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This article analyses the extent to which samizdat publications by Central European dissidents, in particular those of the Pole Adam Michnik, the Czech Václav Havel, and the Hungarian György Konrád, had an influence on Kie?lowski’s feature films. The article follows the development of the dissidents’ ideas in parallel to the development of Kie?lowski’s own search for the lost individual in former Soviet-bloc societies. Finally, the article also explores the impact Camus’s thought had on Kie?lowski’s work of the 1980s.  相似文献   

《Central Europe》2013,11(2):102-126

Dezs? Szabó (born 1879, Klausenburg/Kolozsvár/Cluj, Austria-Hungary, died 1945, Budapest) was a towering figure of his generation. Literary critic, social pamphleteer, satirist, and novelist, he aroused strong passions on all sides with his rhetorically freighted prose and his fluid, yet forceful, political views. All accounts of his work concentrate on its intent, content, or consequences, and it is widely agreed that Szabó’s ‘style’ was his most prominent trait. And yet it is as if the political and ideological impact of the man has all but eclipsed the writing itself: with the exception of one brief monograph of 1937, we have no study devoted to the detailed examination of the ways in which he used Hungarian. Such a study is what is attempted in this essay. The method is primarily linguistic: all pertinent features of Szabó’s use of Hungarian are discussed, from the submorphemic (alliteration and other sound-patterning) through his immoderate derivational morphology, overstuffed noun phrases, and idiosyncratic lexis.  相似文献   

This article examines a translation of the Scottish historian William Robertson’s probably most famous text (based on a previous German edition) in the journal of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences in the 1830s, as a case study on continuity between the Enlightenment and the era of liberal reform in Central Europe. It underlines the benefits of the comparative study of Scotland in Robertson’s time and Hungary in the Reform Age as partners in composite polities at the opposite ends of Europe, where patriotic projects of overcoming limitations of political sovereignty via cultural and economic improvement were pursued. The belated reception of Robertson in Hungary took place within a larger initiative of progress and refinement, associated with the liberal Count István Széchenyi, in an environment where many potential sympathizers with his programme were ambivalent about the values of cosmopolitanism and commerce promoted by Robertson, indebted as they remained to more archaic modes of patriotism. In view of the peculiarities of translation, and selection the Hungarian rendering of the View of the Progress was attuned to the sentiments of this constituency, and may be interpreted as a set of discursive gestures aimed at conquering it for the cause of ‘liberalism as refinement.’  相似文献   


Cemeteries of the Avar Period (567-829) in Hungaryedited by I. Kovrig. Vol. I: E. Garam, I. Kovrig, J. Gy. Szabó, Gy. Török, Avar Finds in the Hungarian National Museum (Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest 1975) 368 pp. with 152 Figures and 37 Plates. Vol. II: A. Kiss, Avar Cemeteries in County Baranya (Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest 1977) 174 pp. with 71 Figures and 92 Plates. The volumes are published by the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest V. Alkotmány utca 21, Budapest, Hungary, and distributed by Kultura, H-1389, Budapest, P.O.B. 149, Hungary.

The Avars occupied the lands surrounding the Carpathian Basin (the old Roman province of Pannonia) from 567 A.C. until the early 9th century, but they are little known historically. To their literate Christian neighbors they figured only as dangerous enemies and Charlemagne destroyed them as such. Only within this century has their material culture been identified and archaeological research has set about trying to reconstruct their civilization. Hungarian scholars have advanced strong arguments that much information relating to the social structure as well as to the religious mentality is “coded” in the cemeteries. A new corpus of volumes, the first two of which are reviewed here, are intended to provide a systematic presentation of the excavation of thousands of tombs since the 1930s. This series promises to provide a quantitatively significant body of data on a given funeral horizon, as well as a coherent point of view on the material culture of the Avars, of great interest to students of the early Middle Ages in Europe in its interrelations with the world of the steppes.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Books reviewed: Meric S. Gertler. Manufacturing Culture: The Institutional Geography of Industrial Practice Jamie Peck and Henry Wai‐chung Yeung. Remaking the Global Economy: Economic‐Geographical Perspectives Åke E. Andersson, Börje Johansson, and William P. Anderson. The Economics of Disappearing Distance Priscilla Pue Ho Chu. The Making of Women Entrepreneurs in Hong Kong Jean‐Louis Mucchielli and Thierry Mayer. Multinational Firms’ Location and the New Economic Geography Anthony Downs. Still Struck in Traffic: Coping with Peak‐Hour Traffic Congestion Anthony Downs. Growth Management and Affordable Housing: Do They Conflict Yasuhide Okuyama and Stephanie E. Chang. Modeling Spatial and Economic Impacts of Disasters Tony Champion and Graeme Hugo. New Forms of Urbanization: Beyond the Urban–Rural Dichotomy Joseph Persky, Daniel Felsenstein, and Virginia Carlson. Does “Trickle Down” Work? Economic Development Strategies and Job Chains in Local Labor Markets Sherry L. Smith. The Future of the Southern Plains Doryane Kermel‐Torrès et al. Atlas of Thailand: Spatial Structures and Development György Enyedi and István Tózsa. The Region: Regional Development, Policy, Administration and E‐Government Heinz G. Preusse. The New American Regionalism Yue‐man Yeung and Shen Jianfa. Developing China’s West: A Critical Path to Balanced National Development  相似文献   

The influence of German science and medicine on the development of Hungarian medicine in the age of Enlightenment has been extraordinary strong. Many Hungarian medical students staid in German medical faculties. The medical interrelationships between Germany and Hungary in the 18th century are discussed in an overview according to following dimensions: education of protestant Hungarian medical students at German »Aufklaerungs‐Universitaeten«, practical and theoretical resonance, membership of scientific societies, personal contacts and correspondence. Outstanding personalities of this aera were Daniel Fischer, István Weszprémi, Abraham Vater. Special attention is given to a new idea: inoculation against plague as first described by A. Vater in his work Blattern‐Beltzen (1721). Thirty years later I. Weszprémi published his original conception ‐ independently from Vater ‐ in the Tentamen de inoculanda peste (1755).  相似文献   

《Central Europe》2013,11(2):82-101

This article explores the interaction between the historical landscape of Hungary and the structure of rural society that developed therefrom. It establishes the means through which the Hungarian peasantry were able to construct the spatial order of the village in response to the particular environment of the Hungarian plain, and how this informed attempts to reform Hungarian rural society in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. In this, it argues that customary practices and customary rights, in particular ‘beating the bounds’ (határjárás), provided a means for the peasantry to assert their own claims to the landscape in the face of reforms imposed from beyond the boundaries of the village.  相似文献   

There exists a space of the ‘solid Mediterranean’. This concept was first proposed by the Annales’s co-founder Lucien Febvre in 1944–45, during a course on Europe in the longue durée. The flexible borders of this double space, both conceptual and contextual, remain in construction within the on-going and global reality of the solid Mediterranean’s space. The comparative history of European societies promoted during the interwar period by Marc Bloch, the other Annales founder, contributes to the construction of said space. Examining this space allows us to concretely articulate scales of analysis from the local to the global. The article is based on a comparative analysis of two Italian and Spanish cases that appear to be particular and paradigmatic (‘exceptional normal’, Edoardo Grendi) of – respectively – Italy’s so-called ‘southern question’ (questione meridionale) and the Spanish ‘agrarian question’ (cuestión agraria). Thus the article helps to conceptualize the space of the Méditerranée solide, marked by the complex and long-term Southern European question. The article compares Il Ministro della mala vita (The Minister of the Corruption, 1910) by historian Gaetano Salvemini and Del caciquismo trágico (On Tragical Caciquism, 1913) by republican journalist Pedro Torres. Through these ‘exceptionally normal’ case studies, taken together and explained reciprocally, it is possible to better understand the space of the solid Mediterranean. The social realities of the Spanish cuestión agraria and the Italian questione meridionale, as well as the conditions of local historiographical production on such realities are, indeed, a consubstantial part of the European transnational, global space of the ‘solid Mediterranean’.  相似文献   

The purpose of this essay is to provide the historian with a generic understanding of the term economy by examining some aspects of the work of the Hungarian “economic historian” Karl Polanyi (1886–1964). It does not seek to explain Polanyi's economic ideas to economists nor does it seek to locate his ideas within the discourses of the academic discipline of economics; there is abundant academic literature which carries out those tasks. This essay is intended to help fill a void in the historical understanding, especially the modern historical understanding, of the term economy, and of how the characteristics associated with it are generally understood. Yet, in reality, it is the neoclassical paradigm of economics which is typically and uncritically taken to be the touchstone for understanding the economy. This circumstance is problematic, however, when referring to the economy of societies earlier than the late nineteenth century or of societies whose culture differs radically from that of the advanced capitalist “west.” Polanyi's insights may help historians avoid the risk of either distorting or anachronistically misunderstanding the economy of such societies.  相似文献   


Artist and researcher Neal White argues for the potential role of radical engagements in science by drawing on the work of pioneers of conceptual art: John Latham (1921–2006), Gustav Metzger (1926–2017) in the UK, and György Kepes (1906–2001) and Robert Smithson (1938–1973) in the US. Starting with destruction as a positive force in artistic practice, White examines the ideas developed by these artists as a conceptual framework for thinking through time, chemical process and event structures within the context of the Cold War. In further examining the social context and contemporary landscape of cultural forms servicing science in terms of the communication of ideas, or underpinning further a knowledge economy, he argues for artists to engage science on their own terms, through a renewal of radical practices. This would in turn create new and critically framed work of benefit to culture and society more generally.  相似文献   

Alex Loftus 《对极》2006,38(5):1023-1045
In this paper, I seek to gain an understanding of the power that water meters are able to acquire in regulating the daily rhythms of life in the South African city of Durban. In doing so, I put Georg Lukács's writings on reification to work. Lukács's theorisation of the phenomenon of reification captures the twin processes of encroaching formal rationalisation and commodity fetishism. Charting the history of the introduction of water meters and the rise in power of associated infrastructures, I seek to put a historical geographical materialist imagination to work. Thus, I develop a relational ontology of the urban waterscape before seeking to identify lines of struggle that might challenge the dictatorship of the water meter and move towards radically democratic technologies for a more equitable distribution of water.  相似文献   

During the twentieth century a number of competing accounts of Lenin’s theory and practice have sought to reclaim its true meaning from ossification under Stalinism. One account popular today is the Hegelian-Marxist interpretation of Lenin’s Philosophical Notebooks written in 1914 and 1915. According to thinkers such as Raya Dunayevskaya and Kevin Anderson, Lenin’s notebooks on Hegel’s Science of Logic represent a radical break from classical dialectical materialism. For these Hegelian-Marxists, Lenin’s acerbic remarks on Engels’s and Plekhanov’s dialectics reveal him as the forerunner of Georg Lukács and Herbert Marcuse and represent a thoroughgoing reconceptualization of the dialectics of revolution. In this article I submit these arguments to the test of a fine grained textual analysis. I conclude, opposite to the Hegelian-Marxist narrative, that Lenin neither intended to nor accomplished a refoundation of Marxist dialectics in 1914. The notion of quantity-quality leaps Lenin adds to his works from 1914 onwards show him less as an innovator in Marxist philosophy and more as a keeper of the flame of dialectical materialist orthodoxy.  相似文献   

Music became a marker of national identity in nineteenth‐century Europe. Western art music consists of tonal systems that are universally intelligible, but certain rhythms and musical idioms have been associated with national styles. How, when, and why does a musical phrase or piece become national? What political and cultural circumstances contributed to the development of national styles and facilitated the emergence of resonant topographies? What was the relationship between music as cultural practice and nineteenth‐century national thought as discursive space? These questions are addressed with a particular focus on verbunkos, which came to be characteristic of Hungarian national style, and on the Rákóczy March which became famous thanks to Berlioz's Faust. This essay traces the complex process of cultural transfer through which these martial tunes of mixed ethnic origins have become emblematic of Hungarian music.  相似文献   

The orienteering route choice problem involves finding the fastest route between two given points, with running speed determined by various properties of the terrain. In this study, I consider only the effect of climbing or descending on running speed. If a runner's pace p (the reciprocal of speed) varies linearly with gradient m, the straight‐line route always is fastest. However, a nonlinear formulation for p(m), with d2p/dm2 > 0, will more accurately model runners’ capabilities. As a result, critical gradients may exist for ascent and/or descent, such that optimal routes will never ascend or descend more steeply than the critical gradient. I review and propose several formulations for the pace function p(m) and calculate their critical gradients. In principle, the Euler–Lagrange equation can be used to find optimal routes between arbitrary points on any topography where the height can be expressed as a smooth function of horizontal coordinates. I obtain first integrals of this equation for idealized landforms: hillsides with straight contours and axisymmetric hills. Next, optimal routes are computed for various combinations of start‐ and endpoints on these landforms based on various pace functions. These routes are classified as either subcritical or maximal steepness: The former ascends or descends less steeply than the critical gradient; the latter takes the line of steepest ascent where it is not steeper than the critical gradient, but follows a curve at the critical gradient where the slope is steeper. In some cases, the optimal route zigzags up or down a hill along sections of a critical‐gradient curve. El problema de trazo y selección de ruta en terrenos accidentados (orienteering route choice problem) consiste en encontrar la ruta más rápida entre dos puntos dados, cuando la velocidad de desplazamiento está en función a varias propiedades del terreno. En este estudio, el autor sólo considera el efecto de subir o bajar sobre la velocidad de desplazamiento. Si el paso p de un individuo (la inversa de la velocidad) varía linealmente con la pendiente m, la ruta en línea recta siempre es la más rápida. Sin embargo, una formulación no lineal de p (m), con D2P / dm 2> 0, resulta en un modelo más preciso de las capacidades de los individuos que se desplazan por el terreno. Como resultado, es posible que existan gradientes críticos tanto para el movimiento de ascenso como el de descenso. En dicho caso, las rutas óptimas nunca ascenderán o descenderán por gradientes más pronunciados que las identificadas comode gradiente crítico. El autor revisa y propone varias fórmulas para una función de paso p (m) y calcula los gradientes críticos respectivos. En principio, la ecuación de Euler‐Lagrange puede ser utilizada para trazar las rutas óptimas entre puntos arbitrarios en cualquier topografía en donde la altura pueda ser expresada como una función suavizada de las coordenadas horizontales. El autor calcula las integrales de esta ecuación para dos formas terrestres idealizadas: laderas con contornos rectos, y colinas con simetría axial. A continuación, las rutas óptimas son calculadas para diversas combinaciones de puntos de inicio y destino de estos accidentes geográficos basados en varias funciones de paso. Una vez identificadas, estas rutas se clasifican ya sea como subcríticas o como de máxima‐pendiente. Las primeras ascienden o descienden gradientes menos pronunciadas que el gradiente crítico. Las segundas ascienden por la línea del gradiente más pronunciado que es menor que el gradiente crítico, pero siguen una curva en la gradiente crítica donde la pendiente es más pronunciada. En algunos casos, la ruta óptima se desplaza en zigzags hacia arriba o abajo de una colina a lo largo algunas secciones de una curva de gradiente crítica. 移动速度受制于地表形态的诸多属性,定向路线选择问题涉及给定两点之间最快路线查找。本研究仅考虑爬升或下降对移动速度的影响。如果奔跑者的步速p(速度的倒数)与坡度m呈线性相关,那么直线路线始终是最快的。然而,当d2pdm2 > 0时,非线性方程p(m)具有更好的行进模拟性能。试验表明,在上坡或下坡的过程中存在一个临界的坡度值,相应地上坡或下坡的最佳路线坡度将一定不超过较陡的临界坡度值。本文总结并提出了函数p(m)的几个公式,并对其临界坡度值进行了估计。欧拉‐拉格朗日方程原则上可用于寻找任何地形中任意两点之间的最优路径,高度可表示为横坐标的光滑函数。首先,通过方程的一次积分得到理想化地形,即具有直等高线的山坡和对称的山地;然后在这些地形面上,基于起点和终点的多种组合和不同的步速方程计算最佳路线。计算路径被分类为次临界或最大坡度的路线:前者上坡或下坡的坡度大于临界坡度值;后者则在不超过临界坡度值时采用最陡上坡路径,但在坡度陡峭的地区遵循临界坡度曲线。在某些情况下,最优到达路径沿临界坡度曲线截面呈“之”字型曲折上下变化。  相似文献   

We use moments from the covariance matrix for spatial panel data to estimate the parameters of the spatial autoregression model, including the spatial connectivity matrix W. In the unrestricted spatial autoregression model, the parameters are underidentified by one when W is symmetric. We show that a special case exists in which W is asymmetric and its parameters are exactly identified. If the panel data are stationary and ergodic, spatially and temporally, the estimates of W and the spatial autoregression coefficients are consistent. Spatial panel data for house prices in Israel are used to illustrate this methodology. Los autores usan momentos de una matriz de covarianza para datos panel espaciales para estimar los parámetros del modelo de autoregresión espacial (spatial autoregressive model), incluyendo la matriz de conectividad (o de ponderación) espacial W. En el modelo de autoregresión espacial sin restricciones, los parámetros están sub‐identificados por un valor de uno en los casos que la matriz W es simétrica. Los autores demuestran que existe un caso especial en el cual la matriz W es asimétrica y sus parámetros tienen cálculo exacto. Si los datos panel son estacionarios y ergódicos, espacial y temporalmente, los estimados de W y el coeficiente de autoregresión espacial son consistentes. Para ilustrar la metodología propuesta, los autores usan datos‐panel espaciales de precios de vivienda en Israel. 本文通过采用空间面板数据的协方差矩阵对包含空间相关矩阵W的空间自回归模型进行参数的矩估计。在无约束空间自回归模型中,W是对称矩阵时,参数可由其估计得到。本文展示了一种W是对称矩阵且其参数能够被精确估计的特殊情况。如果面板数据在时间与空间特征上具有平稳性和遍历性,那么W和空间自回归参数的估计是一致的。最后,针对以色列住房价格的空间面板数据采用此方法进行实证研究。  相似文献   

This article examines discourses of whiteness and color in Mexico through a discussion of White Secret, a widely available skin-lightening cosmetic product. In an analysis of a televised infomercial advertising the product, we examine contextualizations of whiteness in Mexico, as figured through the product's representations of light-skinned female bodies and advanced cosmetic technology. We consider the ways that White Secret can speak to broader conceptualizations of whiteness and identity and, furthermore, argue that such an engagement points to the need to interrogate the geographical and epistemological limits of current understandings of whiteness based in Anglo-American and Latin-American contexts.

Creando güeras: La venta de identidades blancas en la televisión Mexicana de media noche En este artículo, hacemos un análisis sobre los discursos de ‘blancura’ y de color con respecto a la población en México a través de una discusión sobre ‘White Secret’, un producto cosmético para aclarar la piel que es muy disponible en México. Por un análisis de un ‘info-nuncio’ que sale por la televisión anunciando el producto ‘White Secret’, exploramos los entretejemientos de la construcción de blancura en México y como este ‘info-nuncio’ manipula imágenes de los cuerpos de güeras (mujeres de piel clara) y tecnología cosmética avanzada. Reflexionamos acerca de las maneras que el producto ‘White Secret’ pueda hablar a concepciones más amplias sobre la construcción de identidad y blancura y además, discutimos que tal exploración indica la necesidad de interrogar los limites epistemológicos y geográficos de la comprensión actual de la construcción de blancura basados en los contextos Latino Americanos y Anglo Americanos.  相似文献   

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