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近代欧洲早期农业革命考察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘景华 《史学集刊》2006,3(2):60-66
在17、18世纪之际的“农业革命”发生之前,欧洲农业生产就已出现了许多关键性的技术进步,可把16、17世纪的这种进步称为“早期农业革命”,而14、15世纪则可视为早期农业革命的准备阶段。通过对中世纪欧洲农业的低技术起点,14、15世纪的农业技术进步,16、17世纪的早期农业革命等三方面的考察,我们发现欧洲农业技术进步中的连续性特点远超过其突变性。  相似文献   

时至今日,“五四”一词早已内化为一种思想符号,其“内化”实由伴随现代中国时势转移而不断演变的“五四”话语所造成。这种历史现象意味着两层含义:其一,“五四”话语随时势转移而变换其意义,而意义的深度与广度则取决于“五四”话语对时势的阐释状态;其二,对“五四”历史价值的释义过程,实际上是“五四”不断被赋予意义、不断被追认价值、不断被叠加内涵的过程。那么,这一历史现象是如何生成的呢?也就是说,“五四”内涵的意义扩张,是通过何种方式实现的呢?考究这个问题,实际上就是考索“五四”话语在各个不同时期的演变过程。  相似文献   

五四运动与马克思主义在中国的传播   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
马克思主义于19世纪末20世纪初被介绍到中国,1917年俄国十月革命对马克思主义在中国的传播具有重要意义,但并没有立即使马克思主义在中国广泛传播。五四运动开启了马克思主义传播的新局面,五四运动后,马克思主义传入中国的途径由一条变为多条,全国各地出版的大量刊物都介绍马克思主义,所宣传的马克思主义的内容也更加丰富。五四运动后马克思主义之所以得到广泛传播,与五四运动本身有重要关系。作为五四运动导火线的巴黎和会进一步暴露帝国主义侵略殖民地半殖民地的本性,五四运动期间苏俄发表的对华宣言受到中国人民的欢迎,五四运动引起共产国际的关注,中国工人阶级在五四运动中登上历史舞台,使一些知识分子坚定了社会主义才能救中国的信念,五四运动也促进了马克思主义者群体的形成。  相似文献   

Dislocation of the hip can be consecutive to developmental dysplasia of the hip that is linked to a complex set of genetic and mechanical factors. The purpose of this report is to describe 13 cases of complete dysplastic hip dislocation observed in the skeletal remains of nine women exhumed from an historical gravesite dating from the 5th to 17th centuries in southern France. Despite the size of this palaeopathological series, which is the largest study published to date, findings indicate that the prevalence of hip dislocation in this historical sample was still lower than in some French areas at the beginning of the 20th century. Mitochondrial DNA sequencing demonstrated possible kinship only between two women, i.e. one who died in the period from the 11th to 13th centuries and another who died in the period from the 16th to 17th centuries. It is suggested that the tight swaddling of young infants in France up to the end of the 19th century could have been a predisposing factor for this highly debilitating disorder. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

SUMMARY: Almost 200 horse bone measurements from 38 sites excavated across the city of London, dating to the period AD 1220–1900 were analysed. Results identified three main phases of size change: a reduction in size in the mid 14th to 15th century, and size increases in the mid 15th to 16th century and the 17th century. The decline in size testifies to the disruption of horse breeding in the wake of the Black Death, whilst the increases reflect purposeful attempts to increase the size of horses in England through a combination of regulated breeding and the importation of new bloodlines.  相似文献   

中共十六大与八大的比较研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
八大是中国共产党成为执政党后召开的第一次全国代表大会,这次代表大会分析了生产资料所有制的社会主义改造基本完成后的形势,提出了全面开展社会主义建设的任务,在指导思想、政治路线和组织路线上都有重要建树,对探索中国特色社会主义的道路产生了深远的影响。十六大是中国共产党执政52年后在新世纪召开的第一次全国代表大会,也是中国共产党在开始实施社会主义现代化建设第三步战略部署的新形势下召开的一次具有深远影响的重要大会。对八大和十六大进行比较研究,可以发现其一脉相承的内在联系,可以加深对十六大确立的指导思想、奋斗目标、组织路线的认识。  相似文献   

House Committee on the Budget, Zero-Base Budget Legislation , 94th Congress, 2nd Session
Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs, Sunset Act of 1977 , 95th Congress, 1st Session
Senate Committee on Government Operations, Government Economy and Spending Reform Act of 1976 , 94th Congress, 2nd Session
Senate Committee on Government Operations, Compendium of Materials on Zero-Base Budgeting in the States , 94th Congress, 2nd Session  相似文献   

Alzira is situated in a cut-off meander loop of the Rio Júcar. Geo-archaeological study shows that the Islamic city wall was built during the second quarter of the 11th century AD, at a time when the river had a low-amplitude and low-energy flood regime. After mid-century, overbank silts began to invade the city as peak flood discharge increased, with a spate of destructive floods reflected by high-energy deposits during the late 11th century. Urban expansion within the city wall is dated to the later 11th or early 12th century, interrupted by local abandonment and moderate-energy flood silts. Major construction during the mid-12th century was followed by protracted abandonment (after a siege in AD 1171?) and further, moderate-energy flood silts that redistributed occupation and collapse debris. Reoccupation, during the late 14th century, was terminated by catastrophic floods in 1517 and 1571, after which much of the western end of Alzira was not rebuilt. Following further flood catastrophes during the 17th century, parts of the central walled city remained abandoned until the 19th century. with new occupation atop flood sands of yet another disaster in 1864. The change in flood regime after 1150 was a result of deforestation of the watershed, but progradation of a downstream tributary fan after 1517 created an unstable, aggrading floodplain increasingly prone to severe flooding. Climatic anomalies were responsible for periods of recurrent severe floods, archaeologically verified during the 11th and 12th centuries, and historically documented, beginning in 1318. The geo-archaeological methodology illuminates the constructional and settlement history of Alzira, allows distinction of fluvial and cultural components, and provides the necessary microstratigraphic detail and dating control to document the true complexity of alluvial processes during the last 1000 years.  相似文献   

18世纪末至19世纪中期,嘉兴府艺术家辈出,有史家甚至称之为所谓"嘉兴画派",认为它对后来的海派起到了重要影响。方薰并非这一派中的杰出艺术家,但他却生活在一个承上启下的时期,他的艺术承接了17、18世纪正统工细的艺术风格,同时也是19世纪后半叶上海艺术形式创新的前奏,从这个角度看,北京故宫所保存的5幅方薰的画作具有很大的价值。本文通过深入研究方薰生平并结合其作品,认为浙北知识精英阶层的生活品位与艺术需求同画家的创作有着密切的互动关系。对方薰个案的研究,可以使我们在某种程度上找到认知18世纪苏杭文人圈的捷径。此外,作者还指出,每个艺术中心都拥有它相对独特的文化,我们不应以偏概全地认为乾隆朝的宫廷以及扬州一带是18世纪所有中国画的原产地。  相似文献   

东晋南北朝道经属于重要的“古道经”系统,对道教史研究具有重要意义。本文对近五十年来西方、日本及国内的东晋南北朝古道经研究作了一个简略的综述,重点探讨了此类研究所采取的方法及其指导意义,并在此基础上进行了简单的总结。  相似文献   

20世纪美国联邦政府行政改革的历史考察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
美国联邦政府的行政改革贯穿于整个20世纪,可以划分为四个阶段,每个阶段有不同的侧重点:第一阶段改革开始于19世纪末、20世纪初,“效率政府”是这一时期行政改革所追求的主要目标;第二阶段改革实施于20世纪中期,“忠诚政府”成为联邦政府改革的特点;20世纪70、80年代改革进入第三阶段,强调官员的职业道德,改革特点为追求“道德政府”;20世纪90年代美国政府管理进入一个全面调整时期,“重塑政府”成为行政改革追求的主要目标,从而在实践上把20世纪美国联邦政府行政改革推向了高峰。从行政管理学的角度分析,精简机构、节约开支和提高效率,始终是20世纪美国联邦行政改革的核心内容。从政治学的角度分析,防止职业官僚垄断政府权力和整治官僚主义作风,也始终是20世纪美国联邦政府行政改革必须面对的问题。  相似文献   

SUMMARY: Pottery production at Ely, Cambridgeshire, began in the 11th–12th centuries and continued until around 1864, but the 18th–19th century industry has largely been ignored. By considering the later stages of the industry, the issue of why the Ely pottery industry ended when it did will be considered at scales from the intimate and personal to broader ceramic globalization. This also demonstrates why British archaeologists need to pay more attention to Modern vernacular ceramics.  相似文献   

Archaeological fish bones reveal increases in marine fish utilisation in Northern and Western Europe beginning in the 10th and 11th centuries AD. We use stable isotope signatures from 300 archaeological cod (Gadus morhua) bones to determine whether this sea fishing revolution resulted from increased local fishing or the introduction of preserved fish transported from distant waters such as Arctic Norway, Iceland and/or the Northern Isles of Scotland (Orkney and Shetland). Results from 12 settlements in England and Flanders (Belgium) indicate that catches were initially local. Between the 9th and 12th centuries most bones represented fish from the southern North Sea. Conversely, by the 13th to 14th centuries demand was increasingly met through long distance transport – signalling the onset of the globalisation of commercial fisheries and suggesting that cities such as London quickly outgrew the capacity of local fish supplies.  相似文献   

This study focuses on the chemical composition of Islamic plant-ash glass (dated from the 9th to 11th centuries) excavated from the Raya/al-Tur area on the South Sinai in Egypt. Plant-ash glass objects from the Raya site were classified into three compositional types based on on-site chemical analyses with a portable X-ray fluorescence spectrometer. Based on typological characteristics and chemical composition comparisons with contemporary glass objects from other Islamic sites, one hypothesis holds that plant-ash glass objects produced in the Syria–Palestine or Mesopotamian regions could have been imported to Raya during the 9th to 10th centuries. In particular, some colorless glass vessels with a high magnesium/calcium ratio were noted to exhibit post-Sassanian cut decorations. Conversely, most of the bluish-green plant-ash glass objects from the Monastery of Wadi al-Tur near the Raya site exhibited relatively high levels of aluminum, titanium, iron, and lead. These pieces were likely produced during the Fatimid period (late 10th to 12th centuries), and based on their elemental composition, possibly originated in Egypt. The present work provides a greater understanding of chronological changes in post-9th century Islamic plant-ash glasses and the development of social and commercial networks within the Middle Eastern area.  相似文献   

Late medieval shipbuilding in Catalonia followed the Mediterranean trend in adopting a frame‐first shipbuilding principle with planking placed edge‐to‐edge. The predetermination of frame shapes using moulds had modified the construction process, as seen in the 11th‐century Serçe Liman? vessel with the use of a series of moulds, and 13th‐century Culip VI, with the use of a master mould, rising square and rule. Between the 13th and 15th centuries all known Mediterranean shipwrecks were built using the master‐mould method, but other factors caused variation in the construction process—not the principle—as exemplified by the 14th‐century Les Sorres X built with two overlain keel timbers.  相似文献   

明清史籍关于明太祖早期发家史中的一些重要历史事件,存在至正十三年和至正十四年两大叙述系统。前者主要依据于《明太祖实录》,后者主要依据于《明太祖文集》。经过考辨,至正十四年叙述意见才是符合历史事实的。张廷玉《明史》最终采纳的是至正十三年叙述意见,而舍弃了至正十四年叙述意见,从而造成了《明史.太祖纪》在至正十三年、十四年史事记载上存在不少失考之处,点校本亦未作出校勘案语。由此一例,亦可提醒研究者在从事元末明初历史研究时务必首先仔细辨别史料的真伪情况。  相似文献   

EXCAVATION of a single enclosure revealed a sequence from early 13th-century timber buildings to structures with stone foundations, or completely stone-built, in the later 13th and 14th centuries. A two-roomed long-house was replaced by a more complex four-roomed long-house built on a different alignment. Also in the enclosure were a sequence of six outbuildings rebuilt in various positions. In the 13th century there were changes in property boundaries and in the 14th century a road was cut obliquely across the enclosure leading to fundamental changes in planning. Evidence for climatic deterioration was given by the increasing use of drains and of paved and cobbled surfaces in the early 14th century. Finds included metal objects, animal bones, local shelly pottery, and 12th- to 14th-century sherds from Lincolnshire, Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire and Warwickshire.  相似文献   

Fourteen glass beads and one glass fragment from Khami‐period (ad 1400–1830) sites of Danamombe, Naletale, Gomoremhiko, Nharire and Zinjanja, in Zimbabwe, were analysed by pXRF and Raman spectroscopy with the intention of correlating the results with associated radiocarbon dates. The results show that Zinjanja and an earlier part of the Danamombe stratigraphic context had Khami Indo‐Pacific beads (15th–17th centuries) corresponding with Torwa occupational layers. Other European beads and one bottle fragment [high‐lime, low‐alkali (HLLA) glass] dating from the 16th to the 19th centuries were confined to the top stratigraphic layers of Danamombe and Naletale, which coincide with the later Rozvi occupational layers. Gomoremhiko had one Mapungubwe–Zimbabwe bead series (13th–15th centuries), which suggests that it was probably earlier than the other sites. All European beads are made of soda–lime plant‐ash glass with high alumina, which makes them comparable with glass produced through the Mediterranean traditions in Southern Europe.  相似文献   

男性身高的变化能够反映出俄国人口福利状况的变化。1700—1980年,俄国男性士兵身高资料及与之相应的生活状况和福利评估大体分为9个阶段,人的生活状况提高、降低和稳定阶段分别为150、100和30年,280年间男女的身高分别增加了10—11厘米。每逢战争和激烈改革时期,赋税增加和连年歉收,人口的身高、生活状况和福利无不下降;而每逢战争过后,政策得当,社会稳定,风调雨顺之时,人口的身高、生活状况和福利均提高。总之,18世纪俄国民众的整体生活水平下降,而19—20世纪俄国,特别是1921—1980年苏联时期的人口福利提高。这些结论察前人所未察,发他人所未发。  相似文献   

李颖 《安徽史学》2004,(2):91-96
中国共产党第五次全国代表大会召开于大革命危急时刻的 192 7年 4月 2 7日至 5月 9日。几十年来对五大的评价及陈独秀在五大的连任问题一直是史学界争论的焦点之一。本文主要根据新公布的共产国际档案 ,通过梳理陈独秀与中共五大的关系 ,得出与传统看法不尽相同的结论 :五大的实际主导者不是党的总书记陈独秀而是共产国际及其代表 ;五大有明显的缺陷 ,但不能全盘否定 ;陈独秀在五大的连任是历史的必然 ,并不是大革命最终失败的决定因素。  相似文献   

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