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The separation of powers in the Constitution of the United States has never been absolute in either theory or practice. This is especially true in the quest for public office. At least one President, William Howard Taft, aspired to be a Supreme Court Justice. Several Supreme Court Justices seriously considered becoming President. These are a few stories about those ambitions.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Alfred Marshall has been seen as an economic liberal and one of the founders of the neo‐classical school. However, this article challenges such conventional wisdom and argues that Marshall is best understood as an economic nationalist. Economic nationalism has been falsely associated with mercantilism, the zero‐sum view of international economies, and so on. However, a new approach for studying economic nationalism has recently been proposed to redefine its conception. The present article shows that Marshall's economic thought is compatible with this new conception of economic nationalism. Marshall emphasised the role of nationality in the economic process. The characteristics of his economic thought, such as the evolutionary view of economy, conform more closely to Friedrich List's economic nationalism than to economic liberalism. By portraying Marshall's theory as that of economic nationalism, the author concludes that economic nationalism can have a systematic theory.  相似文献   

In the early seventeenth century it became customary for knights of Malta who committed crimes to appeal to the tribunal of the Apostolic Chamber (Audentia Camera) in Rome. The Grand Masters of the Order of St John in Malta blamed this practice on the advent of the Apostolic Visitor and Roman Inquisitor in 1574 and saw its activities as a direct infringement of their authority over members of the Order and their subjects in Malta. Therefore on occasions successive Grand Masters found ways to “protest” with the Holy See claiming that the activities of the Apostolic Chamber were a threat to their rule, but the Grand Masters could not go beyond protesting because the Order of St John was above all a Catholic religious institution and the Pope in Rome was its ultimate head.  相似文献   

This paper tests the hypothesis that presidents are more successful in Congress during their first hundred days in office. Analyzing an original dataset composed of the bills on which presidents took official positions, it finds that presidents indeed have higher success rates during the first hundred days of their first year than they do later during their first year or during the first hundred days of noninaugural years. This effect is strongest for presidents who face divided government.  相似文献   


The Political Evolution of the Hungarian Nation. By the Hon. C. M. Knatch‐bull‐Hugessen. 2 vols. London : The National Review Office 1908. Price 15s. net.

The Castles and Keeps of Scotland. By Frank Roy Fraprie. London : George Bell and Sons, 1908. Price 7s. 6d. net.

Along the Rivieras of France and Italy. Written and Illustrated by Gordon Home. London : J. M. Dent and Co. New York : The Macmillan Company, 1908. Price 7s. 6d. net.


From, Damascus to Palmyra. By John Kelman, M.A., D.D. Painted by Margaret Thomas. London : Adam and Charles Black, 1908. Price 20s. net

In Japan: Pilgrimages to the Shrines of Art. By Gaston Migeon. Translated from the French by Florence Simmonds. London: William Heinemann, 1908. Price 6s. net.

A Wandering Student in the Far East. By The Earl of Ronaldshay, M.P. 2 vols. Edinburgh : William Blackwood and Sons, 1908. Price 21s. net.


Tunis, Kairouan, Carthage. By Graham Petrie, R.I. London : W. Heinemann, 1008. Price 16s. net.

The Exploration of Egypt and the Old Testament. By J. Gakrow Duncan, B.D. London : Oliphant, Anderson and Ferrier, 1908. Price 5s. net.


The Inner Life of the United States. By Monsignor Count Vay Dk Vaya and Luskod, Apostolic Protonotary. London : John Murray, 1908. Price 12s. net.

Camp Fires on Desert and Lava. By William T. Hornaday. London : T. Werner Laurie, 1908. Price 16s. net.


The Fijians: A Study of the Decay of Custom. By Basil Thomson. London : William Heinemann, 1908. Price 10s. net.


Scottish, National Antarctic Expedition: Report on the Scientific Results of the Voyage of S.Y. “Scotia.” Vol. iv. Zoology. Part I. Zoological Log. By David W. Wilton, J. H. Harvey Pirie, B.Sc, M.D., and R. N. Rudmose Brown, B.Sc. Thirty‐three Plates and two Maps. Edinburgh : The Scottish Oceanographical Laboratory, 1908. Price 13s.

Zoology. Vol. v. Parts I. to XIII. With Thirty‐six Plates. 1909. Price 23s. 6d.


Practical Geography. Part I. By J. F. Unstead. M.A. Oxford : Clarendon Press. 1908. Price 1s. 6d.

Nautical Charts. By G. R. Putnam, M.S. New York: John Wiley and Sons. London : Chapman and Hall, 1908. Price 8s. 6d. net.  相似文献   

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