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长江三角洲和珠江三角洲这一当今中国最富庶的两大区域的形成无疑有着深刻的人文历史背景,文章上溯至新石器时代对这两区域的文化异同及其原因作了全面的比较与分析。  相似文献   

珠江三角洲城际间运输联系的特征分析   总被引:25,自引:2,他引:25  
本文分析了珠江三角洲各主要城市之间客、货流量的空间分布形态,就珠江三角洲的整体交通运输形势而言,占第一位的是广州-东莞-深圳-香港一线。由于其优越的地理位置、悠久历史、社会经济持续高速的发展、最初改革开放的优惠政策、以及由此所形成的目前较为完善的政策体系,使穗港沿线成为珠江三角洲成型的交通运输走廊。同时珠江三角洲地区的空间运输联系具有强烈的广州指向性,目前尚未形成走廊的网络模式,对整体珠三角的发展并非十分有利。  相似文献   

This paper examines the concept of the ‘social,’ particularly from an archaeological perspective, and explores how it relates to the ways in which we seek to understand the processes of technological innovation and change. It is demonstrated that the concept ‘social’ is far from well defined and that enquiry is bedevilled by artificial polarization between subject-centred approaches and object-centred particularism. Through the medium of early United States steamboat technology a different approach is forged through the melding of people and things with the idea of viewing artefacts as active social actors along with people. Ultimately, it is argued that maritime archaeologists should be more bullish in their approaches to material things—instead of adopting social theories ‘wholesale,’ we should insist that they include the things we study: boats, material objects, people, artefacts, landscapes and animals.  相似文献   

复兴商业公司是贸易委员会属下规模最大后来也是唯一的一家国营贸易公司,是负责执行战时统购统销、易货偿债政策的重要机构。本文充分利用贸易委员会等机构的源文件,深入分析太平洋战争爆发后公司的经营活动,包括对外贸易政策上的应变、人事上的调整、国营公司的改组与合并、资金的运营以及易货偿债的执行等具体内容,并以复兴商业公司为例,对于战时国民政府推行统制经济政策的得失以及国营公司所承担的作用予以客观的评价。  相似文献   

Though commonly viewed as a human right, access to water is often difficult and highly unequal within and between communities, depending on various social and power relations, access mechanisms and property rights regimes. However, moral norms and subsistence ethics can also play a balancing role, enhancing access to water for vulnerable groups and individuals, particularly in contexts of water scarcity. Using the example of a Nile Delta village, this article explores the role of charitable water wells (sobol) in influencing both irrigation and drinking water access relations, by understanding their different modes of governance and the motivations behind their emergence. The article argues that charitable norms underlying sobol are dynamic. They stem from certain moral ideologies concerning religion, property and reciprocity, and while they do greatly enhance access to water, it is with varying degrees, limitations and remaining access discrepancies. Sobol alter property rights relations, extending entitlements to water, but their effectiveness is also limited by existing property rights regimes. Sobol are also limited by existing anti‐cooperative actions, and being embedded in an inequitable access system, they may not fully counterbalance inequitable water access. The limitations of cooperative water access arrangements should be counterweighed and complemented by overarching and equitable water distribution systems.  相似文献   

百年来历经数代学者的努力,从开放口岸理解近代中国经济,逐渐描绘出一幅相对准确的图景,究竟怎样才能更全面准确地解读近代中国经济的多样性与矛盾性,给予贴近实情的分析,而不是面上的估测?如今发现从经济地理的角度,能够描绘近代中国经济的全息图,从而相对完整地理解大国经济的多样性,明晰其中同时共存的斑驳陆离,进而获得近代中国经济发展的实情。  相似文献   

随着鸦片战争后的出洋倾向,珠三角地区成为北美华人的祖籍家乡。北美六十多年的排华移民政策同时助长了当年珠三角侨乡的经济繁荣。然而,侨乡金山家庭物质富裕的表面,也掩盖了家庭分离中出洋者的谋生血泪和留守家里的金山妇的精神痛苦,对此华侨研究历史书上甚少记载或研究,却不加掩饰地生动地反映和保存在当年的妇孺民歌童谣里。本文以所收集到的新中国成立前的珠三角地区的妇孺民歌童谣为据,结合同时代在北美旧金山华人社区流传的粤讴体裁的"金山歌"作品,分析探讨了当年侨乡地方歌谣文化所反映的出洋传统、婚姻价值取向和留守家园的侨眷(妇孺)的生活形态、家庭意识及其不平则鸣的抗争声音。  相似文献   

江南文化在长三角一体化中的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正>马克思主义历史唯物论的基本观点是,任何一种文化都是在一个特定空间、特定时间内,一些特定的群体在长期的生活、生产、生存的过程中逐步形成的。马克思去世后,恩格斯在其墓前发表的著名演说中指出,马克思从繁芜丛杂的意识形态下发现了一个简单事实:人们首先必须吃、喝、住、穿,然后才能从事政治、科学、艺术、宗教等等活动。我们现在讲江南文化,实际上是讲的江南文明。江南文化是中华文明的一部分,是中华文明下面的一个亚文明,是江南特定范围内从古到今所创造出来的  相似文献   

本文利用考古材料和多学科的研究成果,分析了先秦时期珠江三角洲的环境变迁与文化演进的关系。文章指出,如果自然资源丰富、种类多样互补和易于攫取,也能发育丰富多彩的、甚至是分层化的擢取经济文化,珠三角网河平原南部的渔猎采集和北部的渔捞采集经济文化,就是两个典型的实例。东周时期冲积平原火耕水耨经济文化的发展繁荣,促成珠江三角洲这个自然地理单元形成文化地理单元,又说明合理的区域文化也不可长久背离人类文化的发展方向。  相似文献   

长三角区域旅游线路模式及目的地类型研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文基于旅游社国内观光旅游线路报价单,统计并分析长三角区域旅游线路空间模式的类型、特征,以及长三角地区旅游目的地类型。结果表明,单目的地模式和完全环游模式是长三角地区最重要的两种旅游线路模式;长三角地区各目的地在旅游线路中出现频次存在较大的差异,呈现明显的等级层次;长三角旅游目的地类型主要表现为单一型、门户型以及出口型;通过对旅游线路中各目的出现频次的统计可见,长三角目的地呈现核心——边缘空间结构格局。  相似文献   

This article focuses on the development of the tobacco industry in Iran during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. It uses this discussion as an entry point to inquire about the early modern Iranian economy. Using a wide range of primary and secondary sources, it makes several historiographical interventions. In explaining what the development of a completely new agrarian industry means in Iranian society, the paper suggests that innovation and intensification may not have been completely absent in agriculture and that in contrast to the way some of the available literature tends to argue, the Iranian economy may not have experienced continuous decline in all sectors throughout the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. In addition, this article contends that the tobacco industry helped bring about the rise of merchants and landowners in Iranian society, and with that the further development of mass consumption and ever-increasing cycles of production and accumulation that expanded the commercialization of agriculture, domestic and international trade networks, and Iran's agrarian economy.  相似文献   

Since the reforms that began in 1979, economic development in China has been marked by four major policy initiatives: the re-integration of the Chinese economy with the global economy, the decentralization of economic decision making away from the central state to lower levels, and, especially in the coastal regions, the shift away from subsistence agriculture towards rural industrialization and increasing commercialization. In this article, the effects of the reform policies are discussed in the context of the Pearl River delta region, the economic core of the southern Chinese province of Guangdong. Closely proximate to Hong Kong, with many Overseas Chinese connections, the province was given opportunities to innovate within the new policy option and has been marked by rapid economic growth. The article focuses on the impact of industrialization, commercialization, and globalization in four contrasting areas of the Pearl River delta in the 1980s and 1990s. At a general level, what McGee has called desakota zones have emerged and follow a development process which is similar to that observed in parts of East and Southeast Asia in the 1970s. When examined from the perspective of villages and localities, the blending of government policies, geographical location, and market forces with an array of local social values has resulted in separate and distinctive patterns of development.  相似文献   

The rise of competitive trade practices represents a significant development in Papua New Guinea's marketplaces. Overt competition and haggling, once conspicuous by their near absence, are now commonplace in the country's betel nut marketplaces, and increasingly visible in many of the large urban fresh food marketplaces. This has emerged with the rise of long‐distance and intermediary trading, and with increasing numbers of people dependent on trade for their livelihood. This paper explores moral economy, and the interactions and negotiations around price between lowland betel nut producers and highland wholesale traders as they occur in marketplaces and in rural production areas. It documents how the moral obligations that arise from trade itself, and entangled with self‐interest, tempers competition and fosters solidarity amongst traders, redirects competition onto their interactions with producers, and in doing so reinforces existing power asymmetries.  相似文献   

日本一直以来都是黑龙江省的重要贸易伙伴,是黑龙江省对外开放的重要国家。随着振兴东北老工业基地国策的提出,黑龙江省如何抓住“天赐良机”,进一步加强与日本的经贸合作,对于黑龙江省全省经济的发展具有重要意义。本文从分析黑龙江省与日本经贸合作的现状出发,总结两者经贸合作中特有的优势,进而提出继续扩大黑龙江省与日本经贸合作的对策措施。  相似文献   

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