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慈禧太后在垂帘听政初期,忧虑官场腐败给清王朝统治带来的危机,对吏治进行了大力整饬,采取了鼓励大臣谏言、处置贪官污吏、严格考核官吏等系列举措,一度整肃了纲纪。慈禧太后整饬吏治的目的只是为了维持王朝统治,保住个人权力,这就导致出现名实不符的异化现象,使吏治整饬流于形式。  相似文献   

明朝开国皇帝、太祖朱元璋早年出身贫寒,迫于生计他曾被迫四处流浪,耳闻目睹了元朝各级官吏贪赃枉法、鱼肉百姓的种种罪行.因此对贪官污吏恨之入骨。明朝建立后,为了整顿吏治,防治腐败,太祖宋元璋决定用严刑酷法来惩治贪官污吏。  相似文献   

在中国历史上,吏治腐败问题可以说无代无之。多少有作为的帝王和有远见的政治家都曾为之困扰。及至近代社会,官吏腐败现象呈愈演愈烈之势。腐败是近代中国政治的一个顽症,也是一个绝症。腐败导致近代中国的积贫积弱,腐败导致清王朝和民国政府的无能,腐败导致民怨沸腾。  相似文献   

捐纳是清代官吏选拔制度的重要组成部分,也是封建吏治腐败的重要表现之一,本文借助捐官执照这一实物,对清代捐纳制度的特点、作用及弊端进行分析和探讨。  相似文献   

纵观中国古代历史的发展不难看出,历朝历代对于高级官吏的治理向来都是比较重要也是比较困难的。乾隆朝六十年堪称有清一代立法惩贪最为严厉,也是最有建树的一段时期。研究乾隆朝对高官腐败的惩治,对于了解清代吏治的全貌,总结其吏治得失将是十分有益的。  相似文献   

19世纪30年代末,清政府发动了一场大规模的禁烟运动。林则徐在广州一举收缴英美走私鸦片230多万斤,广东内地及其余各省也收缴鸦片190多万两。当时,走私者震慑,吸食者畏刑,禁烟运动一度取得了令人瞩目的成就。重要原因之一,就在于清政府在禁烟运动中大力整饬吏治,严厉查处官吏兵役中的违禁和失职行为,从而排除了阻力,壮大了声势,推动了运动的深入开展。过去,史学界议论较多的是清政府的吏治腐败,对其整饬吏治的经过却极少涉及。本文试就此作一概略的论述。  相似文献   

明代朝觐考察制度是明代统治者针对地方官员的一项重要的人事管理制度,也是明代官吏考核制度的一个重要组成部分。它建制完备,贯穿了明代的整个历史进程,其在中国古代官吏考核制度发展史上具有承前启后、继往开来的重要地位和作用。这一制度的制定和实施,不仅直接关系到各级地方官吏的切身利益和各项政令的下达实施,同时也促进了明代当时吏治的整饬和官员队伍体系的更新换代,并为其后的清代所效法。但明中叶以后,由于吏治的日趋腐败和制度的逐步僵化,使得朝觐考察过程中考察不公、处罚不严等诸多弊端逐渐显现,直至明亡。  相似文献   

洪梅  春玲 《文史春秋》2010,(1):62-62
<正>在中国历史上,包拯不仅是一位铁面无私、执法严谨、疾恶如仇、除奸爱民,有"包青天"之誉的清官,还是一位改革图新、注重吏治、任人唯贤的政治家。仁宗皇祐二年(公  相似文献   

史学界多认为琦善是弛禁派首领。本文认为,琦善并非弛禁派人物。在“漏卮在鸦片”问题上,他基本上同于黄爵滋;他虽然不同意首禁吸食,但他的主张是正确的;他虽然不同意吸食论死,但他赞同黄爵滋重刑禁烟的思想;尤其是,他强调禁烟的关键在于“治人”,在于整肃吏治,主张从重处罚官员中的违禁、失察行为。在直隶禁烟运动中,他“购觅眼线”,周密部署,制定章程,严密查拿,成效显著,为道光帝及舆论所肯定。对此,应作出实事求是的肯定及评价,不应因其后来成了投降派而加以否定  相似文献   

胡晓艳 《神州》2013,(15):164-164
党的十八大报告指出,"围绕保持党的先进性和纯洁性,在全党深入开展以为民务实清廉为主要内容的党的群众路线教育实践活动,着力解决人民群众反映强烈的突出问题,提高做好新形势下群众工作的能力。"我认为,你要成为人民满意的好党员、好干部,真正自觉贯彻落实十八大精神,就要时时刻刻把"为民、务实、清廉"作为自己的座右铭,约束自己的言行,净化自己的思想,转变自己的作风,提升自己的素质。一要常怀为民之心为民,就是要把实现好、维护好、发展好人民群众的根本利益作为自己思考问题和开展工作的根本出发点和落脚点,  相似文献   

Following the Italian invasion of Ethiopia in 1935, several hundred Eritrean deserters from the Italian army and several thousand Ethiopian officials, soldiers, and civilians fled to Kenya. British officials on the border, in Nairobi, and in London found themselves deeply conflicted over how to deal with these refugees. Sheltering refugees was costly, and it antagonised the Italians whose friendship (or at least neutrality) the British hoped to win in Europe and in eastern Africa. But vocal critics in London watched for any signs of mistreatment or forced repatriation of the refugees. Government officials themselves expressed a revulsion at the possibility of turning away or repatriating refugees who feared for their lives. Because of this humanitarian sentiment, Kenya sheltered the refugees until the liberation of Ethiopia, much to the dismay of government officials.  相似文献   

明代宦官在东宫教育和帝王日讲、经筵乃至日常生活和政治实践中发挥了重要影响,明人亦强调宦官对于帝王历史教育不可或缺的作用。明代宦官经由内书堂和自我学习接受历史教育,其在历史教育实践中与帝王之间表现出某种趋同性特征,并转而影响君主。受中国古代"明君德政"历史教育模式的影响,明代儒臣透过"贤宦良政"和"恶宦劣政"的历史举说或历史书写,推行宦官历史教育,既于内书堂教育中注入历史训诫,又编纂以古今类型化宦官传记史事为内容的专门史鉴书籍。历史教育成为明代儒臣、宦官与帝王三者之间交互沟通和影响的纽带,以历史教育为中心的史学经世致用取向构成明代中后期史学史的时代性内容。  相似文献   

In Iran, national parks were originally created to protect wildlife and natural expanses. Over time, the exigencies of handling conflict with the locals and a worldwide shift in management approaches from strict protection to newer participatory approaches led Iranian conservationists to adopt the discourse of participatory conservation. However, serious institutional and attitudinal obstacles have prevented policy makers and officials from developing good relations with local communities, making it difficult to serve the interests of conservation or accommodate tourists. Based on interviews with past and present officials of the Department of the Environment of Iran and other field observers, this paper discusses approaches to conservation that reconcile the requirements of conservation with the needs of the people who benefit from reserves.  相似文献   

从元稹《莺莺传》到王实甫《西厢记》,崔张爱情由悲剧嬗变为大团圆的喜剧的同时,主人公的形象也实现了理想化的嬗变;既体现了新旧婚恋思想斗争,又揭示了封建文人的一种理想婚恋观,透射出其心曲和美梦。  相似文献   

1904年科举减额缓停至1905年立停之间,科举改革的走向、方式及时间,存在诸多不确定因素,议修京师贡院为其中重要关节.在京多数部院官员主修贡院,表明缓停定议可能节外生枝,废科举的取向变数极大.张百熙、端方、袁世凯等人采取断然之策,改缓停为立停;张之洞于此虽一度犹豫,但最终附和.疆臣与枢机相互沟通联络,促成军机处和政务处的人事调整,并说服当政绕开部院会议,直接宣布立停科举.制度变革进程充满玄机,从或然到必然,相关人物的主观努力相当重要.只是精心谋略与强行干预虽可排除障碍,促成科举终结,却难以消除隐患,化解矛盾,避免急行效应带来的社会震荡.  相似文献   

The two-year occupation of Charleston, South Carolina, during the American Revolution demonstrates that umbrages suffered under military rule played a significant role in turning civilians in the 13 colonies against the British Empire. Despite British attempts to encourage loyalty by giving loyalists a say in government, stabilising the economy and guaranteeing the safety of slave property, Charleston's occupation regime failed to win local hearts and minds due to inconsistent and arbitrary policies, conflicts between military and civilian authorities and the unwillingness of imperial officials to restore full civil government to the province. As a result, South Carolinians lost faith in Charleston's restored royal administration long before British defeat on the battlefield secured American independence.  相似文献   

文章依据雍正、乾隆朝引见绿营武官的履历档案,分析了这一时期绿营武官的籍贯、民族等问题,并比较雍正、乾隆两朝的变化特点。揭示了旗人特别是满人的选官特权在乾隆朝更明显,任职比例大幅攀升,任职层级提高,且多在战略要地任职。陕甘籍官员以功绩、福建籍官员以水师技能也分享了选官特权。乾隆朝武官人事渐显因循化趋势,循资任职比例增多,避籍制度宽松、年龄增大。通过对出兵记录的分析,估算了这一时期出兵西北、西南和台湾的比例。  相似文献   

In 1909, a Criminal Intelligence Department official in Delhi warned of Russian-born anarchist Emma Goldman's trip to India scheduled for the following year. The ‘arch priestess of anarchy’, as she was called in the file was planning to arrive from the US for a lecture series across India. Because she posed a definite threat to the British Raj, officials moved quickly to bar her entrance at either Bombay or Madras. This essay, nevertheless, reframes Goldman's stalled South Asian lecture tour to focus on the ways in which the anarchist still appeared in Delhi and Lahore over the next twenty years, especially in the writings of Bhagat Singh.

Though Goldman and Singh never formally met – Singh never left India and Goldman, in spite of her plans, technically never arrived – the two share a common vocabulary. Attention to this adds not only greater texture to the two thinkers’ sensitive and ambivalent view of revolutionary action, but also illuminates the broad network of thought in which the two writers located themselves.

This paper moves examines, in turn, four central metaphors of Goldman and Singh's texts: the mass and violence; humanity and love. In my analysis here, I suggest that we see two metonymic pairs of concerns. In this sense, the mass is metonymic to humanity and, subsequently, mass violence is metonymic to a love for humanity. Metonymy, in contradistinction to metaphor, renders in starker relief the textual gymnastics of revolutionary thought. Consequently, ‘humanity’ stands not only as an extension of ‘the masses’, but moreover humanity retains its central proximity to the crowds which form it. Similarly, and written with equal vigour in the texts under analysis here, is that ‘love’ is both ‘violence’ extended to humanity, and ‘love’ is in intimate proximity to ‘violence’. The sustained interest in the masses, violence, humanity, and love turns our attention, in the final instance, towards a commitment to cosmopolitanism as an aggressively affiliative textual stance.  相似文献   

This study considers the role of epistemic turning points in the historiography of sexuality. Disentangling the historical complexity of "scientia sexualis," I argue that the late 19th century and the mid-20th century constitute two critical epistemic junctures in the genealogy of sexual liberation, as the notion of free love slowly gave way to the idea of sexual freedom in modern western society. I also explore the value of the Foucauldian approach for the study of the history of sexuality in non-western contexts. Drawing on examples from Republican China (1912-49), I propose that the Foucauldian insight concerning the emergence of a "homosexual identity" in the West can serve as a useful guide for thinking about similar issues in the history of sexuality and the historical epistemology of sexology in modern East Asia.  相似文献   

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