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As a background for a discussion on errors and potentials of the palaeo‐botanical methods in the documentation of early prehistoric agriculture in Scandinavia, some methodological problems in pollen analysis are treated. Multidisciplinary research for understanding environmental changes is emphasized. Definition of long‐term changes in the cultural landscape is discussed. Different research strategies in Scandinavia are outlined. A survey of the introduction and expansion of agriculture in Scandinavia is presented. Finally, some palaeoecological interpretation problems related to the early agriculture landscape are listed.  相似文献   


This paper presents archaeobotanical studies from the Danish regions of Thy, northern Schleswig and Djursland. The data are discussed in the light of developments in the landscape and in house architecture; comparisons are made with the contemporary situation in southern Sweden. Pollen analysis reveals that Thy was more or less treeless by the end of the Neolithic, whereas Djursland maintained its forests for a further 1500 years; the situation in northern Schleswig lies somewhere in between. Developments in house architecture are very similar in the three areas. The shift from two-aisled to three-aisled houses occurred in period I/II of the Bronze Age and phosphate analyses suggest that the earliest Danish byre dates from the beginning of period II.

Crop plant assemblages are dominated by naked barley and emmer and remain remarkably stable from the Single Grave Culture to the Late Bronze Age in Thy, from the Middle Neolithic to the middle of the Bronze Age in northern Schleswig, and from the Late Neolithic to the Late Bronze Age on Djursland. Other crops come and go – einkorn, bread wheat, spelt, millet, flax, oats and gold of pleasure. Hulled barley is largely conspicuous by its absence. Well-developed arable weed floras appear first in the Early Bronze Age – arable weeds are very scarce at Neolithic sites. There is evidence of improvement of arable soils using fen peat and household refuse and manure. The situation appears somewhat more complex in Denmark than that described for Sweden. The most striking difference is seen in the behaviour of hulled barley, which becomes massively dominant in Sweden in the course of the Bronze Age, whereas its role in Denmark is much more modest.  相似文献   

One of the most significant social and cultural changes in the northern part of Scandinavia, as in other parts of the world, is urbanization. All over the northern region, towns and cities are growing, and a large portion of the indigenous population now lives in urban areas throughout all Scandinavian countries. Within these multicultural cities, urban Sámi communities are emerging and making claims to the cities. From a situation where migration from a Sámi core area to a city was associated with assimilation, an urban Sámi identity is now in the making. In this article, we discuss what seems to be the emergence of an urban Sámi culture. The article builds on findings from a study of urban Sámi and their expression of identity in three cities with the largest and fastest-growing Sámi populations in the region: Tromsø (Norway), Umeå (Sweden) and Rovaniemi (Finland). A main finding is the increasing recognition of their status as indigenous people and the growth in Sámi institutions in the cities. Another finding is an urban Sámi culture in the making, where new expressions of Sámi identity are given room to grow, but where we also find ambivalences and strong links and identifications to places in the Sámi core districts outside of the cities.  相似文献   

During the first week of February 1990 the total ozone values over England and Scandinavia dropped to a minimum of approximately 200DU. This minimum lasted, however, only for a couple of days at each of the stations, which are measuring ozone in the area. The ozone ‘minihole’ was not stationary, but it moved from the North Atlantic towards Northern Scandinavia and the Kola peninsula during a 4day period. From the ozone observations its path was traced over England towards Norway, Sweden and Russia.In this paper we propose that the ‘minihole’ was mainly created by a strong cyclonic development in the North Atlantic, which moved towards Scandinavia. The cyclone development resulted in ascending air ahead of the cyclone in the troposphere and the lower stratosphere. The total ozone column was thereby reduced. However, this does not exclude the possibility that ozone also could have been reduced due to heterogeneous photochemical processes. The events took place during the CHEOPS III-Campaign, at Kiruna in Sweden, and gave most valuable information.  相似文献   

During late Greenland Interstadial 1 (the Allerød chronozone), southern Scandinavia witnessed an abrupt cultural transition. This period marks the end of Late Magdalenian/Final Palaeolithic Federmessergruppen in the region, and the beginning of the Bromme culture. The latter is characterised by a restricted territorial range, loss of bow-arrow technology, and a general reduction in material culture complexity. Different hypotheses for the origin of the Bromme culture have been put forward, variously stressing local continuity or discontinuity. Different environmental and cultural factors have been suggested to force the observed changes, but crucially their precise timing remains elusive. Here, we review competing hypotheses for this cultural transition, and evaluate them using an audited regional database of the available 14C dates. We construct a series of Bayesian calibration models using the IntCal09 calibration curve to clarify timings of cultural continuity/discontinuity, probable duration of different techno-complexes, and relationships between environmental changes and material culture transitions. Our models suggest that the Bromme culture emerged late in the Allerød, and that the Laacher See-eruption most probably forced this cultural event horizon.  相似文献   

A SOCIAL APPROACH TO MONETISATION shifts the attention from the classic money media — gold and silver — to the dissemination of two social practices: valuing and paying. When these two monetary practices first became widespread in western Scandinavia during the gold rich migration period (in the 5th to 6th centuries ad), they were not introduced in the sphere of trade, but instead were features of traditional or customary payments, such as weregeld (atonements for murder or offences against the person) or marriage dowries. By the Viking Age, in the late 8th to 10th centuries ad, despite flourishing commodity production, precious metals were used as payment in trade solely in towns. Even in towns, this commercial use seems to have been adopted late, and was employed only occasionally. This paper reviews the changing approaches to money and monetisation, and draws attention to the potential for regarding monetisation as the spread of a set of social practices.  相似文献   


Generally, two main opinions have been maintained concerning the age of the markets in northern Fenno‐Scandinavia: One asserting that the markets have their origins well before A.D. 1600, and possibly are dating from the Middle Ages; and the other suggesting that the markets may be constructions of the 18th century. The majority of studies relevant to the question of the markets have, however, been confined within strict geographical limits. Few efforts have been made to view the markets in a broader context, comprising the totality of the trade relations of northern Fenno‐Scandinavia. While giving the written evidence a critical and chronological sifting, the author of this paper stresses this perspective on the markets, as instruments of mediation between what is conceived as the three great trade systems embracing the northern part of Fenno‐Scandinavia.  相似文献   

Drawing on both written and archaeological evidence, this paper investigates the significance of the foreign, and in particular the concept of the ‘stranger‐king’, in Viking Age Scandinavia. Focusing on the case of the Danish Jelling dynasty, the monumental complex at Jelling is reinterpreted as a materialization of a stranger‐king myth: the ship‐setting reproduces the narrative of the founding of the dynasty by an immigrant forefather, and the earthen burial mounds convey the idea of the foreign king taking possession of the locals' land. In a broader perspective, the stranger‐king concept and the special association of the king with the foreign is identified as an integral element of Old Norse myth and a Scandinavian archetype of rulership. The embracing of the foreign in many different forms is seen as a political strategy whose aim is to illustrate a king's special connection to the forces of the distant and unknown world beyond direct human control, and which clothes him with an aura of the strange and the exotic. In this way, and closely related to the concept of sacral rulership, the foreign emerges as a source of power and a presupposition for the formation of early states in Scandinavia.  相似文献   

During the ROSE (ROcket and Scatter Experiments) campaigns of 1988–1989 in northern Scandinavia a newly designed spherical probe (short name: KUSO, KUgelSOnde) was used to determine, in the frequency range 120–3500 Hz, the three components of the a.c. electric field being present under radar auroral conditions in the auroral E-region. Different from the normally utilized large d.c. double probes observing potential differences, the small (d = 23 cm) metallized KUSO probe measured the a.c. currents flowing through the sphere. These are mainly determined by the a.c. electric field existing in the surrounding plasma, and by the resitivity of the (small) Debye layer around its surface. Thus, if the relevant parameters are measured at the same time on one rocket the required a.c. E-field vectors can be deduced. With the aid of a simultaneously recording star sensor the rocket attitude could further be traced back to a non-rotating ground-based coordinate system. Afterwards the directions of the oscillating E-fields were deduced, both in the plane perpendicular to the Earth's magnetic (H-)field and relative to the H-field vector at the same time. The frequency distributions of these directions for about every second of flight time, for example, of more than 8000 E-field vectors contained in one such distribution, are discussed. Moreover, using FFT analyses, the spectral energy distributions of the total a.c. E-fields are obtained for the different heights. Different smaller spectral ranges of the E-field could be synthesized within the total bandwidth. The results of all the analyses are compared with the STARE, the EISCAT and the d.c. E-field observations. The electron densities measured by the Digital Impedance Probe (DIP) are also presented.  相似文献   

Shepard Forman. The Brazilian Peasantry. New York and London: Columbia University Press, 1975. xiii + 319 pp. Tables, figures, bibliography, and references. $13.50.

*It would be difficult to claim that the experience of the Northeast can be generalized to the whole of Brazil, taking into account the different historical backgrounds and economic development of Brazilian regions.  相似文献   

This article explores the dynamic relationship between war finance and economic and political developments in Scandinavia during the period 1800–1830. By comparing the organization of government debt in Denmark-Norway and Sweden, it is shown that the Danish system relied on revenues from trade and consumption, while the Swedish system was heavily influenced by internal political factors such as a divided fiscal authority. The leadership in Copenhagen was committed to maintaining existing relationships with creditors even when faced with severe fiscal constraints, while the Swedish government chose partial defaults as the politically expedient option when faced with fiscal difficulties.  相似文献   

The total ozone observations of Tromsö (Northern Norway), Sodankylä (Northern Finland) and Murmansk (Northwestern Soviet Union) for 1987–1989 have been studied. Comparisons of the total ozone with stratospheric temperatures observed at Sodankylä have been made. These values have also been compared with the long-term mean total ozone at Tromsö and the long-term means of stratospheric temperatures at Sodankylä. No severe ozone depletions were observed. The exceptionally high total ozone values at these stations in February 1989 were connected to abnormally high stratospheric temperatures. The comparison of total ozone observed at roughly the same southern latitudes revealed great differences in the springtime.The 1989 ozone sounding observations of Sodankylä, Bear Island and Ny Ålesund (Spitzbergen) did not reveal any indications of pronounced ozone depletion. A comparative study of ozone, temperature and relative humidity indicated that the springtime variability of ozone in the lower stratosphere was clearly connected to meteorological variability. The lower tropospheric ozone had two distinct maxima, one in spring with large-scale photochemical causes and the other in summer connected with the emissions of hydrocarbons and oxides of nitrogen in Europe.Temperature observations made at Sodankylä over 24 yr revealed the existence of a potential for polar stratospheric cloud formation in the lower stratosphere in winter and early spring. A trend analysis of 50 hPa temperature revealed a negative trend of −0.16 K/yr in January and a positive trend of 0.15 K/yr in April; the annually-averaged trend was only −0.02 K/yr for this 24-yr period. When the January–February mean temperatures are separated according to the phase of the QBO in the tropical stratosphere, correlations between temperatures and sunspot numbers are found.  相似文献   

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