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路云亭 《民俗研究》2008,(3):139-155
光绪二十六年是中国阴历的庚子年,因这年爆发了震惊中外的义和团运动,因此,庚子年所发生的事件就成了义和团运动的代名词。庚子年初始,来自山东、直隶的拳民大量涌进北京,七月二十日,八国联军攻陷入京,义和团运动也由高潮迅速转入低潮。这一时期,北京内外的演剧业状况就成了事态人情的一面镜子,士绅所记笔记以及说唱文学中可获得的资料,略可体现出当年京城的演剧业景况。  相似文献   

This paper addresses the agenda of enchantment as it relates to contemporary theatrical magic (those deliberately enigmatic activities that are performed, experienced and commercialized as a form of entertainment). Magic practice is regularly constructed along a particular teleology: ‘action → effect of impossibility → affect of astonishment’. The paper supplements this teleology in four sections. First, a discussion of magicians’ knowledge and the ignorance required for participant-spectators to apprehend effects of impossibility and become astonished. Second, an examination of two forms of reason: one, an investigation into hidden ‘secrets’; the other, a perception of superficial ‘effects’. Third, a critique of the figure of the magician and its disputed role within magic practice. Fourth, a presentation and discussion of three empirical vignettes – professional magician Jay Sankey’s ‘Unreal Experiments’ – which advocate an evental logic with an experimental ethos; thus, enacting a critique of the figure and teleological structure of practice, and posing a challenge to rethink and invitation to expand theatrical magic practice. In conclusion, the paper highlights some of the ways in which theatrical magic participates in the agenda to enchant the world that has so gripped social science.  相似文献   

燕翼围及赣南围屋源流考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
燕翼围,是赣南围屋中较具特色的围屋之一,对它的调查研究,有助于解决围屋民居的一些基本问题。如围屋的历史文化背景、围屋的发生发展、围屋的构造特点等问题,因此,具有举一反三的意义。一、史略杨村,本为杨姓人开基建村,但自明永乐年间赖姓入迁此后,便逐渐成了赖氏的天下,如今不仅杨村没有了杨姓,且整个镇辖区内,也没有杨姓了(嫁过来的女人除外)。此地物产素以生产和加工香菇闻名于世,人称“太平香菇”,是国内著名的香菇集散地市场。民谚有“药不到樟树不灵,菇不到杨村不香”之称。燕翼围的创建人为赖上拔,据《八修桃川赖…  相似文献   


Two 17th- to 18th-century documents are described, one a detailed contract and the other a plan and elevation drawing. They throw light on traditions of timber-framed building and in particular on the process of development and innovation in vernacular architecture.  相似文献   

The ‘destruction of the English country house’ in the period since the late nineteenth century looms large in popular consciousness, and has received increasing attention from historians in recent years. There is no doubt that demolitions did occur on a large scale, especially in the middle years of the twentieth century, but it is arguable that most research has placed too much emphasis on the economic problems faced by estates arising from the great Agricultural Depression: the narrative so far, that is, has had too rural a focus. This article examines the phenomenon in Lancashire, a county characterized by industrialization, demographic expansion, and rapid urbanization. This regional perspective suggests reasons for country house losses that are subtly but significantly different from those pertaining in the more rural counties of England, which have been the primary focus of previous studies.  相似文献   

Louise Crabtree 《对极》2006,38(4):711-734
Sherilyn MacGregor astutely highlights possible points of tension between the socioeconomic agendas, processes and outcomes of ecocity and feminist urban visions. MacGregor also claims ecofeminism may benefit from utilising the language of citizenship to move beyond essentialised gender and spatial associations of care to address such possible tensions between ecological and feminist agendas. Responding to MacGregor's reflections on options for taking care into the public realm, and the need in this to question the public–private divide, this paper asks whether the traits highlighted by Chantal Mouffe's citizen can be applied to the socioeconomic aspirations of the ecocity, addressing possible tensions between ecocity and feminist aspirations on the basis of a de‐essentialised ethic of care.  相似文献   

What are the chronopolitics of global–local relations? This article reconsiders the oversymmetric portrayals of identity and nationalism in Benedict Anderson's Imagined Communities, and reopens questions about chronopolitics raised by Johannes Fabian in Time and the Other. Anderson relies heavily on Walter Benjamin, but seriously misunderstands him, in his portrayal of nations as parallel communities in ‘homogeneous, empty, time’. Against Anderson's premise that homogeneous, empty time is real, this article argues that calibrated asymmetries in global time were made real by colonial practices, that we have forgotten that glory and hierarchical self-assertion, not horizontal comradeship, were central to Europe's Rome-fantasizing imperial nations, and that élite diaspora have replaced imperial conquests precisely in the wake of decolonization and the rise of UN ideology.  相似文献   

Australia is unique among parliamentary federations in having strongly bicameral parliaments at regional as well as national levels. The purpose of this article is to analyse the evolution of the State-level second chambers, the Legislative Councils, over the past half-century. The main changes have concerned the electoral systems of the Councils, enhancing the latter's democratic legitimacy and recasting the mechanisms for producing differently composed chambers. Democratisation of the Councils, together with the other changes discussed, has brought about a subtle transformation of their role. Their design no longer casts them as conservative checks on the 'people's houses', but makes them key elements within a more fully developed system of 'consensus democracy'. The article concludes by discussing three types of second chamber now existing in the Australian States.  相似文献   

The life-course approach to residential mobility and migration recognizes a central role for a variety of demographic and economic triggers in the mobility process. Having a child, getting married, separated, or divorced, have all been identified as triggers that generate residential relocations. It is obvious that a job change can also be viewed as a stimulus for residential relocation, although until now the interconnection has been evaluated mainly for long-distance migratory moves rather than for its effects on residential mobility. In this analysis we use the Panel Study of Income Dynamics to test the association between employment changes and residential relocation. We examine both the occurrence and the timing of residential moves triggered by employment transitions. We show that job changes increase the likelihood of residential relocation in the aggregate and for singles when we hold other & "triggers" constant. The results of the analysis of the timing of job changes and residential relocations indicate that temporal differences exist between households types. Overall, the results establish that job change is an important triggering process in residential relocation and emphasizes the interconnected nature of life-course events.  相似文献   

I-houses and I-cottages predominate in the pre-1940 rural landscape along the Missouri-Kansas border, a region settled by people from different culture areas of the eastern United States. Cultural heritage explains part of the housing pattern, particularly the distributions of I-cottages and one-story bungalows, but for the most part, regional culture associations are not strong. The housing situation is understood better historically. To judge from various external indicators, local I-structures have been influenced by both the Georgian and the Gothic architectural traditions. More recent house types, although often not considered to be products of the folk tradition, nonetheless have traits that link them with this past. Using the construction of I-structures as a general measure, one can say that traditional architecture has been in decline since at least 1880 and that the rate of decline has accelerated through time.  相似文献   

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