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徐建融 《收藏家》2008,(4):67-70
2007年的艺术品拍卖市场上,有一个现象以轰动的新闻效应引人注目,这便是一些华人艺术家的当代艺术作品异军突起,拍出了天价,甚至把赵孟頫、鲜于枢、沈周、唐寅、董其昌、陈洪绶、王铎、石涛、吴昌硕、黄宾虹、齐白石、张大千、潘天寿等中国书画史上里程碑式人物的作品拍卖市场上的价位也远远地抛在了后面。  相似文献   

南国二月百花艳,高原春风黄沙漫,清明时节世人拜山祭祖后,我又回到久违的故乡,灰蒙蒙的苍穹中,看见唯有你傲然屹立,虬枝在劲风中不屈地抗争着。我又一次被你通体透出的伟岸美所震慑。你是岁月雕塑出的一尊力与美的造型,是永恒而伟大的生命雕像!刚毅、挺拔,即便被风雨烈焰剥蚀仍凸显枝繁叶茂的生命。你不仅仅是物种意义上的一棵树,而是昂首挺胸笑傲一切苦难与不测的不朽意象!这时刻,所谓的力量、意志、隐忍、坚毅、顽强等字眼都显得庸浅而不达意。你像台柱,立于空间;像钉子,钉在村头;你远离云彩、玫瑰和掌声,将孤独和寂寞雕塑在永恒的土地上…  相似文献   

A law suit for racial discrimination brought against the School District of Rockford, IL, over the last decade and more has meant that recent high school graduates have been educated for almost the whole of their school careers within an environment of conflict. The paper outlines the conflict as the context in which the young people have grown up, demonstrating the ways that adults purport to fight for their children, yet transform the issues into their own priorities. It analyses the ‘sensitivity’ and ‘resilience’ of recent high school graduates to such an upbringing. It also explains how the schools are sites where the community conflict is reworked in new ways and perpetuated among the young people. While perhaps an extreme case, Rockford illustrates a continuing, but underplayed, wider social malaise in the USA.  相似文献   

The monastic Rules of the early middle ages make it quite clear that the monasteries of this period were populated by a mixed community of adults and children. The Carolingian commentaries, and especially the so-called Hildemar commentary on the Rule of St Benedict, provide detailed information on the education and upbringing of the children who lived in the monasteries. We learn from Hildemar that they were subjected to constant supervision and diligent care. For this reason they were set apart from the adult monks. However, in spite of their separation, they were still full members of the community, who participated in all the activities of monastic life. Apparently Hildemar preferred to recruit new members for his community when they were very young. This was the result of a new development in monastic life: in the Carolingian period a growing number of monks were admitted to the priesthood. Hildemar considered the children who were raised in the monasteries to be eminently suitable for ordination. They were trained to be the future intellectual and moral elite of the community.  相似文献   

In this introductory essay the editors suggest that the fieldof the history of sexuality in general and in modern Germanyin particular has been organized around a complex of questionsposed by the discourse theory of Foucault and other post-structuralists.The model proposed by these theorists and elaborated in thehistorical literature of the past twenty years has given usa coherent and widely influential narrative of the developmentof modern sexualities. This model, however, is now being calledinto question by historians who explore the social constructionof sexualities in greater detail and argue that sexuality isconstructed not by sexual experts (e.g., medical, criminological,psychiatric, and psychological experts) but within diverse andparticular social milieux. The papers in this issue exemplifythis trend, focusing their attention on the complexities ofsexual discourse and revealing some of the ways in which constructionsof sexuality were contested, contradictory, and shaped by themicropolitics of other social fields (such as politics, production,and the market). Taken together, they suggest that the historyof sexuality is entering an exciting new creative phase.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on foodways in a small town in northern Finland between 1621 and 1800 CE. Tornio was founded in 1621in northern Finland, at that time a part of the Swedish kingdom. Tornio was a dynamic town where people of different ethnic origins came together, forming a new urban community and new urban foodways. Archaeological remains of the town’s foodways—animal remains, macrofossils, and ceramics—suggest that the food culture of Tornio was a hybrid of local indigenous and rural traditions and international fashions. The foodways underwent significant changes in the 18th century. The changes were related to modernization and changing human-environmental relationships.  相似文献   

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