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Adams, F. Gerard and Jere R. Behrman, Commodity Exports and Economic Development; The Commodity Problem and Policy in Developing Countries Anderson, Lacelles and Douglas M. Windham (eds.), Education and Development: Issues in the Analysis and Planning of Postcolonial Societies Bailey, Sydney, How Wars End: The United Nations and The Termination of Armed Conflict, 1946–1964 Balinski, Michel L. and H. Peyton Young, Fair Representation; Meeting the Ideal of One Man, One Vote Barfield, Claude E., Science Policy from Ford to Reagan: Change and Continuity Barnett, Larry F., Population Policy and The U.S. Constitution Bish, Robert L., Governing Puget Sound Blair, Roger D. and Robert F. Lanziolloti (eds.), The Conglomerate Corporation: An Antitrust Law and Economic Symposium Brams, Steven J. and Peter C. Fishburn, Approval Voting Carp, Robert A. and C.K. Rowland, Policymaking and Politics in the Federal District Courts Cigler, Allan J. and Burdett A. Loom is (eds.), Interest Group Politics The Conservation Foundation, State of the Environment, 1982 Crecine, John P. (ed.), The New Educational Programs in Public Policy; The First Decade Dilger, Robert J., The Sunbelt/Snowbelt Controversy: The War Over Federal Funds Doig, Jameson W. (ed.), Criminal Corrections: Ideals and Realities Dunkerley, Harold B. (ed.) with Christine M.E. Whitehead, Urban Land Policy: Issues and Opportunities Ehrenberg, Ronald G. and Paul L. Schumann, Longer Hours or More Jobs: An Investigation of Amending Hours Legislation to Create Employment Feld, Alan L., Tax Policy and Corporate Concentration Greenberger, Martin, in collaboration with Garry D. Brewer, William W. Hogan and Milton Russell, Caught Unawares; The Energy Decade in Retrospect Hartland-Thundberg, Penelope and Morris H. Crawford, Government Support for Exports; A Second Best Alternative Katz, James Everett and Onkar S. Marwah (eds.), Nuclear Power in Developing Countries: An Analysis of Decision Making Linn, Johannes F., Cities in the Developing World; Policies for Their Equitable and Efficient Growth Lloyd, Christopher (ed.), Social Theory and Political Practice: Wolfson College Lectures, 1981 Lovett, William A., Inflation and Politics; Fiscal, Monetary, and Wage-Price Discipline Magat, Wesley A. (ed.), Reform of Environmental Regulation Mashaw, Jerry L., Bureaucratic Justice; Managing Social Security Disability Claims Moe, Ronald C., The Hoover Commissions Revisited Regan, Tom and Donald Vandeveer (eds.), And Justice for All; New Introductory Essays in Ethics and Public Policy Rothman, Harry, Rod Greenshields, and Francisco Rosillo Calle, Energy From Alcohol: The Brazilian Experience Sorley, Lewis, Arms Transfers Under Nixon; A Policy Analysis Stifel, Laurence D., Ralph K. Davidson, and James S. Coleman (eds.), Social Sciences and Public Policy in the Developing World Stone, Alan, and Edward J. Harpham (eds.), The Political Economy of Public Policy Storey, James R., Older Americans in the Reagan Era: Impacts of Federal Policy Changes Weisbrod, Burton A., Economics and Medical Research Whisnant, David E., Modernizing the Mountaineer: People, Power, and Planning in Appalachia  相似文献   


Aaron, Henry J., Economic Effects of Social Security
Abramson, Paul R., Political Attitudes in America: Formation and Change
The Boston Study Group, Winding Down; The Price of Defense
Brewster, David E., Wayne D. Rasmussen, and Garth Youngberg (eds.), Farms in Transition; Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Farm Structure
Choate, Pat, and Susan Walter, America In Ruins; The Decaying Infrastructure
Dewar, Margaret E., Industry In Trouble; The Federal Government and the New England Fisheries
Elder, Charles D., and Roger W. Cobb, The Political Uses of Symbols
Etzioni, Amitai, An Immodest Agenda; Rebuilding America Before the 21st Century
Hartley, Keith, NATO Arms Co-operation; A Study in Economics and Politics
Hill, Lowell D. (ed.), Role of Government in a Market Economy
Keyfitz, Nathan, Population Change and Social Policy
Lefcoe, George (ed.), Urban Land Policy for the 1980's: The Message for State and Local Government
Lens, Sidney, The Maginot Line Syndrome; America's Hopeless Foreign Policy
Levin, Harvey J., Fact and Fancy in Television Regulation
Levine, Adeline Gordon, Love Canal; Science, Politics, and People
Page, Benjamin I., Who Gets What From Government
Puyana de Palacios, Alicia, Economic Integration Among Unequal Partners, The Case of the Andean Group
Redburn, F. Stevens and Terry F. Buss (eds.) Public Policies for Distressed Communities
Rodgers, Harrell R., Jr., The Cost of Human Neglect
Vroman, Wayne, Wage Inflation; Prospects for Deceleration
Wellman, Carl, Welfare Rights
Wells, Louis T., Jr., Third World Multinationals; The Rise of Foreign Investment from Developing Countries  相似文献   

Book Notes     
Joseph A. Pechman, ed., Comprehensive Income Taxation Herbert Kaufman, Are Government Organizations Immortal? Ina Spiegel-Rösing and Derek deSolla Price, eds., Science, Technology and Society: A Cross-Discriplinary Perspective Clark C. Abt, ed., The Evaluation of Social Programs Edward Sagarin, ed., Deviance and Social Change Kirsten A. Grønbjerg, Mass Society and the Extension of Welfare, 1966–1970 Ervin Laszlo and Judah Bierman, eds., Goals in a Global Community: Volume I–Studies on the Conceptual Foundations Yonosuke Nagai and Akira Triye, eds., The Origins of the Cold War in Asia National Science Foundation, The Study of the Future: An Agenda for Research Philip L. Dubois and Arlen C. Christenson, Public Advocacy and Environmental Decisionmaking: The Wisconsin Public Intervenor Charles Frankel, ed., Controversies and Decisions: The Social Sciences and Public Policy Richard G. Smolka, Election Day Registration: The Minnesota and Wisconsin Experience in 1976 Peter L. Berger and Richard John Neuhaus, To Empower People: The Role of Mediating Structures in Public Policy  相似文献   

Books reviewed in this articles: Alt, James E. and K. Alec Chrystal, Political Economics American Enterprise Institute, Natural Gas Proposals: 1983. 98th Congress, 1st Session American Enterprise Institute, Reauthrization of the Clean Water Act: 1983, 98th Congress, 1st Session Bajpai, U.S. (ed.), Non-Alignment: Pespectives and Prospects Ball, Howard (ed.), Federal Administrative Agencies: Essays on Power and Politics barker, Michael (ed.), State Employment Policy in Hard Times Baugh, William H., The Politics of Nuclear balance: Ambiguity and Continuity in Strategic Policies Baum, Kenneth H. and Lyle P. Schertz (eds.), Modeling Farm Decisions for Policy Analysis Brewster, Lawrence G., The Public Agenda: Issues in American Politics Bullock, Charles S. III and Charles M. lamb (Eds.), Implementation of Civil Rights Policy Campbell, Duncan C. and Richard L. Rowan, Multinational Enterprises and the OECD Industrial Relations Guidelines Clark, Terry Nichols and Lorna Crowley Fergusion, City Money: Political Processes, Fiscal Strain, and Retrenchment Dahl, Robert A., Modern Political Analysis Deloria, Vine Jr. and Clifford M. Lytle, American Indians, American Justice Eddy, William B. (ed.), Handbook of Organization Management Finsinger, Jorg (ed.), Public Sector Economics Franklin, Kay and Norman Schaeffer, Duel for the Dunes: Land Use Conflict on the Shores of Lake Michigan Gilberty, Neil, Capitalism and the Welfare State: Dilemmas of Social Benevolence Grannemann, Thomas W. and Mark V. Pauly, Controlling Medicaid Costs: Federalism, Competition, and Choice Hall, Richard H. and Robert E. Quinn (eds.), Organizational Theory and Public Policy Held, David, et al (eds.), States and Societies Herson, Lawrence J. R., The Politics of Ideas: Political Theory and American Public Policy Hicks, Donald A. and Norman J. Glickman (eds.), Transition to the 21st Century: Prospect and Policies for Economic and Urban-Regional Tansformation Kerr, Thomas J., Civil Defense in the United States: Bandaid for a Holocaust? Klein, Mitchell S. G., Law, Courts, and Policy Lynch, Thomas D. (ed.), Organization Theory and management Martin, Shan, Managing Without Managers: Alternative Work Arrangements in Public Organizations McNeil, john S., Pedro J. Lecca, and Roosevelt Wright, Jr., Military Retirement: Social, Economic, and Mental Health Dilemmas Miles, Robert H. and Arvind Bhambri, The Regulatory Executives Nelson, Michael (ed.), The Presidency and the Political System Northrup, Herbert R. and Richard L. Rowan, The International Transport Workers’ Federation and Flag of Convenience Shipping Paddison, Ronan, The Fragmented State: The Political Geography of Power pogrow, Stanley, Education in the Computer Age: Issues of Policy, Practice, and Reform Rostow, W. W., The Barbaric Counter-Revolution: Cause and Cure Samuels, Richard J., The Politics of Regional Policy in Japan: Localities Incorporated? Sternlieb, George and James W. Hughes, The Atlantic City Gamble Tatalovich, Raymond and Byron W. Daynes, Presidential Power in the United States Taylor, Charles Lewis (ed.), Why Governments Grow: Measuring Public Sector Size Thompson, William R. (ed.), Contending Approaches to World System Analysis Trebilcock, Michael, J., J. Robert S. Prichard, Thomas J. Courchene, and John Whalley (eds.), Federalism and the Canadian Economicc Union Van Maanen, John (ed.), Qualitative Methodology Wallance, Helen, William Wallace, and Carole Webb (eds.), Policy-Making in the European Community Whitaker, Gordon P. and Charles David Phillips (eds.), Evaluating Performance of Criminal Justice Agencies Wilson, John T., Academic Science, Higher Education, and the Federal Government, 1950–1983  相似文献   

Book Notes     
Abramovitz, Mimi. 1988. Regulating the Lives of Women: Social Welfare Policy From Colonial Times to the Present
Bingham, Richard D., Roy E. Green, and Sammis B. White (eds.). 1987. The Homeless in Contemporary Society
Bogen, Elizabeth. 1987. Immigration in New York
Bowie, Norman E. (ed.). 1988. Equal Opportunity
Bryner, Gary C. 1987. Bureaucratic Discretion: Law and Policy in Federal Regulatory Agencies
Comfort, Louise K. (ed.) 1988. Managing Disaster: Strategies and Policy Perspectives
Cook, Brian J. 1988. Bureaucratic Politics and Regulatory Reform: The EPA and Emissions Trading
Cooper, Phillip J. 1988. Hard Judicial Choices: Federal District Judges and State and Local Officials
Culyer, A.J. and Bengt Jonsson (eds.). 1988. Public and Private Health Services
Danziger, Sheldon H. and Kent E. Portney (eds.). 1988. The Distributional Impacts of Public Policies
Davis, Charles E. and James P. Lester (eds.). 1988. Dimensions of Hazardous Waste Politics and Policy
Fagerhaugh, Shizuko Y., Anselm Strauss, Barbara Suczek, and Carolyn L. Wiener. 1987. Hazards in Hospital Care: Ensuring Patient Safety
Forsythe, David P. 1988. Human Rights and U.S. Foreign Policy: Congress Reconsidered
Gilderbloom, John I. and Richard P. Appelbaum. 1988. Rethinking Rental Housing
Hahn, Harlan and Sheldon Kamieniecki. 1987. Referendum Voting: Social Status and Policy Preferences
Kelly, Rita Mae (ed.). 1988. Promoting Productivity in the Public Sector: Problems, Strategies, and Prospects
Kelly, Rita Mae and Jane Bayes (eds.). 1988. Comparable Worth, Pay Equity, and Public Policy
Plowden, William. 1987. Advising the Rulers
Roessner, J. David. 1988. Government Innovation Policy: Design, Implementation, Evaluation
Weidenbaum, Murray and Kenneth Chilton (eds.). 1988. Public Policy Toward Corporate Takeovers  相似文献   

Book Notes     
Martin Katzman, Cities and Frontiers in Brazil Philip Musgrove, Consumer Behavior in Latin America (An ECIEL Study) William R. Cline and Enrique Delgado, eds., Economic Integration in Central America Wayne A. Cornelius and Robert V. Kemper, eds., Metropolitan Latin America: The Challenge and the Response James M. Malloy, ed., Authoritarianism and Corporatism in Latin America Merilee S. Grindle, Bureaucrats, Politicians, and Peasants in Mexico: A Case Study in Public Policy COURTS, CRIME, AND LAW Richard Lehne, The Quest for Justice: The Politics of School Finance Reform Ray C. Jeffrey, Crime Prevention through Environmental Design Linda Medcalf, Law and Identity: Lawyers. Native Americans and Legal Practice Benno C. Schmidt, Jr., Freedom of the Press vs. Public Access Lawrence A. Gooberman, Operation Intercept: The Multiple Consequences of Public Policy Milton Heumann, Plea Bargaining: The Experiences of Prosecutors, Judges and Defense Attorneys enneth C. Laudon, Communications Technology and Democratic Participation Raymond Bowers, Alfred M. Lee, and Cary Hershey, eds., Communications for a Mobile Society: An Assessment of New Technology Roy Bahl, ed., The Fiscal Outlook for Cities: Implications of a National Urban Policy Mark Gottdiener, Planned Sprawl: Private and Public Interests in Suburbia Anthony James Catanese and W. Paul Farmer, eds., Personality, Politics and Planning: How City Planners Work Robert L. Lineberry, Equality and Urban Policy: The Distribution of Municipal Public Services John J. Harrigan and William C. Johnson, Governing the Twin Cities Region, The Metropolitan Council in Comparative Perspective D. S. Chauhan, Public Labor Relations: A Comparative State Study A. Lawrence Chickering, ed., Public Employee Unions: A Study of the Crisis in Public Sector Labor Relations Martin Binkin and Shirley J. Bach, Women and the Military Martin Binkin, with Herschel Ranter and Rolf H. Clark, Shaping the Defense Civilian Work Force: Economics, Politics, and National Security Richard K. 3etts, Soldiers. Statesmen, and Cold War Crises Selig Harrison, China. Oil, and Asia; Conflict Ahead? J. T. Pempel, ed., Policymakinq in Contemporary Japan Fred H. Sanderson, Japan's Food Prospects and Policies A. Doak Barnett, China and the Major Powers in East Asia Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, Tactical Nuclear Weapons: European Perspectives Thomas H. Etzold and John Lewis Gaddis, eds., Containments: Documents on American Policy and Strategy, 1945-1950 William O. McCagg, Jr., Stalin Embattled. 1943-1948 Barry B. Hughes, The Domestic context of American Foreign Policy  相似文献   

《Geographical Research》1985,23(1):177-189
Book reviewed in this article: Young, R.W. & Nanson, G.C. eds. Aspects of Australian Sandstone Landscapes. Australian and New Zealand Geomorphology Group Special Publication No. 1. S. Nieuwolt Tropical Climatology–An Introduction to the Climates of the Low Latitudes R.J. Mitchell Earth Structures Engineering Vink, A.P.A. Landscape Ecology and Land Use, (edited by D.A. Davidson) Badcock, B. Unfairly Structured Cities Costin, A.M., Greenway, M.A. and Wright L.G. Harvesting Water From Land Freeman, T.G. and Benyon, P.R. (eds) Pastoral and Social Problems in a Semi-arid Environment: A Simulation Model Faniran A. and Jeje, L.K. Humid Tropical Ceomorphology: A Study of the Geomorphological Processes and Landforms in Warm Humid Climates Kissling, C.C., Taylor, M.J., Thrift, N.J. and Adrian, C. (eds) Regional Impacts of Resource Developments Harvey, D. Limits to Capital  相似文献   

SETTIING HATIOMALJPRJORITIES: A REVIEW ESSAY Charles L. Schultze, Setting National Priorities: The 1971 Budget Charles L. Schultze, Edward R. Fried, Alice M. Rivlin, and Nancy H. Teeters, Setting National Priorities: The 1972 Budget Charles L. Schultze, Edward R. Fried, Alice H. Rivlin, and Nancy H. Teeters, Setting Rational Priorities: The 1973 Budget Edward R. Fried, Alice M. Rivlin, Charles L. Schultze, and Nancy H. Teeters, Setting National Priorities: The 1974 Budget Barry M. Blechman, Edward M. Gramlich, and Robert W. Hartman, Setting National Priorities: The 1975 Budget Barry M. Blechman, Edward M. Gramlich, and Robert W. Hartman, Setting Rational Priorities: The 1976 Budget RECENT RELEVANT LITERATURE Thomas H. Tietenberg and Pierre Toureille, Energy Planning and Policy: The Political Economy of Project Independence Stanley D. Bachrack, The Committee of one Million: “China Lobby” Politics 1953–1971 Otis L. Graham, Toward a Planned Society: From Roosevelt to Nixon Judith Innes DeNuefville, Social Indicators and Public Policy: Interactive Processes of Design and Application Cole Blasier, The Hovering Giant: U.S. Response to Revolutionary Change in Latin America Richard L. Siegel and Leonard B. Weinberg, Comparing Public Policies; United States, Soviet Union, and Europe Richard D. Bingham, The Adoption of Innovation by Local Government Henry J, Pratt, The Gray Lobby BOOK NOTES Marc Karnis Landy, The Politics of Environmental Reform: Controlling Kentucky Strip Mining Allen C. Ornstein and Steven I. Miller, eds., Policy Issues in Education Colm A. O'Muircheartaigh and Clive Payne, eds., Exploring Data Structures Colm A. O'Muircheartaigh and clive Payne, eds., Model Fitting Rechard A. Posner, Antitrust Law: An Economic Perspective Lawrence L. Whetten, ed., The Future of Soviet Military Power THE PROS AND CONS OF SYSTEMS ANALYSIS IN POLICY STUDIES A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF SPECIFIC PROBLEM AREAS WITHIN POLICY STUDIES  相似文献   

Arnold J. Meltsner, Policy Analysis in the Bureaucracy
Louis Fisher, Presidential Spending Power
Morton H. Halperin, Jerry J. Herman, Robert L. Borosage and Christine M. Marwick, The Lawless State: The Crimes of the U.S. Intelligence Agencies
David Berlinski, On Systems Analysis; An Essay Concerning the Limitations of Some Mathematical Methods in Social. Political and Biological Sciences
Herbert E. Alexander, Financing Politics; Money, Elections and Political Reform
Robert J. Kalter and William A. Vogely, eds., Energy Supply and Government Policy
Dale Mann, Policy Decision-Making in Education: An Introduction to Calculation and Control
Joseph A. Pechman, Federal Tax Policy (3rd ed., Washington, B.C.: The Brookings Institution, 1977)
Kenneth M. Friedman and Stuart H. Rakoff, eds., Toward a National Health Policy
Angus Campbell, Philip E. Converse, and Willard L. Rodgers, The Quality of American Life; Perceptions, Evaluations/and Satisfactions
Philip M. Hauser, Social Statistics in Use
Allen H. Barton, et al., Decentralizing City Government

Book Reviews     
《Development and change》2003,34(2):357-381
Thomas D. Hall (ed.), A World‐Systems Reader: New Perspectives on Gender, Urbanism, Cultures, Indigenous Peoples, and Ecology Arif Dirlik, Vinay Bahl and Peter Gran (eds.), History After the Three Worlds: Post Eurocentric Historiographies Susan Schech and Jane Haggis, Culture and Development: A Critical Introduction Mehran Kamrava, Cultural Politics in the Third World Adrian Wood, Raymond Apthorpe and John Borton (eds.), Evaluating International Humanitarian Action: Reflections from Practitioners Richard Black, Refugees, Environment and Development Aristide R. Zolberg and Peter Benda (eds.), Global Migrants, Global Refugees: Problems and Solutions H. W. Singer with D. J. Shaw (ed.), International Development Co‐Operation: Selected Essays by H. W. Singer on Aid and the United Nations System Kristoffel Lieten and Ben White (eds.), Child Labour: Policy Options C. J. Barrow, Social Impact Assessment: An Introduction Douglas Saltmarshe, Identity in a Post‐communist Balkan State: An Albanian Village Study Anne Marie Goetz, Women Development Workers. Implementing Rural Credit Programmes in Bangladesh A. Kundu and A. N. Sharma (eds.), Informal Sector in India: Perspectives and Policies A. Haroon Akram‐Lodhi (ed.), Confronting Fiji Futures M. A. Mohamed Salih and John Markakis (eds.), Ethnicity and the State in Eastern Africa Jeanne X. Kasperson and Roger Kasperson (eds.), Global Environmental Risk James R. Bingen, David Robinson and John M. Staatz (eds.), Democracy and Development in Mali Harri Eglund, From War to Peace on the Mozambique‐Malawi Borderland  相似文献   

Stephen Breyer, Regulation and Its Reform
Kenneth W. Clarkson and Timothy J. Muris, eds., The Federal Trade Commission Since 1970: Economic Regulation and Bureaucratic Behavior
Susan M. Phillips and J. Richard Zecher, The SEC and the Public Interest
Robert G. Healy and James L. Short, The Market for Rural Land – Trends. Issues, Policies
John J. Kirlin, The Political Economy of Fiscal Limits
T. J. Pempel, Policy and Politics in Japan: Creative Conservatism
Forest W. Horton and Donald A. Marchand, eds., Information Management in Public Administration
L. H. Gann and Peter Duignan, Africa South of the Sahara: The Challenge To Western Security
Peter Duignan and L. H. Gann, The Middle East and North Africa: The Chaknge to Western Security
Rosalie L. Tung, U.S.-China Trade Negotiations
Richard L. Gordon, Reforming the Regulation of Electric Utilities  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article
Jameson W. Doig and Erwin Hargrove (eds.). 1987. Leadership and Innovation: A Biographical Perspective on Entrepreneurs in Government
Frank Fischer and John Forester (eds.). 1987. Confronting Values in Policy Analysis: The Politics of Criteria , Sage Yearbooks in Politics and Public Policy
John W. Mendeloff. 1988. The Dilemma of Toxic Substance Regulation: How Overregulation Causes Underregulation
Willard C. Richan. 1986. Beyond Altruism: Social Welfare Policy in American Society
S. David Young. 1987. The Rule of Experts: Occupational Licensing in America  相似文献   


Stuart S. Nagel and Marian Neef, The Legal Process: Modeling the System
Stuart S. Nagel and Marian G. Neef, Legal Policy Analysis: Finding an Optimum Level or Mix
Michael Kaser, Health Care in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe
Vicente Navarro, Social Security and Medicine in the USSR: A Marxist critigue
Vincent Ostrom and Frances Pennell Bish, eds., Comparing Urban Service Delivery Systems , Vol. 12, Urban Affairs Annual Reviews  相似文献   

《Geographical Research》1984,22(2):325-331
Book reviewed in this article: White, H. P. Senior, M. L.,: Transport Geography C. C. Kissling Anderson, J. Duncan, S. Hudson, R. (eds.) Redundant Spaces in Cities and Regions? Studies in Industrial Decline and Social Change Michael Taylor Law, P., Antarctic Odyssey Nigel Wace Caine, N., The Mountains of Northeastern Tasmania: a study of alpine geomorphology. A. A. Balkema R. W. Galloway Mosler, M.-A., Geomorphologische Untersuchungen im Lippischen Keuperbergland R. W. Galloway Department of Home Affairs and the Environment, Australian Urban Environmental Indicators David Ingle Smith Douglas, I., The Urban Environment  相似文献   

Books reviewed in this articles: BIBLIOGRAPHIC ESSAY LIBRARY AND INFORMATION POLICY: A SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY BOOK REVIEW ESSAYS Kenneth J. Coffey, Strategic Implications of the All-Volunteer Force. The Conventional Defense of Central Europe W. Scott Thompson, ed., National Security in the 1980s: From Weakness to Strength Lennart J. Lundqvist, The Hare and the Tortoise: Clean Air Policies in the United States and Sweden Charles T. Stewart, Jr. Air Pollution, Human Health, and Public Policy Richard J. Tobin, The Social Gamble: Determining Acceptable Levels of Air Quality Lennart J. Lundqvist, The Hare and the Tortoise: Clean Air Policies in the United States and Sweden Charles T. Stewart, Jr. Air Pollution, Human Health, and Public Policy Richard J. Tobin, The Social Gamble: Determining Acceptable Levels of Air Quality Lynton R. Hayes, Energy, Economic Growth, and Regulationism in the West Helen M. Ingram Nancy K. Laney and John R. McCain, A Policy Approach to Political Representation: Lessons from the Four Corners States Stuart L. Hart and Gordon A. Enk, Green Goals and Greenbacks: State Level Environmental Review Programs and Their Associated Costs Alfred A. Marcus, Promise and Performance; Choosing and Implementing an Environmental Policy Krause, Lawrence B. and Sekiguchi, Sueo, eds., Economic Interaction in the Pacific Basin Tasca, Diane, ed., U.S.-Japanese-Economic Relations: Cooperation, Competition, and Confrontation Vasey, Lloyd R. ed., Pacific Asia and U.S. Policies: A Political-Economic Strategic Assessment BOOK REVIEWS Franklin A. Long and Judith Reppy, ed., The Genesis of New Weapons—Decision Making for Military R&D Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, Warfare In a Fragile World: Military Impact on the Human Environment George F, Break, Financing Government in a Federal System Michael Lipsky, Street-Level Bureaucracy: Dilemmas of the Individual in Public Services Jeffrey A. Raffel, The Politics of School Desegregation: The Metropolitan Remedy in Delaware BOOKNOTES Cotton M. Lindsay, ed., NEW DIRECTIONS IN PUBLIC HEALTH CAHE: A PRESCRIPTION FOR THE 1980'S Gautreaux Housing Demonstration: An Evaluation of Its Impact on Participating Households The Conversion of Rental Housing to Condominiums and Cooperatives  相似文献   

Book Notes     
Anderson, Odin W (1985) Health Services in the United States A Growth Enterprise Averch Harvey A 1985 A Strategic Analysis of Science and Technology Policy Baughrman, James L 1985 Television's Guardians The FCC and the Politics of rogramming, 1958–1961 Brown, Eugene J 1985 William Fulbright Advice and Dissent Bunker, Stephen G 1985 Underdeveloping the Amazon Extraction, Unequal Exchange, and the Failure of the Modern State Cofer, Donna Price 1985 Judges, Bureaucrats, and the Question of Independence A Study of the Social Security Administration Hearing Process Committee for Economic Development 1985 Investing in Our Childredn Corson, William R and Robert T Crowley 1985 The New KGB Engine of Saviet Power Daniel, Pete 1985 Breaking the Land The Transformation of Cotton, Tobacco, and Rice Cultures Since 1880 Davis, Karen and Diane Rowland 1985 Care Policy New Directions for Health and Long-Term Care Downs, Donald Alexander 1985 Nazis in Skokie Freedom, Community and the First Amendement Durant, Robert F 1985 When Government Regulates Itsself EPA, TVA, and Poliution Control in the 1970s Ferman, Barbara 1985 Governing the Ungovernable City Political Skill Leadership, and the Moder Mayor Gray, Charies L. Jr and Jeffrey A Alson 1985 Moving America to Methanol A Plan to Replace Oil Imports, Reduce Acid Rain, and Revitalize Our Domestic Economy Jones, Bryan D 1985 Governing Buildings and Building Government A New Perspective on the Old Party Lane Jan-Enk ed 1985 State and Market The Politics of the Public and Private Laqueur, Walter 1985 A World of Secrets The Uses and Limits of Intelligence Layton, Edwin T (Rear Admiral U S N Ret) 1985 And I Was There Pearl Harbor and Midway-Breaking the Secrets Luttwak, Edward N 1985 Pentagon and the Art of War MacRae, Jr. Ducan 1985 Policy Indicators Linds Between Social Science and Public Debate Murphy, Jolhn F 1985 Punishing International Terronsts The Legal Framework for Policy Initiative Oseth, Jarnes M 1985 Regulating U S Intelligence Operations A Study In Definition of the National Interest Pascall, Glenn 1985 The Trillion Dollar Budget How to Stop The Bankrupting of America Percy Stephen L and Enc J Scott 1985 Demand Processing and Performance in Public Service Agencies Peterson Paul E, ed 1995 The New Urban Reality Reichley A James 1985 Religion in American Public Life Rhoads Steven E 1985 The Economist's View of the World Governments. Markets, and Public Policy Rose, Richard ed 1985 Public Employment in Western Nations Sharp, Gene 1985 Making Europe Unconquerable The Potential of Civilian-Based Deterrence and Defense Shotland, R Lance and Melvin M Mark eds 1985 Social Science and Social Policy Staniland, Martin 1985 What is Political Economy? A Study of Social Theory and Underdevelopment Swanstron, Todd 1985 The Crisis of Growth Politics Cleveland, Kucinich, and the Challenge of Urban Populism Weeks, Lewis E and Howard J Berman 1985 Shapers of American Health Care Policy An Oral History Wilson, James Q and Richard J Herrnstein 1985 Crime and Human Nature  相似文献   

《Geographical Research》1992,30(2):236-249
Book reviewed in this article: J.M. Powell Plains of Promise, Rivers of Destiny: Water Management in the Development of Queensland 1824–1990 J.W. Handmer, A.H.J. Dorcey and D.I. Smith (eds) Negotiating Water: Conflict Resolution in Australian Water Management Norman Mackay and David Eastburn (ed.) The Murray Australian Defence Force Academy. Canberra D.J. Mulvaney (ed). The Humanities and the Australian Environment William J. Lines Taming the Great South Land Melbourne J.B. Kirkpatrick (ed) Tasmanian Native Bush: a Management Handbook Brotchie, J., Batty, M., Hall., and Newtown, P. Cities of the 21 st Century: New Technologies and Spatial Systems Kay J. Anderson Vancouver's Chinatown: Racial Discourse in Canada, 1875–1980 Daniel W. Bromley. Environment and Economy: Property Rights and Public Policy Wetlands: A Threarened Landscape Learmonth, Andrew Disease Ecology  相似文献   

Books reviewed in this articles: BOOK REVIEW ESSAYS Paul L. Joskow, Controlling Hospital Costs: The Role of Government Regulation Judith Meltzer, Frank Farrow, & Harold Richman, eds., Policy Options in Long-Term Care Regina A. Axelrod, Environment, Energy, Public Policy: Toward a Rational Future Marc J. Roberts and Jeremy S. Bluhm, The Choices of Power: Utilities Face the Environmental Challenge Walter A. Rosenbaum, Energy, Politics and Public Policy Martin B. Zimmerman, The U.S. Coal Industry; The Economics of Policy Choice Peter Szanton, editor, Federal Reorganization: What Have We Learned? John T. Tierney, Postal Reorganization; Managing the Public's Business BOOK REVIEWS Robert W. Crandall, The U.S. Steel Industry in Recurent Crisis; Policy Options in a Competitive World Henry J. Aaron and Joseph A. Pechman, eds., How Taxes Affect Economic Behavior Robert H. Blank, The Political Implications of Human Genetic Technology BOOKNOTES Thomas Naff, ed., The Middle East Challenge: 1980–1985 Richard K. Betts, ed., Cruise Missiles: Technology, Strategy, Politics  相似文献   

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