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Red Flags Flutter On Snow-Covered MountainsRedFlagsFlutterOnSnow-CoveredMountains¥NAMGYIFlagraisingceremonyisheldattheSquareo...  相似文献   


The article discusses flags in respect of their different forms (kind or type of occurrence) and functions served (role and meaning). The author raised the following research questions about the current use of flags in the city: when, what flags and why they are flown along the city streets? The following thesis was put forward that flags hung by Gdynia City Hall are a reflection of its development policy. The paper is based on data obtained from the City Hall of the Baltic city of Gdynia (Poland) and semi-structured interviews conducted in September 2015 with two clerks responsible for flag display in the city. The distribution of flags along the streets in Gdynia varies in time and in space. The ancient invention which is the flag is currently used in Gdynia in two forms (traditional flags and promotional banners) and it fulfils two functions: signalisation and identification. Flags have become a visual sign of the eventification and festivalisation of urban politics and, at the same time, of the public space of Gdynia.  相似文献   


During the first half of the twentieth century, northern Quebec was under federal jurisdiction. Tired of English Canadian supremacy and increasingly aware of northern Quebec’s considerable natural resources, which could provide a solid basis for future moves toward independence, the Quebec government began to take over responsibility for its northern territories in the 1960s. It established a regional administration to take charge of its northern affairs and sent officers to northern Quebec’s remote communities. For two decades, both governments administered the region and imposed two political systems on the local Inuit. This article is based on lengthy fieldwork and archival research. The historical background is described to show how Nunavik has developed as a political and social entity through its relationships with the Quebec and Canadian governments. This conflictual situation has created tensions in the Inuit community, resulting in political dissensions over the goal of self-government. Finally, this article details how the Inuit have exploited federal–provincial tensions to further their own interests.  相似文献   

Existing studies of the Pacific War tend to focus on the adverse military situation in explaining Japan's decision to surrender. Special emphasis has been placed on both the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and the Soviet entry into the war. Although these are no doubt critical to understanding the end of the Pacific War, they fail to tell the whole story. This paper seeks to broaden the scope of the scholarly debate by focusing on Japan's domestic situation as a major factor behind the decision to surrender. It argues that a near-obsessive fear of social revolution among Japan's conservative ruling elite played an important role in prompting Japanese elites to make the decision to end the war.  相似文献   

In the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, colorful sutra streamers catch the eye everywhere. They join snow-capped peaks, grassland, wilderness and glistening monasteries to form a unique sight in Tibetan-inhabited areas.Derivation Tibetans believe that, in Tibet, the eudemons of the lofty and precipitous peaks, rivers and wilderness overgrown with grass, are the gods of heaven and earth, who often patrol the snowy mountains, forests, grasslands and gorges riding on a wind- horse to insure that peace pr…  相似文献   

日本投降前后对中国经济的最后榨取和债务转移   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
抗日战争结束前,日本在明知要战败的情况下,在中国大发伪钞。大发公债,并以日本公债充为发行准备,特别是利用国民政府接收前的时间差狂发纸币,由于战后这些损失没有赔偿,从而使中国惨受通货膨胀之苦。战败前日本还利用一切手段转移对中国所欠债务,销毁证据。  相似文献   

The loss of the Tobruk garrison in June 1942 proved to be oneof the worst military disasters suffered by the British Empireduring the Second World War. Following the surrender of Singaporeearlier that same year it represented something of a nadir inpublic confidence about how the war was being conducted. Atthe same time it also threatened the relationship between Britainand one of its Dominion wartime partners, the Union of SouthAfrica. The considerable military force based at Tobruk hadbeen commanded by a young and relatively inexperienced SouthAfrican general and included an entire South African division.The decision to surrender these forces—over 30,000 men—aftera siege lasting less than 48 hours led to allegations of cowardiceand treachery. Winston Churchill meanwhile faced a parliamentaryvote of confidence in his leadership. He ultimately had fewproblems restoring his position and proved adept at resistingcalls for a public enquiry. With the subsequent victory at thefinal battle at E1 Alamein the affair quickly receded from thepublic attention. During the summer of 1942 the possibilityhad however existed of a serious and damaging rift developingwithin the Imperial alliance.  相似文献   

1945年9月以后,中国海军分赴沿海地区和岛屿,收复失地,接收日伪海军投降。1947年7月至10月,中国海军又在上海和青岛分4次接收了日本赔偿舰船34艘。这是中国海疆洗雪百年耻辱的标志,也是中国人民百余年来在海防斗争中首次取得胜利的重要象征。然而,这些胜利是来之不易的。一、日本侵略者犯我海疆由来已久14世纪中叶,日本正处于南、北相争时代,封建主之间连年征战,互相兼并。战败的武士、浪人、奸商勾结在一起,窜至中国沿海地区和岛屿,杀人放火,掠夺财物,成为让中国人深恶痛绝的倭寇。后来,在朱纨、谭纶、胡宗…  相似文献   

导游语言是一种特殊的职业语言,是导游在旅游服务中与游客交流沟通的重要工具。对导游而言,语言艺术至关重要,因为它直接影响着旅游者审美感受的满足和对导游整体服务的评价。本文主要从游客审美享受的层次,来分析导游的语言艺术应具备的特征,同时也探讨了艺术性的导游语言对导游圆满完成导游任务、提高自身素质的重要作用,旨在引起业内人士对导游语言艺术重要性的关注。  相似文献   

在中国抗日战争和世界反法西斯战争胜利的前夕,湖南发生了两件大事:湘西会战和芷江受降。这两件大事对中国乃至世界都有重要的历史意义,足以彪炳史册。  相似文献   

<正>中国瓷器的伟大传统在好几个世纪中启发了各种模仿者。在艺术史上,一种模仿的传统先是对遥远地区过去荣耀的揣摩,进而采用自己方式和形状,然后形成全新方向的重要创造力。奥斯曼土耳  相似文献   

TheTianzhuTibetanNationalityAutono-GansuProvince,north-westChina,ishometothewhiteyaks,whichlooklikeordinarywhitesheepfromadistance.Yaksareusuallybrownandblack.ThismakesthewhiteyaksinTianzhuararespecies.DuringarecentvisittoaTianzhupastureland,Iwasintoxi-catedbythevastsweepofgreengrassdottedwithgrazingwhitespotsunderThewhiteyakshaveadaptedwelltoanenvironmentcharacterizedbythinairatanelevationof3,Ooo-5,oOOmeters.Theyboaststronglungs,awell-developedchestandashortandthickthroat.Theirtenderand…  相似文献   

In Japan, ‘Saipan’ refers both to a nearby tropical holiday, and to the site of a battle that annihilated Japanese troops, embroiled the large population of Japanese residents on the island and ultimately spelled the end of the Japanese empire, now within the reach of bombers. In other places, and particularly amongst the Allies, Saipan conjures up images of civilians jumping to their death rather than facing capture, leading to simplistic assessments about fanaticism being rife across all sections of Japanese society; to a focus on suicide that overshadows the true extent of the battle’s collateral damage; and to largely unexamined statements about military exploitation of civilians and the murder of civilians in extremis. This article uses the memoirs of civilian survivors of the battle to reflect on the civilian experience of the battle of Saipan, relationships between Japanese combatants and non-combatants during the fighting, and the complexities of surrender.  相似文献   

Francis Njubi Nesbitt. Race for Sanctions: African Americans against Apartheid , 1946 – 1994. Bloomington and Indianapolis: Indiana University Press, 2004. xii + 217 pp. Notes, bibliography, and index. $39.95 (hardcover).  相似文献   

White socio-spatial epistemology   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Recent work by geographers concerned with the enduring presence of racism has called for an interrogation of the privileges and contingencies of whiteness. Central to this project of denaturalizing White Identity has been the disclosure of its co-constitution with a host of social practices. Building on the work of critical theorists in the humanities and social sciences concerned with masculinist and post-colonial epistemologies, this paper outlines a socio-spatial epistemology of whiteness. Whiteness's central tenets are an essentialist and non-relational construction of space and identity that underwrite its claims to be realized independent of an Other. Spatially, this refusal manifests itself in the deployment of discursive categories associated with scales, boundaries and extensivity in ways that reify space into discrete, unrelated parcels. We discuss some of the implications of this non-relational construction of space and identity in the context of residential segregation and spatial mobility. The paper concludes by noting that historically and geographically specific forms of whiteness have drawn upon a common socio-spatial framing and that further study in this field will benefit anti-racist activism by disclosing the workings of racialization in numerous human geographic contexts.  相似文献   

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