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论文利用俄罗斯联邦移民局和联邦统计局的数据,采用统计分析法,探讨近年来俄罗斯移民尤其是劳务移民的数量、结构、地区分布、从事行业以及中国移民在俄罗斯的发展状况,指出了俄罗斯在制定移民政策存在的弊端,并从"现有移民政策的局限"和"有效管理外国劳务移民"等方面提出了对策建议。认为一国移民政策的制定和调整应符合该国经济和人口发展的大局,而且要认识到移民是在经济全球化大背景下,促进区域经济一体化的重要力量。  相似文献   

Franklin J. James spent much of his career working to understand and improve our metropolitan communities. His interests were varied, ranging from impacts of fiscal and economic distress on urban areas to understanding socioeconomic forces reviving our central cities. During the last several years, Professor James had turned his attention to examining the positive economic impacts immigrants and ethnic communities have for reinvigorating our central cities-and beginning to investigate how non-native American's will impact America's suburbs in metropolitan settings
This preliminary exploration examines destination choices of immigrants, the characteristics of immigrant labor markets, and the determinants of immigrant earnings. The article begins to explore indirect evidence on the economic efficiency with which immigrants and native workers distribute themselves within and among labor markets as well as the assimilation process facing new immigrants. Evidence is presented to explain how the earnings of recent immigrants are affected by their human capital characteristics, their race, and ethnicity, and other factors. We reject the hypothesis that immigrants participate in a tertiary sector of urban labor markets and conclude that the determinants of immigrant earnings are similar enough to those of U.S. natives that it makes sense to assume that they work in the same primary labor market in which most native White Americans work. We find that urban labor markets for immigrants are surprisingly efficient, thus enabling immigrants to take advantage of economic opportunities. A major exception concerns what appears to be a powerful effect of discrimination on the economic progress of Black immigrants.  相似文献   

This study illustrates the materialization of identity shifts through refined ceramic and glass forms recovered from working class Irish immigrant and Irish-American communities. The sites used in this article were chosen because of their spatio-temporal compatibility covering dynamic periods of Irish identity in the United States. Historians argue that 1880 marks the beginning of an identity shift from Irish immigrant to Irish-American. This research attempts to provide the necessary materials to begin a discourse bringing together material and historical evidence illuminating the conflict between competing ideologies of respectability and changing conceptions of Irish identity in America.  相似文献   

《Political Theology》2013,14(4):621-645

Extant literature on the U.S. Sanctuary movement of the 1980s mainly facilitates an understanding of the movement as part of liberal religious resistance to the Reagan-Bush Administrations' policy in Central America. However, I argue that Sanctuary should also be understood as pivotal to church involvement in a longer lineage of social activism that can be called immigrant advocacy. Church-based immigrant advocates (CBIAs) were in short supply until the end of World War II, when Christian clergy and laity used biblical calls for hospitality to argue for the admission of thousands of displaced persons from Europe. Over the next quarter-century, many CBIAs provided services to political refugees admitted under State Department criteria. But as CBIAs grew frustrated with double standards in refugee admissions, they began to develop discourses legitimating hospitality work outside of a nation-state framework. In tracing the history of church-based immigrant advocacy, Sanctuary indexes the juncture at which many Christian organizations widened their operations beyond the standard of sovereignty to accommodate undocumented refugees as well as immigrants motivated by economic need.  相似文献   

目前学界对于美国汉学史的研究,多侧重于美国汉学概况、研究范式转变和著名中国学家及其著述的研究,而缺少从华裔汉学者对美国汉学之影响这一角度研究的论著。论文就赴美华裔汉学者对美国汉学的影响这一论题作了总体性探析。结果表明,20世纪40年代,一批从事中国文史研究的华裔学者赴美潜心于中国文史研究。他们在美所从事的文史研究是美国汉学发展的重要组成部分,对美国汉学产生了重要影响。他们对美国汉学的基础性贡献和推进作用具体表现在:协力培育美国汉学的基础、矫正美国汉学发展中的流弊、开拓美国汉学研究的新领域。  相似文献   

Location and the nature of locally available employment opportunities is believed to shape labor force participation, job type, and wages. Analysts investigating this issue have encountered problems in operationalizing the concept of “locally available employment opportunities.” We first review the grounds for expecting a relationship between local context and employment outcomes for women and then critically assess the methods and measures that analysts have used to explore the relationship. Finally, we describe a new approach for measuring local employment context that consists of a fine-scaled measure individually tailored for each woman in the sample. Using discriminant analysis we ask whether the spatial variables measuring local employment context are important determinants of women's employment in female-dominated occupations. The results suggest that for most groups of women (defined by city or suburban residence and by sociodemographics) the spatial variables are not important. For well-educated, part-time employed women with young children, however, living in an area rich in female-dominated job opportunities increases the likelihood of having a job in a gender-typical occupation; for these women, the local employment context does affect labor market outcomes.  相似文献   

196 5年是美国华人发展历史的分水岭。美国政府于该年修改移民法 ,承认种族移民机会平等。此后华人移民源源不断涌入美国 ,成为美国增长速度最快的移民群体。随着华人社会规模迅速扩大以及经济和专业实力的激增 ,美国华人开始积极参选参政 ,争取与其社会地位相当的政治权利。从移民到选民 ,是美国华人落地生根、茁壮成长的过程。假以时日 ,随着华人移民数量进一步激增 ,华人选民的政治影响力将有望接近美国犹太裔选民。  相似文献   

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