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清凉寺墓地位于山西省最南端的芮城县东北部,隶属于寺里一坡头遗址,目前保存的范围南北最长处约100米,东西宽约30~90米,总面积近5000平方米。  相似文献   

1962年,在山西省侯马市牛村古城城南约150米处,发现一座晋国石圭作坊遗址。遗址总面积约4.9平方公里,东西、南北各长70米(图一)。山西省文管会于1964年、1965年分别对遗址进行了试掘和发掘。1964年试掘面积为20平方米(T1501和 T1502),1965年发掘面积为1275平方米(自 T2001起)。现将主要收获介绍如下。  相似文献   

北魏太官粮窖遗址^[1]位于山西省大同市操场城北街东侧,遗址北距大同火车站约1200米,西南150米为大同操场城北魏一号遗址^[2]。2007年夏秋两季,在该地房地产开发过程中,山西省考古研究所与大同市考古研究所组成省市联合考古队对该遗址进行了抢救性发掘。  相似文献   

赵辉  孙晓洁  张清洋 《文物》2022,(11):4-11+2
<正>八里坪遗址位于山西省晋城市沁水县郑庄镇八里村与庙坡村之间,西距沁水县城约25公里。遗址地处沁河东岸台地上,西、南为沁河环绕,东北部至庙坡村西,东南以沁河支流水泉沟为界,分布面积约100万平方米(图一)。遗址于1982年文物普查时发现,1994年山西省考古研究所进行过复查。2020年,八里坪遗址被列入“考古中国·中原地区文明化进程研究”项目,山西省考古研究院等单位开始对遗址进行系统调查、钻探。  相似文献   

西社遗址位于山西省忻州市定襄县宏道乡西社村东部,2014年4月,山西省文物勘测中心对该遗址进行了详细的考古调查和勘探。调查发现,西社遗址以龙山时期遗存为主,遗迹主要有灰坑、文化层堆积、房址等,遗物均为采集所得,有陶器和石器等。此次调查勘探为研究该地区龙山时期的社会生产和经济发展状况提供了一批重要的资料。  相似文献   

<正>蒲州故城遗址位于山西省永济市蒲州镇境内,该镇地处运城盆地西端,陕、晋、豫三省交汇处,南依中条山,北望峨嵋岭。蒲州故城遗址是十二五全国大遗址重点项目之一。2011年至2013年,山西省考古研究所在该遗址开展了考古工作,现将Ⅱ区探沟2013YPⅡTG 126204发掘情  相似文献   

襄汾丁村明代墓葬发掘简报   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
襄汾丁村明代墓葬发掘简报马升王万辉(山西省考古研究所)图一M2平、剖面图(1/100)丁村位于山西省襄汾县城关镇南5公里处,是著名的丁村旧石器时代遗址所在地。1983年,为配合南同蒲铁路复线工程,山西省考古研究所派员对丁村南面的新石器时代遗址进行抢救...  相似文献   

<正>2007年9月,山西省考古研究所、山西省文物勘探中心在忻保(忻州—保德)高速公路建设中,调查发现岢岚县窑子坡遗址。2009年4月至6月,山西省考古研究所、忻州市文管处、岢岚县文化馆联合组队对该遗址进行了抢救性发掘,取得了一些重要收获。  相似文献   

呈王古城遗址位于山西省侯马市侯马镇北约1公里的坡地上,坡地西南高,东北低。南同蒲铁路穿过遗址东部(图一)。由于地貌变化,在遗址南部形成东西向的断崖,断崖高约0.8—1.5米。不少地段的城墙基础暴露在断崖上。遗址是原山西省文管会在1965年进行晋国古城遗址复查时发现的。当时对古城的范围及平面布局做了初步了解,认为是侯马晋国遗址的一个重要组成部分,因城址在今呈王村附近,故定名为"呈王古城"。1984年秋,山西省考古研究所对呈王古城遗址进行了复查与发掘,工作分两个阶段进行。第一阶段,进行了以了解古城遗址分  相似文献   

侯马市区东周墓葬、遗址发掘简报山西省考古研究所侯马工作站图一墓葬、遗址位置示意图侯马市公共汽车公司、农业生产资料公司分别位于市区紫金山路北端西侧和新田路(原称五一路)中端南侧,东西分别距侯马盟书遗址及火车站约500米。1995年秋和1996年春,为配...  相似文献   

湖北随州市叶家山西周墓地   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在叶家山西周墓地共发现墓葬65座和马坑1座。出土铜器、陶器、原始瓷器和玉器等遗物700余件套,其中部分铜器上有"曾"、"侯"、"曾侯"和"曾侯谏"等铭文。据器物形制和铜器铭文,该墓地是西周早期曾侯的家族墓地。这对研究汉东西周早期曾鄂、曾楚关系具有重要的学术价值。  相似文献   

湖北秭归东门头汉墓与宋墓清理简报   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
东门头墓地地处湖北秭归郭家坝镇,1997年湖北省物考古研究所对该墓地进行了发掘,共清理汉墓3座、宋墓1座。这4座墓均位于东门头古城城垣外,对研究东门头古城有一定意义。  相似文献   

2007年6月至11月,为配合湖北省荆门220千伏南桥输变电站工程建设进行了龙王山新石器时代墓地考占发掘,发掘面积1700平方米,共发掘清理大溪文化至屈家岭文化时期的墓葬203座,出土器物逾万件,质地有陶器、玉器等。这批墓葬的规模及随葬品数量的多寡不一,显示当时的社会分化情况已十分明显,为研究长江中游地区史前时期大溪文化与屈家岭文化之间的关系以及史前文明进程提供了十分宝贵的资料。  相似文献   

2009年9~10月,对永淳遗址及墓地进行了发掘。在遗址区发现房址、灰坑、灶址等遗迹,墓地中共清理墓葬11座,出土遗物有陶器、石器、铜器等。从遗物特征分析,永淳遗址及墓地的文化内涵一致,其时代为战国晚期至西汉初期。此次发掘对于认识辽北地区寇河流域这一时期的文化谱系起到重要推动作用。  相似文献   

宋代漏泽园是中国古代最完善的官办公墓制度,有关遗迹的发现研究过去集中在北方地区,南方地区还是空白(特别是南宋阶段)。本文根据作者掌握的几批南方地区出土两宋材料,结合文献记载和部分考古发现的唐代遗迹,就有关制度的渊源与火葬的关系,以及两宋漏泽园制度在南方地区实施的年代、特点和发展演变情况等进行论述,提出新的看法。  相似文献   

C. Hart 《考古杂志》2013,170(1):53-63
This report describes the excavations of a 4ha multi-period site situated in the parish of Heslerton, North Yorkshire, on the southern edge of the Vale of Pickering. The site came to light in 1977 and a rescue excavation project, sponsored by the Department of the Environment through North Yorkshire County Council, continued on a seasonal basis from 1978 until December 1982.

Occupation at the site began during the late Mesolithic with a flint knapping area, which was also used during the Neolithic and early Bronze Age. During the Late Neolithic a series of shallow gullies may represent the first attempts to establish a field system, and domestic activity may be indicated by two pairs of refuse pits. Other pits of this period demonstrate the presence of an ill-defined avenue of very large post pits running across part of the site. During the early Bronze Age two barrow cemeteries were present. The excavation of Barrow Cemetery 1, besides providing an important series of stratified carbon 14 dates, has produced an important series of Beakers and Food Vessels.

After the barrow cemeteries went out of use, woodland regenerated in the area prior to the late Bronze and early Iron age when the central part of the site became the setting for extensive occupation dispersed along the line of a major boundary which, once established, continued to function, though on a lessening scale through the Roman period when much of the site was turned over to agriculture. During the early Anglo-Saxon period a cemetery was established, focused upon Barrow Cemetery 2, which must have contained well over two hundred individuals, and is associated with a nearby settlement. During the later medieval and post-medieval periods the site continued in use as part of the agricultural landscape. A gradual accumulation of blown sands, associated with periods of denudation, prevented plough damage from disturbing the deposits over much of the area examined.  相似文献   

The University of Queensland Alambra Archaeological Mission (UQAAM) conducted a program of geophysical survey and archaeological excavation over four seasons from 2012 to 2016. This program has allowed this study to compile a large array of geophysical data, which has been tested against actual excavation results. By integrating the two forms of archaeological investigation, the UQAAM has been able to identify geophysical ‘signatures’ diagnostic and indicative of internal architectural features relating to the Cypriot Prehistoric Bronze Age (c2400–1750BC). This is the first time internal features have been identified using these techniques on a Middle Bronze Age site in Cyprus. The program has also identified two, and possibly four, areas of domestic settlement. This has yielded results that are of considerable value to cultural heritage managers of the site, which is experiencing development pressures. While identifying several constraints with the geophysical survey for the Prehistoric Bronze Age in Cyprus, the program has demonstrated the efficacy of a combined geophysical survey and excavation approach to sites of the Early-Middle Bronze Age period.  相似文献   

The goal of this project is to identify unmarked burials inside the known limits of a historic cemetery and unmarked slave burials adjacent to the cemetery to answer questions regarding variability in treatment of slaves by slave owners. This project used three geophysical prospection methods (electromagnetic induction/conductivity, ground penetrating radar, and magnetic susceptibility) to image the subsurface and locate unmarked graves. The results indicate that up to 21 possible unmarked graves exist at the Prior Cemetery. The survey detected 17 with two or more geophysical techniques and four with a single technique. Nine possible unmarked graves were tested with a metal probe. Every tested anomaly revealed less compact soils indicative of an unmarked grave.  相似文献   

《Southeastern Archaeology》2013,32(1):103-114

Archaeological investigations were carried out during May 2010 within Behavior Cemetery, a historic African American graveyard used for more than 120 years by the Gullah-Geechee communities of Sapelo Island, Georgia. Designed in close partnership with the local residents, this project sought to address their concerns about disturbance to unmarked graves when new graves were dug. This paper provides a historical overview of the cemetery and then discusses the methods, results, and outcomes of the field research. The success of the Behavior Cemetery Project serves as a positive example of community-oriented archaeology, a mutually beneficial partnership that simultaneously serves public, academic research, and cultural resource management needs.  相似文献   

2006年,内蒙古通辽市在国道304线改扩建工程配套专线施工时,在南宝力皋吐村发现一处鲜卑墓地。2007年,内蒙古文物考古研究所对该墓地进行了抢救发掘。发掘面积1000平方米,清理同时期鲜卑墓葬34座。出土少量陶器。根据发掘情况分析,认为该墓地经过迁葬。  相似文献   

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