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广东五邑之一的开平市水口镇泮村乡,有一招流传六百多年的"正月十三花灯会".  相似文献   

Sandra Day O'Connor's appointment to the Supreme Court was a historic stride in American women's slow but determined march towards full equality. At our nation's birth, Abigail Adams urged her husband and other members of the Continental Congress to "Remember the Ladies" in their new government. 1 "We know better than to repeal our Masculine systems," John Adams replied only half jokingly. 2 More than two centuries would pass before a woman donned Supreme Court robes to help interpret the United States Constitution.  相似文献   

HMS Falmouth is the only known wreck of a Town Class light cruiser, which were ‘arguably the best cruisers of the First World War’ (Lyon, 1977c: 49). This article reports on a project to better understand the significance of the wreck and to raise public awareness of the heritage of the First World War at sea. Although the wreck is heavily degraded it is still of considerable importance, raising methodological questions about the role of multibeam survey and 3D visualization, access to archival material, and the characteristics of archaeology as applied to 20th‐century warships.  相似文献   


作为我国最大的综合性国家级博物馆,故宫安全及文物保护是故宫一切工作的基础。故宫的保护要有全面和整体意识,要处理好吉建筑中保护与利用,日常维护与大修的关系;清查、整理和修复、抢救文物藏品的工作,要与研究、发掘、保护和传承非物质文化遗产的工作相结合;要提高文物保护的科技水平,加快“数字故宫”的建设。故宫除自身研发井应用了一批科研成果外,还积极与国内外有关部门合作,在运用科技手段保护和利用文物方面取得了很大的进展。故宫决心不辜负全国人民的重托,增强和提高文物保护的能力,更好地传扬中华民族的文化瑰宝。  相似文献   

每年的农历八月十五是我国民间传统的中秋佳节。据说早在秦汉时期人们就开始过中秋节了,到了唐代这个民间的节日已经成了全国性的。所以,许多民族都用不同的方式进行庆祝。  相似文献   


Eric Bogle wrote No Man’s Land in 1975. When it was released as The Green Fields of France by Davey Arthur and the Fureys in 1979 the song topped the Irish charts, while as far away as Australia it was declared one ‘of the most striking musical essays yet written on the futility of war.’ Yet No Man’s Land has been associated with controversy too: branded a rebel song in Ulster during The Troubles, singled out by Tony Blair as a ‘peace anthem’ and prelude to the Good Friday Agreement in 1998, and controversially chosen by the Royal British Legion for the Poppy Day appeal in 2014. In addition to exploring the ‘complex relations between cultural and political history’ in Ireland, this article also looks at the making of the documentary film ‘Eric Bogle: Return to No Man’s Land’ (by Dan Frodsham) in which Bogle returned to the grave of Willie McBride on the 100th anniversary of the Battle of the Somme to recite his poem to the now famous Inniskilling. To Bogle’s surprise the grave had become a pilgrimage site for this, an entirely fictional, Irish martyr created then immortalized in his own composition written four decades earlier.  相似文献   

This is the first article-length study of the sheriffs of York and Yorkshire in the Tudor period. It argues that the shrievalty was a thriving system which fulfilled diverse vital functions of local government and administration. It begins by introducing the sheriffs of York and Yorkshire, explaining their relationship and manner of appointment. It then explains the principal duties of these sheriffs, namely service on the city council of York, the execution of writs, the keeping of prisoners, the maintenance of law and order and revenue collection. The article proceeds to analyse the sheriffs’ judicial responsibilities in the Court of Pleas, tourn and county court. It concludes with information about a broader project conceived by the author: a comprehensive study of the Tudor sheriff across England, Wales and Ireland.  相似文献   

《Northern history》2013,50(1):39-62

'The Clerical Population of the Northern Province in 1377–1381: a New Estimate'. Recent research has demonstrated the completeness and usefulness of the hitherto largely disregarded collectors' enrolments of the Clerical Poll Taxes of 1377–81 for the historian. This article makes use of a new edition of these enrolments and other recent research into the secular clergy and the religious houses of Northern England to draw up a new estimate of the numbers of clergy, secular and religious, in the York Province of the English Church. The estimate is compared with the last detailed estimate in the field, that of Josiah Cox Russell, whose estimates were published in the 1940s.  相似文献   

Recent interpretations of the British Neolithic either consider the shared beliefs of this period or the short-term engagement of individuals with their material surroundings. This paper argues that, while both approaches provide exciting agenda, they fail to address the marked regional differences which exist within the range of monuments, and indeed have actually shifted Neolithic studies away from a consideration of such variability. A comparison of the monuments from North Yorkshire with similar evidence elsewhere in lowland England illustrates the value of an approach which concentrates on long-term trends in the continuity or transformation of social structures. It is proposed that the absence of causewayed enclosures and the early development of single-grave burials demonstrate a distinct social trajectory which continued with the construction of the later henges. The monuments are therefore seen to reflect long-term continuities in the social history of North Yorkshire.  相似文献   

屠苏酒是汉唐时期比较常见的一种元日民俗事项,是唐宋时人庆祝元日的不可或缺的节日文化符号。但多数唐宋时人对屠苏酒的起源却不甚清楚。其实,屠苏酒是汉魏时期治疗伤寒疾疫的对症良方。它的出现和流传,与汉末魏晋时期的疾疫有着极为密切的关系,是中国古代疾疫对历史上节日民俗发生影响的典型代表。  相似文献   

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