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《Political Theology》2013,14(4):467-473

This address was delivered at the inaugural meeting of the Reinhold Niebuhr Society. The theological and ethical contributions of the early Niebuhr from his book, Moral Man and Immoral Society, are summarized and then contrasted with adjustments that Niebuhr would make in his thinking in light of the rise of National Socialism and the events of World War II. Then the author turns to contemporary times, reading Niebuhr as a guide to the present situation's moral complexities.  相似文献   

本文结合文献研究来探讨国家起源的过程,并从民族学和考古学对良渚文化的政治社会发展水平作一初步比较,尝试一种判断国家形成的考古学标准。  相似文献   

IN 1959 Mr. Dudley Waterman published the first modern summary of Anglo-Danish artifacts found in York1 and it says much for his work that very little needs adding or modifying. This paper examines some aspects of Danish York which were not discussed by Waterman and records information which throws more light on the nature of everyday life in the Anglo-Danish city. This has been made possible by the considerable advance in knowledge on a national scale of 10th- and 11th-century pottery, and by recent developments in York. Intensive study of the history, architecture and archaeology of York by investigators of the Royal Commission on Historical Monuments has developed the first tentative ideas of the nature of the city defences, and of the street plan, and has thus led to greater knowledge of its economic life.2  相似文献   

Archaeological data from the north and central Peruvian coast are presented here as a means to explore key themes relating to social complexity, including complex society and its origins, newly resolved chronological issues, the relationship between iconography and society, and the definition of a new culture. Focusing on an early time span, from ca. 3000 to 200 cal BC, we identify key questions about the trajectory through which early Andean complexity developed, and we discuss new ideas about the chronological placement of Cerro Sechín and Chavín de Huántar. We also use an intertextual approach to study the iconography of the complex Sechín Alto polity and as a means to demonstrate duality, social hierarchy, and the origin of symbols within the society’s iconography. Finally, we highlight a newly described polity, centered in the Nepeña Valley, that is important because its urban traits presage later cultural complexity and because the recognition of this polity demonstrates the potential for similar discoveries of comparable small polities.  相似文献   

在探讨明初政治时,往往对仁宗张皇后的作用注意不够。其实,无论在仁宣时期和正统初年皇位更迭中,还是这一时期委政内阁、休养生息政策的制定和实施,张皇后都起了十分重要的作用。此外,在抑制宦官势力,约束外戚等方面,她也功不可没。张皇后确实是彪炳史册的女政治家。  相似文献   

启心郎是清初特有的官制,最早设于天聪年间,而其思想根源则来自努尔哈赤时期。至康熙时期,启心郎这一官职被废止。虽然其存在的时间仅四十多年,但它却反映出清初皇权与诸贝勒之间、满洲与汉军之间的尖锐矛盾。  相似文献   

Mark H. Lytle 《外交史》2001,25(1):121-128
Books reviewed in this article:
John Boli and George M. Thomas, eds., Constructing World Culture: International Nongovernment Organizations since 1875
Margaret E. Keck and Kathryn Sikkink, Activists beyond Borders: Advocacy Networks in International Politics
William Korey, NGOs and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights: "A Curious Grapevine"
Ralph B. Levering and Miriam L. Levering, Citizen Action for Global Change: The Neptune Group and the Law of the Sea
Jackie Smith, Charles Chateld, and Ron Pagnucco, eds., Transnational Social Movements and Global Politics: Solidarity beyond the State  相似文献   

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