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This essay revisits the main themes and arguments put forward in The Comanche Empire: indigenous agency; spatial reorientation in the writing of colonial histories; the composition of the Comanche empire and its impact on the history of North America. It also responds to a number of specific issues raised by the roundtable participants: differences and similarities between indigenous and Euro‐colonial power regimes; balancing of culture‐specific frameworks with broad‐gauge political economic analysis; linkages between indigenous agency and indigenous sovereignty in colonial encounters; the question of periodization in writing Native American and colonial histories. Finally, the essay points to new ways of understanding, conceptualizing, and comparing nonterritorial nomadic empires by introducing the concept of “kinetic empire,” which refers to a flexible imperial organization that revolves around a set of mobile activities and relies on selective nodal control of key resources.  相似文献   

Pekka Hämäläinen's The Comanche Empire reflects critical historiographical turns—indigenous power, responses to settler colonialism, and a reorientation of perspective—while uncovering new directions in American Indian history. Moreover, his four‐part framework for understanding power—spatial control, economic control, assimilation, and influence over neighbors—provides a useful model for analyzing indigenous polities in other places and times. However, by not explicitly framing the narrative of the Comanche empire within notions of sovereignty, Hämäläinen leaves open opportunities for other scholars of the Comanche and of Native North America. Future historical studies of Native sovereignty, though, should include tribally specific notions of sovereignty and ways of knowing and remembering the past.  相似文献   

This review focuses on Pekka Hämäläinen's characterization and analysis of the Comanche empire as a spatial category in The Comanche Empire and discusses how this work relates to broader discussions about space and power in borderlands and imperial histories. Although empires have long been central actors in borderlands histories, “empire” has not necessarily been a category of spatial organization and analysis and certainly not one used to describe spaces controlled by Native peoples. By contrast, while Hämäläinen emphasizes the imperial characteristics of the economic, political, and cultural dimensions of Comanche history (as other contributors to this forum discuss), he also uses “empire” to characterize Comanche dominance spatially. Hämäläinen helps us to rethink the spatial dynamics that both shaped and were produced by the encounters between Comanches and Spaniards, French, Mexicans, Americans, and other Native peoples in the Great Plains during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. By analyzing how Comanches came to control vast stretches of the southern plains, The Comanche Empire challenges our assumptions about how Native polities and imperial powers (and groups like the Comanches that Hämäläinen argues were both) thought about territorial claims and how they employed more nuanced spatial strategies to assert their authority, extend their cultural influence, and control trade and resources.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
《International affairs》2005,81(2):441-492
International Relations theory Handbook of political theory. Edited by Gerald F. Gaus and Chandran Kukathas. What is political theory? Edited by Stephen K. White and J. Donald Moon. International ethics In the shadow of ‘just wars’. Edited by Fabrice Weissman. Foreign relations Parting ways: the crisis in German–American relations. By Stephen F. Szabo. Engaging India: diplomacy, democracy, and the bomb. By Strobe Talbott. Conflict, security and armed forces Men, militarism and UN peacekeeping: a gendered analysis. By Sandra Whitworth. Politics, democracy and social affairs Out of evil: new international politics and old doctrines of war. By Stephen Chan. The United States and the Great Powers: world politics in the twenty‐first century. By Barry Buzan. World cities beyond the West: globalization, development and inequality. Edited by Josef Gugler. Ethnicity and cultural politics The ethics of identity. By Kwame Anthony Appiah. International and national political economy, economics and development World trade governance and developing countries: the GATT/WTO code committee system. By Kofi Oteng Kufuor. Energy and environment The international climate change regime: a guide to rules, institutions and procedures. By Farhana Yamin and Joanna Depledge. History Caught in the Middle East: US policy toward the Arab–Israeli conflict, 1945–61. By Peter L. Hahn. Support any friend: Kennedy's Middle East and the making of the US–Israeli alliance. By Warren Bass. Armies without nations: public violence and state formation in Central America 1821–1960. By Robert H. Holden. Europe Reinvigorating European elections: the implications of electing the European Commission. By Julie Smith. Himself alone: David Trimble and the ordeal of unionism. By Dean Godson. David Trimble: the price of peace. By Frank Millar. The myth of ethnic war: Serbia and Croatia in the 1990s. By V. P. Gagnon, Jr. Cyprus: the search for a solution. By David Hannay. The Turks today. By Andrew Mango. Russia and the former Soviet republics Russia's engagement with the West: transformation and integration in the twenty‐first century. Edited by Alexander J. Motyl, Blair A. Ruble and Lilia Shevtsova. The Russian military: power and policy. By Steven E. Miller and Dmitri Trenin. Reforging the weakest link: global political economy and post‐Soviet change in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. Edited by Neil Robinson. Middle East and North Africa Cradle of Islam: the Hijaz and the quest for an Arabian identity. By Mai Yamani. Checkpoint syndrome. By Liran Ron Furer. Sub‐Saharan Africa Africa unchained: the blueprint for Africa's future. By George Ayittey. Durable peace: challenges for peacebuilding in Africa. Edited by Tasier M. Ali and Robert O. Matthews. The political economy of AIDS in Africa. Edited by Nana K. Poku and Alan Whiteside. Africa in international politics: external involvement on the continent. Edited by Ian Taylor and Paul Williams. Africa at the crossroads: between regionalism and globalization. Edited by John Mukum Mbaku and Suresh Chandra Saxena. Designing West Africa: prelude to 21st century calamity. By Peter Schwab. Islamism and its enemies in the Horn of Africa. Edited by Alex de Waal. Rethinking the rise and fall of apartheid. By Adrian Guelke. Engaging Africa: Washington and the fall of Portugal's colonial empire. By Witney W. Schneidman. Asia and Pacific Modern Afghanistan: a history of struggle and survival. By Amin Saikal. The idea of Pakistan. By Stephen Philip Cohen. Pakistan's drift into extremism: Allah, the army, and America's war on terror. By Hassan Abbas. State and society in 21st‐century China: crisis, contention, and legitimation. Edited by Peter Hays Gries and Stanley Rosen. China's new order: society, politics, and economy in transition. By Wang Hui. The river runs black: the environmental challenge to China's future. By Elizabeth C. Economy. North America America right or wrong: an anatomy of American nationalism. By Anatol Lieven. American power in the 21st century. Edited by David Held and Matthias Koenig‐Archibugi. The sorrows of empire: militarism, secrecy, and the end of the republic. By Chalmers Johnson. Latin America and Caribbean Cuba: a new history. By Richard Gott. Mercosur: between integration and democracy. Edited by Francisco Domínguez and Marcos Guedes de Oliveira.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
《International affairs》2004,80(5):985-1027
International Relations theory From international to world society? English School theory and the social structure of globalisation. By Barry Buzan. The West, civil society and the construction of peace. By Mikkel Vedby Rasmussen. International ethics Just intervention. Edited by Anthony F. Lang, Jr. The tragic vision of politics: ethics, interests and orders. By Richard Ned Lebow. International law and organization Great Powers and outlaw states: unequal sovereigns in the international legal order. By Gerry Simpson. The International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia: an exercise in law, politics, and diplomacy. By Rachel Kerr. Foreign relations The choice: global domination or global leadership? By Zbigniew Brzezinski. Worse than Watergate: the secret presidency of George W. Bush. By John W. Dean. The bubble of American supremacy: correcting the misuse of American power. By George Soros. The new mandarins of American power: the Bush administration's plans for the world. By Alex Callinicos. The new imperialism. By David Harvey. Incoherent empire. By Michael Mann. Yankee no! Anti‐Americanism in US‐Latin American relations. By Alan McPherson. Conflict, security and armed forces State building: governance and world order in the twenty‐first century. By Francis Fukuyama. Nation‐building unraveled? Aid, peace and justice in Afghanistan. Edited by Antonio Donini, Norah Niland and Karen Wermester. Grand strategy in the war against terrorism. Edited by Thomas R. Mockaitis and Paul B. Rich. Politics, democracy and social affairs Soft power: the means to success in world politics. By Joseph S. Nye, Jr. Political parties and terrorist groups. By Leonard Weinberg and Ami Pedahzur. International and national political economy, economics and development Free trade for the Americas? The United States' push for the FTAA agreement. Edited by Paulo Vizentini and Marianne Wiesebron. International trade and developing countries: bargaining coalitions in the GATT and WTO. By Amrita Narlikar. Energy and environment Man‐made global warming: unravelling a dogma. By Hans Labohm, Simon Rozendaal and Dick Thoenes. History Colossus: the rise and fall of the American empire. By Niall Ferguson. The Labour Party and the world, volume 1: the evolution of Labour's foreign policy 1900–51. By Rhiannon Vickers. The CIA, the British Left and the Cold War: calling the tune? By Hugh Wilford. Europe Through the paper curtain: insiders and outsiders in the new Europe. Edited by Julie Smith and Charles Jenkins. Yugoslavia: when ideals collide. By Ann Lane. The Kosovo crisis and the evolution of post‐Cold War European security. By Paul Latawski and Martin A. Smith. Yugoslavia unravelled: sovereignty, self‐determination, intervention. Edited by Ragu G. C. Thomas. Russia and the former Soviet republics Inside Putin's Russia. By Andrew Jack. The law and politics of the Caspian Sea in the twenty‐first century: the positions and views of Russia, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, with special reference to Iran. By Bahman Aghai‐Diba. Middle East and North Africa A history of modern Palestine: one land, two peoples. By Ilan Pappe. Saudi Arabia enters the twenty‐first century: the political, foreign policy, economic, and energy dimensions. By Anthony H. Cordesman. Saudi Arabia enters the twenty‐first century: the military and international security dimensions. By Anthony H. Cordesman. Reformers and revolutionaries in modern Iran: new perspectives on the Iranian Left. Edited by Stephanie Cronin. Sub‐Saharan Africa Africa since independence. By Paul Nugent. The shackled continent: Africa's past, present and future. By Robert Guest. Worlds of power: religious thought and political practice in Africa. By Stephen Ellis and Gerrie ter Haar. A continent for the taking: the tragedy and hope of Africa. By Howard W. French. Asia and Pacific China's democratic future: how it will happen and where it will lead. By Bruce Gilley. North America America alone: the neo‐conservatives and the global order. By Stefan Halper and Jonathan Clarke. Latin America and Caribbean The Southern Cone model: the political economy of regional capitalist development in Latin America. By Nicola Phillips. Constructing democratic governance in Latin America. 2nd edn. Edited by Jorge I. Dominguez and Michael Shifter. Opening Mexico: the making of a democracy. By Julia Preston and Samuel Dillon.  相似文献   

Scholarship on the French Atlantic empire traditionally and uniquely focuses upon Africa as a source of slave labour for the American colonies. However, this article explores how, in the second half of the eighteenth century, Africa emerged as a viable alternative for colonial expansion. Uncertainties about a colonial future in the New World directed French expansionist attention away from the Americas and towards the African continent, expanding its role beyond a source of labour. The intellectual underpinnings for a transfer of empire first surfaced within the Physiocratic School of political economy. The article examines the emergence of such ideas and their reception within the colonial administration of the Ancien Régime. It also shows how expansion into Africa became central to the imperial agenda of the first French Republic. Exploring Africa as a substitute to colonial America helps expand the lens through which Africa is examined as part of the Atlantic World. It also reveals continuities between Ancien Régime colonialism and later French republican imperialism.  相似文献   

This article examines the first two decades of the oldest continuing Anglican missionary society, the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, founded in 1710. It argues that, contrary to the prevailing historiography of the British missionary movement, this early eighteenth‐century society was genuinely evangelistic and marks the real beginning of that movement. The society also marks the beginning of a formal, institutional engagement by the Church of England with the British Empire. In the Society's annual anniversary sermons, and influenced by the reports sent by its ordained missionaries in North America, the Church of England's metropolitan leadership in England constructed an Anglican discourse of empire. In this discourse the Church of England began to fashion the identities of colonial populations of Indigenous peoples, white colonists, and Black slaves through a theological Enlightenment understanding.  相似文献   

La Jicarilla     
La Jicarilla was a distinct sub-region of eastern Apacheria, that seemingly limitless area northeast of early 18th century New Mexico in which various, usually friendly, Apaches lived. It was probably named after one or more of the igneous landforms found in northeastern New Mexico and was situated on the western Great Plains, adjacent to the Rocky Mountains. It was also situated astride the "Taos Trail" the most important transmountain road in northeastern New Mexico, and was of substantial strategic importance to the Spaniards of New Mexico. As Comanche, Ute and French pressure mounted in northeastern New Mexico, both the Spaniards of New Mexico and the Apaches of La Jicarilla saw advantages in the annexation of La Jicarilla by New Mexico and the placement of a presidio, mission and pueblo(s) there. Plans for these settlements were made, but before they could be implemented attitudes and priorities changed and they were never established. Instead, with decreased New Mexican concern for northeastern frontier defenses, the Apaches of eastern Apacheria were displaced by the Comanches, and La Jicarilla as an Apache settlement region ceased to exist. The use of "La Jicarilla" as a place name continued until the late 18th century.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《International affairs》2004,80(2):367-414

Why were mid‐nineteenth‐century Hispanic populations so small in what is now the American Southwest, after centuries of colonization? A brilliant new literature provides a model of explanation in the authority of formidable indigenous polities, especially that great power that Pekka Hämäläinen reveals to us in his book The Comanche Empire. 1 1 Pekka Hämäläinen, The Comanche Empire (New Haven: Yale University Press, 2008).
Employing an exercise in cartographic history, centered on the Pecos River Valley, we can confirm a hypothesis drawn from that theoretical model: Comanche sway was so great that European mapmakers appear to have lost knowledge about that geographical region. This new historical model deserves close attention from scholars. In this forum, four leading historians, drawn from different fields, assess the contribution of The Comanche Empire.  相似文献   

16世纪后期英国的外贸公司及其历史作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
杨美艳 《史学月刊》2000,24(2):70-77
16世纪后期的英国,资本主义生产关系已初步形成,工农业生产得到一定程度的发展,呢绒成为英国重要的出口商品。都铎政府采取重商政策,鼓励商品出口。在此背景下,对外贸易公司纷纷成立。这些贸易公司除了在其垄断地区进行正常贸易外,同时从事地理发现和海上掠夺,并代表政府进行外交活动。外贸公司的活动,促进了英国工业的发展,对英国当时和后来的经济发展产生了深远的影响。这一时期出现的外贸合股公司这一组织形式,成为英国17世纪对北美洲和印度实行殖民占领和统治的过渡的组织形式。外贸合股公司为不列颠殖民帝国的创建做出了不可磨灭的贡献。  相似文献   

北美自由贸易协定与美墨关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
仇华飞 《史学月刊》2002,(2):98-102
北美自由贸易协定(NAFTA)的签定是冷战结束后美墨关系发生变化的一个重要标志,是经济全球化过程中的重要发展趋势。美、加、墨通过建立经济合作关系,实行经济自由化、一体化,既有利于三国经济的互利合作,又促进墨西哥的政治经济体制改革,为墨西哥对外经济开放、发展外向型经济提供机遇。但美墨之间由于历史遗留问题以及墨西哥国内依然存在的强烈民族主义倾向,墨西哥经济对美国经济的过分依赖等,使美墨关系还存在不确定的变数。由于墨西哥积极发展与亚太地区和欧盟的经济合作关系,未来美墨关系的发展,以及建立北美自由贸易区统一货币等问题,是对NAFTA的一个严峻考验。  相似文献   

In recent years, scholars have directed considerable attention to the influence of gender relations and sexual practices on developing racial formations in early British America, the colonial Caribbean and the wider British empire. Understanding that unauthorised intimacies in the imperial world threatened notions of Britishness at home has greatly enhanced our knowledge of the complexity and instability of the process of collective identity formation. Building on pioneering research in early American and British imperial history, this article charts the connection between gendered concepts of ‘whiteness’ in Anglo‐Caribbean contexts and in metropolitan discourses surrounding British national identity, as articulated in eighteenth‐century colonial legislation and official correspondence, popular texts and personal narratives of everyday life. It explores the extent to which the socio‐sexual practices of British West Indian whites imperilled the emerging conflation between whiteness and Britishness.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
《International affairs》2005,81(3):635-667
International Relations theory Legitimacy in international society. By Ian Clark. International society and its critics. Edited by Alex J. Bellamy. Negotiated revolutions: the Czech Republic, South Africa and Chile. By George Lawson. International law and organization The impact of international law on international cooperation: theoretical perspectives. Edited by Eyal Benvenisti and Moshe Hirsch. Foreign relations Strategic partners: Russian‐Chinese relations in the post‐Soviet era. By Jeanne L. Wilson. Conflict, security and armed forces International governance of war‐torn territories: rule and reconstruction. By Richard Caplan. Enforcing the peace: learning from the imperial past. By Kimberly Zisk Marten. Politics, democracy and social affairs War and the American presidency. By Arthur M. Schlesinger. The accidental American: Tony Blair and the presidency. By James Naughtie. Al‐Jazeera: how Arab TV news challenged the world. By Hugh Miles. History Constructing the U.S. rapprochement with China, 1961–1974: from red menace to tacit ally. By Evelyn Goh. Histories of the hanged: Britain's dirty war in Kenya and the end of the empire. By David Anderson. The lion and the springbok: Britain and South Africa since the Boer War. By Ronald Hyam and Peter Henshaw. Hindu rulers, Muslim subjects: Islam, rights and the history of Kashmir. By Mridu Rai. British documents on the end of empire. East of Suez and the Commonwealth, 1964–1971. Part I: East of Suez. Edited by S. R. Ashton and Wm. Roger Louis. British documents on the end of empire. East of Suez and the Commonwealth, 1964–1971. Part II: Europe, Rhodesia, Commonwealth. Edited by S. R. Ashton and Wm. Roger Louis. British documents on the end of empire. East of Suez and the Commonwealth, 1964–1971. Part III: Dependent territories, Africa, economics, race. Edited by S. R. Ashton and Wm. Roger Louis. Europe The EU, NATO and the integration of Europe: rules and rhetoric. By Frank Schimmelfennig. Theft of a nation: Romania since communism. By Tom Gallagher. Russia and the former Soviet republics Russia in the 21st century: the prodigal superpower. By Steven Rosefielde. Russian military reform: 1992–2002. Edited by Anne C. Aldis and Roger N. McDermott. Central Asia and the Caucasus: transnationalism and diaspora. Edited by Touraj Atabaki and Sanjyot Mehendale. Middle East and North Africa International relations of the Middle East. Edited by Louise Fawcett. Iran, Iraq, and the legacies of war. Edited by Lawrence G. Potter and Gary G. Sick. Asia and Pacific Exit the dragon? Privatization and state control in China. Edited by Stephen Green and Guy S. Liu. North America The new American empire: a 21st‐century teach‐in on US foreign policy. Edited by Lloyd C. Gardner and Marilyn B. Young. Latin America and Caribbean Bananas and business: the United Fruit Company in Colombia, 1899–2000. By Marcelo Bucheli. The strategic dynamics of Latin American trade. Edited by Vinod K. Aggarwal, Ralph H. Espach and Joseph S. Tulchin. America's other war: terrorizing Colombia. By Doug Stokes.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
《International affairs》2008,84(6):1303-1340
Book reviewed in this issue. International Relations theory The balance of power in international relations: metaphors, myths and models. By Richard Little. Empires: the logic of world domination from Ancient Rome to the United States. By Herfried Münkler. Human rights and ethics Human security: reflections on globalization and intervention. By Mary Kaldor. International law and organization The UN Security Council and the politics of international authority. Edited by Bruce Cronin and Ian Hurd. Conflict, security and armed forces Leashing the dogs of war: conflict management in a divided world. Edited by Chester A. Crocker, Fen Osler Hampson and Pamela Aall. Striking first: preemption and prevention in international conflict. By Michael W. Doyle. Edited and introduced by Stephen Macedo. Politics, democracy and social affairs Democracy's good name: the rise and risks of the world's most popular form of government. By Michael Mandelbaum. The architecture of government: rethinking political decentralization. By Daniel Treisman. Why we hate politics. By Colin Hay. Political economy, economics and development The rise of transnational corporations from emerging markets: threat or opportunity? Edited by Karl P. Sauvant. World trade politics: power, principles and leadership. By David A. Deese. Regulating capital: setting standards for the international financial system. By David Andrew Singer. Ethnicity and cultural politics Secularism confronts Islam. By Olivier Roy. Energy and environment Break through: from the death of environmentalism to the politics of possibility. By Ted Nordhaus and Michael Shellenberger. Das Energiedilemma: Warum wir über Atomkraft neu nachdenken müssen. [The energy dilemma: why we need to think again about nuclear power.] By Jeanne Rubner. Climate change: what it means for us, our children, and our grandchildren. Edited by Joseph F. C. DiMento and Pamela Doughman. History Katyn: a crime without punishment. Edited by Anna M. Cienciala, Natalia S. Lebedeva and Wojciech Materski. Poland under communism: a Cold War history. By A. Kemp‐Welch. Indian summer: the secret history of the end of an empire. By Alex Von Tunzelmann. Europe Der europäische Raum: Die Konstruktion europäischer Grenzen. Edited by Petra Deger and Robert Hettlage. Russia and Eurasia Gorbachev's gamble: Soviet foreign policy and the end of the Cold War. By Andrei Grachev. NATO–Russia relations in the twenty‐first century. Edited by Aurel Braun. Russian energy policy and military power: Putin's quest for greatness. By Pavel K. Baev. Middle East and North Africa The vital triangle: China, the United States, and the Middle East. By Jon B. Alterman and John W. Carver. A police force without a state: a history of the Palestinian security forces in the West Bank and Gaza. By Brynjar Lia. Building Arafat's police: the politics of international police assistance in the Palestinian territories after the Oslo agreement. By Brynjar Lia. The Palestinian military: between militias and armies. By Hillel Frisch. Sub‐Saharan Africa Guns and governance in the Rift Valley: pastoralist conflict and small arms. By Kennedy Agade Mkutu. Asia and Pacific China's changing political landscape: prospects for democracy. Edited by Cheng Li. North America World out of balance: international relations and the challenge of American primacy. By Stephen G. Brooks and William C. Wohlforth. The Bush tragedy: the unmaking of a president. By Jacob Weisberg. Democracy incorporated: managed democracy and the specter of inverted totalitarianism. By Sheldon S. Wolin. Freedom's unsteady march: America's role in building Arab democracy. By Tamara Cofman Wittes. The strange death of Republican America: chronicles of a collapsing party. By Sidney Blumenthal. Latin America and Caribbean Paraguay and the United States: distant allies. By Frank O. Mora and Jerry W. Cooney.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
《International affairs》2006,82(5):989-1035
Book reviewed in this article: Human rights and ethics Syndromes of corruption: wealth, power and democracy. By Michael Johnston. Gambling on humanitarian intervention: moral hazard, rebellion and civil war. Edited by Timothy W. Crawford and Alan J. Kuperman. Global corruption report 2006: corruption and health. By Transparency International. Child labour and human rights: making children matter. Edited by Burns H. Weston. International law and organization The future of the United Nations: understanding the past to chart a way forward. By Joshua Muravchik. Foreign policy Security strategy and transatlantic relations. Edited by Roland Dannreuther and John Peterson. Conflict, security and armed forces Deadly connections: states that sponsor terrorism. By Daniel Byman. Peace operations seen from below: UN missions and local people. By Béatrice Pouligny. The next attack: the failure of the war on terror and a strategy for getting it right. By Daniel Benjamin and Steven Simon. Curbing the spread of nuclear weapons. By Ian Bellany. Annual review of global peace operations 2006. By the Center for International Cooperation. Politics, democracy and social affairs The Blair effect 2001–2005. Edited by Anthony Seldon and Dennis Kavanagh. Ethnicity and cultural politics The illusion of cultural identity. By Jean‐François Bayart. Anti‐Americanism in the Islamic world. Edited by Sigrid Faath. Political economy, economics and development China shakes the world: the rise of a hungry nation. By James Kynge. The white man's burden: why the West's efforts to aid the rest have done so much ill and so little good. By William Easterly. Energy and environment Oil titans: national oil companies in the Middle East. By Valérie Marcel. Half gone: oil, gas, hot air and the global energy crisis. By Jeremy Leggett. The final energy crisis. Edited by Andrew McKillop and Sheila Newman. History Churchill and war. By Geoffrey Best. The war council: McGeorge Bundy, the NSC, and Vietnam. By Andrew Preston. The triumph of military Zionism: nationalism and the origins of the Israeli right. By Colin Shindler. The almost impossible ally: Harold Macmillan and Charles de Gaulle. By Peter Mangold. Europe Germany, pacifism and peace enforcement. By Anja‐Dalgaard Nielsen. Europe as empire: the nature of the enlarged European Union. By Jan Zielonka. Middle East and North Africa The international politics of the Persian Gulf: a cultural genealogy. By Arshin Adib‐Moghaddam. Saudi Arabia: power, legitimacy and survival. By Timothy Niblock. Losing Arab hearts and minds: the coalition, Al‐Jazeera and Muslim public opinion. By Steve Tatham. Palestinian refugee repatriation: global perspectives. Edited by Michael Dumper. Sub‐Saharan Africa African politics in comparative perspective. By Göran Hydén. Africa: a modern history. By Guy Arnold. AIDS in Africa: how the poor are dying. By Nana K. Poku. Asia and Pacific US—Pakistan relationship: Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. By A. Z. Hilali. India—Pakistan negotiations: is past still prologue? By Dennis Kux. New directions in the study of China's foreign policy. Edited by Alastair Iain Johnston and Robert S. Ross. China the balance sheet: what the world needs to know now about the emerging superpower. By C. Fred Bergsten, Bates Gill, Nicholas R. Lardy and Derek Mitchell. Beyond Japan: the dynamics of East Asian regionalism. Edited by Peter J. Katzenstein and Takashi Shiraishi. South Korean engagement policies and North Korea: identities, norms and the Sunshine Policy. By Son Key‐young. North America The case for Goliath: how America acts as the world's government in the 21st century. By Michael Mandelbaum. After the neo‐cons: America at the crossroads. By Francis Fukuyama. Restless giant: the United States from Watergate to Bush v. Gore. By James T. Patterson. US intervention policy and army innovation: from Vietnam to Iraq. By Richard Lock‐Pullan. The peace of illusions: American grand strategy from 1940 to the present. By Christopher Layne. The Republican war on science. By Chris Mooney. Latin America and Caribbean Mixed signals: US human rights policy and Latin America. By Kathryn Sikkink. Latin America's political economy of the possible: beyond good revolutionaries and freemarketeers. By Javier Santiso.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
《International affairs》2010,86(1):257-300
Books reviewed in this issue. International Relations theory The evolution of International Security Studies. By Barry Buzan and Lene Hansen. International law and organization Escaping the self‐determination trap. By Marc Weller. Punishment, justice and international relations: ethics and order after the Cold War. By Anthony F. Lang Jr. Foreign policy Perceptions and policy in transatlantic relations: prospective visions from the US and Europe. Edited by Natividad Fernández Sola and Michael Smith. Avoiding trivia: the role of strategic planning in American foreign policy. Edited by Daniel W. Drezner. India and the United States in the 21st century: reinventing partnership. By Teresita C. Schaffer. Conflict, security and armed forces The new counterinsurgency era: transforming the US military for modern wars. By David H. Ucko. Under a mushroom cloud: Europe, Iran and the bomb. By Emanuele Ottolenghi. Old and new terrorism: late modernity, globalization and the transformation of political violence. By Peter R. Neumann. Terrorism: how to respond. By Richard English. The de‐radicalization of jihadists: transforming armed Islamist movements. By Omar Ashour. Crime, war and global trafficking: designing international cooperation. By Christine Jojarth. Security and the war on terror. Edited by Alex J. Bellamy, Roland Bleiker, Sara E. Davies and Richard Devetak. Politics, democracy and social affairs Facts are subversive: political writings from a decade without a name. By Timothy Garton Ash. Political economy, economics and development A failure of capitalism: the crisis of ′08 and the descent into depression. By Richard A. Posner. The future of the dollar. Edited by Eric Helleiner and Jonathan Kirshner. Discipline in the global economy? International finance and the end of liberalism. By Jakob Vestergaard. Ethnicity and cultural politics The crisis of Islamic civilization. By Ali A. Allawi. Islam and the secular state: negotiating the future of shari'a. By Abdullahi Ahmed an‐Na'im. The fall and rise of the Islamic state. By Noah Feldman. Energy and environment Emerging global scarcities and power shifts. Edited by Bernard Berendsen. China and the energy equation in Asia: the determinants of policy choice. By Jean A. Garrison. History The rise and fall of communism. By Archie Brown. The great Cold War: a journey through the hall of mirrors. By Gordon S. Barrass. Europe Europe old and new: transnationalism, belonging, xenophobia. By Ray Taras. Farmers on welfare: the making of Europe's Common Agricultural Policy. By Ann‐Christina L. Knudsen. European security governance: the European Union in a Westphalian world. Edited by Charlotte Wagnsson, James A. Sperling and Jan Hallenberg. Russia and Eurasia Russian Eurasianism: an ideology of empire. By Marlène Laruelle. Russian nationalism and the national reassertion of Russia. Edited by Marlène Laruelle. Middle East and North Africa Defeat: why they lost Iraq. By Jonathan Steele. Guardians of the revolution: Iran and the world in the age of the Ayatollahs. By Ray Takeyh. Sub‐Saharan Africa China's new role in Africa. By Ian Taylor. China's African challenges. By Sarah Raines. Asia and Pacific Whose ideas matter? Agency and power in Asian regionalism. By Amitav Acharya. Challenges to Chinese foreign policy: diplomacy, globalisation and the next world power. Edited by Yufan Hao, C. X. George Wei and Lowell Dittmer. Chinese security policy: structure, power and politics. By Robert R. Ross. North America Renegade: the making of Barack Obama. By Richard Wolffe. Latin America and Caribbean Cuban medical internationalism: origins, evolution, and goals. By John M. Kirk and H. Michael Erisman. Brazil as an economic superpower? Understanding Brazil's changing role in the global economy. Edited by Lael Brainard and Leonardo Martinez‐Diaz.  相似文献   

Benjamin Vaughan had a passion for anonymity and Kenneth E. Carpenter’s is the first attempt to provide a full list of his many and significant contributions to intellectual life and letters in the last quarter of the eighteenth century, up to his emigration to North America in 1797. This is an introduction to Carpenter’s important research.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
《International affairs》2004,80(4):769-804
Books reviewed in this article: International Relations theory Taming the sovereigns: institutional change in international politics. By K. J. Holsti. International ethics Glimmer of a new leviathan: total war in the realism of Niebuhr, Morgenthau, and Waltz. By Campbell Craig. International law and organization The politics of international law. Edited by Christian Reus‐Smit. International justice and the International Criminal Court: between sovereignty and the rule of law. By Bruce Broomhall. Enemy aliens: double standards and constitutional freedoms in the war on terrorism. By David Cole. The UN Security Council from the Cold War to the 21st century. Edited by David M. Malone. Foreign relations An alliance at risk: the United States and Europe since September II. By Laurent Cohen‐Tanugi. Friendly fire: the near‐death of the transatlantic alliance. By Elizabeth Pond. The Middle East's relations with Asia and Russia. Edited by Hannah Carter and Anou‐shiravan Ehteshami. A dictionary of diplomacy. 2nd edn. By G. R. Berridge and Alan James. Conflict, security and armed forces Allies: the US, Britain, Europe, and the war in Iraq. By William Shawcross. Politics, democracy and social affairs Revolutionary and dissident movements of the world. 4th edn. Edited by Bogdan Szajkowski. Ethnicity and cultural politics The search for Arab democracy: discourses and counter‐discourses. By Larbi Sadiki. International and national political economy, economics and development Transatlantic economic disputes: the EU, the US, and the WTO. Edited by Ernst‐Ulrich Petersmann and Mark A. Pollack. Behind the scenes at the WTO: the real world of international trade negotiations. By Fatoumata Jawara and Eileen Kwa. In defense of globalization. By Jagdish N. Bhagwati. La mondialisation et ses ennemis. By Daniel Cohen. History Britain and Europe since 1945: historiographical perspectives on integration. By Oliver J. Daddow. Democracy and US policy in Latin America during the Truman years. By Steven Schwartzberg. Europe Toward a European army: a military power in the making? By Trevor C. Salmon and Alistair J. K. Shepherd. Inescapable questions: autobiographical notes. By Alija Izetbegovic. The demise of Yugoslavia: a political memoir. By Stipe Mesic. The future of Turkish foreign policy. Edited by Lenore G. Martin and Dimitris Keridis. Russia and the former Soviet republics Russia in search of itself. By James H. Billington. Russland und der postsowjetische Raum. Edited by Olga Alexandrova, Roland Götz and Uwe Halbach. Russian foreign policy and the CIS: theories, debates and actions. By Nicole J. Jackson. Middle East and North Africa Iran, Saudi Arabia and the Gulf: power politics in transition. By Faisal bin Salman al‐Saud. Sub‐Saharan Africa Accounting for horror: post‐genocide debates in Rwanda. By Nigel Eltringham. Politics in South Africa: from Mandela to Mbeki. By Tom Lodge. Beyond the miracle: inside the new South Africa. By Allister Sparks. Asia and Pacific Le voile et la bannière: l'avant‐garde féministe au Pakistan. By Christèle Dedebant. China's techno‐warriors: national security and strategic competition from the nuclear to the information age. By Evan A. Feigenbaum. Kim Jong‐Il: North Korea's Dear Leader. By Michael Breen. North Korea: another country. By Bruce Cumings. Latin America and Caribbean Latin American and Caribbean foreign policy. Edited by Frank O. Mora and Jeanne A. K. Hey.  相似文献   

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