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灭亡南宋(1279年)之后,元朝在西南地区用兵不断。西南恶劣的气候地理环境使得军粮供给困难。再加上军官侵渔,元军经常发生缺粮现象。为筹措军粮,元朝政府主要采取了四种措施:一,征用百姓将粮食调运至西南地区;二,在西南地区开展屯田缓解供应压力;三,通过赋税的转移与增收来增加西南地区税粮收入和购买粮食的本钱;四,采用入中法解决边粮的运输问题。  相似文献   

The following publications of the Research Center Women and Development, Institute for Social and Cultural Studies, State University of Leiden, Leiden, the Netherlands, are reviewed:

I De Beij, Ilsa. Van Noot Tot Noodzaak: het belong van karite voor vrouwen in een Gourounsidorp in Boven‐Volta. Leiden, 1982, 126 pp., n.p.1

II Most van Spijk, Marileen van der. Eager to Learn: An Anthropological Study of the Needs of Egyptian Village Women; Report of an Experiment. Cairo‐Leiden, 1982, 84 pp. n.p.

III Most van Spijk, Marileen van der. Who Cares For Her Health? An Anthropological Study of Women's Health Care in a Vilage in Upper Egypt. Cairo‐Leiden, 1982. 99 pp., n.p.

IV Most van Spijk, Marileen van der, Hoda Youssef Fahmy, and Sonja Zimmermann, Remember to be Firm: Life Histories of Three Egyptian Women. Cairo‐Leiden, 1982. 79 pp., n.p.

V Postel, Els and Joke Schrijvers (eds.) A Woman s Mind is Longer than a Kitchen Spoon: Report on Women in Sri Lanka. Colombo‐Leiden, 1980.146 pp. + Appendices, n.p.

VI Risseeuw, Carla. The Wrong End of the Rope: Women Coir Workers in Sri Lanka. Colombo‐Leiden, 1980. 253 pp. + Appendices, n.p.

VII Samarasuriya, Shireen, Who Needs Tourism? Employment for Women in the Holiday‐Industry of Sudugama, Sri Lanka. Colombo‐Leiden, 1982. 85 pp. n.p.  相似文献   

徐国华 《文献》2006,(1):169-174
与袁枚、赵翼并称为"乾隆三大家"的蒋士铨(1725-1785),于有清一代,独以诗、曲成就双标第一,是清文学史上不可忽略的重要作家之一.其一生创作宏富,著有<忠雅堂诗文集>四十二卷和传奇、杂剧十六种等存世.上海古籍出版社1993年12月出版的邵海青、李梦生<忠雅堂集校笺>(四册)在对蒋氏诗(词)文的整理方面用力甚勤,校笺也很精当,成为迄今为止研究蒋士铨最完整最丰富的本子.然而,蒋氏一生所作文多有散佚,惜<忠雅堂集校笺>本未加辑佚.笔者近读一些清人诗文集,陆续收辑到蒋氏序文四篇,不仅有助于深入研究蒋士铨的生平与交游活动,而且对探讨蒋士铨的诗学观亦颇有价值.现标点抄录于下,且略作必要的考辨,以供同赏.  相似文献   

萧云从的《杜律细》一书对杜诗中的拗句强使协于平仄,遭到了大家王士禛的严厉批评,因而该书渐不为学界所重,乃至最终散佚。四库馆臣更贬其书为“误用其心”的杜律注本。其实《杜律细》一书的价值正在于它提示着后来的注杜者们彻底放弃以叶音注杜的路径,其注杜实践的失败,在杜诗学史上具有不可替代的警示意义。  相似文献   


Kenneth Barton's large collection of everyday post-medieval European ceramics has recently been donated to Somerset County Museums. The Note describes the character of the collection, the intentions behind its formation, its potential for research, and access to the collection.  相似文献   

仲伟行 《文献》2003,(1):207-213
常熟翁氏对晚清政治文化产生过重大影响.翁心存一家父子入阁拜相,同为帝师;叔侄联魁,状元及第;三子公卿,四世翰苑.而翁氏藏书由于家学渊源,经历了翁心存、翁同书(翁同爵、翁同龢)兄弟以及翁曾源(曾瀚)、翁斌孙、翁之廉(之熹)、翁兴庆六代相继承接,绵延久远.  相似文献   

In the summer of 1717, a private teacher named Jacob Michelmann travelled from Berlin to Leiden to meet the head of a Protestant community known as the Angelic Brethren. During a pivotal time in European religious and intellectual history, Johann Wilhelm Überfeld sought to inculcate in his followers, including Michelmann, a powerful sense of everyday sacredness. Überfeld criticised what he perceived as the markedness of religious speech and acts compared to unmarked everyday activities. Implicitly, this state of affairs rendered the bulk of daily life profane, that is, largely detached and irrelevant to religious life and spiritual progress. For Überfeld and his followers, however, the divine spirit could communicate even through seemingly mundane trivialities, if believers had eyes to see and ears to hear. Accordingly, they paid great attention to household chores and domestic spaces. During his journey, Michelmann successfully acquired this mindset. Yet several years later he started neglecting the lessons of his journey, which caused conflict with Überfeld. Based on the visitor's own travelogue and a wealth of other sources, this article describes Michelmann's journey from its inception to its aftermath while probing Überfeld's notion of everyday sacredness.  相似文献   

乾隆帝弘历是清朝入关后第四代皇帝,在位60年(1736~1795),是清朝在位时间最长的皇帝之一。乾隆帝兴趣广泛,喜爱收藏古玩,故宫博物院收藏的物,有相当一部分是乾隆时期的。  相似文献   

顾洪 《文献》2002,(1):191-215
顾颉刚先生(原名诵坤,字铭坚)于1980年12月逝世,根据其"藏书不要分散,以便后人利用"的遗愿,家属将其藏书捐献给中国社会科学院,1981年先由历史研究所代管,1988年由文献信息中心(当时称文献情报中心)正式接收,成立"顾颉刚文库".  相似文献   

宋代馆阁藏书在品种数量、藏书内容、藏书的方式方法、藏书的利用等方面已远远超过以往任何时代,本文主要论述其独特之处。  相似文献   

李雄飞 《文献》2001,(4):260-272
藏书史与书史是一对孪生兄弟,作为人类文明传播和延续的一种重要方式,藏书早已成为一种文化而被视为人类文明的重要标志.江南地区是我国藏书文化的发达地区,这里不仅是经济上的富庶之地,鱼米之乡,而且是人文之渊薮,文明之沃土.  相似文献   

宋代宗室喜好藏书,其藏书家之多、藏书数量之巨,为历代所罕见。宗室藏书渠道丰富,其藏书目的明确,用途广泛,促使其热衷于藏书的原因是多方面的。宋代宗室的藏书活动同时也是一种学习的过程,通过藏书习文,培养了一大批学有专长的宗室文人与学者。  相似文献   

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