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After having experienced a period of steady economic and demographic growth in the 1960s, the Canton of Neuchatel was very severely hit by the crisis of 1975 and subsequently by that of 1982. Industrial activity suffered the consequences of these two successive recessions, in particular in horology. To fend off the crisis, the political authorities of the canton decided to pursue an active policy of business promotion. In parallel with these efforts, the territorial production system underwent considerable transformation. However, new forms of territorial development must now be considered in order to ensure that it can adapt to the continuous changes in the business environment. This paper is divided into four parts. First, it is important to set out the economic context in which the canton of Neuchatel has evolved in recent decades. Second, we have considered the various business promotion measures undertaken by the canton and the Confederation. This leads us to the third part, which describes the transformation of the territorial production system. As for the fourth and last part, it describes the new strategic directions that the canton of Neuchatel can pursue in the field of economic development.  相似文献   

Canton Thurgau (approximately 1000 km2) is situated in the north-east of Switzerland. Its diverse landscape is notable for its hills, the Thur Valley, and Lake Constance. The Archaeology Department of Canton Thurgau is responsible for its archaeology. The archaeological map is quite complete and has over one thousand sites, ranging from the Palaeolithic to post-medieval periods. Particularly remarkable are the prehistoric lakeside dwellings (among them, four UNESCO World Heritage Sites) and the Roman sites, some of which have extraordinarily good conditions for preservation. The vicus Tasgetium (Eschenz) has produced one of the largest collections of Roman wooden objects and features found anywhere in the world. The Archaeology Department of Canton Thurgau conducts field surveys, excavations and scientific research. Its collections and archive are also of great importance. A major goal is to preserve the numerous sites of the canton in situ. In sensitive shore areas, where erosion (wave action, shipping etc.) threatens the exposed prehistoric cultural layers of the pile dwellings, measures are being taken to cover the areas and keep destruction at bay. These interventions are accompanied by monitoring. But numerous Roman and medieval ruins have also been restored according to the latest standards and thus prevented from gradual destruction. Thanks to zoning plans and a close working relationship with the local authorities, timely intervention can take place when sites are threatened. The results of the archaeological research are conveyed to the public and professional circles through the Museum for Archaeology and by way of popular and subject-specific publications.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Der Logische Empirismus hat in der intellektuellen Welt Frankreichs fast keine Spuren hinterlassen, obwohl die Gruppe sich bei zwei Kongressen 1935 und 1937 der intellektuellen ?ffentlichkeit in Paris pr?sentierte. Otto Neurath, prominentes Mitglied des ? Wiener Kreises ?, bereitete die Auftritte der Logischen Empiristen in Paris vor. In seiner umfangreichen Korrespondenz manifestieren sich zahlreiche Spannungen sowohl innerhalb der Gruppe als auch mit ihren Kooperationspartnern in Paris. Der Physiker Philipp Frank war mit der wissenschaftlichen Landschaft in Frankreich viel besser vertraut als Neurath. Er hat Neurath schon damals darauf aufmerksam gemacht, dass die Rolle Louis Rougiers als ? Botschafter ? des Empirismus für die Rezeption in Frankreich problematisch sein k?nnte. Er dr?ngte Neurath, die Verbindung mit anderen Wissenschaftlern und Philosophen, vor allem mit Henri Berr und dem Centre de synthèse zu verst?rken.
Philipp Frank et la liaison Vienne-Paris Quelques notes sur la correspondance Otto Neurath-Philipp Frank entre 1934 et 1938
Résumé L’empirisme logique n’a guère laissé de trace dans le monde intellectuel fran?ais bien que par deux fois à Paris, lors des congrès de 1935 et de 1937, ce groupe se soit fait conna?tre du public intellectuel. Membre éminent du ? Cercle de Vienne ?, Otto Neurath a préparé ces interventions sur la scène parisienne. De nombreuses tensions sont lisibles dans sa vaste correspondance aussi bien à l’intérieur du groupe viennois qu’avec ses interlocuteurs parisiens. Quant au physicien Philipp Frank, il connaissait le paysage scientifique fran?ais beaucoup mieux que Neurath lui-même. Il a attiré son attention sur les ambigu?tés de Louis Rougier dans son r?le d’ ? ambassadeur ? de l’empirisme logique chargé de sa réception en France. Il a pressé Neurath de renforcer une coordination avec d’autres savants et d’autres philosophes et, en tout premier lieu, avec Henri Berr et le Centre de synthèse.

Schwerpunkt ihrer Forschungen sind: Philosophie und Geschichte des Wiener Kreises (Otto Neurath, Philipp Frank, Edgar Zilsel), erkenntnistheoretische Aspekte der Sozialwissenschaften (Ernst Cassirer, Pierre Bourdieu) und die Beziehung zwischen Sozialwissenschaft und Ethik. Sie hat mehrere Werke zu Otto Neurath publiziert, vor kurzem gemeinsam mit Nicolas Roudet, Paris-Wien. Enzyklop?dien im Vergleich, Wien/New York, Springer, 2005.  相似文献   

收回粤海关运动新论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨智友 《民国档案》2005,1(4):121-125
为了同北洋军阀的倒行逆施作斗争,孙中山在广州发起“护法”运动。其领导的南方革命政权自1918年至1924年,先后发动了争拨关余的斗争并将其推向高潮,掀起了轰轰烈烈的收回粤海关运动,从先期的为解决经费艰窘、军饷匮乏的军事目的逐步过渡到收回国家主权的政治主张,取得了阶段性的成果。  相似文献   

重构世界历史的挑战   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
弗兰克的《白银资本》中译本问世后,引起中国学界较热烈的反响,出现了尖锐对立的意见。这既在预料之中,又在预料之外。  相似文献   

清代广东体制再研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
曹雯 《清史研究》2006,24(2):82-96
起始于乾隆二十二年的广东体制是清朝在广州地区的一项针对外国人的体制,海内外学界一般视其为一项闭关的限制贸易体制,但笔者通过对广东体制的再研究,认为广东体制应是一项旨在有效管理外国人的对外政策,其目的在于整肃边境口岸广州的秩序、进而维护中国东南沿海的秩序,而它产生于乾隆二十二年前后的国内背景是清朝正发动着旨在解决西北边患问题的准噶尔战事,由此表明以藩封体制为依据而设定的对外政策往往与解决国内重大问题的国内政策存在着互动性。  相似文献   

While recent research on temporary clusters and temporary markets has emphasized the knowledge generation processes associated with trade fairs, little is known about the knowledge exchanges that are embedded in market relations at these events. This paper uses the case of the Canton Fair in Guangzhou, the largest trade fair in China, to illustrate that such events do not operate as a single market, but that they generate multiple dynamic market configurations, which entail different flows of knowledge, goods and people. In a typical case study, four types of market configurations are identified that simultaneously develop at this event. The findings contribute to a more comprehensive understanding of the dynamics of market relations, knowledge and transactions in temporary spatial settings.  相似文献   

Much environment and development discourse assumes that women are the ‘natural’ constituency for conservation interventions. This article attempts to illuminate this assumption with the lens of a gendered critique of environmentalisms (technocentric, ecocentric and non-western). How do the intellectual roots of Western environmentalisms influence the positions, or non-positions, of contemporary environmentalism with regard to gender? What does research on environmental perceptions in non-Western societies imply about gender differentiation in environmental relations? The article concludes that there are no grounds for assuming an affinity between women's gender interests and those of environments and that such a view is symptomatic of the gender blind, ethnocentric and populist character of western environmentalisms. By contrast the application of gender analysis to environmental relations involves seeing women in relation to men, the disaggregation of the category of ‘women’, and an understanding of gender roles as socially and historically constructed, materially grounded and continually reformulated. The issue of how far women's gender interests and environmental interests go hand in hand leads us to pose a broader question of the degree to which environmental conservation is premissed upon social inequality.  相似文献   

曹雯 《清史研究》2012,(3):71-87
本文旨在重新解释广州涉外贸易。关于这项贸易,中国政府的目的在于在保障边境安全的同时,杜绝关税不能按期完纳的情况发生;中国行商为保证自己的商业利益,努力化解可能导致他们破产的各种危机;从这项贸易里获得巨大收益的外国商人,尤其英国人,则尽可能消除一切增加他们贸易成本的规章制度,笔者称之为"行商制度"。另外,本文还指出,商欠其实分恶性和良性两种,恶性商欠的爆发往往导致地方甚至中央政府的直接干涉,口岸管理政策会越加严密,但良性商欠作为一种中外商人间的融资行为普遍存在于广州贸易。  相似文献   

论文利用广东省档案馆藏近代侨汇档案,集中考察了1939年6月汕头沦陷后,广东省银行沟通潮梅汇路的成因、成效及局限,进而分析其对华南抗战的作用及贡献。研究显示,抗战期间汕头的陷落,是广东省银行沟通这一汇路的重要契机;其自身所具有的经营特色和优势,是其能够肩负这一历史使命的重要保证;而海内外各方则是促成汇路沟通的重要参与者。在此过程中,广东省银行发展壮大,并惠及数百万潮梅侨眷生计。同时为厚实国家外汇储备及赢取华南抗战的最终胜利做出了重要贡献。然而,国民政府严格限制其海外拓展的政策,英、法、荷等国在南洋属地实施的外汇管制以及英、美对中国资金的封存,都在一定程度上制约了它吸收侨汇的成效。  相似文献   


The origins of the neonatal neurological examination are described with their common basis attributable to evolutionary theory, the classical neurosciences, clinical neurology, and developmental psychology. It is shown that not only have the techniques of the bedside examination changed over the past half century but the purpose of the examination has also evolved; initially the examination was used to assess maturation of the developing infant, now it is used to determine whether cerebral pathology may be present and whether examination abnormalities are helpful in outcome assessment. The development of several of the current neonatal neurological examinations are reviewed and their clinical and scientific basis examined.  相似文献   

This article examines the discourse of two American couples in the China trade regarding fidelity and sacrifice during the period in which the spatial confines of the Canton system gave way to the intensified interactions of the Treaty Port era. Before the Opium War, when the Qing court had mandated that Western husbands conducting business in Canton live apart from their wives, marital tension was accentuated by the separation from absentee husbands. In the subsequent Treaty Port era, enhanced spatial mobility of the couples did not assuage their concerns. Instead, intensified cross-cultural encounters allowed them to project their feelings and expectations on the “foreign other” as racial categories developed and their imperial proclivities began to escalate. Bringing the Western women in contact with elite Chinese and other Western women only aggravated their agitation as they faced their Chinese counterparts, whom they readily construed as competitors. The socio-political and spatial reconfigurations provided new dimensions to the discourse of fidelity and sacrifice. The voices of the American couples recorded here are those of individuals, but the underlying anxiety they articulated represented the growing pains of more intimate Sino-Western encounters.  相似文献   

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