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《Political Theology》2013,14(2):149-152

While some fear that political values so contradict gospel values that engagement with wider society risks religious corruption, Roman Catholic teaching encourages civic engagement even with political structures, while remaining cautious that such collaboration does not become cooptation. Negotiating the tensions between discipleship and citizenship in practice has given rise to different stances within the American Catholic community, particularly with regard to patriotism, dissent and the use of force. A survey of different Catholic reactions to the US involvement in Afghanistan in the immediate aftermath of 11 September reveals the tensions between discipleship and citizenship as well as the potential role for religious dissent or critique, even in times of war. It also suggests potential for a realignment or integration of conventional Catholic postures toward public engagement.  相似文献   


Due to the scarcity of reflection on time as an independent subject in the Hebrew Bible, there has been a scholarly tendency to consider biblical time conception more limited than our own_perhaps even nonexistent. This article confronts the scholarly skepticism regarding the ability of the biblical authors to think about time, defending the presence of time conceptualization in the Hebrew Bible. In the article I discuss central research contributions to the subject of biblical time, in particular Sacha Stern’s thesis that the concept of time is entirely absent from the Hebrew Bible and from ancient Judaism more widely. I explore linguistic and anthropological assumptions which underpin large parts of the discussion on time within biblical studies, arguing that one cannot assume on the basis of either that the biblical authors lacked a concept of time. Finally, I suggest that the ability of the biblical writers to coordinate unrelated processes according to a temporal axis is a strong argument in favour of their awareness of time.  相似文献   

The centrality of the Reconquista in the historiography of medieval Spain has meant that there has been little examination of the evidence for interaction on and across political boundaries in pre‐Islamic Spain. This article re‐examines existing theories about the defence of the Byzantine province of Spania that had been established by Justinian in the 550s and was taken by the Visigoths in 625. The two existing and opposing models for the extent, defence, and – therefore – the importance of the province to the empire do not explain the evidence convincingly. Rather, a fluid zone of interaction was established in which diplomacy and ‘propaganda’ was the primary means by which opposition was articulated.  相似文献   

1915年袁世凯称帝前夕,奉派入川的陈宦,秉承袁氏的意旨,在全省开展“剿匪清乡”活动,冯玉洋参与了这一活动。护国战争爆发后,护国军在川南与北洋军展开激战,冯玉洋率第16混成旅乘护国军主力撤离叙府之机,经反复争夺,攻占叙府,受到袁世凯嘉奖。但对袁氏帝制自为,冯玉洋一开始就表示反对,进占叙府后便不愿与护国军再战,并与护国军停战讲和,力劝陈宦反袁独立,1916年6月,袁氏忧病而死,入川的北洋军纷纷后撤,段祺瑞欲冯旅仍驻川境,以便控制西南,冯玉洋置之不理,擅自由川北撤至汉中,后进驻廓坊,段氏不满冯玉洋在时之所作所为,免其旅长职,改任有名无实的正定府第6路巡防营统领。1917年张勋复辟发生后,段氏始恢复其旅长职。  相似文献   

明代"九边"的宣府、大同二镇,因地理区位和明蒙对峙的军事态势形成一体化的军事防务区.这一防务区"拱卫京师",战略地位十分重要,直接导致了协调区域军事防务的宣大总督设置.  相似文献   

张广翔 《世界历史》2005,4(5):13-22
卫国战争期间,苏联妇女在各条战线上与男子们并肩作战,她们参与战争的深度和广度都堪称史无前例。广大苏联妇女在“生产如同战斗”、“一切为了前线,一切为了胜利”、“为了祖国”、“敌后苏维埃儿女挺身而出吧”等振奋人心的口号下,肩负起生产建设的重担,有力地保障了前线的武器、弹药、军服和粮食供应;在战地医疗、文化教育、反法西斯宣传等方面更是各尽其力;百万以上妇女加入红军和游击队并立下了赫赫战功。她们是反法西斯战争中的一支重要力量,为保卫祖国做出了难以估量的贡献和牺牲。  相似文献   

Historians have been eager to trace the roots of “family values” discourse as a political phenomenon linked to the rise of the Religious Right. But the sacralisation of the Christian family deserves attention in its own right as a cultural phenomenon. Southern California provides an obvious case study, as religious conservatism and a growing military‐industrial presence intersected there in the postwar era. A case study of this region also illumines larger trends, since the national experience and the Californian experience converged in this period. A popular set of 1950s advice booklets by Bible Institute of Los Angeles (Biola) Vice President William W. Orr provides crucial understanding of evangelical efforts to provide foolproof methods for enacting God’s design for family security. Evangelical visions of family order did occasionally represent real rifts with postwar mainstream culture. But more often, oppositional rhetoric served to symbolically preserve evangelicals’ distinctive identity even when cultural trends were largely consonant with their own. Their assumptions about gender, emphasis on sexual fulfilment within marriage, and guidelines on the roles of husbands and fathers, ostensibly grounded in timeless biblical principles, were deeply indebted to mainstream values of companionate marriage and affectionate parenting.  相似文献   

It is only in Western Europe that the whole pattern of culture is to be found in a continuous succession and alternation of free spiritual movements; so that every century of Western history shows a change in the balance of cultural elements, and the appearance of some new spiritual force which creates new ideas and institutions and produces a further movement of social change (Christopher Dawson).  相似文献   

Ethics and Entrepreneurship   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
An important criticism of public entrepreneurship has been that Us precepts and practices are not consonant with democratic values. This paper examines the meaning of entrepreneurship as defined in bath the public and private sectors, suggesting that some attributes of entrepreneurs that commonly are deemed undesirable–egotism, selfishness, waywardness, domination, and opportunism–actually are functional for entrepreneurial activity. This is because entrepreneurship plays an essential role in addressing a particular type of policy problems (here called "anarchic")–those where goals are ambiguous or conflicting and where the means to achieve them are unknown or uncertain. Finally, methods are suggested for encouraging ethical entrepreneurship, whether undertaken in an anarchic setting or within an organizational matrix that is communitarian or bureaucratic.  相似文献   


Moral judgements are not easy to make in an age of technological complexity particularly if it is difficult to know all the facts accurately. However, it is possible to state the ethical considerations underlying the global energy problem and to point to possible solutions in the short, medium and long term. The nuclear option is considered in some detail and it is concluded that the procedures of deciding risks should be based on dialogue and mutual education.  相似文献   

The Orange Order was never as prominent in the Australian colonies as its own publicity asserted and its arguments against the power of Rome in Australian politics and society were more shrill than accurate. However, it held a clearly defined position as a vector of anti‐Catholicism and ultra‐Protestantism in many parts of colonial Australia, and its parades and social gatherings were important spaces for the formation of Australian Protestant identities imbued with varying levels of Irishness. The use of public space meant that the Loyal Orange Institution had a wider impact than their often small numbers might otherwise suggest. With their parades, sermons, public meetings, and demonstrations many Orangemen and women attempted to claim colonial public space not only as Protestant, but as a particularly Irish inflected anti‐Catholicism.  相似文献   

保卫印度:19世纪英国东方外交的全部秘密   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张本英 《安徽史学》2003,2(5):65-72
印度在英帝国内具有特殊的地位。印度以及通往印度贸易通道的安全因此成为英帝国战略防卫的关键。19世纪英国在东方的全部外交与军事行动几乎都围绕着这一主题。  相似文献   


In book 7 of the Nicomachean Ethics, Aristotle argues that vice, lack of self-restraint (akrasia), and brutishness are to be avoided. While the opposite of vice is virtue, the opposite of akrasia is self-restraint, and of brutishness a form of divinity. This article explores Aristotle's analysis of self-restraint and its lack, akrasia, focusing on the phenomenon of akrasia and its causes. Self-restraint is the experience of excessive and idiosyncratic desires that are nevertheless resisted. Like self-restraint, akrasia, or lack of self-restraint, involves the experience of excessive and idiosyncratic desires. However, those lacking in self-restraint give in to these desires; the unrestrained person knows the good but does the opposite nonetheless. Possible causes of akrasia are the overpowering of reason by desire among the young and the effeminacy of some women and womanly men. This article argues, however, that the most interesting cause of akrasia in Aristotle's account is theoretical thinking.  相似文献   

旅游业可持续发展中的伦理辩护   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
孙吉信 《旅游科学》2007,21(2):69-72
旅游业可持续发展应遵循伦理学准则.本文从分析中西方伦理入手,对旅游业可持续发展中所涉及的道义学、目的论、生态伦理、旅游伦理等准则进行了辨析和论证,目的是呼吁人们管束自己的"非伦理行为",以真正实现旅游业可持续发展.  相似文献   

鲁纳 《文献》2000,(2):12-31
今本署名汉初政论家贾谊的《新书》或《贾子》一书,自宋以来屡受质疑,如宋朱熹语"贾谊新书除了《汉书》中所载,余亦难得粹者,看来只是贾谊一杂记稿耳.中间事事有些个."①贾谊及其政治学说对于我们理解形成于战国末至汉初的折衷主义哲学至关重要.  相似文献   

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