern and southeastern Germany, the middle Rhine, and central Germany is examined for differences among these geographical areas. Several regional features, including a broad range of archaeological data, can be identified and indicate two regional groupings, a southwestern and a northeastern. The first includes sites from central Germany and the middle Rhine, while the second includes northern Switzerland and southwestern Germany. The southeastern German sites cannot be firmly placed within this pattern because of the insecure data base. The main differences are in prey species, hunting and settlement patterns, and some characteristics of the mobile art. The comparison does not allow a finer separation, although the two regional groups could probably be subdivided into smaller geographical units. Alternative explanations are discussed and further avenues of research are proposed.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on Kochav-Yair and Oranit, two localities that exemplify the Israeli Suburban Settlement phenomenon. With the first being developed by a selective group of families and the latter by a single private entrepreneur, yet both with the full support of the state, they represent the selective privatisation of the national settlement project during the 1980s. Examining the geopolitical, social and economic interests that accompanied their development, this paper illustrates how both projects incorporated the upper-middle-class bourgeoisie in the national territorial effort along the border with the occupied West-Bank (the Green-Line). Analysing the planning and construction process of both case studies, as well as their spatial characteristics, this paper explains how the upwardly middle-class and its contractors were granted substantial planning rights. Consequently, enabling them to influence the production of space while promoting a new local suburban typology that is based on better living standards, private family life and a distinctive isolated community. Therefore, this paper illustrates the Suburban Settlement typology as an outcome of the bourgeoisification of the Green-Line, which domesticated the former frontier area and enabled its inclusion in the greater national consensus.  相似文献   

THIS ARTICLE is based upon archaeological evidence from Lübeck, the capital of the Hanseatic League on the Baltic Sea. Discussed are examples of the material culture and the environment of different socio-economic quarters of the town and their transformation between the 13th and the 16th century. Evidence of the town's topography, urban plots and house-building is presented, and of everyday life including handicrafts, trade and food supply.  相似文献   

Focusing events have been widely referenced in policy studies literature as important drivers of major policy change. In multiple streams theory, punctuated equilibrium theory, and the advocacy coalition framework, they play a prominent role in explaining how major changes occur. Nearly all existing research, however, has focused on the very large and catastrophic events that catapult otherwise obscure issues onto the agenda, to the neglect of focusing events that may perform other functions. This article examines one such event: the Master Settlement Agreement (MSA) between the tobacco industry and the states signed in 1998. I observe that although the MSA focused substantial attention on the topic of tobacco regulation, produced major policy change, and shifted the policy image of the domain, it was not a typical focusing event. Drawing from the tipping point theories of Sociology and Malcolm Gladwell's The Tipping Point , I expand a theoretical distinction articulated by Baumgartner and Jones between "triggering" events and "consolidating" or "tipping" events to resolve this discrepancy.  相似文献   

The Kathmandu Valley is the cultural hearth of Nepal. The cultural landscape that developed here during the past 2(100 years remained unique in many respects from that found in neighboring Asian countries. The scale and arrangement of open space, the distribution of temples and houses and the location of cremation sites and rest houses all indicated an understanding of visual response to settlement design and the importance of social interaction. The continuous facade of lavishly carved wooden windows on backgrounds of red brick walls provided unique pictures of streets and remained as visual testimony of the high level of artistic skill and of the affluent economic conditions reached by the people of the Kathmandu Valley during the Malla Period. Much of this cultural development slowed down with the beginning of the present Shaha dynasty. Traditional buildings have been replaced by incongruous tall buildings with little emphasis on artistic taste. Some work on historical preservation has been underway. But, in view of the fast demographic changes and pseudo-modernization of the valley, how much of these architectural treasures can be preserved is still a matter of conjecture.  相似文献   

The People's Peace: British History, 1945–1989. By Kenneth O. Morgan.
Power, Competition and the State : Vol. 2, Threats to the Postwar Settlement: Britain, 1961–74. By Keith Middlemas.
Power, Competition and the State: Vol. 3, The End of the Postwar Era. By Keith Middlemas.
Selecting the Party Leader: Britain in Comparative Perspective. By R. M. Punnett.
British Politics Since 1945: The Rise and Fall of Consensus. By David Dutton.
UK Political Parties Since 1945. Edited by Anthony Seldon.
British History, 1945–1987: An Annotated Bibliography. By Peter Catterall.  相似文献   

2009年4期我们译介了"区域聚落形态考古"一文,里面对欧洲的聚落考古也有涉及。这篇文章详细介绍了欧洲聚落考古的成功经验,可以为我们提供更加详尽的国际视野。需要重申的是,"聚落"(settlement)并非仅指我们所习用的"村落"或"聚居村落"概念,而是指过去不同时空中人类所有活动点位组成的网络系统。与中国的学术传统相似,欧洲有较为悠久的依赖文献和艺术的古典考古学和以编年为目的的文化历史考古学研究史。到目前为止,欧洲大多数国家仍将考古学看作是重建历史的手段。欧洲的聚落考古与北美的聚落考古略有不同,北美侧重用环境考古的文化生态学方法(过程论)来研究人地关系,而欧洲则偏好文化观念和象征考古的后过程方法来研究人地关系,这便有了"景观考古学"的独特路径。由于欧洲比北美有更长的古人类演化史和更显赫的文明史,所以聚落考古成为研究考古学三大战略性课题——人类起源、农业起源和文明国家起源的极佳手段,而且成果显赫。从本文的介绍中,我们可以了解当今的聚落考古是如何来观察和了解这些重大历史转折,追溯社会复杂化具体轨迹的。读了这两篇介绍国际聚落考古现状的文章,我们可以得出这样的认识,聚落考古已成为当代考古学一个全方位、综合性的探索领域,它可以将考古学各流派、不同领域、不同课题及学科交叉手段纳入其中,以便从微观和宏观的多维视角,重建过去人类社会和文化变迁的具体轨迹,并对促使人类社会转变的原因提出可信的解释。就此而言,欧美聚落考古的目标是完全相同的,而且也与中国考古学重构国史的期待不谋而合。  相似文献   

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