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Central to both the causes and development of the English revolution was the demand for reformation of the Church of England. The question of what shape this reform should take, however, divided English men and women. Debates over the further reformation of the Church of England were also complicated by the emergence of increasingly vocal and powerfully‐placed calls for freedom of religion, ranging from a limited toleration for a certain few to a broader liberty of conscience for all. This article looks at the debate surrounding liberty of conscience during the English revolution in 1644–5, but from a fresh angle: examining the context and rationale for the parliamentary ordered religious settlement of the English Atlantic colony of Bermuda in October of 1645. Integrating the fortunes of this Atlantic colony into the history of the English revolution reconfigures our understanding and analysis of revolutionary religion and politics.  相似文献   

成德宁 《安徽史学》2002,3(3):84-89
英国农业自16世纪始发生了一场深刻的革命,农业生产增长明显加快,农业劳动生产率也稳步提高,直接为工业革命铺平了道路。同时也使英国率先摆脱了传统社会周期性生存危机的困扰,孕育了近代乡村工业,为乡村人口流动和城市发展提供了动力,在英国由传统农业社会向近代工业社会的转型中扮演了重要的角色。  相似文献   

目前,共和主义已成为学术界的重要研究内容,文章将对英国革命时期的共和主义,特别是共和主义者对"自由"概念的理解进行初步的探讨,以期深化对共和主义思想的研究。回顾英国革命时期这些共和主义者对自由的表述,以及对思想家霍布斯理论的批评,可以看到霍布斯的那种"不受阻碍"的"消极自由"和共和派"避免依从"的"第三种自由"这样两种不同自由观的对立,而不同的自由观又导致了对不同政治体制的设计。因此,对于实现和保障我们的自由而言,回顾发生在英国革命时期的这场辩论就显得特别有意义。它激发起我们重新思考建立什么样的国家或者政治体制才能使人们避免受到强制和奴役,才能切实保障其自由和权利。  相似文献   

Recent studies by Albert, Pawson and others have led to a new appreciation of road transport in the Industrial Revolution; traditionally, it is canal development rather than road transport expansion that has been seen as the key sector in contemporary transport improvement. Fresh examination of the traditional emphasis on canals underlines the new findings on the road sector. The role of canals in raw material movement may be undeniable, but the marketing side of the industrializing economy has largely been forgotten. Detailed comparison of the different properties of canal and road transport reveals yet further weaknesses. Among them is the peculiar susceptibility of canals to frost and drought. Using a prediction technique based on Manley's monthly temperature means for Central England, it emerges that in one out of every two years, frost may have impeded canal-working for upwards of 20 days. A number of possible directions for further research are outlined. Of particular importance is the need for studies of transport demand.  相似文献   

英国革命成因问题是英国史研究的经典课题.关于英国革命成因的史学流派的演变基本上反映了英国近现代史学的演进趋势,从克拉伦敦伯爵为首的保王党史学到以休谟为首的托利派史学以及以马考莱、伽狄纳为首的辉格派史学,从20世纪的社会经济史学、马克思主义史学,再到20世纪70年代的修正派史学,历史学本身的质疑特质在英国革命成因的史学演变中得到了充分的体现.  相似文献   

During the 1980s, women youth workers in Wigan changed their male-orientated profession and communicated their feminist beliefs to young women in council estates. Through practical activities with young women feminism was lived rather than theorized, as they implemented the demands of the women’s liberation movement. A strong strand of personal development was woven throughout their work, driven by powerful emotion arising from the consciousness-raising process. After a decade of growth, cuts to local government services decimated the work with girls and young women. Notwithstanding their lasting reputation in the youth work profession, they were ultimately unrealistic about what was required to solidify, and therefore protect, their position within the council structure. The 1980s work with girls did, however, lay down a bedrock of practice which is acknowledged by youth work scholars to have filtered into mainstream youth work practice and training.  相似文献   

"文革"中的知识青年上山下乡运动研究述评   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
"文革"中的知青上山下乡运动是当代中国的重大事件之一.中外学者对这场运动进行了深入的探讨研究,取得了不少成果,发表了一批论文及专著,整理和公布了许多资料,目前在许多问题上已达成共识,与此同时也存在很大分歧,如关于"文革"中的知识青年上山下乡运动的基本动因问题、历史进程及其评价问题,对知青"返城风"及上山下乡运动终止原因等等,这些都有待研究者进行深入细致的研究.此外,在研究中还存在资料收集困难、研究力量薄弱、研究方法单一等困难与不足.  相似文献   

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