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ABSTRACT In contrast to the rigid structure of standard parametric hedonic analysis, nonparametric estimators control for misspecified spatial effects while using highly flexible functional forms. Despite these advantages, nonparametric procedures are still not used extensively for spatial data analysis due to perceived difficulties associated with estimation and hypothesis testing. We demonstrate that nonparametric estimation is feasible for large datasets with many independent variables, offering statistical tests of individual covariates and tests of model specification. We show that fixed parameterization of distance to the nearest rapid transit line is a misspecification and that pricing of access to this amenity varies across neighborhoods within Chicago.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The problem of spatial autocorrelation has been ignored in selection-bias models estimated with spatial data. Spatial autocorrelation is a serious problem in these models because the heteroskedasticity with which it commonly is associated causes inconsistent parameter estimates in models with discrete dependent variables. This paper proposes estimators for commonly-employed spatial models with selection bias. A maximum-likelihood estimator is applied to data on land use and values in 1920s Chicago. Evidence of significant heteroskedasticity and selection bias is found.  相似文献   

The article analyzes area-wide alcohol-related driving crash rates, with an emphasis on neighborhood effects, edge effects, and spatial effects arising from shared roadways that traverse area boundaries. Using township data for the state of Indiana, spatial Durbin models of alcohol-related driving crash rates are presented. The results suggest that a township's population composition and its abundance of alcohol-related businesses impact the alcohol-related driving crash rates. Moreover, positive spatial dependence is found to be highly significant, cautioning against the reliance on possibly biased OLS estimators. Due to restrictions in access to the crash and alcohol-related businesses data of the neighboring states, an alternative approach is adopted to address the spatial edge effects that may arise from alcohol consumption of residents from the edge areas of the neighboring states (possibly leading to crashes inside the border townships). Given the variation in alcohol laws and regulations across states, an empirical assessment of the edge effects is particularly relevant where some border crossing may be deliberate so as to avoid more stringent alcohol restrictions.  相似文献   

In the context of modeling regional freight the four‐stage model is a popular choice. The first stage of the model, freight generation and attraction, however, suffers from three shortcomings: first of all, it does not take spatial dependencies among regions into account, thus potentially yielding biased estimates. Second, there is no clear consensus in the literature as to the choice of explanatory variables. Second, sectoral employment and gross value added are used to explain freight generation, whereas some recent publications emphasize the importance of variables which measure the amount of logistical activity in a region. Third, there is a lack of consensus regarding the functional form of the explanatory variables. Multiple recent studies emphasize nonlinear influences of selected variables. This article addresses these shortcomings by using a spatial variant of the classic freight generation and attraction models combined with a penalized spline framework to model the explanatory variables in a semiparametric fashion. Moreover, a Bayesian estimation approach is used, coupled with a penalized Normal inverse‐Gamma prior structure, to introduce uncertainty regarding the choice and functional form of explanatory variables. The performance of the model is assessed on a real‐world example of freight generation and attraction of 258 European NUTS‐2 level regions, covering 25 European countries.  相似文献   

A Nonparametric Analysis of Employment Density in a Polycentric City   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Nonparametric estimation procedures offer distinct advantages in modeling polycentric cities because they are flexible enough to account for functional form misspecification and incorrect subcenter sites. This paper presents locally weighted (LW) regression estimates of employment density in suburban Chicago. LW regression estimates are more accurate than OLS regression and capture the effects of missing variables. The results demonstrate that Chicago is indeed a polycentric city: although the traditional city center continues to affect employment density patterns in the suburbs, local peaks have developed around secondary employment centers.  相似文献   

A popular approach to examining the effects of public policy has been to rely on a spatial data sample of border counties as in Holmes (1998)—border counties from a sample of states that are used in conjunction with least‐squares estimation techniques in an attempt to isolate the policy impact while controlling for spatial dependence that often arises from latent or unobserved variables. This technique is in the spirit of control‐group methodologies from the laboratory sciences. This paper contrasts border‐county estimation results from Holmes' (1998) approach and those from a related methodology set forth in Holcombe and Lacombe (2003), with estimates from a spatial autoregressive model explicitly accounting for within‐state and between‐state public policy effects. As an illustration, the paper examines the effects of Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) and Food Stamp payments on female‐headed households and female labor force participation using the three different methods.  相似文献   

Spatial estimators usually require the manipulation of n2 relations among n observations and use operations such as determinants, eigenvalues, and inverses whose operation counts grow at a rate proportional to n3. This paper provides ways to quickly compute estimates when the dependent variable follows a spatial autoregressive process, which by appropriate specification of the independent variables can subsume the case when the errors follow a spatial autoregressive process. Since only nearby observations tend to affect a given observation, most observations have no effect and hence the spatial weight matrix becomes sparse. By exploiting sparsity and rearranging computations, one can compute estimates at low cost. As a demonstration of the efficacy of these techniques, the paper provides a Monte Carlo study whereby 3,107 observation regressions require only 0.1 seconds each when using Matlab on a 200 Mhz Pentium Pro personal computer. In addition, the paper illustrates these techniques by examining voting behavior across U.S. counties in the 1980 presidential election.  相似文献   

Discrete-choice theory and logit models are evaluated for their usefulness in analyzing migration patterns in a zonal system. The authors "argue that spatial effects and more specifically the relative location of zones are not taken into account in such analyses. We, therefore, introduce a measure of spatial structure and advocate its usage as a predictor of migration in such models. In an example of intrametropolitan migration in Toronto [Canada], we demonstrate that this variable is not only significant but also it improves the performance of all the other variables with the greatest impact on the distance between zones. In addition, inclusion of this variable improves the overall performance of the model in terms of residuals."  相似文献   

This article reports about a metaregression analysis of empirical results generated using data for the northern Netherlands (1988–2002) in order to investigate the ambiguity in results in the population–employment interaction literature. Specifically, the analysis deals with the issue whether “jobs follow people” or “people follow jobs.” The article starts with introducing the basics of quasi‐experimental meta‐analysis and with identifying some advantages of using quasi‐experimental meta‐analysis as compared with the standard meta‐analysis approach. Two subsequent sections document the selection of the population–employment interaction model and salient characteristics of the data set as well as the setup of the primary analyses. A total of 4,050 quasi‐experimental empirical results for the jobs–people direction of causality are generated using different specifications and estimators for a spatial econometric interaction model. The subsequent metaregression analysis reveals that the empirical results are largely shaped by the spatial, temporal, and employment characteristics of the data sampling. The results also appear much more sensitive to different measurements of the model's key variables when compared with alternative specifications of the spatial weights matrix. The main determinant driving empirical results about jobs–people causality are differences in model specification and estimation, as revealed by an inherent bias in parameter estimates and misguided inferences for some of the commonly used specifications. Finally, suggestions for future research are identified.  相似文献   

Regression models are commonly applied in the analysis of transportation data. This research aims at broadening the range of methods used for this task by modeling the spatial distribution of bike-sharing trips in Cologne, Germany, applying both parametric regression models and a modified machine learning approach while incorporating measures to account for spatial autocorrelation. Independent variables included in the models consist of land use types, elements of the transport system and sociodemographic characteristics. Out of several regression models with different underlying distributions, a Tweedie generalized additive model is chosen by its values for AIC, RMSE, and sMAPE to be compared to an XGBoost model. To consider spatial relationships, spatial splines are included in the Tweedie model, while the estimations of the XGBoost model are modified using a geographically weighted regression. Both methods entail certain advantages: while XGBoost leads to far better values regarding RMSE and sMAPE and therefore to a better model fit, the Tweedie model allows an easier interpretation of the influence of the independent variables including spatial effects.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT It is well known that multiplier estimates within an interindustry context may be biased when the input coefficients are stochastic. Several conditions have been derived under which the estimates were shown to be biased, all with the same sign. In contrast to these analytical results, however, simulations using a stochastic transactions table unexpectedly reported the unbiasedness of multiplier estimates. This note argues that the sample sizes were too small. It is shown that for increased sample sizes the multiplier estimates are all positively and significantly biased, in line with the analytical results, but the biases are very small.  相似文献   

A range of data is of geographic interest but is not available at a small area level from existing data sources. Small area estimation (SAE) offers techniques to estimate population parameters of target variables to detailed scales based on relationships between those target variables and relevant auxiliary variables. The resulting indirect small area estimate can deliver a lower mean squared error compared to its direct survey estimate, given that variance can be reduced markedly even if bias increases. Spatial microsimulation SAE approaches are widely utilized but only beginning to engage with the potential of composite estimators that use a weighted combination of indirect and direct estimators to reduce further the mean squared error of the small area estimate compared to an indirect SAE estimator alone. This article advances these approaches by constructing for the first time in the microsimulation literature an optimal composite estimator for such SAE approaches in which the combining weight is calculated from the mean squared errors of the two estimators; thus, optimizing the reduction in MSE of the resulting small area estimates. This optimal composite estimator is demonstrated and evaluated in a model-based simulation study and application based on the real data.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT In this paper, we specify a linear Cliff‐and‐Ord‐type spatial model. The model allows for spatial lags in the dependent variable, the exogenous variables, and disturbances. The innovations in the disturbance process are assumed to be heteroskedastic with an unknown form. We formulate multistep GMM/IV‐type estimation procedures for the parameters of the model. We also give the limiting distributions for our suggested estimators and consistent estimators for their asymptotic variance‐covariance matrices. We conduct a Monte Carlo study to show that the derived large‐sample distribution provides a good approximation to the actual small‐sample distribution of our estimators.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Spatial econometrics has been criticized by some economists because some model specifications have been driven by data‐analytic considerations rather than having a firm foundation in economic theory. In particular, this applies to the so‐called W matrix, which is integral to the structure of endogenous and exogenous spatial lags, and to spatial error processes, and which are almost the sine qua non of spatial econometrics. Moreover, it has been suggested that the significance of a spatially lagged dependent variable involving W may be misleading, since it may be simply picking up the effects of omitted spatially dependent variables, incorrectly suggesting the existence of a spillover mechanism. In this paper, we review the theoretical and empirical rationale for network dependence and spatial externalities as embodied in spatially lagged variables, arguing that failing to acknowledge their presence at least leads to biased inference, can be a cause of inconsistent estimation, and leads to an incorrect understanding of true causal processes.  相似文献   

张永姣  曹鸿 《人文地理》2015,30(6):83-88
新型村镇建设与主体功能区规划是分别针对我国当前阶段乡村发展、国土开发的重要空间调控手段,基于主体功能思维而对聚落体系进行自上而下的分类指导应该作为促进乡村聚落有序发展的重要思维。论文借助于图底关系理论,将主体功能区作为"均质面集"的发展意图转译到县级单元内"异质面集"的主导土地用途区,并进一步聚焦到"点集"乃至"点"层面的村镇聚落体系组织与聚落建设,总结了三类主体功能区的7种主导新型村镇建设模式及对应的空间优化目标,拓展了主体功能区规划在县级以下尺度的规划指导价值,实现了不同尺度空间规划的法则演绎,为主体功能区格局下我国县域尺度的村镇聚落功能优化与体系重构提供一种思路。  相似文献   

基于MCDA的乡村旅游开发布局与新农村建设   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
寻找科学的方法,研究乡村旅游业在区域空间的合理布局,通过旅游业带动经济欠发达地区农村的经济发展,能够很好的发挥旅游业在新农村建设中的重要作用。以宁波市为例,运用多准则决策分析(MCDA)、地理信息系统(GIS)技术,充分考虑旅游资源条件、区域经济发展水平、交通通达性和周围已经开发旅游区的基础上,研究建设新农村为需求的"市场导向、有资源条件、经济发展水平较低、交通不很便捷"地区优先发展乡村旅游业从而带动农村经济发展的空间布局模式。研究结果表明,以建设新农村为需求的乡村旅游业空间布局可以带动经济相对落后地区的新农村建设,多准则决策分析是乡村旅游业空间总体布局的一种有效方法。  相似文献   

A Surface-Based Approach to Measuring Spatial Segregation   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Quantitative indices of residential segregation have been with us for half a century, but suffer significant limitations. While useful for comparison among regions, summary indices fail to reveal spatial aspects of segregation. Such measures generally consider only the population mix within zones, not between them. Zone boundaries are treated as impenetrable barriers to interaction between population subgroups, so that measurement of segregation is constrained by the zoning system, which bears no necessary relation to interaction among population subgroups. A segregation measurement approach less constrained by the chosen zoning system, which enables visualization of segregation levels at the local scale and accounts for the spatial dimension of segregation, is required. We propose a kernel density estimation approach to model spatial aspects of segregation. This provides an explicitly geographical framework for modeling and visualizing local spatial segregation. The density estimation approach lends itself to development of an index of spatial segregation with the advantage of functional compatibility with the most widely used index of segregation (the dissimilarity index D ). We provide a short review of the literature on measuring segregation, briefly describe the kernel density estimation method, and illustrate how the method can be used for measuring segregation. Examples using a simulated landscape and two empirical cases in Washington, DC and Philadelphia, PA are presented.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT This research proposes a two‐regime spatial Durbin model with spatial and time‐period fixed effects to test for political yardstick competition and exclude any other explanation that might produce spatial interaction effects among the dependent variable, the independent variables, or the error term. The study also derives the maximum likelihood estimator and variance–covariance matrix of the parameters of this model. Data pertaining to welfare spending by 93 departments in France during 1992–2000 provide significant empirical evidence in support of political yardstick competition. Departments governed by a small political majority mimic neighboring expenditures on welfare to a greater extent than do departments governed by a large political majority.  相似文献   

Estimation Bias in Spatial Models with Strongly Connected Weight Matrices   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article shows that, for both spatial lag and spatial error models with strongly connected weight matrices, maximum likelihood estimates of the spatial dependence parameter are necessarily biased downward . In addition, this bias is shown to be present in general Moran tests of spatial dependency. Thus, positive dependencies may often fail to be detected when weight matrices are strongly connected. The analysis begins with a detailed examination of downward bias for the extreme case of maximally connected weight matrices. Results for this case are then extended by continuity to a broader range of (appropriately defined) strongly connected matrices. Finally, a simulated numerical example is presented to illustrate some of the practical consequences of these biases.  相似文献   

Gaussian Process Regression (GPR) is a nonparametric technique that is capable of yielding reliable out‐of‐sample predictions in the presence of highly nonlinear unknown relationships between dependent and explanatory variables. But in terms of identifying relevant explanatory variables, this method is far less explicit about questions of statistical significance. In contrast, more traditional spatial econometric models, such as spatial autoregressive models or spatial error models, place rather strong prior restrictions on the functional form of relationships, but allow direct inference with respect to explanatory variables. In this article, we attempt to combine the best of both techniques by augmenting GPR with a Bayesian Model Averaging (BMA) component that allows for the identification of statistically relevant explanatory variables while retaining the predictive performance of GPR. In particular, GPR‐BMA yields a posterior probability interpretation of model‐inclusion frequencies that provides a natural measure of the statistical relevance of each variable. Moreover, while such frequencies offer no direct information about the signs of local marginal effects, it is shown that partial derivatives based on the mean GPR predictions do provide such information. We illustrate the additional insights made possible by this approach by applying GPR‐BMA to a benchmark BMA data set involving potential determinants of cross‐country economic growth. It is shown that localized marginal effects based on partial derivatives of mean GPR predictions yield additional insights into comparative growth effects across countries.  相似文献   

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