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Camperdown Works is redundant. It was one of the greatest textile complexes in Britain and was remarkably intact until 1985. The article discusses its buildings, relating architecture and construction to function and to comparable mills in Dundee and elsewhere. Physical examination of the buildings proved to be the best source for the history of the company.  相似文献   

The Civil War and Reconstruction and the South's postbellum industrialization produced economic dislocation on a tremendous scale. One product of that economic upheaval was an increasing problem of infanticides and infant abandonments. This case study of Richmond, Virginia, examines patterns of abandonment and neonaticide as documented in records of the city almshouse and the city coroner. It demonstrates that race shaped the options available to women with problem pregnancies in that African American women had access to fewer social welfare unstitutions such as maternity homes. As a result, unmarried black women kept their out-of-wedlock babies more often than did whites, but they also committed infanticide at higher rates than did whites. Moreover, racial trends in infanticides and infant abandonment suggest that Ricomond's white working class experienced economic advancements at the turn of the twentieth century, while the city's black working class continued to live in depression-like conditions throughout the period.  相似文献   

护国运动时期梁启超"革命"概念剖析--"告别革命"谈何容易   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张永 《史学月刊》2002,(6):57-62
梁启超在护国运动时期的政论中,不但不承认护国运动是一次革命,反而称袁世凯为“革命”。这一现象生动地反映出改良派在理论上一贯反对革命,而在实践上由于顽固保守派的逼迫又不得不走向革命的痛苦历程,这种自相矛盾的境地迫使梁启超提出一个似是而非的革命概念来自圆其说。通过对这一概念及其历史背景的剖析。可以深刻揭示出在保守势力强大顽固的近代中国,改良的道路实际上寸步难行。当前学界颇为流行的否定革命的思潮中存在着对复杂历史作简单化理解的倾向,坚决反对革命的梁启超尚且发动护国革命,可见告别革命并不容易。  相似文献   

Baldwin IV, the leper king of Jerusalem, was one of history's more startling monarchs. His coronation in 1174 has been interpreted as anomalous or, alternatively, as evidence of unique cultural and political trends within the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem. Inherent in all these evaluations, however, is the unquestioned acceptance that Baldwin was known to be leprous at the time of his coronation. This is an assumption that is supported by neither medical understandings of the disease, nor by a consideration of the evidence that survives from the period. Though clearly suffering from advanced leprosy at the time of his death, there is nothing to suggest that Baldwin's disease could have been diagnosed prior to his taking the throne and so there is no need to consider his coronation as anything other than a conventional one.  相似文献   

Unlike other European countries, most industrial policy in Austria still takes place at the Federal level. With recent open access to European funding programmes on the one hand and increasing regional engagement in industrial policy questions on the other, we see ongoing changes in this structure. As a result, industrial policy strategies for Austria are more and more designed in close complementarity with both international and regional strategies. The recent shift toward technology policy observeable in nearly all industrialized countries has also taken place in Austria and has favoured major urban areas. Nevertheless, a consensus-oriented tradition in stabilization and social policy have had remarkable negative effects on laggard regions up to now. The plan of this paper is documenting the actual situation as well as recent chances in Austrian industrial and technology policy. Furthermore, philosophy, principal targets and instruments of new industrial policy at the Lander level (Styria) are examined to offer a closer view on advantages and possible disadvantages of regional industrial policy.  相似文献   

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