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This review focuses on Pekka Hämäläinen's characterization and analysis of the Comanche empire as a spatial category in The Comanche Empire and discusses how this work relates to broader discussions about space and power in borderlands and imperial histories. Although empires have long been central actors in borderlands histories, “empire” has not necessarily been a category of spatial organization and analysis and certainly not one used to describe spaces controlled by Native peoples. By contrast, while Hämäläinen emphasizes the imperial characteristics of the economic, political, and cultural dimensions of Comanche history (as other contributors to this forum discuss), he also uses “empire” to characterize Comanche dominance spatially. Hämäläinen helps us to rethink the spatial dynamics that both shaped and were produced by the encounters between Comanches and Spaniards, French, Mexicans, Americans, and other Native peoples in the Great Plains during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. By analyzing how Comanches came to control vast stretches of the southern plains, The Comanche Empire challenges our assumptions about how Native polities and imperial powers (and groups like the Comanches that Hämäläinen argues were both) thought about territorial claims and how they employed more nuanced spatial strategies to assert their authority, extend their cultural influence, and control trade and resources.  相似文献   

Pekka Hämäläinen's The Comanche Empire reflects critical historiographical turns—indigenous power, responses to settler colonialism, and a reorientation of perspective—while uncovering new directions in American Indian history. Moreover, his four‐part framework for understanding power—spatial control, economic control, assimilation, and influence over neighbors—provides a useful model for analyzing indigenous polities in other places and times. However, by not explicitly framing the narrative of the Comanche empire within notions of sovereignty, Hämäläinen leaves open opportunities for other scholars of the Comanche and of Native North America. Future historical studies of Native sovereignty, though, should include tribally specific notions of sovereignty and ways of knowing and remembering the past.  相似文献   

How should historians write Native history? To what extent should one privilege Native terms, sources, chronologies, and epistemologies? And to what extent should historians align Native history with concepts developed for other peoples and places? These crucial questions about emic (insider) and etic (outsider) approaches to the past are cast into sharp relief in Pekka Hämäläinen's award‐winning The Comanche Empire. This essay charts the perils and possibilities of each position. It then explores possible ways to move beyond the emic/etic division that has dominated many of the recent debates about Native history through a rereading of an episode in which Comanche history collides with US and Mexican history.  相似文献   

Written in Paris during the darkest moments of the German Occupation, but only published in 2008, Hélène Berr's Journal was immediately hailed for its dramatic testimony and striking insights. With precision and lucidity, the young Jewish student at the Sorbonne records the human tragedies unfolding all around her in the wake of the Holocaust, while at the same time reviewing her own manner of experiencing these traumatic events through her personal reflections and emotions. The present article analyses her astute and poignant observations in the light of Emmanuel Lévinas's notion of the ethically grounded subject. Beyond its documentary value, Hélène Berr's Journal thus takes on significant philosophical dimensions. At the same time, Lévinas's concept of the Other's incursion into the realm of the self proves to be firmly anchored in the firsthand experience of the twentieth century's greatest historical catastrophe.

Écrit aux jours les plus sombres de l'Occupation de Paris, mais publié en 2008 seulement, le Journal d'Hélène Berr s'est tout de suite présenté comme un insigne témoignage. De manière aussi précise que perspicace, Hélène note les drames qui se déroulent tout autour d'elle tout en revenant sur tout ce qu'elle parvient à vivre et à penser au jour le jour. Nous nous proposons de lire ce Journal à la lumière d'Emmanuel Lévinas et de découvrir ainsi la profondeur non seulement humaine mais aussi philosophique de ce carnet intime tout en confirmant l'ancrage de la pensée de l'Autre dans le vécu historique de la plus grande catastrophe du XXième siècle.  相似文献   

Memoirs of my Indian Career. By SIR G. CAMPBELL, M.P., K.C.S.I., D.C.L. Edited by Sir Charles E. Bernard. With Portrait. 2 vols. London and New York: Macmillan and Co., 1893. Pp. 305 and 428.

Where Three Empires Meet: A Narrative of Recent Travel in Kashmir, Western Tibet, Gilgit, and the adjoining Countries. With a Map and 54 Illustrations. By E. F. KNIGHT. London and New York: Longmans, Green, and Co., 1893. Pp. xvi + 495. Price 18s.

Australische Reise. Von R. v. LENDENFELD. Mit Illustrationen. Innsbruck: Verlag der Wagner'schen Universitäts‐Buchhandlung, 1892. 8vo. Pp. 325.

La Grèce Byzantine et Moderne. Essais Historiques par D. BIK#AAELAS. Paris: Librairie de Firmin‐Didot et Cie, 1893. Pp. viii + 435.

Une Excursion à Ithaque. Par ERNEST SEILLI#AGERE. Dessins de Pierre Vignal d'après les Photographies de 1'auteur et carte de l'île d'Ithaque. Paris: Librairie de l'Art (L. Allison et Cie.), 1892. Pp. 76.

Beise durch Montenegro, nebst Bemerkungen über Land und Leute. Von Dr. KURT HASSERT. Mit 30 Abbildungen nach den Aufnahmen des Verfassers, und einer Karte. Wien: A. Hartleben's Verlag, 1893. Pp. vi + 236. Price 5 M.

La France en Algérie. Par Louis VIGNON, ancien Chef du Cabinet du Ministre des Finances. Paris: Librairie Hachette et Cie, 1893. Pp. 552.

Die Vereinigten Staaten Nordamerikas in der Gegenwart. Sitten, Institutionen, und Ideen seit dem Secessionskriege. Von CLAUDIO JANNET, Professor der Social‐ökonomie am Institut Catholique de Paris, und Dr. WALTER KÄMPFE, Mitglied der Société Internationale d'Économie Sociale in Paris. Freiburg im Breisgau: Herder'sche Verlagshandlung, 1893. Pp. xliv + 704. M. 8.

The History of South Australia from its Foundation to the Year of its Jubilee. With a Chronological Summary of all the Principal Events of Interest up to Bate. By EDWIN HODDER. With Two Maps. London: Sampson Low, Marston, and Company, Limited, 1893. 2 vols. Pp. xii + 391 and vii + 400. Price £1, 4s.

Wanderings in Spain. By AUGUSTUS J. C. HARE. Sixth Edition. London: George Allen, 1892. Pp. 274. Price 7s. 6d.

Abessinien. Aus dem Nachlasse von E. F. A. MÜNZENBERGER. Herausgegeben von Jos. SPILLMANN, S.J. Mit 38 Abbildungen und einer Karte. Herder'sche Verlagshandlung. Freiburg im Breisgau, 1892. Pp. 156 and Index.

Die Wahrheit ueber Emin Pasha; die ägyptische Aequatorialprovinz und den Ssudan. Von VITA HASSAN. Erster Teil. Berlin: Dietrich Reimer, 1893. Pp. 223.

Arthur Young's Travels in France, during the Years 1787, 1788, 1789, with an Introduction, Biographical Sketch, and Notes. Edited by Miss BETHAM‐EDWARDS. Fourth Edition, corrected and revised. London: George Bell and Sons, 1892. Pp. lix + 366. Price 3s. 6d.

Some Further Becollections of a Happy Life, selected from the Journals of Marianne North, chiefly between the years 1859 and 1869. Edited by her sister, Mrs. JOHN ADDINGTON SYMONDS. London: Macmillan and Co., 1893. Pp. viii + 316. Price 8s. 6d. net.

Un Royaume Polynesien. Iles Hawaï. Par G. SAUVIN. Paris: E. Plon, Nourrit et Cie, 1893. Pp. 321.

More about the Mongols. By JAMES GILMOUR. London: The Eeligious Tract Society, 1893. Pp. 320.

Die Handelspolitik Englands und seiner Kolonien in den letzten Jahrzehnten. Von Dr. CARL JOHANNES FUCHS. Leipzig: Verlag von Duncker und Humblot, 1893. Pp. 358.

Scenerie der Alpen. Von Dr. EBEEHARD FEAAS. With Illustrations in the text, Page Plates, and a Sketch‐Map of the Alps. Leipzig: T. O. Weigel Nach‐folger, 1892. 8vo. Pp. 325.

Die Oro‐ und Hydrographie Sumatra's, nach dem Standpunkte unserer heutigen Kenntnisse. Mit einer Kartenskizze. Inaugural‐Dissertation zur Erlangung der philosophischen Doktorwürde an der Georg‐Augusts‐Universität zu Göttingen. Von JAN FREERK HOEKSTRA, aus Apeldoorn, Niederlande. Groningen, J. B. Wolters, 1893. Pp. 128.

Text‐Book of Comparative Geology. By E. KATSER, Ph.D., Professor of Geology in the University of Marburg. Translated and Edited by PHILIP LAKE, M.A., F.G.S. London: Swan Sonnenschein and Co., 1893. 8vo. Pp. 426.

An Elementary Handbook of Geology. By A. J. JUKES‐BROWNE, B.A., F.G.S., H.M. Geol. Survey. “Library of Popular Science.” London : Whittaker and Co., 1893. Pp. ix+248.

Advanced Physiography. By RICHARD A. GREGORY and J. C. CHRISTIE, F.G.S. With numerous Original Illustrations. London: Joseph Hughes and Co., 1893. Pp. 280.

La France et ses Colonies. Par E. LEVASSEUR. Vol. iii. New Edition, entirely Revised. 1893. Paris: Librairie Charles Delagrave. Pp. 371. Appendices and Indexes.

The Soil in Relation to Health. By H. A. MIERS and R. CROSSKEY. Pp. 130. Index and Illustrations. London: Macmillan and Co., 1893.

Pinetum Danicum. Conifers collected and observed by Professor CARL HANSEN. Notes sent to the Conifer Conference held at Chiswick, October 1891. [Reprinted from the Journal of the Horticultural Society, vol. xiv.—Conifer Conference Report.] London: Spottiswoode and Co., 1892. Pp. 224.

History of British Guiana. Vol. ii. By JAMES EODWAY, F.L.S. Georgetown, Demerara: J. Thomson, 1893. Pp. 308. Price $3.

Handbook of British Ouiana. By JAMES KODWAY, F.L.S. Georgetown, 1893. Pp. 93.

Tenting on the Plains, or General Ouster in Kansas and Texas. By ELIZABETH B. CUSTER. London: Cassell and Co., 1893. Pp. x + 403.

American Irrigation Engineering. A Paper read before the American Society of Civil Engineers by HEREERT M. WILSON, M.Am.Soc.C.E. With Discussion. Pp. 161 to 222. Illustrated.

Gazetteer of the Gurdaspur District, 1891–92. Bs. 3/14.—Gazetteer of the Hissar District, 1892. Rs. 3/12.—Gazetteer of the Ferozepore District, 1888–89. Rs. 2. —Gazetteer of the Karnal District, 1890. Rs. 2/8.—Gazetteer of the Ambala District, 1892–93. Rs. 2/8. Compiled and Published under the authority of the Punjab Government.

A. Hartleben's Statistische Tabelle über alle Staaten der Erde. Wien, Pest, Leipzig: A. Hartleben's Verlag, 1893. Price 50 Pf.

Guide to Ben Nevis. With an Account of the Foundation and Work of the Meteorological Observatory. Edinburgh and Glasgow: John Menzies &; Co. N.D. Pp. vi. + 69. Price 1s.  相似文献   


The crime novelist Didier Daeninckx originally established himself as an author of historical crime fiction. His 1984 Daeninckx, D. (1984) 2011a. Meurtres pour mémoire. Paris: Folio Policier. [Google Scholar] novel, Meurtres pour mémoire, in particular challenged occluded and intertwined memories of the Occupation and the Algerian War of Independence. Since then, and through his subsequent writings and political activities, Daeninckx has been recognised as giving voice to a range of marginalised communities and memories. Much academic study has therefore concentrated on the recovery of the past in Daeninckx’s fiction, approaching his work from the perspective of cultural history and memory studies, considering it a form of memory activism. This article offers a new perspective on Daeninckx’s political engagement. It will examine Daeninckx’s three contributions to Éditions Baleine’s collaboratively authored detective series Le Poulpe: Nazis dans le métro (1996), Éthique en toc (2000) and La Route du Rom (2003). It will argue that they are informed by a memory of France’s broad libertarian tradition which constitutes a hidden referent essential to understanding the formulation of the ethico-political counter-communities to which many of his characters (and his ideal, implied reader) belong. More particularly, it will argue that these communities form the basis of a new model of political engagement beyond party, state and class, suggesting not only the persistence but also the adaptability of libertarian thinking in Daeninckx’s work and the French roman noir.  相似文献   

The VHF radar at Jicamarca, Peru (12.0°S, 76.9°W) was used to probe the tropical lower stratosphere on 3–4 October and 6–8 December 1977. Velocity data obtained during these experiments exhibit features indicative of winds and waves in the stratosphere as follows:
  • 1.(1) The amplitude and phase of a diurnal oscillation in the observed horizontal wind compare well with theoretically predicted values of the solar diurnal tide. An observed semidiurnal oscillation differs considerably from theoretical values, although minimal phase variation with height is a fundamental property of both theory and observation. The observed vertical wind oscillations are larger than theoretical values of vertical tidal components, although the data is consistent with recent rocket observations.
  • 2.(2) Dominant velocity oscillations with periods near the Brunt-Väisälä period are frequently observed.
  • 3.(3) Downward phase progression of the westerly regime of the quasi-biennial wind oscillation is observed during the course of the two observations. A long-period oscillation with a period exceeding two days also appears to be superposed on the quasi-biennial oscillation.
  • 4.(4) Systematic differences are found between horizontal winds measured by the radar and those measured by rawinsondes launched from the Lima-Callao airport some 30 km west of Jicamarca.

Vento, B. &; Prámparo, M. B., January 2018. Angiosperm association from the Río Turbio Formation (Eocene–?Oligocene), Santa Cruz, Argentina: Revision of Hünicken’s (1955 Hünicken, M., 1955. Depósitos neocretácicos y terciarios del extremo S.S.W. de Santa Cruz: Cuenca Carbonífera de Río Turbio. Revista del Instituto Nacional de Investigacion de las Ciencias Naturales 4, 1161. (in Spanish) [Google Scholar]) fossil leaves collection, Alcheringa 42, 125–153. ISSN 0311-5518.

The Río Turbio Formation (Eocene–?Oligocene) is of particular paleobotanical interest owing to its combination of high fossil plant diversity associated with the coexistence of warm-temperate and cool-temperate components. As the first suite of fossils related to a documented stratigraphic section, Hünicken’s fossil plant collection is one of the most important from the Paleogene of South America. A total of 34 angiosperm species from the collection were reviewed and taxonomically updated, with Nothofagus as the dominant genus. The taxa identified indicate a warm and humid climate with the development of some elements of a cool-temperate climate marked by a transitional climate change to cooler conditions. The comparison of angiosperms from different paleofloras from the southernmost of South America confirms that the assemblage of Río Turbio Formation was similar to that of the Río Pichileufú area, both from Patagonia, Argentina.

Bárbara Vento [] Mercedes B. Prámparo [] Instituto Argentino de Nivología, Glaciología y Ciencias Ambientales (IANIGLA) CCT-CONICET, Mendoza, Adrián Ruiz Leal s/n, Casilla Correo 131, C5500, Mendoza, Argentina.  相似文献   

The question of globalisation has become a focus of intense debate on the French Left with growing attempts to redefine the nature and forms of leftist opposition. More than any other grouping Attac, created in 1998, has been at the centre of a movement of opposition that contests the terms of neo-liberal globalisation and posits an alternative vision of social and political change. This article focuses on Attac's role in constructing a new discourse of opposition in relation to a global economic order. Whilst Attac seems to offer the possibility for ideological renewal on the Left, it has so far been unable to mobilise widespread support behind its political project. For some observers, Attac has failed to make explicit the connections between particular social problems and grievances in France and a universal context of change at international level. It tends to treat globalisation as an abstract ‘scientific’ problem, a distant and reified phenomenon rather than a social reality affecting millions of French citizens in their everyday lives.

Comment cela s'appelle-t-il, ce moment o[ugrave] un autre monde devient possible? Cela a un très beau nom, camarades. Cela s'appelle l'aurore.1 ?[1] Ramonet, I. (2002 Ramonet, I. 2002. “Cela s'appelle l'aurore”. In Attac au Zénith, 1325. Paris: Mille et Une Nuits.  [Google Scholar]) ‘Cela s'appelle l'aurore’, in Attac au Zénith, Attac, Mille et Une Nuits, Paris, p. 21. The slogan un autre monde est possible was first devised by Attac and has since become the main symbolic reference for the French anti-globalisation movement.   相似文献   

Some popular texts have associated airports with a lack of identity. It is supposed that people are alienated from these ahistorical and interstitial spaces (Augé 1995 Augé, M. 1995. Non-places: Introduction to an Anthropology of Supermodernity, London: Verso.  [Google Scholar]; Castells 1996 Castells, M. 1996. The Rise of the Network Society, Volume 1: The Information Age: Economy, Society and Culture, Oxford: Blackwell.  [Google Scholar]). Other approaches have tended to ignore their sociality, exploring their role within transport networks rather than what goes on within. Through a discussion of the early beginnings of British airport development and the construction of Liverpool Airport at Speke, I attempt to show how there are other contextual geographies to airports. By using the concept of air-mindedness—a moral geographical concept that promoted the belief in the possibilities of aircraft mobility, this paper discusses how social identities became bound to flight, forming the context to the development of the airport and both local and national belonging. This examination will reveal the embeddedness of airports within the times, spaces and uses from which they are produced and consumed. Archival research provides the material for this discussion.

Les aéroports et le sens des choses de l'air: l'espace, le temps et l'utilisation de l'aéroport de Liverpool, 1929–1939

Un nombre d'écrits populaires ont dressé un parallèle entre les aéroports et un déficit d'identité. Les gens, suppose t'on, se sentent aliénés par ces espaces ahistoriques et interstitiels (Augé 1995 Augé, M. 1995. Non-places: Introduction to an Anthropology of Supermodernity, London: Verso.  [Google Scholar]; Castells 1996 Castells, M. 1996. The Rise of the Network Society, Volume 1: The Information Age: Economy, Society and Culture, Oxford: Blackwell.  [Google Scholar]). Dans d'autres cas, on a fait fi de leur socialité, explorant alors leur rôle au sein de réseaux des transports plutôt que de s'intéresser à ce qui se passe dedans. Une discussion sur les tout débuts de l'expansion des aéroports britanniques et de la construction de l'aéroport de Liverpool à Steke tente de montrer comment les aéroports sont situés dans des contextes géographiques différents. Grâce au concept du sens des choses de l'air—un concept moral en géographie qui renforçait la croyance dans les possibilités de mobilité qu'offre l'avion, cet article traite de la façon dont les identités sociales se rattachent au vol créant ainsi le contexte dans lequel se situe le développement de l'aéroport et de l'appartenance locale et nationale. Dans cette étude, il est question de l'enchâssement des aéroports dans les époques, espaces et usages à partir desquels ils sont produits et consommés. La discussion fait état des résultats d'une recherche en archivistique.

Mots-clefs: aéroports, géographie, contexte, mobilité, identité, sens des choses de l'air.

Aeropuertos y air-mindedness: espacio, tiempo y el uso del aeropuerto de Liverpool 1929–1939

Algunos textos populares asocian los aeropuertos con una falta de identidad. Se supone que la gente se siente distanciada de estos espacios ahistóricos e intersticiales (Augé 1995 Augé, M. 1995. Non-places: Introduction to an Anthropology of Supermodernity, London: Verso.  [Google Scholar]; Castells 1996 Castells, M. 1996. The Rise of the Network Society, Volume 1: The Information Age: Economy, Society and Culture, Oxford: Blackwell.  [Google Scholar]). Los enfoques de otros no tienen en cuenta el aspecto social y exploran el papel del aeropuerto en las redes de transporte en vez de explorar lo que pasa dentro del mismo aeropuerto. Por un estudio de los inicios del desarrollo del Aeropuerto Británico y la construcción del aeropuerto de Liverpool en Speke, pretendo mostrar que, con respecto a los aeropuertos, hay otras geografías contextuales para explorar. Haciendo uso de la idea de ‘air-mindedness’—un concepto geográfico moral que fomentaba confianza en las posibilidades de movilidad aeronáutica—este papel habla de cómo las identidades sociales llegaron a ser vinculadas a la aviación, así formando el contexto para el desarrollo del aeropuerto y un sentido de pertenencia, tanto local como nacional. Este estudio revela hasta qué punto los aeropuertos se han arraigado en los tiempos, espacios y usos de los cuales son producidos y consumidos. Hago uso de investigaciones de archivos para este debate.

Palabras claves: aeropuertos, geografía, contexto, movilidad, identidad, air-mindedness.  相似文献   

Summary ?The publication of the first issue of Cahiers socialistes at the very end of the war in 1944 and its nine-year run have to be considered in the framework of the new socialist politic, which combined realism and reformism. It is in answer to the ‘formal, parliamentarian and conformist’ socialism that the collaborators of Cahiers socialistes, mostly trained at the Université Libre de Bruxelles, formulated an alternative left-wing proposition focused on socioeconomic reforms grounded in moral ideals such as freedom and human dignity. Cahiers socialistes were thus the product of an intellectual elite which then had a career in academe or in the civil service. This small group did not have a great impact in the shaping of public opinion but it has left a considerable conceptual legacy for socialist intellectuals.

La parution du premier numéro des Cahiers socialistes dans les derniers jours de guerre en 1944, et la poursuite fructueuse de la publication au cours des neuf années qui suivirent, doivent être vues dans le contexte socio-économique de l'époque et de la ‘nouvelle’ politique socialiste belge, réaliste et réformiste, avec ses points de vue en matière de politique sociale, de politique étrangère et d'intégration européenne. C'est en majeure partie en réaction au socialisme ‘parlementaire, formel et conformiste’ que les collaborateurs des Cahiers socialistes, pour la plupart issus de l'Université Libre de Bruxelles, proposèrent une gauche alternative centrée sur des réformes socio-économiques, situées dans une optique volontariste, même personnaliste, et liées à une série d'idéaux moraux comme la liberté et la diginité humaine. Les Cahiers socialistes étaient le produit d'une élite intellectuelle. Tant le contenu des publications que le profil sociologique de ses collaborateurs—la plupart d'entre eux firent carrière dans l'enseignement, la recherche scientifique ou dans l'administration—en témoignent. Il s'agissait d'un petit groupe d'intellectuels dont l'engagement, s'il était considérable, ne trouva pas vraiment grand écho dans l'opinion publique. Cela n'a toutefois pas empêché la constitution d'un héritage spirituel à long terme destiné aux générations futures d'intellectuels socialistes.  相似文献   

Religions of the Silk Road: Overland Trade and Cultural Exchange from Antiquity to the Fifteenth Century , Richard C. Foltz, New York: St. Martin's Press, 1999. 186 pp., ISBN 0–312–21408–1.

Greek Thought, Arabic Culture: The Graeco‐Arabic Translation Movement in Baghdad and Early cAbbasid Society (2nd‐4th/8th‐10th centuries) , by Dimitri Gutas, London and New York: Routledge, 1998.

A Short History of the Ismacilis. Traditions of a Muslim community , Farhad Daftary, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 1998, viii + 248 pp. (Islamic Surveys).

Napoleon and Persia: Franco‐Persian Relations under the First Empire , Iradj Amini, Washington, D.C.: Mage Publishers, 1999, 228 pp.

Napoléon et la Perse: Les relations franco‐persanes sous le Premier Empire , Iradj Amini, Paris: Fondation Napoléon, 1995, 254 pp.

A Literary History of Persia , Edward G. Browne, 4 volumes, reprinted Iran‐books / Ibex Publishers, Bethesda 1997.

The Divan‐i Hafiz , H. Wilberforce‐Clarke, reprinted Iranbooks/Ibex Publishers, Bethesda, 1998.

Modern Persian Prose Literature , Hassan Kamshad, reprinted Iranbooks/Ibex Publishers, Bethesda, 1996.

Borrowed Ware: Medieval Persian Epigrams ,Dick Davis, trans., Washington, D.C.: Mage, 1997, 203 pp.

Asemun Rismun , Iraj Pezeshkzad, Bethesda, Maryland: Iranbooks,1997, x +300 pp., includes biographical reference and index, ISBN 0–936347–79–1.

La belle rivale de Farah et les jeux du destin , Anna‐Lisa Vafa, Paris: Les Editions la Bruyère, 1998, 103 pp.

The Arrest of Hoveyda: Stories of the Iranian Revolution , Saïdeh Pakravan, Costa Mesa, California: Blind Owl Press (an imprint of Mazda Publishers), 1998, 134 pp.

A World Between: Poems, Short Stories, and Essays by Iranian Americans , edited by Persis M. Karim and Mohammad Mehdi Khorrami, New York: George Braziller, 1999, xxvii + 254 pp.

The Sands of Oxus: Boyhood Reminiscences of Sadriddin Aini , trans., with an introduction, by John R. Perry and Rachel Lehr, Costa Mesa: Mazda Publishers, 1998, 275 pp., illus., maps, ISBN 1–56859–078–4.

Tajikistan:The Trials of Independence , eds. Mohammad‐Reza Djalili, Frédéric Grare, and Shirin Akiner, Richmond (UK): Curzon Press, 1998.

Central Asia meets the Middle East , David Menashri, ed., London & Portland, OR.: Frank Cass & Co Ltd., 1998, ISBN 0–7146–4600–8 (cloth), 9–7146–4129–4 (paper), xiii + 240 pp., map, index.

Arab‐Iranian Relations , Khair El‐Din Haseeb (ed.), Beirut/London: Centre for Arab Unity Studies/Brítish Academic Press, 1998, 564 pp., $59.50 (hardcover).

The Armenians of Iran: The Paradoxical Role of a Minority in a Dominant Culture , ed. Cosroe Chaqueri, Cambridge: Harvard Center for Middle Eastern Studies, 1998, 408 pp., photographs.

Women and the Political Process in Twentieth‐Century Iran , Parvin Paidar, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995, xvi+401 pp.

Secularization of Iran: A Doomed Failure? The New Middle Class and the Making of Modern Iran , Azadeh Kian‐Thiébault, Paris, France: Diffusion Peet‐ers, Travaux et mémoires de l'Institut d'études iraniennes, numéro 3, 1998, 296 pps.

An Islamic Utopian: a political biography of Ali Sharicati , Ali Rahnema. London and New York: I.B. Tauris (St. Martin's Press), 1998. xiii, 418 pp., bibliography, index, ISBN 1–86064–118–0.

Persian Painting ,Sheila R. Canby, New York: Thames and Hudson, 1993, 128 pp., 43 color and 44 black‐and‐white illustrations, map, bibliography, index, ISBN 0–500–27730–3.

Early Persian tilework: the medieval flowering of kashi , Douglas Pickett, Madison, Teaneck, and London: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press and Associated University Presses, 1997, 211 pp.

The Persian Garden: Echoes of Paradise , Mehdi Khansari, M. Reza Moghtader, and Minouch Yavari, Washington, D.C.: Mage Publishers, 1998, 169 pp.  相似文献   

Mormonism's growth from its 1830 inception to its 2005 near twelve million world membership, has not only initiated a debate over whether, perhaps, it is likely to become the next world‐religion after Islam, 1 1 Stark, Rodney , “The Rise of a New World Faith,” Review of Religious Research 26 (1984 ): 18 – 27 .
but has, in recent decades, also witnessed the publication of numerous books that help foster an interest in what is already becoming a distinctive field of study. Though none of the four books reviewed here constitutes an introductory overview, 2 2 For which see, Thomas O'Dea, The Mormons (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1957); Jan Shipps, The Story of a New Religious Tradition (Urbana and Chicago: University of Illinois Press, 1985); Douglas J. Davies, Introduction to Mormonism (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2003).
each introduces a set of major issues within contemporary Mormon studies and engages, respectively, with faith‐related attitudes to historical material, the Book of Mormon, the changing status of black males in the church, and Freemasonry's impact on Mormonism's origin.  相似文献   

Hampe, O., Witzmann, F. & Asbach, P., 2014. A benign bone-forming tumour (osteoma) on the skull of a fossil balaenopterid whale from the Pliocene of Chile. Alcheringa 38, xxx–xxx. ISSN 0311–5518.

A pathology of the fossil baleen whale ‘Megapterahubachi from the early Pliocene of Chile is described. It is a bony outgrowth on the left side of the supraoccipital, which is interpreted as a benign bone-forming tumour (osteoma). This diagnosis is based on X-ray imaging and CT scans of the abnormal bone, revealing a homogeneously dense internal structure with no evidence for lytic areas. The osteoma described here in ‘Megaptera’ hubachi is the first unequivocal evidence of a bone tumour in a cetacean, fossil or extant.

Oliver Hampe [] and Florian Witzmann [], Museum für Naturkunde, Leibniz-Institut für Evolutions- und Biodiversitätsforschung, Invalidenstraße 43, D-10115 Berlin, Germany; Patrick Asbach [], Institut für Radiologie, Charité—Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Charitéplatz 1, D-10117 Berlin, Germany. Received 28.8.2013, revised 7.11.2013, accepted 12.11.2013.  相似文献   

Populism and Feminism in Iran: Women's Struggle in a Male‐Defined Revolutionary Movement ,Haideh Moghissi, New York: St. Martin's Press, 1994, 217 pp., $59.95.

La Beauté menacée: anthropologie des maladies de la peau en Iran , Niloufar Jozani, Tehran: Institut Français de Recherche en Iran, 1994, 317 pp., illustrations, tables, Bibliography, Index.

Iranian Cities: Formation and Development ,Masoud Kheirabadi, Austin: University of Texas Press, 1991, xiv + 132 pp., illustrations, glossary, and appendixes.

Faith and Freedom ,ed. Mahnaz Afkhami, Syracuse: Syracuse Univ. Press, 1995.

Mongolia: The Legacy of Chinggis Khan ,Patricia Berger and Terese Tse Bartholomew, New York: Thames and Hudson, 1995, 340 pp., 310 illustrations, 237 in color, $60.00.

Mongol Jewelry ,Martha Boyer, Carlsberg Foundation's Nomad Research Project, New York: Thames and Hudson, 1995, 278 pp., 200 illustrations, 90 in color, $50.00.

Frühe iranische Moscheen vom Beginn des Islam bis zur Zeit sal?ūqischer Herrschaft ,Barbara Finster [Deutsches Archäologisches Institut, Abteilung Tehran: Archäologische Mitteliungen aus Iran, Erganzungsband 19] Berlin: Dietrich Riemer, 1994, 319 pp., 1 map, 149 figures, 48 plates, Bibliography, Index.

Khomeini's Forgotten Sons: The Story of Iran's Boy Soldiers ,Ian Brown, London: Grey Seal Books, 1990, viii + 190 pp.

Dancing Barefoot on Broken Glass ,Leonardo Alishan, New York: Ashod Press, 1991, xvi + 77 pp., $7.50.

Persico‐Kurdica: Études d'ethnomusicologie, de dialectologie, d'histoire et de religion (parues dans les années 1964–1978), Mohammad Mokri, Louvain: Peeters, 1995, lv + 505 pp.

Padyavand ,ed. Amnon Netzer, Judeo‐Iranian and Jewish Studies Series, vol. 1, Costa Mesa, Calif.: Mazda Publishers, 1996, xxvi + 143 English + 367 Persian.

The Throne Carrier of God: The Life and Thought of ‘Ala'; ad‐Dawla as‐Simnani ,Jamal J. Elias, Albany: State University of New York Press, 1995, xvi + 255 pp., $ 16.95.

The History of al‐Tabari ,vol. XXXIII: Storm and Stress along the Northern Frontiers of the cAbbasid Caliphate ,trans, and annot. C. E. Bosworth, SUNY Series in Near Eastern Studies and Bibliotheca Persica, Albany: State University of New York Press, 1991.

The Hidden Hand: Middle East Fears of Conspiracy ,Daniel Pipes, New York: St. Martin's Press, 1996, xii + 404 pp.

The History of al‐Tabari , vol. XII: The Battle of al‐Qadisiyyah and the Conquest of Syria and Palestine , trans. Yohanan Friedmann, Albany: State University of New York Press, 1992, xxii + 237 pp.

La Region d'Arak et de Hamadan: cartes et documents ethnographiques , Hélène Desmet‐Gregoire and Patrice Fontaine, with the collaboration of Mohammad cAli Ahmadian and Abolqasem Taheri, Studia Iranica, Cahier 6, association pour l'avancement des études iraniennes, Leuven: Teeters, 1988.

Myth and Mobilization in Revolutionary Iran: The Use of the Friday Congregational Sermon , Haggay Ram, Washington, D.C.: The American University Press, 1994, xiii + 250 pp., $59.00 cloth.  相似文献   

This article is concerned with modelling the logic of social processes and cultural representations that inform “politics and gender in simple societies” (Collier and Rosaldo 1981 Collier, J. F. and Rosaldo, M. Z. 1981. “Politics and Gender in Simple Societies”. In Sexual Meanings, Edited by: Ortner, S. and Whitehead, H. New York: Cambridge University Press.  [Google Scholar]), and considers the well‐known ideal type presented by Collier and Rosaldo in which particular gendered practices and ideas are organized around a style of marriage commonly termed “brideservice”. These authors’ modelling of the cultural logic of so‐called “brideservice societies” provides in many ways a satisfyingly coherent analysis of this institution that offers considerable predictive power, but it remains in some respects a partial account neglecting important aspects of older women’s political motivations and representations and the role of these women in the context of corporate groups. I consider here ethnographic materials from the Miskitu of eastern Nicaragua, amongst whom brideservice is widely practiced, to highlight some limitations with Collier and Rosaldo’s ideal type, arguing that their model should be modified to accommodate these limitations.  相似文献   

Fritz Graf, La magie dans l'Antiquité gréco‐romaine, Paris, Les Belles Lettres, 1994, 322 p.

André Bernand, Sorciers grecs, Paris, Fayard, 1991, 513 p.

P. Charvet et A.‐M. Ozanam, La magie. Voix secrètes de l'Antiquité, Paris, NiL Editions, septembre 1994.  相似文献   

Walde, D.H.-G., Weber, B., Erdtmann, B.-D. & Steiner, M. 20 June 2019. Taphonomy of Corumbella werneri from the Ediacaran of Brazil: sinotubulitid tube or conulariid test? Alcheringa 43, 335–350. ISSN 0311-5518

The problematic late Ediacaran tubular fossil Corumbella werneri is revised based on two-dimensional compressions, and new three-dimensionally preserved specimens from the Tamengo Formation of the Corumbá Region in Mato Grosso do Sul, west-central Brazil. These fossils represent some of the oldest skeletonized metazoans and were originally described from diagenetically compacted tubes that prompted conflicting interpretations as either Ediacaran coronate scyphozoan exoskeletons, or conulariid tests. Our new material from Corumbá permits a morphological and taphonomic revision of C. werneri, which we suggest was probably a calcareous sinotubulitid. Corumbella werneri closely resembles the late Ediacaran Sinotubulites from South China, as well as the Silurian worm tube Eoalvinellodes, which has similar exterior ornamentation. Ultrastructurally, the tubes of C. werneri exhibit a coarse sparitic microtexture, which we attribute to diagenetic alteration. Partial flexibility also supports interpretation as an originally weakly calcified, or entirely organic exoskeleton. We therefore reject placement of C. werneri as a conulariid scyphozoan, and instead, advocate possible relationships with marine annelids.

Detlef Hans-Gert Walde [], University of Brasília, Institute of Geosciences, Brasília-DF, Brazil; Bernd Weber [], Freie Universität Berlin, Institut für Geologische Wissenschaften, Malteserstr. 74–100, D-12249 Berlin, Germany; Bernd-D. Erdtmann [], 1165 N Mountain View Road, Apache Junction, AZ 85119, USA; *Michael Steiner [], Freie Universität Berlin, Institut für Geologische Wissenschaften (Haus D), Malteserstr. 74–100, D-12249 Berlin, Germany.  相似文献   

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